Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three.

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Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three. Page 4

by R S J Gregory

  “Home.” I mumble as I stare off into space.

  “Are you okay?” Abigail asks. She fidgets next to Jason who sits across from me on the dirt.

  I focus back on my soup, and look over at her.

  “Yeah. I just had another memory.”

  “Maybe all of your memory will come back.” Abigail says and grins.

  “God, I hope so.”

  “Me too. I’d love to know how you got to be so bad-ass.” Jeremy says with a chuckle.

  “I think I’ve finally nailed it.” Andrew says as he runs a dirty hand through his short blond hair.

  “What?” Jason asks.

  “Her accent. New York.” Andrew says with satisfaction.

  “You’re nuts.” Jason says. “I reckon she’s from Boston.”

  “You’re both wrong.” Max says and spoons some soup into the gap in his beard.

  “What’s wrong with my accent?” I ask.

  “It’s an Illinois accent.” Max says and wipes his mouth on his sleeve.

  “How can you be so sure?” Andrew asks.

  “I met a guy who was from Chicago, maybe five years ago, I’m not sure. But he said that he was from Chicago, and he sounded a bit like her.” Max says and pokes at the fire with a branch.

  “How far is Chicago from here?” I ask as I stir my soup with a spoon.

  “Over a thousand miles, as the crow flies.” Max says. “But, it’s gone.”

  “Gone?” I ask and stare at him wide eyed.

  “There was a large number of those blue freaks in Chicago. In a desperate attempt, the military nuked them. Now that whole area is off-limits.” Max says and spoons more soup into his mouth.

  “Nuked?” Abigail asks and looks around the fire.

  “A very powerful bomb.” Theresa tells her.

  “The man who you met. Where is he now?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. He mentioned something crazy and headed south.” Max replies and takes a sip of water.

  “What did he say?” Abigail asks.

  “He said he was heading to Area 51.” Max replies and snorts.

  “What did he look like?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Tall, kind of big. He only had one eye and some of his hair was missing. He kept insisting that I go with him.” Max sniffed and shook his head. “The guy was nuts.”

  “Where is Area 51?” I ask.

  “What is Area 51?” Abigail asks.

  “A myth.” Theresa tells her and brushes a strand of hair from her face.

  “Isn’t it supposed to be in the desert, somewhere in New Mexico?” Jeremy says as he helps himself to another helping.

  “Nevada.” Max says and laughs. “You don’t actually believe it exists, do you?”

  “Why not?” Jeremy replies.

  While they argue, I finish my pumpkin soup, then get up and take a walk. I wander away from the firelight and stop by a thorny looking shrub.

  I gaze up at the night sky, and marvel at the stars. So many constellations, all glimmering in the darkness, so full of mystery and wonder.

  I sense Abigail before I see her. She looks up at me and takes my hand.

  “Wow.” She breathes.

  “I know.” I say quietly.

  “Do you know their names?” She asks wistfully.

  “If I do, I can’t remember.” I say, then we both gasp as a shooting star passes overhead.

  Oh, please, let me remember.

  I step in front of Abigail when I hear soft padding coming towards us. I focus my eyes and stare into the blackness. The world turns into shades of green, making bushes, rocks, a fence and a lumbering shape stand out. The creature’s eyes look like small discs of light as it approaches. I clear my throat, and the animal stops and raises its shaggy head and sniffs the air.

  I place my hand on Abigail’s shoulder and push her gently back behind me.

  The bear growls, a deep rumble, before rearing on its hind legs, towering over me.

  “Shoo.” I say quietly and shove the creature back with one hand.

  The bear flies back at least fifty feet, toppling over backwards. It quickly rolls over and lumbers away quietly.

  “What was that?” Abigail asks. “It smelled different.”

  “Nothing to worry about.” I reply and take her hand. “Let’s go back.”


  I can almost hear Max frown as we pass the sign for Denver.

  “Oh, great.” Max growls.

  “Now what?” I ask.

  “Take a look.” Max gestures to the windshield.

  I peer over his shoulder.

  “Oh my god!” I gasp when I see the skeletons strapped to the telegraph poles. Some hang from streetlights, nylon cords wrapped tightly around their necks. Their clothes are falling to pieces, but were the only things that remained, other than their hair. Their bones had been picked clean. We drive past dozens of them.

  “Who the hell did this?” Jason asks over my shoulder.

  “I don’t know, and I don’t want to find out.” Max says as he stares grimly out at the road.

  We drive in silence, before Max pulls over and climbs out. I open the rear doors and hop down.

  “I see some smoke up ahead.” Max says, then walks over to the station wagon and taps on the window.


  I step up into the back of the van, then reach up and grab hold of the van’s roof. I pull myself up easily and sit down on the roof.

  I shield the sun from my eyes with my hands, then focus my eyes and gaze into the distance.

  The street, lined with telegraph poles and sparse trees, zoom toward me. I flinch at first when it happens, then as the buildings in the distance grow larger and larger, I begin to relax into it. I scan the horizon until I spot the line of black smoke, then I concentrate on that area and zoom in closer.

  “What are you doing up there?” I hear Max yell up at me.

  “Trying to concentrate.” I reply testily, as the building in question comes into sharp focus. Two women are sitting around a campfire. They’re cooking something on a spit over a fire. I look around the area near them. Nothing. Just a Harley Davidson motorcycle parked near them with some backpacks leaning against it.

  I blink my eyes and focus back to where I am. I get up and hop lightly down.

  “There are two women around a campfire.” I tell Max as he looks at me with his, what-the-hell expression.

  “How do you know that?” He grumbles as he squints at me.

  “I saw them.” I reply and head over to the station wagon.

  “Why have we stopped?” I hear Abigail complain from the backseat.

  I lean down to the window.

  “There are two girls up ahead. What do you want to do?” I ask them.

  “You didn’t see anyone else?” Max asks as he walks over.

  I shake my head.

  “How did you see them? Where are they?” Theresa asks as she climbs out.

  “I have...umm....really good eyesight.” I answer and shrug.

  “Max, how do you want to play this?” Theresa asks.

  “Maybe we should go say hi.” Max says with one hand on his revolver.

  “Maybe it would be best, if we went.” I say, and gesture to Theresa and myself. “They might not feel as threatened, if it’s just us girls.” I suggest.

  Theresa nods in agreement and closes the car door and walks over to me.

  “Okay.” Max nods his head and turns and looks at both vehicles. “Which one will you take?”

  I shake my head. “No car needed.”

  They both look at me like I’m crazy.

  “I want to try something.” I confess with an impish smile.

  I wave Theresa over, and she looks hesitantly at Max for a second, then strolls over with a worried expression.

  I scoop her up into my small arms easily, like picking up a pebble.

  “Whoa.” Theresa gasps, then giggles nervously.

  I turn and walk quickly past the van.

bsp; “Hold on tight.” I warn her, before I increase my pace.

  “!” Theresa gasps when the scenery begins to blur.

  My feet hammer the ground as I race along the street, loudly at first, then the sound becomes a dull thrum as I accelerate. The black column of smoke grows larger in seconds. I slow down when I see the glint of metal from their motorcycle, and slide to a stop. My heart is still racing when I set down a breathless Theresa on to the sidewalk.

  “Holy shit!” Theresa gasps.

  “Who’s there?” A young woman’s voice calls out, and I hear some hasty footsteps.

  “We’re friendly. We mean you no harm.” I call out as Theresa composes herself.

  A woman’s head pops out behind the edge of a wall, followed by a taller woman also with red hair. She holds a shotgun out in front of her as she steps out toward us. I step in front of Theresa and raise my hands.

  “We saw your fire. We just wanted to say hi. Hi.” I say and wave one hand.

  “Who the hell’s we?” The red haired woman demands.

  “I’m Angela. This is Theresa.” I say and gesture behind me.

  “Hello.” Theresa says over my shoulder.

  “I’d be grateful, if you would lower that.” I ask and look down at the two barrels, as they point at my stomach.

  The red-haired woman snorts and spits at the ground at my feet. “I bet you would.”

  “Sam, come on. They look okay.” The younger woman calls out from behind the wall, and pokes her head out again. She also has red hair, but hers is longer, the lady with the gun has shorter hair, and it’s very unkempt and spiky in places.

  “Becky, shush. I’m handling this.” The red-head with the gun calls out over her shoulder, while keeping her eyes on us.

  “Look, if you’re gonna shoot, just do it already.” I say and take a step towards her.

  “Don’t move. I will shoot you.”

  “No, you won’t.” I say and take a step towards her.

  “No, she really will.” The younger girl calls out, just as the shotgun is fired.

  The muzzle flash makes me blink, and the boom makes Theresa hit the dirt. I take the blast to the stomach, like a whole bunch of annoying flies have just flown into me.

  I step towards her again until the muzzle is pressing against me.

  “Okay, so maybe you will shoot me.” I say and snatch the gun from her trembling hands.

  “How are you not dead?” The red-head asks and drops to her knees.

  “That’s a complicated question.” I say and hold my hand out to her. “But I meant what I said. We mean you no harm.”

  The younger red-head runs out from behind the wall and hugs her companion.

  Theresa stand up and stares at me in disbelief. I smile and push my finger through the huge hole in my clothes, and prod my skin. It doesn’t even hurt. Theresa touches my stomach, then laughs nervously.

  “You really are a freak.” She mutters, then turns her attention back to the two red-haired girls, who are slowly freaking out in front of me.

  “Thanks.” I reply, then nod to my hand as I hold it out to them, while passing the shotgun back to them with my other hand. “Sorry if I freaked you out. Friends?”

  They both look at each other with confused expressions, then the older one takes my hand and stands up.

  “I’m sorry that I shot you. But I did warn you.”

  “At least I now know, that you mean what you say.” I say with a wry smile.

  “As do I.” She replies with a nervous laugh. “I’m Samantha. This is my sister, Rebecca.”

  I extend my hand to Rebecca and help her to her feet.

  “Would you like some coffee?” Rebecca asks. “We have some brewing.”

  “Coffee?” I ask and look at Theresa.

  “Coffee? Yes, please.” Theresa replies with a smile, and Samantha begins walking back to the wall that shields a back yard, where their campfire is crackling away.

  “What’s coffee?” I whisper to Theresa as we follow them.

  “You’ll see.” She grins back.

  Rebecca gestures for us to sit down on some cinderblocks that have been placed around the fire. I sit down while they busy themselves, then Samantha hands me a metal tin filled with something dark. I sniff it experimentally, while Theresa takes hers from Rebecca.

  Mmm, it smells good. Familiar, somehow.

  “Do you have any sugar?” Theresa asks.

  “Yeah, sure. Here.” Rebecca says and hands Theresa a glass container with a silver pourer. I watch as Theresa pours some into her tin and swirls it around.

  “Sugar?” Rebecca asks me.

  I shrug. “Sure, why not.” I take the container and pour the white powder into my tin, then use my finger to stir the steaming hot liquid. “Thanks.” I say, then take a sip.

  “Ooh.” I blurt out as the hot liquid slides down my throat. It tastes amazing. I quickly take another sip.

  “You never had coffee before?” Rebecca asks as she studies my face.

  I shake my head and drink more.

  “I still don’t understand how you can take a shot to your gut, without any marks?” Samantha says as she sits opposite me.

  I point to the gaping hole in my jacket.

  “Well, you did ruin my clothes.” I say and frown at her.

  “Who are you? What are you?” Samantha asks.

  “Two very good questions. If you find out, please let me know.” I answer and frown.

  “She has no memory of who she is, or where she came from.” Theresa tells them, while I drink my coffee.

  “That’s weird.” Samantha says and looks at me sideways as she turns the spit over the fire.

  The animal has been skinned and tied to a long thick branch, and is turning a glorious brown color. Fat runs down the carcass and drips on to the flames. Samantha turns it over every few minutes.

  “Are you hungry?” Rebecca asks me and smiles.

  I don’t care what it is, the smell is making my mouth water.

  “Can our friends join us?” Theresa asks while I stare at the browning carcass.

  “Where are they?” Samantha asks.

  “They’re down the road a ways. We thought we would meet you guys first.” Theresa says.

  “How many in your group?” Samantha asks warily.

  “Five others. Would you like to meet them?” Theresa asks and nudges me, making me blink.

  “Hmm?” I mumble and look at her.

  “Would you go tell them to join us?” Theresa asks, and then looks to Samantha for approval. Samantha nods her head, and pulls a long hunting knife from a brown leather sheath dangling from her hip.

  I stand up and stretch, arching my back.

  “Back in a pip.” I say, then walk quickly to the wall and make my way to the street.

  Once outside, I pick up speed and tear down the street like a locomotive. The scenery around me becomes a green and grey blur as I haul ass back to the others. I come to a stop near Jason as he stands with his back to me. I tap him on his shoulder.

  “Geez!” Jason squeals and spins around, a knife in his hand.

  “Only me.” I say and grin, as he lowers his knife and sighs in relief.

  “How do you do that?” Jason asks and takes a deep breath and exhales slowly.

  “What, running? Oh, it’s easy.” I say, and he rolls his eyes.

  “Where’s Theresa?” Jason asks.

  “She’s with the two girls, Sam and Becky. Come on.” I say and wave my hand at the others. “Come and meet them.”

  “What was that gunshot? I thought I heard gunfire.” Max asks gruffly as he walks up to me. “What is that?” He asks, pointing to the front of my overcoat.

  I look down at the gaping hole in my clothes, and shrug.

  “I had an accident.” I say, and smile innocently.


  “So, where are you girls from?” Jason asks as Rebecca hands him some of the, what I now know is spit-roasted hare.

bsp; “Brooklyn, or what’s left of it.” Samantha answers and takes a sip of her coffee.

  “Where are you guys headed?” Rebecca asks and sits down next to her sister.

  “Well, here. But now that we’re here, I’m not sure.” Max says and warms his hands on their fire.

  “We’re going to try south. It has to be warmer south, right?” Samantha says.

  I see the others sitting close to the fire and warming themselves by the fire, before it dawns on me.

  I don’t feel the cold anymore.

  “South sounds like a plan.” Jeremy says and looks around him. “Not much here, really.”

  “Just like everywhere else.” Max grumbles into his tin of coffee.

  “Any place in mind?” Abigail asks as she sits in Theresa’s lap.

  “Mexico. Plenty of places to hide down there, I hear.” Samantha says, then looks up at the slowly darkening sky.

  “Have you seen any freaks lately?” Andrew asks, then pops some more meat into his mouth, chewing slowly.

  “A few. More were arriving in New York. I counted at least thirty of those blue devils.” Samantha says and shivers. “I got us out, and we’ve been heading west. But we haven’t seen many folks, and those we did meet....well....let’s just say....we didn’t get on.”

  Max nods in understanding, and spies the shotgun lying next to her, then looks over at me.

  “Did you two have a......disagreement?” Max asks, raising a bushy eyebrow.

  “More like....a misunderstanding.” I say.

  Max looks at the hole in my jacket and shakes his head. “You really are a strange one.”

  “You got that right.” Samantha says and smiles at me.

  “So how long’s it been since you last saw one?” Jason asks.

  “Around two weeks. You?” Samantha says.

  “The other day, actually.” Jason replies, before giving me an odd look.

  “Really? Where?” Samantha asks and sits forward.

  “Kansas City.” Max replies.

  “She totally kicked their butts.” Abigail declares with pride, pointing at me.

  “What?” Samantha asks in amazement, while Rebecca stares at me calmly.

  “Actually, she killed them.” Max adds. It’s hard to know if he’s actually smiling behind that bushy beard of his, but his eyes are creasing up.

  “Holy shit. I’ve never heard of anyone killing one of those things.” Samantha says, and her eyes mist up.


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