Red Nocturne

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Red Nocturne Page 5

by Shūsuke Amagi

  Leerin didn't have that many friends at school. Only one name surfaced when she thought of someone who would know a Heaven's Blade successor.

  "Uh, yeah."

  Leerin wasn't surprised at the quick admission. She wasn't surprised at it being someone like Synola.


  "......Because something happened."

  His words became less clear. The droplets of sweat adorning his face failed to escape her eyes.

  (Synola must have a hold over him.) She felt sorry for Savaris.

  "Thanks for the work."

  "No. Not at all. I'm happy to help."

  As the two of them chatted, Leerin found herself before the young man wearing the City Police uniform. He led her and the others to the shelter. It appeared that the filth monsters hadn't shown up yet. The sight of the outside of the city greeted her. As the facility was situated at the outskirt of the city, the outside was the first scenery she saw.

  The City's multi-legs had stopped moving. Did anyone notice in this chaos?

  (Nina said they stopped moving.)

  She looked behind her. The flock of birds still flew in the same space, as if they were hiding in the shadow behind the facility. Thin threads of lines flashed around them.

  (If the Electronic Fairy is really there.........)

  Would the crisis be averted if someone could save the Electronic Fairy and return it to the Mechanical Department?

  "What're you doing?" Savaris said, grabbing hold of her wrist.

  She stopped walking. The other passengers and City Police had already left.

  "Savaris-san, the City's multi-legs have stopped moving."

  "I know. I thought this might happen."

  She widened her eyes at his curt attitude, but this wasn't the time to criticize his personality.

  "The Electronic Fairy is missing from the Mechanical Department. If we don't do something quick......"

  ".........Um, where did you hear this from?"

  "Nina. The girl we saw at the canteen."

  "Her? When?"

  "Just then, over there," she pointed at the flock of birds. "She said the Electronic Fairy is there."


  "Don't you find that strange?"

  Savaris's expression turned curious. "True. It's rare to see birds flying outside, but that's because they know there's no pollutants here. They have the instinct that tells them what's dangerous and what's not."

  "Then what is that strange light?"

  Savaris's expression turned stranger. "There is such a thing?"

  "Eh?" Leerin studied the flock of birds again. Yes, there was a strange light around the birds. The birds were still flying in circles to escape it. The light kept blocking their way.

  "Isn't the light there?"

  "I don't see anything?"

  He didn't seem to be making it up.

  "But........." she saw it. Was it her imagination.........A doubt flashed by her, but the reality of what she saw remained there. She didn't think she had gone insane. Then what was happening here must be real. Besides her.........Nina also saw it.

  "Let's go," Savaris reached out for her, but she avoided his hand and ran.


  "Sorry. Please take care of the rest."

  He said something, but she wasn't paying attention. She just kept running in the direction of the birds.

  "Please take care of the rest......" Savaris scratched his head. "How can I just leave it?"

  The Queen gave him this order on the day before he left for Zuellni. She said it in a voice that prevented anyone else from overhearing. "Your priority isn't the Haikizoku, but Leerin's safety. If even a hair of her was hurt, hehe, I think I don't need to tell you the rest. And you must listen to any of her requests as if they were my orders."

  What a messy order. If Kanaris had heard that, she would have been so mad.

  ".........If her request would cause her to lose her life, what do I do?" he asked slyly.

  "You must keep her safe and also carry out her requests. You've to guarantee both. Where's that air of yours as a Heaven's Blade successor?"

  "Nah. I'm not Lintence. I don't have that air."

  "Shut up. Just do it your own way."

  He was made to follow such an unreasonable order. Since it was the Queen's order, Savaris couldn't just leave Leerin behind.

  "So what should I do?"

  The Queen wouldn't let him go easily if anything happened to Leerin. Savaris could have escaped to other cities but no other city could satisfy him like Grendan. So, he had to guarantee Leerin's safety and also carry out her requests.

  "Uh......meaning I'll have to handle the filth monsters."

  Leerin probably meant for him to cover up her absence when the City Police found her missing, but that would not remove the danger the filth monsters brought to her.

  "But if I have to get rid of the filth monsters, I can't leave her too far from me."

  Besides, the Queen had said Leerin was not to be hurt in any way. Not even a hair.

  "Well, I just have to take care of the filth monsters here."

  He looked around. This City relied on a Kei cannon to attack outside filth monsters.

  "This might cause me some trouble. I don't have my Heaven's Blade with me."

  Without the reinforcement of a Psychokinesist, even Savaris had no idea where the filth monsters were. Compared to a filth monster in its matured form, the huge number of larvae caused a bigger threat under this situation. This would be an easy problem for Lintence or Layfon, who had learnt Lintence's technique of the steel threads.

  "Uh........." he thought for a moment. "Interesting."

  Had he had such a restricted fight before? Grendan usually sent out 11 Heaven's Blades in fights. Savaris could only spend a fraction of his full potential in those fights. However, the current situation was different. With this complicated situation, he must protect Leerin alone.

  "I see, I see.........The saying goes, 'what can be done is dependent on one's actions.'" His mood swung to a more positive note.

  "Well, let's make a brilliant show."

  He disappeared.

  Nothing obstructed Leerin's way, so she ran smoothly to where the birds were.


  The threads of light flashed around the birds. Leerin could feel more pressure as she drew closer.

  "Where's Nina.........?" she kept a safe distance from the light and searched for Nina.

  Found her. Not through her vision, but she heard the sound of Military Artists fighting.


  The sound of clashing steel cut into Leerin's eardrums. She instinctively covered her ears and crouched down.

  "It really is you guys!" Nina shouted. Leerin could hear her even with her ears covered.

  Numerous shadows suddenly appeared before her. One of them was Nina, holding two iron whips......and the other five people......

  Each person wore a mask resembling the head of a dog, and they each held different weapons. Leerin held her breath. She couldn't tell who was male or female. They all wore fighting suits with their heads wrapped in black clothes and their faces covered by masks.

  "Wolf Face. What is your aim?"

  So this organization was called Wolf Face, a creature that had almost gone extinct and only lived in books. Wolf. An animal that had once ran and hunted on the earth.

  Leerin didn't know who it was, but one of the masked people answered Nina. "Our goal is the limitless battlefield. We must obtain what is necessary for that goal.........such as the power you also know of. The Haikizoku."

  "What! You plan to destroy this city!?" Nina said with shock. Her cheeks turned red. She ground her teeth as if they were about to spill out sparks. She glared at the Wolf Face.

  "We're not interested in that," the masked person declared coldly.

  Leerin trembled at the coldness that could ignore the lives of thousands of people living in this city.

  "You bastards...........
.People can only live in Regios. How dare you destroy it........."

  The Wolf Face ignored Nina's fury. "Regios are not worth mentioning."

  "The Aurora Field has made possible the Rigzario belief. We're like ashes before Ignasis's dream," All of the Wolf Face said at the same time in cold voices.

  (Can they.........communicate without words?)

  The masks covered their faces. Is there nothing behind the mask? That was what Leerin felt. Something that felt hollow. An empty personality. Lack of emotion in their voices. They didn't appear to be zealots. But their voices were like those from a tape.

  "You said......the Rigzario belief?" Nina said, not swayed by the way the Wolf Face spoke.

  "Do you know? Of Rigzario?" they seemed interested. "Right. I see. That's why you're here."

  "What are you saying?" Nina said. They didn't reply but spread their weaponless hands.

  "Come with us, Nina Antalk."

  "Our meeting is sullied by something nasty."

  "But the Aurora Field will not deny a fighter."

  "We'll fulfill the ultimate aim of Military Artists."

  "World peace."

  Words that didn't match that dry voice. All of the Wolf Faces held out their weaponless hands to Nina. Their weapons were pointed at the ground. Their hands stretched out to seek comrades. What would Nina do?

  "I can't believe you," she rejected them. "There's no soul in your words. I don't know who made you this way or if someone could be speaking through you......I don't know. But how can I respond to words that are soulless? How could anyone respond?" Her powerful words hammered into them. "Even if I think the same as you, I'll probably become like you in the end. Then I'd be ignoring my will. If Ignasis is the one pulling your strings, then he's only someone who doesn't trust anyone. A coward who doesn't want to be trusted!" Her intense voice smashed against the masks of the Wolf Faces.


  "Negotiation has failed."

  "Seems so."

  The Wolf Faces readied their Dites. Their murderous intent rose quietly, adding a sense of heavy weight to the atmosphere. Nina raised her iron whips.

  "I know the Electronic Fairy is there. Since I know why......... so, even if I didn't know, I wouldn't give it to you."

  The killing intent became a whirl. Invisible power filled the surroundings and pressed Leerin to the ground.



  Nina cocked her head in that tense atmosphere. Leerin didn't know why. She wouldn't know. And the battle began.

  "Ahaaaaa!" Sudden wind assaulted Leerin and sent her flying, a wind caused by Kei crashing against Kei.

  (I'm falling.) Leerin's body turned stiff.

  "Huh?" But what met her back wasn't a heavy crushing feeling, but just light pain.

  "Are you all right?"

  She opened her eyes and saw Roy. "Eh? Eheh?"

  Roy had caught her in the air. He lowered her to the ground.

  "Why......Are you?"

  "I saw you leaving, so I came over." His face turned serious. Leerin looked at the battle that her eyes failed to follow.

  "I never thought this would happen........." Complicated expression. "It's a battle I can't take part in."

  Roy could probably follow the battle?

  ".........You can see it?"

  "Yes. Very intense fight," he replied calmly.

  "I see. How is Nina?" Leerin searched for Nina in the battle. This fight bore the fate of the Electronic Fairy, of Myath the city.

  ".........That girl probably is on the up side. But I can't bet the City's fate on the fight of one person." He took his gaze off the battle and walked off.

  "Where are you going?"

  "The Electronic Fairy is where the flock of birds is. Then I just need to destroy the device keeping the birds there, right?"

  "Ah, I see........." Leerin couldn't do anything even though she had come over here. She ignored the sound of battle and followed Roy.

  In order not to get caught in the fight, they took a long way around to where the birds were. Everyone had gone to the shelters, so the buildings here were all empty. Roy opened the emergency exit and walked through it.

  "There aren't any other entrances to the shelters. I'll take you through another entrance."

  "Ah, thanks."

  "I should do this. I found out what was going on because of you." His official attitude remained unchanged. They walked on a curved road.

  "Ha, Ha.........So far........."

  Roy wasn't tired since he was a Military Artist, but it was taxing for Leerin. She wasn't good at sports. Her stomach hurt from having to run and walk and run again.

  "Are you all right?"

  ".........Yeah," she said with resentment, looking at Roy who wasn't even panting. The birds above them continued to struggle. Their voices rent the sky apart. Leerin regulated her breathing and looked around.

  "The device should be around here somewhere."

  "Yeah, I hope so."

  "Anyway, let's go and have a look."

  They were several buildings away from the fight, but she could still hear the sound of steel clashing. She and Roy began searching for the device. Around them was a wall that stretched into someplace distant, a road bordering that wall and bushes that lined the road. Leerin searched among the leaves for anything that looked suspicious. Roy was also searching but it didn't seem like he had found anything.

  (Can it be......) An idea flashed past her. But this isn't possible. Roy is part of the City Police. Anyway, right now, she should look for the Electronic Fairy.

  "Found it!" Roy said. He was opening the lid of a drain. "This must be one of the devices causing this phenomenon."

  A device that Leerin could hold in her two hands sat in the drain. A cable was connected to it.

  "We just need to destroy this, right?" Leerin said.

  "No need to destroy it," he said, grabbed the cable and unplugged it from the device. Smoke and sparks issued from the device along with some noise.

  "Just had to stop the flow of electricity."

  Leerin never thought of pulling the cable. Ignoring Roy's childish expression, she looked at the sky. The sound of wings beating above her. The light had disappeared. The birds scattered to gather in a new place. Birds surrounded Leerin.


  The bird that had flown into Leerin's room was also here. She recognized it because of the golden feathers. That bird flew to stop on her shoulder.

  "Myath......" Roy said numbly.


  "This is Myath."

  "This bird......" The bird on Leerin's shoulder was the Electronic Fairy. Because the flock of birds was trapped, so it......

  "I see........."

  "Yes, we must return Myath to the Mechanical Department," Roy reached out his hand.

  A split second......


  The bird's eyes flashed. Roy's fingertip turned black. Black blood dripped from where the skin was cracked. The small weight on Leerin's shoulder swayed and the bird toppled. She hurriedly caught it in her hands.

  The Electronic Fairy had refused Roy?


  "So troublesome." Still a painful expression on his face. He stretched his hand to her. "Can you return it to me?"

  "I refuse," she took a few steps back. She had wanted to just turn around and flee but she knew he would catch up in no time. "I won't give it to you. I'll take it back to the Mechanical Department."

  "............I can't let an outsider take it to the Mechanical Department. Hurry and return it to me."

  Leerin slowly backed away. "The Electronic Fairy's refused you. You're hiding something."

  Roy's expression turned calm. ".........How do you know?"

  ".........Because you can see it."

  The light that surrounded the birds.........Leerin could see it but Savaris couldn't. Everyone else was the same. It was a very intense light......caused by the filth monsters' attack? That wasn't eno
ugh to solve the problem. Only Leerin and Nina could see that light, and the only person left who could see it must be the culprit.

  "I see. Looks like I made a mistake," he said without any feelings.

  "Who......Who are you people?"

  "That's my line. What's your aim?"

  Confusion caught her.

  "You've no Kei vein. You are not a Military Artist nor a Psychokinesist. Why are you in the Wheel of Fate? The sealed world made by the Alchemists? You're just a normal person."


  How should I know! Without even the time to shout that tout, Leerin ran off with all her strength.

  Chapter 4

  The Katana Without an Owner

  Tension that could explode at any moment filled the hall, the largest building that could house all the teachers and students. The biggest difference between this place and a war field was that all space was occupied by chairs. The space was also adjustable through a mechanism built into the building. The floor would become sets of stairs during entrance and graduation ceremonies. The floor would become chairs when it was a famous speaker giving a speech, student voting events and any other events. Right now, the floor remained unchanged. The heaviness of the students and their chatting choked the air.

  The chattering ceased suddenly. A person had appeared on the stage. Silvery hair – Karian Loss, the Student President. The many screens above him were switched on to show his image the moment he appeared on the stage. As usual, he wore a confident and sly smile that caused the students to once again raise their noise.

  "Everyone......" Karian's amplified voice drowned out the noise. "There isn't time to explain everything, so I'll simply convey to you the current situation."

  The topic that had attracted everyone's attention was the situation of the city. The movements of the Student Council had been in a fluster since the end of the platoon matches that were conducted for the selection of platoons to enter the next Military Arts Competition. Everyone thought the Student Council had noticed that another city was near. Military Arts Competition.........What was called a war that didn't take place in a competition zone. The opponent's entire city was used as a war facility, and that was the same with one's own city. Of course, people weren't allowed to destroy key facilities that sustained a city's operation. One would set out the boundary of war zones according to those rules.


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