The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3) Page 7

by Iris Bolling

  She kissed his neck. “You write up a statement. I’ll see to it that he gets it and reads it verbatim.” She climbed on top of him, pushing her long blonde hair away from her face. “Now, what are you going to do to feed me?”

  David grinned, twisted his fist in her hair, pulling until she was flat on her back. “You like it rough don’t you?”

  “You know I do. Give it to me hard and fast.”

  David did exactly what she asked and enjoyed inflicting as much pain as possible.


  Washington, DC

  “All hell seems to be breaking loose around us Calvin,” JD stated as he walked through the door of the Oval Office from the garden. “What do we have on the military craft shot down in Texas?”

  Calvin walked into the office from his connecting door. James came in behind him, along with Secretary Davenport and General Ashton. “It was one of the carriers sent to assist with the rescue of Joshua Lassiter.”

  “What are you saying Calvin? Joshua shot down one of our planes?” JD asked.

  “We’re not certain what occurred,” Secretary Davenport explained.

  “It’s not the one we deployed, Sir,” General Ashton stated. “When our plane arrived, the airstrip was vacant. No signs of Lassiter or Roc in the area. We checked extensively.”

  “Who deployed the other plane?”

  “We don’t know,” the General replied. “We can confirm it was one of ours. The men on board were active duty military personnel.”

  “I will never believe, Joshua shot down one of our planes.” JD yelled. “Get recon on that airstrip. I want to see with my own eyes what took place.”

  “Yes, Sir,” General Ashton saluted, then left the room.

  “Talk to me Calvin, what in the hell is happening? How did Gavin’s name get caught up in this?”

  “It started with a reporter’s speculations, and it has snowballed from there.” Calvin replied.

  “This is moving too fast. In less than twenty-four hours, not only does the public know it was a military aircraft that was shot down. They have connected it to weapons found in the area.” James stated.

  “Not just weapons Mr. President, weapons of mass destruction on U.S. soil.” Calvin, shook his head. “This seems like a well planned game of shoot the rabbit, with all of the weapons pointed at the White House.”

  “Where is Admiral McGary? Why isn’t he on this?”


  “What the hell do you mean, unavailable?” James frowned.

  “His office indicated he was unavailable, that’s why Ashton was here.”

  “Find him now,” JD demanded. “Calvin, I want to know who all the players are. Who contacted the media, who implicated Gavin and who initiated the talks on the hill.”

  “You got it,” Calvin walked out of the room.

  “And get Gavin in here,” an angry JD yelled.

  James was about to follow when JD called him back. “James, hold back for a minute.”

  “Sure,” he walked back and stopped in front of JD’s desk. “What do you need?”

  JD hesitated, then put his hands in his pockets and turned towards the window. He lowered his head in thought. “I didn’t want to be the one to tell you this, but here it goes.” He turned to face James. “David Holt is out of prison and in the area.”

  Anyone who did not know James Brooks, would have missed, the vein pumping vigorously in the man’s neck. Very little rattled the man. He handled difficult situations with the ease of a man confident in who he was and what his life was about. The only time the man had lost his cool was when David Holt attempted to rape his wife and JD’s sister, Ashley. The cool, calm, reserved James Brooks disappeared and was replaced by a man with murder in the forefront of his mind.

  “When was he released?” James asked in what appeared to be a question of mere curiosity, but JD knew better.

  “I don’t know. What I can tell you is that he is an advisor in Eleanor McClintock’s office. I can also tell you he approached JC at school.”

  A surprised James stared at JD in disbelief. “Is JC okay?”

  “Yes, Brian is handling things on my end.”

  “The VP’s wife?” James asked as JD nodded. “Does she know that he is a felon? Why in the hell would they have a felon in their camp?”

  “I have a better question.” JD stated. “Why would they have a political advisor in their camp?”

  James closed his eyes and shook his head. “JD, I hate to say this. But many people warned you against putting a Republican in the VP spot. You gave him the experience to run against you.”

  “I have not decided if I’m going to run again.”

  “You’re kidding,” James almost grinned. “You have more things you want to do for this country. You may not have told Tracy, but you are running again. If McClintock does not bring your administration down, first.” James stopped and thought for a moment. “Could that be what he is trying to do? “ James leaned against the desk. “Think about it JD. The Republicans have been calling you soft on defense. What better way to convince the public of that than an attack on American soil?”

  JD shook his head. “As desperate as McClintock is to have this seat, not even he would stoop that low.”

  “Maybe not, but people around him certainly would.”

  JD stared at James for a long few moments. “Check into it, James. If McClintock’s name comes up don’t tell me, handle it.”

  “Will do, Mr. President.” James started to walk out of the office.

  “James,” the man stopped and turned back to JD. “Stay away from Holt.”

  James did not acknowledge the statement. He simply walked out of the room.

  Outside the Oval Office, James pulled out his cell and dialed a number. “Douglas, our mutual friend has surfaced here in D.C.”


  Vice President Jerry McClintock was blessed and cursed with good genes. He’s what one would look at as the all American boy. Tall, blonde, blue eyed, attractive son of an ex-US Senator, grandson to the now deceased, ex-Governor of Texas. To the world he was a blessed man, to Jerry he felt trapped.

  Jerry’s father and grandfather had been involved in a plot to kill the then newly elected President Harrison. During the attack the Vice-President Elect was killed. The President-Elect believed in Jerry despite the Democratic Party’s objections. He selected Jerry as his new Vice-President. Members of the Republican Party believed Jerry should exploit that trust. Even his wife and father have attempted to influence his decision on crucial legislation which if not passed could hurt the Harrison administration. Jerry’s thoughts were different. His loyalty was with the United States of America. He wanted the country to unite, just as Harrison intended when he gave him the opportunity to serve his country in a way few ever had. His performance during his term as Vice-President, would determine if he would get the opportunity to serve this country on an even higher level. There wasn’t much anyone could say or do to convince him to jeopardize that.

  “Mr. Vice-President, James Brooks, the President’s advisor is here.”

  Jerry looked up from his desk, “Show him in,” He rose extending his hand as James walked in. “Good Morning James. How the heck are you?”

  The two men shook hands. “Good morning Mr. Vice-President. I’m doing well. Yourself?”

  “Doing well,” Jerry pointed to the chairs in the corner of his office. “Have a seat. How may I help the President today?”

  James took a seat. “A situation has come to our attention that you may be able to clear up for us.”

  “Of course,” he replied with his southern drawl. “What do you need?”

  “There is a political advisor in your camp. The President was wondering if it was your intention to run in the next election?”

  Jerry laughed, “James we are politicians. We are always planning to run for election somewhere.”

  James smiled, nodding. “True,” he sat up. “I’ll be more dir
ect. Do you plan to run for President in the next election?”

  “We are only in the first half of this administration. I don’t think anyone has made a decision regarding the next campaign. Has the President declared his intent?”

  “No.” James replied.

  “Why is the President concerned at this point?”

  “The political advisor I mentioned is someone we are very familiar with. He’s a felon who was prosecuted by our Chief of Staff Johnson a few years back for the attempted rape of my wife. I’m certain you can see our concern with your involvement with this man on several levels.”

  “If I remember correctly,” Jerry sat up, “The President’s brother-in-law is an ex-felon. Everyone deserves a chance to redeem himself, wouldn’t you agree, James?”

  “I do agree, Jerry,” James smirked. “The President’s brother-in-law does not work on his campaign and is not in the President’s camp in anyway. However, the question is still on the table.”

  “You are certain he’s in my camp?” he asked, concerned with the implication and the possible public backlash. “What’s his name?”

  “David Holt.”

  Jerry frowned thinking. He shook his head. “I don’t recall anyone by that name James.”

  “This man was with your wife when she visited the President’s son’s school on yesterday.” James sat up. “I’m certain you can imagine the President’s concern when this man approached his son. I don’t have to remind you or your staff how protective the President is when it comes to his children. Especially, since this man has a past we are all familiar with.”

  Jerry stood, walked to the door. “Mary,” he called out. “Would you give me a list of my wife’s staff?”

  A young blonde came to the doorway. “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  “We should have an answer in a moment,” he sat back down. “Why did this man approach the child?”

  “We are attempting to determine that now.”

  “Mr. Vice-President.”

  “Yes, Mary.”

  “Here’s the list.”

  Jerry nodded. “Thank you Mary.” he turned to James once the woman was gone. “He is listed as a volunteer. He is not a paid staffer. I’ll place a call to my wife regarding him.”

  “No,” James stood. “We will handle this. Jerry I would be remiss not to mention that you never answered the question about running for President.” Jerry started to speak, but James put up his hand to stop him. “You are an ambitious man. JD is not. He just,” James shrugged his shoulder, “is. It doesn’t take effort for him. It’s the one thing I admire about him. There’s one more trait he has I wish I possessed. It’s his uncanny ability to trust and believe in people. He expects the best of people.” he glared at Jerry. “I on the other hand, don’t. I anticipate and plan accordingly. Have a good day, Mr. Vice-President.”

  Jerry knew a dangerous man when he saw one. James Brooks was not a man to cross. He’d made it very clear, he was not happy. He was used to his wife getting caught up in things. This was one time he certainly hoped she knew what she was doing. James Brooks was not the kind of man you wanted as an enemy.

  Ten minutes later James was in the foyer of the Second Lady of the United States’ office. “Mr. Brooks,” Eleanor extended her hand. “My, my, you are a handsome devil. We don’t often get visits from White House Staff. May I offer you a cup of tea, coffee, or something a little stronger.”

  “This isn’t a social call Mrs. McClintock.”

  “It isn’t. Well, what other kind of call is there, darling,” She touched her pearls as she spoke.

  “Business,” James replied. “David Holt is working in your office. I’d like to have a word with him.”

  “Whatever for?” she asked.

  “Business,” James replied.

  “That’s rather vague, Sir.” She raised an eyebrow. “Would you care to be a little more specific?”

  “No. Is he available?”

  “That was rather brash, darling,” she turned to the woman at the receptionist desk. “Would you ask David to step out here please?” she turned back to James. “Is this personal business or are you here on behalf of the President?”

  “Mr. Holt stepped out,” the receptionist said as she returned to her desk.

  “Oh,” Eleanor turned back to James and smiled. “Well, I could have sworn he was in. Would you care to leave a message for him.”

  “No,” James smirked. “I believe the message was received. You have a good day.” James walked out of the office confident that David Holt received his message loud and clear.

  Eleanor returned to her office to find David sitting at her desk. “Why do you suppose the President’s Political Advisor is looking for you?”

  David shrugged his shoulder. “Maybe he wants to hire me.”

  “That’s funny. Darling. I have the distinct impression the man wants to kill you.” She walked over to him. “Tell me you are not into anything that will prevent Jerry from becoming the next president.”

  Chapter Eight

  Washington, D.C.

  Attorney General Gavin Roberts and his wife Carolyn, sat in the Roosevelt Room of the White House just a few doors from the Oval Office, livid. Well, Carolyn was, Gavin sat quietly while he watched his wife pace back and forth cursing the administration for even allowing this to happen. Gavin knew it for exactly what it was, a political ploy to disgrace JD’s presidency. He was just as certain JD, or at the very least James and Calvin, were also aware. “Carolyn, calm down,” he suggested. He knew trying to tell his wife to do anything would set her off. Today, he had too many pressing issues to deal with.

  “I will not calm down, when they are disgracing your name and mine right along with it. I should call Daddy. He knows how to handle those idiots on the Hill.”

  Gavin smiled, “Darling, we are a part of those idiots.”

  Carolyn, with her stylish A-line dress, heels and pearls, turned toward him with her hands on her hips. “This is not a funny situation Gavin. They are trying to remove you from office.”

  “No, they are not. They are trying to remove all of us from office. Which is what the opposing party is supposed to do.”

  “Not by telling lies.”

  Gavin took her hand, and pulled her to sit beside him. “Let’s be very clear. So far, they have not told a lie, Carolyn.”

  “But the implication, Gavin, could ruin you.”

  “You sound genuinely concerned,” he smiled.

  She sat back and frowned, “Of course I’m concerned. Whatever affects you touches me.”

  Gavin smiled and kissed her. “Now, that sounds like the Carolyn I love.”

  She smiled, then began to straighten his tie. “Stop trying to make me feel better.”

  “Listen, there was a time when you wanted to be the First Lady next to JD. It’s good to know I have your full support now.”

  “That was a long time ago. Now, I will fight him tooth and nail if he doesn’t defend you from this ridiculous plot.”

  The door opened. “Gavin,” Calvin extended his hand. “Good to see you. Sorry it’s under these circumstances.” He then turned to Carolyn. “Carolyn, you look angry,” he smiled.

  “I am angry, Calvin and I’m going to let JD know that.”

  “I’m sure you will, however, that will have to wait. He wants to see Gavin alone.”

  “What? No, I’m going in with you,” she snarled.

  Calvin tilted his head towards the door, “I think that agent there would beg to differ.” He turned to Gavin, “Shall we go?”

  Gavin kissed Carolyn on the cheek. “Stay put,” he warned. “I don’t want to have to bail you out tonight.”

  “I’m calling Tracy,” she said more to Calvin, than Gavin.

  “You do that,” Calvin smiled and closed the door behind him.

  “Gavin, this isn’t going to be pretty. He’s pissed.”

  “With good reason,” Gavin replied as Calvin opened the door to the Oval Office. “Mr. Pr
esident,” Gavin stepped inside and extended his hand to JD who was sitting behind the desk.

  JD stood, walked around to the front and shook Gavin’s hand. “Gavin, have a seat.” JD sat in the lone chair at the top of the oval carpet while Calvin sat to his left on a sofa, facing another where Gavin sat. “Who knew the facts in the Munford case and how deeply involved were you with him at that time?”

  “I was as much of an enemy to Munford then, as you were. Unfortunately, during the time you investigated that case, I was included in that investigation. That’s what the reporter has.”

  “How does that connect to the weapons in Texas?” Calvin asked.

  “I have no idea. I can tell you, I have nothing to do with what’s going on in Texas.”

  JD sat forward. “We know that Gavin. And know you have my support on this. However, I can’t help but feel as if we are missing something. There is something to connect the two events.” He looked to Calvin, “All three of us were involved in the Munford case. I figure if the three of us talk it through we may figure out what the House Republicans think they have. Calvin, you were the lead investigator. What do you remember about the case?”

  A knock sounded at the door. “Mr. President,” Mrs. Langston, his secretary, spoke from the doorway. Mr. Thompson is here to see you.”

  “Please send him in.”

  Gavin, Calvin and JD stood to greet Brian.

  Brian shook each hand, with the exception of Gavin’s. He simply nodded. “Gavin.”

  He unbuttoned his suit jacket and sat next to Calvin. “What are we talking about?”

  “The Munford case,” Calvin replied. Pain raced across Brian’s face, then disappeared just as quickly.

  JD knew that was a painful memory for Brian. He was shot four times in the back, trying to rescue JC from Munford’s attack. “A reporter asked a question about that case, specifically, about our suspicions of Gavin, at the time.”

  “How would a reporter know about that?” Brian asked. “It wasn’t public knowledge. Although I’ve always had my doubts.” He glanced at Gavin with a raised eyebrow.

  “That’s the question,” Calvin stated. “Who had access to that information?”


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