Death in a Family Way

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Death in a Family Way Page 15

by Gwendolyn Southin

  Blue Plate Café, he wrote, then reached for his telephone directory. “I should have listened when she was telling me about the place. Just didn’t think it important . . . Ah, here we are. North Vancouver. Why all the way over there, I wonder?” Violet’s. “But I warned her not to go back there alone.” Collins. “I’ll call him in the morning.” He flicked ash into his empty coffee mug. Cubby. “She seems interested in him for some reason.” Daughters. “Not Barbara for sure. Maybe the other one.” Cops. “No.” ’Hospital. “I can check them out right now.” He reached for the phone.

  Two hours later, he collapsed onto his bed. He had exhausted all the hospitals, rechecked the morgue, called the Blue Plate Café and got no answer, then called Sawasky at home to find that his friend had gone to Toronto on business for a week.

  • • •

  MAGGIE OPENED THE WINDOW and leaned out. Faraway islands, wreathed in a light evening mist, seemed to float on a sea of gold while the last rays of the sun bathed the distant mountains in tones of apricot and deep pink. She leaned out as far as she could, looking for a means of escape, but discovered that even if she was able to climb out, there was nowhere to go but down to probable death. The house had been built high on a rocky bluff, and even if she could have found a way to climb down, there would be no soft cushion of earth to fall on. Just endless rocks and trees all the way down a hundred feet or more to the water. Looking down made her head spin, and she staggered back to the bed, where she lay down and closed her eyes. Where in hell am I? I’ve got to get away. The terror of Cuthbertson returning forced her eyes open again. He’ll be back. There had to be another way out of this mess. Somehow she would have to elude Violet.

  As if on cue, Violet opened the door. “Just checking,” she said. She threw a sleeping bag into the room. “Here, you’ll need this.” She was pointing the automatic at Maggie.

  “How long are you going to keep me here?”

  “If it was up to me, I’d finish you off right now. You’re nothing but trouble.”

  “They’ll be out there searching for me.”

  “And a lot of good that’ll do them,” Violet said, backing out the door. “You’re on a private island, my girl. No neighbours and, in case you’re thinking of escaping, no boat.”

  When she was alone again, Maggie gave in to fear. My God! What am I going to do? If only I could think straight. She forced herself to her feet, headed for the bathroom and splashed cold water over her face. There are no clues to connect me to this island. Nat thinks Cubby’s his friend, and if it’s true that he’s gone to help Nat with the search, he’ll consider Cubby even more of a friend. She dried her face and walked back to the window again.

  The sky had darkened and stars were beginning to come out, and in the distance she could see twinkling lights on one of the small neighbouring islands. She turned to go back into the room when it hit her. Lights! So Violet was lying. There were neighbours. A long way off, maybe, but there were people out there. Of course, they may be friends of Cuthbertson. But even if they’re not, how can I possibly get to them without a boat? Exhausted and still suffering from the effect of the drug Cuthbertson had injected, Maggie crawled into the sleeping bag. “I must stay awake and think this out,” she muttered as her eyes closed.

  • • •

  THE WATER GLINTED in the early morning sunshine and gently lapped against the moored boats in the yacht basin. Nat, groggy from lack of sleep, walked down the ramp to Cubby’s cruiser. To his surprise, he found him lounging in a canvas chair on the after-deck, smoking a cigarette, his face tilted toward the sun.

  “You seen Collins around?” Nat asked.

  Cuthbertson opened one eye. “Not for a couple of days. Come aboard. Sorry I can’t offer you coffee.”

  “I’ll buy you one over at the clubhouse,” Nat said. He had used the last of his bottled instant during the night and left home this morning caffeine-less. He peered down the companionway into the cabin. “All the comforts, I see,” he said, then, noting the dishevelled bunks, asked, “You living on board?”

  “No. I didn’t get in from fishing until the wee hours, so I decided to sleep here.” He leaned over and closed the small door. “Let’s get that coffee.”

  “Maggie’s disappeared,” Nat said as they walked side by side. “She hasn’t been seen since Sunday night.”

  “Oh? Probably had a fight with her husband and walked out on him. Women are like that.”

  “Maggie’s not like that.”

  “I guess you’ve tried all the usual channels.”

  “Yep. No dice.”

  “Stop worrying.” He held the door open for Nat. “She’ll turn up.” Later, as he reached for his third creamer, Cuthbertson asked, “So why are you looking for Collins?”

  “I think he’s up to no good,” Nat answered. “The police are taking a close look at his brother-in-law, too.”

  “You mean Larry?’

  “There’s a definite connection between him and the Cosgrove girl—the one they found dead with Seagull’s life jacket on. They think he’s in deep with some kinda scam.”

  “A scam?” Cuthbertson asked quietly.

  “Yeah. Missing girls. I’m worried Maggie has stumbled onto something,” Nat said, trying to catch the waitress’ eye. “More coffee, Cubby?”

  “No.” Cuthbertson stood up abruptly. “Sorry, I’ve got to run. I forgot I’ve got an important meeting this morning.”

  “That’s okay,” Nat answered. “I’m going over to Collins’ berth again to see if he’s turned up there.”

  “So you think Collins is in this thing with Larry?”

  “Yeah. Maggie’s convinced that both he and Violet Larkfield are mixed up in it.”

  “Violet Larkfield . . . ? Ah, yes. Larry’s aunt.” He placed his hand on Nat’s shoulder. “Look Nat, call me if I can be of any help. I mean it. Anytime.”

  That must be one hell of an important meeting, Nat thought as he watched Cubby climb into his green Mercedes and wheel out of the parking lot with tires squealing. In fact, Cubby, with murder in his heart, was heading for a showdown with Larry.

  The canvas cover on Collins’ boat was battened down, and pieces of paper and other debris that had been whipped by the wind clung to the canvas and the windscreen. Nat whistled. “This is one fast baby,” he said, noting the boat’s sleek lines and its powerful Johnson. He unbuttoned one side of the canvas cover and pushed it back so that he could see into both the forward and aft cockpits. Everything was clean and neatly stowed, and it was obvious that the boat hadn’t been used for days. He buttoned the cover down again and headed for McNab’s little cubbyhole of an office, but the only sign of the feisty Scotsman was a note pinned to the door: “Back Wednesday.” Nat glanced at his watch. Maggie had scheduled a new client for eleven, and he realized with a sinking feeling that she wouldn’t be there to greet the man and keep him happy until he turned up. He headed for his car.

  It was well after one o’clock before he walked into the Blue Plate Café and sat down amongst the blue cloths, curtains and paper napkins. He ordered a club sandwich and fries and hoped that it would come on a regular white plate, having discovered a sudden aversion to blue.

  “Do you remember a lady coming in here last week and asking some questions about missing girls?” he asked the young waitress as she filled his cup.

  The girl shook her head. “Nah.”

  “Could you ask one of the other waitresses for me?”

  “It is lunchtime, you know,” she answered in an aggrieved voice. Nat opened his wallet and placed a two-dollar bill on the table. The girl bent down and neatly palmed it. “I’ll ask.”

  Nat stared at the grey banana pudding that came with the lunch and decided against it. He was lighting his second cigarette when an elderly waitress stopped by his table.

  “You wanna know about those missing girls, too?” she said.

  “My assistant came here asking about them last week. Do you remember her? Short brown hair, blue eye
s . . .”

  The waitress nodded. “Yeah. A very nice lady.”

  “Can you remember what questions she asked?”

  The woman thought for a moment. “She was mostly interested in these two guys I was telling her about. The guys that the girls came here with.”

  “What made you remember them?”

  “The girls were so young.” She checked to see if the boss was watching her. “Not that it means anything these days.”

  “Can you remember what the men looked like?”

  “I’m not very good with describing people. Just what they eat, and like I told your girlfriend, funny habits.”

  “Habits? What kind of habits?”

  “Well, like I told her, the older one of them uses a lot of these things.” She pointed to the dish of coffee creamers on the table. “In his coffee, see. Then he builds them up, you know, like this.” She leaned over him, picked up several of the containers and piled them on top of each other. “Sort of like building castles. Makes a hell of a mess.”

  Remembering the cream Cubby had spilt on the table that morning, Nat nodded in commiseration. “How old was this guy?”

  “Oh, around about your age, I guess,” she answered. “But he’s a real snappy dresser, now I come to think of it,” she added, eyeing Nat’s crumpled suit.

  “Any idea when you last saw either of them?”

  “Not for a long time.”

  “How long?”

  “Must’ve been over a month or more.”

  Nat stood. “I’ll probably be back,” he said.

  The waitress started to walk away, then turned back. “You’re not the police, are you?” she asked nervously. “I don’t want no trouble.”

  “No.” Nat got one of his grubby cards out of his wallet and thrust it at her, along with a five-dollar bill. “Look, if either of them comes in again, will you call me immediately?”

  As he drove back over the Lions Gate Bridge, heading for his office, Nat went over his conversation with the waitress again and again. “What the hell did you find out from that waitress, Maggie, that I didn’t find out?” As he neared the office block, he suddenly changed his mind and headed for Sawasky’s precinct to see if there was anything new. But when he got there, he suddenly remembered that his friend was still in Toronto, and Nat was forced to talk to Farthing instead. He told him that Maggie was missing, but Farthing seemed uninterested. He checked in at the morgue again, then just to make sure, he canvassed all the hospitals once more. Nothing. He phoned Harry just in case she’d returned, and got his snotty daughter on the line instead. “No, Mr. Southby, she hasn’t returned.” Click. He phoned Violet Larkfield. Still no answer.

  • • •

  IT WAS AFTERNOON when Maggie finally woke. She lay trying to orient herself, then the horror of Cuthbertson coming back to kill her came flooding back. She wriggled out of the sleeping bag and ran to the window. Damn! I can’t see the dock from here. Thank God her head was clearer, but she was almost faint from hunger. And there, just inside the door, was a tray with a bowl of canned stew and a cup of coffee. Both were cold, but she ate, relishing each mouthful as she surveyed her prison. One bed. One chair. Slatted blinds covering both the bedroom and bathroom windows. A single towel in the bathroom. And that seemed to be that. The only nice thing about the whole room was a huge confetti braided rug that covered most of the floor. I think you’re in a helluva fix, Maggie old girl. Not even a bedsheet to tear up. She peered down at the rocks again and shuddered. “There’s got to be another way out of here!”

  Impossible schemes ran through her mind. Like screaming for help until Violet came up, then hitting her over the head with something—except there was no “something” to hit her with. Or getting Violet up to the room and pretending she was sick— except that would mean appealing to Violet’s better nature, and she didn’t think she had one . . . except with cats. She could try flashing the light off and on in the hopes that someone on one of the islands would come and investigate—except there was only a small bedside lamp with a very short cord. In the end, she had to face the fact that there was only one avenue of escape— the window.

  The sky had clouded over and, shivering, she closed the window, walked to the door and pressed her ear against it. She couldn’t hear a thing. He can’t be back yet. He would’ve come up. But why hasn’t he come back? She paced back toward the bed, tripped over the edge of the braided rug and landed with a thump. Damn! She turned to sit against the bed to survey the damage to her knees. “Just bruised,” she muttered, and started to get up, then stopped. She stared at the offending rug and, for the first time in days, a little smile lit her face.

  • • •

  BY SEVEN NAT WAS HOME, making himself a stale cheese sandwich. He popped a beer and sank down in his leather armchair, but his mind kept coming back to Maggie’s obsession with Violet and Collins. For the next hour, he sat stolidly in front of his television, staring at Ozzie and Harriet and then at some God-awful quiz show, without absorbing a thing. At last he turned it off and stood up, brushed the crumbs from his jacket and put on his shoes. “Violet, I’m coming to see you!”

  The sky was heavily overcast and the house in complete darkness. Like Maggie before him, Nat parked a few houses away before walking back. At the front door, he leaned on the buzzer for several minutes before deciding the woman definitely was not home. He felt in his pocket for his penlight, and following its thin light, walked around to the rear of the house. By the time he located the stone steps up to the back door, he wished that he had returned to his car for his emergency lantern. He was just congratulating himself on reaching the door without a misstep, when out of the blackness a small body ran between his legs. He gave a yell, overbalanced, and his flashlight went flying. As he sat on the bottom step, the cat settled into his lap and began to knead his leg. “Well, if Violet’s in, she sure as hell heard that,” he muttered, pushing the cat away. He grabbed the flashlight, which was sending its thin beam skyward, held his breath and waited. But all was quiet. He staggered back up the steps and peered through the glass. He couldn’t see a thing.

  The cat sat hopefully by the door while he searched in vain under the sisal mat for a key. He flicked the light over a huge terracotta pot serving as an umbrella stand, then carefully tipped it up and felt underneath it. Still no key! “Maybe it’s inside the pot,” he said to the cat, who was watching him with keen interest. Removing a couple of tattered umbrellas, he thrust his hand down inside the pot. “Presto!” He pushed the key he’d found into the keyhole and gave a gentle turn. As the door opened, the cat slipped through the gap to disappear into the blackness. The overpowering feline odour made his stomach curl as he too slipped into the kitchen. He felt along the wall for the switch, and in the sudden light saw a door leading into a fair-sized dining room and another opening into a square hall with a staircase and the entrance to the living room. The house had a quiet, unoccupied feel about it, but taking no chances, he switched the kitchen light off before moving toward the living room. As Maggie had told him, there was the cat perch, and on each small platform sat a cat, its eyes reflected in the beam of the flashlight. But when one huge Siamese stood up, growled, hissed and then arched its back as if to spring, Nat ducked quickly out, closing the door behind him. Upstairs he opened the doors of three bedrooms before he came to what seemed to be Violet’s. Risking the light again, he saw clothes strewn over the double bed, dresser drawers lying open and a suitcase discarded by the closet door. “Now I wonder where she went in such a hurry?”

  A car’s lights turning into the driveway and sweeping over the room caused him a moment’s panic, but he resisted the urge to dive for the light switch. As the new arrival entered the house, Nat slipped out of the room to listen from the head of the stairs.

  “Come on, you little buggers.” It was Collins’ voice. “Come and get it.”

  Nat risked looking over the banister to see Collins, like a modern pied piper, leading the pack of cats from the li
ving room to the kitchen to be fed. He could hear him talking to them while he fed them and cleaned out litter boxes. Then, just as Nat turned to slip back into the bedroom, he felt something brush against his leg. Looking down, he saw a black cat twisting and purring in ecstasy.

  “Get lost,” Nat whispered, giving the cat a kick. But the animal was not about to leave its new-found friend, and standing on its hind legs, the cat stretched up and dug its claws lovingly into Nat’s leg. Holy shit! He bent down, unhooked the cat’s claws and gave it another shove, but it just purred louder and entwined itself through his legs. Stepping backward to get away from its caresses, he bumped into a small hall table. “Hell!” he breathed. Quickly, he moved back into Violet’s room and made for the clothes closet, hotly pursued by the cat. They reached it in a dead heat just as Collins bounded up the stairs to investigate.

  “Is one of you little buggers up here?” Collins said as he came into the room. “What the hell? She’s left the damned light on!”

  The cat gave a plaintive meow, and Nat pushed himself further into the closet until he was smothering in Violet’s fur coat. Collins opened the closet door and the cat walked out. “How the hell did you get in there?” he said. He scooped up the cat, turned out the light, closed the door and went back down the stairs.

  After Collins had left the house, Nat quickly disentangled himself from Violet’s furry embrace, picked up his discarded flashlight and ran down the stairs. She must have asked Collins to look after the cats, he thought as he let himself out of the house. And if I’m quick, I can follow him and see if he’s the one that’s holding Maggie. As he ran down the street for his car, he saw a flash of silver as Collins drove past.


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