Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC

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Inflamed: A Shadow Riders MC Page 37

by Kiki Leach

  It was clear that he didn’t do flowers, he didn’t do candy, and he didn’t use sugar to coat his words to me or anyone else and he never would. But even so, they were still just as beautiful to me as any of those things combined, just as beautiful as he was, maybe even more so.

  “That answer your question about this shit, doll?” he said. Before I could even get out a single word, he kissed me so deeply that even as I was reclined, I still felt as if I could collapse into his arms. “Fuckin’ mine,” he said again. “All fuckin’ mine.”

  He climbed over me again and spread my legs and I couldn’t help but laugh. “I thought you said that was it for the night; you had to save the rest up for--”

  “I can’t fuckin’ help it, baby. There ain’t never gonna be a goddamn day or time in my life when I’m not gonna wanna have a good long taste of that sweet, slick pussy and be all up inside you.”

  And in that same swift move he used before, he was.

  Chapter Forty

  One of the best feelings I have ever had, next to having my daughter, was the one I felt growing inside of me as River skimmed his hand across my stomach. Waking up in his strong, muscled arms was like opening up your eyes from the best dream you've ever had, only to realize and discover that you were never really asleep long enough to have one in the first place. Everything you wanted was real and happened and is standing right in front of you, ready and waiting to be grabbed, taken and never let go. In my case, what I wanted, what I never wanted to let go of was laying right beside me and apparently feeling the same. He was so ridiculously close to me that even me shifting against him had him tightening his arm around my waist instinctively.

  "Mornin'." He leaned over and whispered in my ear, then drew his tongue along the skin of the back of it; I giggled.


  His hand moved up my stomach and around my breast. My nipple grew hard against his palm and I spun around in his arms to look him in the face. His eyes were closed. "Shit, baby." He wrapped his fingers around my back and when I lifted my head, he moved in and softly tugged on the skin of my neck, in the exact same place as last night. My moaning forced his eyes to open up to me. "Goddamn."

  I pulled my face back from his and flinched. "What?"

  "You are the most beautiful fuckin' woman I've ever had in my bed, in any bed, darlin'."

  "So this is a face you'll get used to seeing in the morning, because there won't ever be another taking up space here again."

  "Shit, doll. I give you solid permission to fuck me up somethin' good if there ever is again."

  "Is that another promise you're making to me?"

  He smirked and winked, which I took as a yes. I threw my arm over his neck and moved in close enough to kiss him. With anyone else, I was afraid of not brushing my teeth first, but he was so damn eager to have me again that I couldn't even get out of bed if that's what I had wanted, which it wasn't.

  He brushed a hand over the top of my hair, then reached down for my thigh and slid it over the top of his. His fingers crawled up and between my legs and as he sank one, then two, then three of those thick, long fingers inside of me, my eyes rolled back into my head and I grinded against his hand.

  "Fuck, baby, you are so goddamn fuckin' wet for me this mornin'. I need to fuckin know what you taste like there. I've had your mouth, your skin, those beautiful as fuck tits... I need to know just what my girl tastes like when she wants me."

  He quickly removed his hand and sat up on the bed, then he pushed my legs apart and climbed between them. He wrapped both hands around my thighs, and dropped his head, keeping his eyes on me the entire time. He kissed one thigh, then moved over to the inside of the other, to my scar, and with no hesitation, opened his mouth and trailed his tongue along the length of it, which led straight up to my sex.

  "Oh..." When he slid his tongue inside of me, against my arousal, against my clit, dragging it up and down, and up and down and between, I broke eye contact with him, and not necessarily by choice. "Oh, God," I cried out as he sucked on the softest parts of my flesh.

  "Still just you and me darlin'," he murmured against my skin. "Just you and fuckin' me."

  "No, just you and fucking me... Oh God." His tongue swirled and washed over me, bathed me in every ounce of his desire for me. I reached down and placed a hand on top of his head and wiggled my body against his mouth to get the full effect of hm. He shoved his tongue deeper into me as if he was trying to compete with the length, width and size of his cock. There'd never be a realistic comparison no matter the effort put forth, but my God, did I sure as hell appreciate it all the same.

  Once I came in what felt like another giant crash of waves slamming into each other, one, two, three, four, five, more times than I could keep count of, he climbed up my body, kissing every free inch and stroked his hand around his cock. When he reached my breasts, he gave each one special attention from his tongue before moving up to my face. He brushed his fingers across my cheek, then brought them down to the side of my throat. He continued stroking himself with his other hand, the same one he had dipped between my legs, and teasingly wagged the tip of his cock against my opening. I shivered.

  He looked down at me with even hungrier eyes this time and whispered. "This what you're wantin' from me, babe?"

  "It's what I'm always wanting from you," I said. "It's not the only thing but--"

  "Comes pretty goddamn close."

  I nodded. "Mm-hmm. But..." I brushed my fingers up into his hair and smiled. "You gave me the ultimate last night, Jacob. You gave me the best and most important thing anyone could ever give to another person when you let me hold your heart for the first time ever, and told me that it was mine to keep until the very end of time. Nothing, not even the size, shape, width and strength of that beautiful and glorious cock of yours can take away from that. I've already got the best thing from you. Anything else, like this, like that, is just an added bonus that I get to cherish along the way."

  "Shit," he said. "And here I was ready to fuck you blind and then you wanna get all romantic on me and shit." I laughed. He brushed the tip of his nose against mine. "And there it is."


  "That beautiful fuckin' smile, babe. Same one that I said would never draw me in or pull me underwater with you and it did both. I've been willin' to fuckin' drown in you for months now 'cause of that goddamn perfect smile."

  "Perfect." I swept the tips of my fingers across the soft hairs on his face. "And speaking of water..." I pulled myself up higher on the bed and looked toward his bathroom. "We should probably use some of it this morning for a shower."

  "I don't ever fuckin' want you clean for me, baby. I like dirtyin' you up."

  "They'll be nothing to dirty up if I never get clean again first."

  He wiped his hand up and down my body and moved his fingers across my nipple, forcing it to harden again.

  "I want to know what you feel like inside of me with water falling all over us," I told him. "How your tongue feels on my skin at the same time when--"

  "Shit." He looked into my eyes and though his lips didn't move, I could tell he was holding back a smile. "Wrap those goddamn thighs around me, babe," he said. I did as told, and wrapped my arms around his neck too. And in one swoop, he had lifted me from the bed and while kissing me, slowly, deeply, more sensually and intimately than even the night before, with so much tongue that I couldn't help but suckle it, he carried me in his arms from the bedroom to the bathroom and right into the shower.

  He slid the door shut, pushed two buttons on the wall beneath the faucet and in an instant, sheets of warm water fell over us like an unexpected summer rainstorm. As my hair fell into my face, he moved me against the wall and shoved it back to get a better and clearer look at me. Water coated every inch of my skin; his tongue soon joined in on the party and even in the warmth of it all, I still managed to get goosebumps.

  "You ready for me, baby?" he growled.

  I dipped my head back beneath the water and nodde
d. Only for him would I have ever bothered to get my hair as wet as I had. "I'm always ready for you to be inside of me, River. There'll never be a time when I don't want or need it."

  "Shit. Always know just what the fuck I need to hear; keepin' me rock solid without even fuckin' tryin'."

  "That's because I finally know you in every way that counts and matters, and even beyond it."

  "Fuck yeah, darlin', you know me. In a way no other bitch ever can or will."

  "That's because I'm a woman," I told him. "I'm your woman."

  "Yeah, baby, my woman. From now 'til the fuckin' end of time."

  "Now that I think about that, it sounds like a long time." I snickered.

  "Damn well better fuckin' be."

  And then he was inside of me again, grinding and forcing my body to shake and shake as he massaged my breasts with his hands and mouth, and slid his tongue back and forth across and between my lips. The wetness of the water mixed with the wetness of him made it hard to keep our lips on each other, but the feeling we got when they finally met again and again made everything so damn worth it.

  So damn worth it.

  We were in there for God only knows how long, long past the water running cold, but I wasn't even shivering. He had warmed me up so well, that even being covered in nothing but him and water, I still felt as if I had a warm blanket around me.

  Once he cut off the shower, he carried me out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. He dipped me back onto the bed and when my skin hit the sheets, my eyes grew in size.

  "We just got clean," I said. "You can't put me back on these sheets like this."

  "I think I just did, darlin'" He clinched his teeth as a way to hide a smile from me.

  "You're trying too soon to dirty me up again, Jacob Hawkins."

  "There's no goddamn tryin' about this, doll. Shit's happenin' right the fuck now whether you approve of it or not."

  I approved. I approved more than I ever wanted him to know.

  I sank down into the bed and playfully glared up at him as he hovered over me. "I don't approve," I said.

  He growled and grunted and reached down for my hands and threw them up and over my head while shoving himself against me. He locked his fingers around my wrists like a pair of cuffs and while staring into my grey eyes with those steel blues, he whispered. "Say you're fuckin' mine ‘til the goddamn end of time." It was harsh, it was angry, it was stubborn, it was erotic. “Fuckin’ say it.” He grinded his cock against my pussy and I yelped as my legs quaked against him. “Fuckin’ say it for me, babe. Say it.”

  "River." I released my wrists from his cuffs and threw my arms around his neck. I sank my nails into his hawk tattoo and slid my tongue across his lips as the head of his cock brushed against, then in and out of my opening. I could feel myself coming again without him even being fully inside me. God.

  “Say you’re fuckin’ mine, baby. Say it.”

  "I'll always be yours, River."

  "'Til the goddamn end of fuckin' time," he said.

  "Until the end of fucking time." I brought my hand to the front of his chest and wiped down until I reached his stomach. "Now fuck me like you own me and don't stop until you're too exhausted to fucking move," I said.


  And within less than two seconds, he did and for the next day and a half, we didn't.

  Chapter Forty-One

  It was the first time in about two days that River had been in the shower all alone, and the truth was that he didn't really like having the experience of it all that much. Having Mia in there with him to help wash his back and suck his cock, while he made love to her with both his body and his mouth had become the highlight of even being in there again; a highlight he never had before her, and one he never planned to have after. Finally telling her the truth about how he felt was worth it, for him, for her, for them and where they had planned to go as far as their relationship from then on. She had given him the life he always wanted, a life outside of the goddamn club and all the shit that came along with being in it. If he wasn't so goddamn deep in bullshit with Wolf and the other charters and clubs, he'd take the woman he now claimed as his own, along with her daughter and even his mother and get the fuck out to start a new life with them someplace else, a life outside of Crescent Beach. One that didn't include the trauma and drama that being in this life, and the club, continued to bring.

  After turning off the water and stepping out of the shower, he wagged his head to rid himself of the water in his hair and from his ears, and grabbed a giant fresh towel to dry himself off.

  When he heard a hard banging sound coming from the front of his house, he pulled the key for the dresser drawer next to his bed that held his gun, and wrapped the towel around himself. He peeked out of his bedroom and down the hall with the gun in his hand, then paced his way into the living room. The banging started up again and when he realized it was someone at the front door, he headed over to the window and lifted the blinds.

  "Fuck." It was Blue. "Hold on, asshole." He went to place his gun back in the drawer inside his bedroom, then rushed out and opened the door.

  Blue eyed him from head to toe and soured. "Motherfucker, I hope you're wet 'cause you just dragged your ass outta the goddamn lake and just made it back home."


  "Where the fuck have you been? Phone's been turned off for nearly two goddamn days since you left the club that night, 'cause the shit's goin' straight to voicemail, and I can't even get you on one of the fuckin' burners. I thought about comin' by before this, but shit if I was gonna come knockin' and risk gettin' my goddamn head blown off 'cause you were wantin' to be alone."

  "Lucky for you, I just put the gun back in its 'safe place'. What the fuck's goin' on that you're nearly pissin' yourself all over my goddamn front porch and bangin' on my fuckin' door like the pigs in blue?"

  "It's Wolf and some shit he's got goin' down with the Dragons again. Shit we've needed to discuss with you for the last few goddamn days. We've had to make decisions without you bein' around and you know how much Tiny thrives off that shit. Gives him more ammo to use against you when it comes to Wolf."

  "Yeah, I know." River sighed and reached down for his towel, only to realize it had fallen straight to the floor.

  Blue glanced down at him, then back up into his eyes and sneered. "River, I love you almost as if we came from the same goddamn mother, brother. But the last thing I ever need or wanna see from you again is your goddamn cock waggin' in my face or anywhere near my own." He shoved him out of the way and entered the house.

  River bent down to pick up his towel and wrapped it back around his waist. He kicked the door shut with the back of his foot and followed Blue into the kitchen.

  Blue grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracked it open and leaned back against the counter. "Where's Mia?"

  "She and Avery went to the park with my mother after she finished up her homeschoolin' with Trucker on their tail. Then they're headin' off to some flea market or some shit to get some crap for around the house. What the fuck is goin' on at the club?"

  "What AIN'T goin' on at the club is a better goddamn question. And where the fuck you been is an even better one than that. Not answerin' your goddamn phone when a brother calls is like a fuckin' federal offense and part of the rules you help put in place when you became VP, remember? You're lucky I kept Wolf off your ass by makin' excuses left and right about you maybe needin' to get your cock in order. I told you he's been paranoid as fuck about you lately and with Tiny always runnin' off at the goddamn mouth about you as of late--"

  "Yeah, well I've been fuckin' busy, asshole."

  "Doin' what, or who? Gettin' sucked off like you needed?"

  "As a matter of fuckin' fact, yeah, that's exactly what the fuck I've been doin' for the last few goddamn days; gettin' sucked off, gettin' fucked, and fuckin' 'til I could no longer fuckin' see, hear, talk or work my goddamn hands to use the motherfuckin' phone to call up you sacks of shit.”

nbsp; "Who let you fuck, Riv?"

  "Who the fuck do you think, you crazy fuckin' son of a bitch?"

  Blue's eyes grew wide in shock and he moved away from the counter, lifting his index finger from around the beer and pointing at him. "You and Mia? Jesus, motherfucker, why haven't you said shit about it?"

  "Because I've been too goddamn busy gettin' my shit into her to let you other fuckers know what's goin' on."

  Blue paused and rattled his head. "That sounds disgustin' as fuck, but I'm happy for you brother and whatever the fuck it is that you two choose to do in your spare time away from the club is good with me." He sucked back some of his beer and excitedly licked his lips. "She worth the fuckin' wait?"

  River rested against the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen and crossed his arms over his chest, trying like hell to hide the smile he felt creeping up the corners of his mouth. "Yeah, motherfucker, she was worth the goddamn wait of it all and then some. Woman nearly fucked the sense out of my goddamn head before I was even able to get inside her."

  "Woman?" He raised his brows and his mouth fell open. "Shit, she's got you trained up for that shit already, huh?"

  "Nobody's got me trained up for shit, asshole. It's about showin' her some goddamn respect and that's what I plan on doin' from here on out, better than I fuckin' did before. I need to keep givin' her that shit so that she can keep givin' me--"

  "Head." He drank back more of his beer.

  River puffed out his chest and sighed. "No, motherfucker. Shit, you talked about not knowin' what the fuck love is, right?" he said. "I figured out that it's not just about that shit. How good she can suck or fuck. Don't get me wrong, she can suck my cock... a lot better than I fuckin' thought she might be able to since she ain't had one in a long fuckin' time. And sinkin' myself deep inside her is like bein' inside a goddamn dream you don't wanna wake up from. Shit's the opposite of death. It's warm and nice and so goddamn good and sweet that you wanna fuckin' have and hold onto to it for fuckin'..." He shrugged. "Shit, for fuckin' ever, asshole. But it's not all that this shit's about with her, not for me and not for her either. 'Cause when I look at her, I just see my entire goddamn life. I see my world spinnin' in the right direction and startin' to make sense for a change. I see how I wanna fuckin' live from now until the goddamn end, and it's not the way I've been livin' it in the club for so goddamn long."


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