Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three.

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Cosmic Girl: Lost & Found: Superhero series for young adults - Book Three. Page 17

by R S J Gregory

  I pick up the black journal and check the first few pages. An image has been stamped on to one page in faded black ink. It’s so strange that it catches my eye, and I lift the book closer. The image is a crude representation of a lion with wings, but the head is that of a man, and the tail belongs to a scorpion. I slip it inside my flight suit before zipping it back up.

  “Who do we have here?” Mitchell says as he holds up some Polaroids.

  I look over his shoulder. Some guys in white lab coats stand near a dark haired woman wearing glasses. They gather around one of the tubes with a dark-skinned man. His moustache and goatee look familiar, as does his high cheekbones and thin eyebrows.

  “May I?” I ask, and he passes the photos to me.

  I wonder how long their joy lasted, before their creations turned on them.

  I unzip and slip the photos inside the black journal. As I zip myself back up, I feel a tremor.

  “I hope someone else felt that?” Santiago shouts out as he takes off and faces the entrance, a hundred feet off the ground, with his rifle at the ready.

  Another tremor ripples through the ground, making the desks rattle. Mitchell curses as he tries to steady himself. Georgia screams, then fades away as a dark shape fills the entrance.

  “Holy shit.” Pamela gasps, then vanishes in a burst of dark light, and a faint pop.

  She reappears in front of the desk with a pop and a flash of dark light, before kneeling on one knee and raising her sniper rifle.

  “Sto radis tu?” The colossal creature bellows, before stepping into the light.

  The giant’s skin is a deep cobalt blue, and its head is covered in long black hair, peppered with streaks of gray.

  The creature is immense.

  My initial reaction is one of wonder, then fear.

  This thing must be at least eighty feet tall. Its glowing red eyes have dark rings around them, and the thing looks gaunt. The blue skin clings tightly to the bones, making it look almost skeletal. The biggest blue skeletal man I have ever seen in my life, and naked.

  Mud, dried blood and scratches cover most of the giant’s body.

  Santiago begins to fly backwards, still hovering at a hundred feet up, but he is only slightly above the giant’s bony forehead. I rise up from the concrete and stop at Santiago’s left.

  “What are you?” I call out.

  The huge glowing red eyes blink a couple of times, then it takes a step forward. Boom.

  “I....don’t.....know.” It booms in a guttural voice.

  “Holy shit, it speaks.” Santiago mutters.

  “Chil.....dren...........hun.......gry.” It booms, then looks over its gargantuan shoulder. “FOOD! HRANA! HRANA!” It roars, then I can hear some thundering in the distance.

  “Oh shit.” I murmur and turn to look at Mitchell. “Time to go.” I shout.

  Mitchell nods and disappears in a green blur as he races towards the entrance. Santiago fires at the goliath’s face, as Mitchell zooms towards the open door.

  In the blink of an eye, the giant’s huge blue fist swings down at the ground, so fast I barely see it.

  I hear a cry and a crunch, then Mitchell’s limp body sails through the air like a bullet.

  I watch in disbelief as he hits the rear concrete wall, making a wet crack, before dropping lifelessly to the ground.

  I turn and fly to where his body landed.

  “NO!” I scream, when I see his mangled body.

  Pamela and Santiago are firing rapidly at the giant. I rise back up from the ground, and watch as in slow motion, as Georgia materializes in front of the creature’s filthy huge feet. She is crying hysterically, until the giant stamps on her, spraying blood all over the floor.

  I look beyond the giant and see some shapes in the darkness heading our way. The armor-piercing bullets are only making the creature angrier, and he is lunging and swiping at Santiago with such ferocious speed that I can feel the wind he is creating from a hundred feet away.

  Screw it.

  As he takes another swipe at Santiago, I fly forward as fast as I can and punch the giant in his right eye. I’m showered in a red jelly-like substance and thick green blood.

  The thing bellows and reaches for its eye, and I fly sideways quickly, until I hit the concrete wall, making the building shake. I wipe the gore from my face and spit out some green blood, while the creature bellows in pain and rage.

  “Aim for the other eye.” I shout out, then as my vision returns, I see something huge and blue swinging at me.

  I fly to the right, and the giant’s left fist crashes into the wall behind me, making the concrete explode, sending gray shards flying in all directions. As it growls and turns for me again, I hear Pamela and Santiago unload a few rounds at it. It bends over, reaching for both eyes.

  “CHIL.....DREN!” The blue giant bellows, and I notice the see of blue with red eyes racing toward us.

  “We’ve got to go. NOW!” I scream and fly down towards Pamela. I land quickly and hold out my hand to her.

  “Get him out of here.” She says, as tears flow down her cheeks. “I know my way home.” She lets out a sob, then vanishes in a burst of dark light and a faint pop.

  I fly up to where Santiago is reloading his rifle. His grim face is facing the entrance as he cocks his weapon.

  “Time to go.” I tell him. He nods and takes aim.

  The giant stands up, its face covered in green blood. Its mouth is a snarl as it swats at the air around it. I fly out of its path and charge in to the back of the thing’s head. I grab some of its smelly black hair, then pull as I fly backwards. It yells in pain and reaches up for me as I pull it. It loses its footing as the first wave of blue freaks arrives, and crushes some when it falls on to its back. I charge a blue freak and drive my fist through its head. Santiago lets off a few more rounds, then the creatures are leaping up at him. I see him bat one away, breaking the rifle in the process, then I have two more freaks trying to rip my head from my shoulders.

  I drive my elbow into the ribs of one, and hear a satisfying crack, then I backhand the other one as I spin around, catching it in the chin, breaking its neck. Before any more can grab me, I fly up towards Santiago as one of them clings to his leg.

  I grab the blue freak’s hands and pull them apart, then kick it as hard as I can in the stomach. The guts explode and the creature spins across the hall until it crashes into the rear wall.

  “Can we go now?” I ask him and touch his bruised face.

  He blinks and looks around, uncomprehending. I grip his shoulders and shake him.

  “Snap out of it. If we stay here, we die.” I yell at him.

  “Leave me alone.” He snarls and slaps my hands away. He looks around once more, then he raises his legs and charges the entrance at a hundred miles per hour.

  I glance once more at Mitchell’s crumpled body, then turn and fly towards the entrance. I’m almost outside when something grabs my legs. I push forward and try to fly, but something is pulling me backwards. I crane my neck and look down.


  The giant has its left hand wrapped around my legs. I let out a gasp of pain as I feel my bones pressing in to each other. The trees outside blur and I feel my stomach lurch as I find myself being slammed down to the concrete. I hold my arms in front of my face to protect myself, but after a few slams, I’m seeing stars.

  When I hit the ground, the smaller blue freaks make a grab for me, raking my arms and back with their long nails. As my world spins and I feel like I’m about to puke, I feel something hot and wet around me, then hard slabs of granite pin me around my hips in a vice-like grip.

  I cry out in pain. Something gurgles loudly in my ears.

  Holy shit! I’m in its mouth. It’s trying to eat me.

  “No.” I scream.

  It can’t end like this.

  I feel the thick, warm, slippery tongue under my chin and stomach. I reach out with my hands and try to find something to grab hold of. But all I find is the remnants of
its last meal.

  Once I’m sliding past the tonsils, I take a deep breath and hold it as I slither down its throat. I’m sliding down headfirst in utter darkness. It’s slimy, hot, and the smell is unbearable.

  I think about Max, Jeremy, and Abigail. Abigail most of all. I wanted to see her again.

  Whoa. You’re not dead yet, Britney. Come on. Think.

  I reach out with my hands and bend my knees. I grab some tissue and hang on, then pull my body forward and push out with my legs.

  Up! I think, with all of my might, and push with my hands and try to imagine the sky out there somewhere.

  Up! I feel the tissue begin to give a little, and somewhere I hear a grumble, faint. I feel wetness under my hands as I push up and will my body to go where I want it. I hear a tearing sound, then my arms pass through the tissue lining the giant’s throat.

  And away! My arms and head emerge from the back of the giant’s neck, followed shortly by my legs. I wipe saliva from my face and take in a gulp of air, and stare in astonishment as the colossal blue giant tumbles toward the ground. Far below, I can see a huge gaping hole in the roof of the concrete building, and realize that I’m over three thousand feet in the air.

  The giant hits the roof of the building with its head, demolishing the roof before tipping backwards, then the whole roof gives way amidst a cloud of dust.

  “Holy shit!” I blurt out, as I try to control my breathing.

  Tears stream down my face as I look up and aim for the moon.

  Goodbye Mitchell. Goodbye Georgia.

  Time to go home.

  What do I tell their son?

  I accelerate as I fly west. The wind is in my face, blowing my hair behind me, and I reach down and feel the shape of the book in my flight suit.

  I hope their sacrifice was worth it.

  I sob uncontrollably as I soar through the darkness.

  Twenty Five

  By the time I get back to Nevada, I’m exhausted. All I want is to shower for an hour, eat, then collapse somewhere and sleep for a month. But when I descend from a pale orange sky towards the ground outside the hangar of Area 51, I find Pamela and Santiago talking to Richard, Mitchell and Georgia’s son.

  I land and look over at them, but Pamela shakes her head. I walk despondently to the hangar, and find most people still asleep.

  I hover over to where Julian lies slumped over the table, his gray head resting on his arm.

  I unzip my flight suit and place the black journal in front of him, and gently shake his shoulder.

  “Mmm?” He mumbles and raises his head.

  “I have a new puzzle for you.” I say, and push the book toward him.

  “Hmm. What’s this?” He grumbles and yawns, then sits up and picks the book up.

  “That’s the puzzle. Can you translate it?” I ask.

  He flips open the journal and checks a few pages for a moment, then looks up at me, with excitement in his eyes.

  “You found it?” He says and grins, then he looks down at the book and flips through a few more pages. “It will take a while. But, yes, I think I can.”

  “I’ll need two copies.” I tell him, as he stands up while still reading.

  “Hmmm? Yes, two copies. Hmm, yes.” He murmurs as he walks away deeply engrossed in the journal.

  I turn and float over to the cabins. I enter and lock the door behind me, before stripping out of the filthy flight suit and boots. I unsnap the bra and slip out of my underwear and drop them behind me as I step into the bath tub.

  As the filth from the giant washes off as I stand beneath the torrent of steaming water, I begin to tremble. I close my eyes, but the image of Mitchell’s broken body fills my mind.

  My legs give out and I collapse. I sit on my haunches and hug my knees, as the water hits the back of my head and neck.

  I blink and look up when I hear knocking on the door.

  “Britney?” I hear Theresa’s voice outside.

  I don’t know how long I’ve been sitting here, but my fingers look pruney. I reach up and switch the water off, before standing up slowly.

  “Yes?” I call out as I ring the water from my long white hair.

  “Are you okay, honey?” Theresa asks through the door.

  No. I don’t think I’ll ever be okay.

  “I could use some clean clothes. Can you hook me up?” I call out as I step from the cubicle.

  “I’ll see what I can rustle up.” Theresa says, then I hear her retreating footsteps across the concrete floor.

  I grab a white cotton towel and wrap it around my hair, and wrap a larger one around my torso.

  I pad across the linoleum floor to the other side of the cabin. I lean gently on the wash basin and wipe condensation from the mirror. The blazing blue eyes blink back at me from under the white towel. My skin looks clean and pink now.

  I close my eyes and exhale slowly, as memories float to the surface. I shake my head and grip the basin.

  No. I don’t want to see. Stop it.

  I hear the crunch as the giant’s foot stamps on Georgia. I feel the crushing bite, as the giant tries to eat me. My skin feels cold, and my breathing quickens. The heat rises from my stomach, and I taste bile at the back of my throat, burning like acid. I feel the wetness around me again as I catch in the giant’s throat. I open my eyes and retch into the basin. I hear a gentle knock on the door behind me. I spit into the basin and wipe my eyes.

  “Yes?” I croak, and cough a few times.

  “I’ve got some clothes for you.” I hear Theresa say gently.

  I turn on the faucet and rinse the vomit down the plughole. I splash some water on my face, then take a deep breath and turn and open the door.

  “Oh, honey.” Theresa gasps, then steps up and embraces me. I lean my cheek on her shoulder and hug her back gently. I notice Abigail standing behind Theresa with some folded clothing and some black boots clutched in her hands. She waves excitedly at me and smiles.

  “Thanks.” I say quietly and pull away.

  “She’s missed you.” Theresa says and stands to one side.

  Abigail passes the clothes and boots to Theresa, then launches herself at me, wrapping her arms around my towel-wrapped torso. I stroke her blonde hair and smile at Theresa.

  “I’m glad you’re alright.” Abigail says.

  “Here.” She says, and takes the clothes and boots back from Theresa, and hands them to me.

  “Thanks.” I step back up into the shower cabin. “I’ll be right back.” I say then close the door.

  I get dressed in a nanosecond. I sigh when I look at my reflection. Another flight suit, only this one is black. I open the door and step down.

  “You look like you could use a hot meal.” Theresa says and takes my hand.

  “You read my mind.” I say and take hold of Abigail’s hand, and together, we cross the hangar and make our way towards the canteen.

  They fill me in on what’s been happening in my absence. Jeremy is now helping out in the kitchens, and also leads the hunting parties. Apparently, Jeremy’s bighorn sheep stew, and his mountain lion burgers are amazing.

  I can’t wait to try them.

  But they’re serving breakfast right now, which still looks tasty. I hold out my bowl and the serving lady, Tina, scoops some vegetable soup with a large metal ladle and drops it into my bowl. She passes me a roll of crusty bread, and I carry it over to a long trestle table and sit down next to Abigail. She props her head on her hands as she watches me eat. I break the roll in half and dunk one half into the soup, allowing the bread to soak up the flavors, before shoving it into my eager mouth.

  “It’s good, huh?” Abigail says next to me. I murmur my agreement and wipe some soup from my chin with the back of my hand, before dunking the other half of the bread roll.

  Theresa sits down opposite with a bowl of soup and bread roll. She watches me as she spoons some soup into her mouth.

  I notice the concern in her eyes, and nod my head in recognition.

nbsp; I chew the last of my bread roll, then lift the bowl to my lips.

  “Someone’s hungry.” I hear Jason’s voice, and lower the bowl as he strolls over to Theresa. He leans down and plants a kiss on her neck, then pulls the chair out next to her, and sits down.

  “You look tired.” Jason says to me, as he places his left arm around Theresa’s shoulders.

  I drain the last of my soup, then place it on the table and wipe my mouth on the back of my hand.

  “Is there somewhere I can sleep?” I ask and turn and look towards the hangar door in the distance.

  The light streaming in is starting to get brighter.

  “Somewhere dark.” I add, as a yawn escapes me.

  “I know just the place.” Theresa says, and puts down her spoon. “Follow me.” She says, then stands up.

  I ruffle Abigail’s hair, then follow Theresa further into the cavernous hangar. We walk past a curtained-off section dedicated to the sick and injured, then continue on past a recreational area, filled with couches, Ping-Pong tables and some pinball machines. Theresa veers to the left after a few minutes, and heads towards a caged-in area.

  “This is where they keep the canned and dried goods.” Theresa says over her shoulder to me as she turns again and walks the length of the steel mesh.

  “Here we go.” She says as we approach a wall with a single green door.

  She opens the door for me and waves me forward. I step inside, and the room is gloomy. Shelves of books line the left wall, while opposite, some brown leather couches lie arrayed haphazardly around a simple low table, where a Tiffany lamp stands, shining blue, green and red light around the table.

  “These couches are amazing.” Theresa says as she closes the door behind her and walks past me.

  I hover over to one of the couches and sit down. Theresa sits down in a couch opposite, and sits forward.

  “What happened?” She asks me softly.

  I close my eyes and sit back in the couch.

  “Mitchell and Georgia are dead.” I mumble.

  “But…..they had powers….like you. Right?”

  “That’s right.”


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