The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3) Page 9

by Iris Bolling

  Samuel smiled. “No. I joined the Seals and Joshua went CIA. My sister Pearl is Press Secretary to President Harrison. That’s about where government service ends.” He dipped a spoon in the pot of Alfredo sauce, blew on it and held it to her mouth. “Taste.”

  She did. “Mmm, you haven’t lost your touch.” She wiped her mouth as he turned back to the pot. “What’s his story?”

  “What do you mean?” Samuel asked as he placed chicken breasts in the oven.

  “He’s hurting. Not just from his wounds. There’s something else.” She watched as Samuel picked up the hand towel after washing his hands and turned to her. “You know, to help him heal properly I need to know all the facts.” She tilted her head. “His behavior reminds me of you when I rescued you from Iraq. You were suffering from a lot more than your physical injuries. Is it the same for him?”

  Samuel exhaled, placed the hand towel back on the rack. He reached into the refrigerator. “I see you’ve changed to Merlot.” He pulled out a bottle of wine, then reached up to the wine rack and pulled down two glasses. He sat at the table, then poured a glass for her and one for himself. They saluted each other, savored the taste, then looked at each other. Samuel sat the glass on the table. “What happened to Joshua was worse. Are you familiar with the Emure-Asmere assignment?”

  She nodded, “Somewhat. A few years ago there was a coup attempt to take over Asmere. The true Queen was found and married a Prince from the bordering country of Emure to secure the area.”

  Samuel nodded. “That’s right. What the general public doesn’t know is Joshua was the person who found the Queen of Asmere. They fell in love with each other before her true identity was discovered. If you remember, there was a bit of unrest happening in the region and the United States decided the solution to stabilizing that area was to unite Asmere and Emure. The woman Joshua fell in love with is now married to another man at the United States’ urging. That happened about three years ago. This is the first time I’ve seen my brother in person since. We kept tabs on him when we could. But, as you know when an operative is on a case, his whereabouts are confidential. Joshua has taken every assignment that came his way and some other operatives would not have touched.”

  “Okay, he hates me because I’m a woman?”

  “No, he hates you because you are Roc and he is not.”

  Roc frowned. “What?”

  Samuel smiled. “You beat him out of the position.”

  “No,” She grinned, “Really?”


  “Does he have a medical background?”

  “No, but that didn’t matter. Joshua is one of the best trackers in the United States arsenal of operatives. If you are alive, he can and will find you.”

  “Then what?” Roc asked. “He would not be able to administer any medical assistance when needed.”

  Samuel smiled. “You don’t get it.” He chuckled, “You never did. Men do not dislike you because you’re a woman. They dislike you because you are a beautiful woman who is as capable, or more so, than they are. They feel inferior to you. What makes it worse is you have this nonchalant attitude about it. You really ought to be more sympathetic to a man’s pride.”

  Roc stared at him for a long moment, then fell out laughing. “You are full of it Samuel Lassiter.”

  Samuel laughed with her as he took a drink. “It really is good to see you Roc.”

  “You too Samuel,” the two held each other’s gaze, thinking about moments of life and death they’d shared. “I’ve thought about you a lot over the years. Going from man to man comparing each one of them to you.” She shook her head. “Never found him.”

  “He’s out there, Roc. Hell he better be. You gave up the agency for him.”

  Roc smiled. “Yeah. Well, any ideas how we are going to get your brother home?”

  “Use your contacts.”

  “He’s going to be upset.”

  “Yes, he will, but he will be home and safe. Therefore, I don’t give a damn.”


  To get Joshua to the airport, Roc decided to contact Sly. Thinking since they were both mentored by Sly, he would be the best bet to keep the man happy. Wrong. They figured the airports would be on alert for anyone fitting Joshua’s description. So they had to go private. Sly had access to a plane owned by a music executive. The first hurdle was getting Joshua to the plane without anyone spotting him.

  After they had dinner and cleaned the kitchen, Roc picked up the bag she’d packed and was walking out of the door.

  “Where are you going?” Joshua asked as his brother held him up next to the black SUV in her garage.

  “With you.”

  “Like hell you are.”

  “Okay,” Roc threw her bag into the back seat of the vehicle. “If you can stop me from getting into the car, I won’t go.”

  Samuel laughed as Roc climbed into the third row of the vehicle, then patted the second row seat. “I left the comfortable one for you.”

  All Joshua could do was watch her, for he barely had the strength to stand up much less stop anyone from doing anything.

  Samuel helped Joshua get in the back seat, then climbed into the driver’s seat. He adjusted the rear view mirror and looked at his brother. “I suggest you cut your hair and shave before your mother sees you like that.”

  Roc sat up, “I can help you with that if you like.”

  “If I need your help, I’ll ask for it.” Joshua got as comfortable as he could in the seat.

  The ride to the airport would take longer than normal. Samuel wanted to make sure they were not being followed. The radio was playing, Guess Who I Saw Today, a smooth jazzy number by Chanté Moore. Roc began singing. Samuel, who knew about her voice, smiled in the rearview mirror, settled in for the drive and the entertainment. Joshua listened to the smooth voice, surprised. That was the voice he heard when he was out of it. The sound soothed him then and was doing the same now. He closed his eyes and allowed her voice to play like a lullaby. He had almost fallen asleep when it angered him that her voice could sooth him to that point. “Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.” 1Timothy, Chapter 2: Verse 11.

  “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth! Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing!” Psalm 100 Chapter 1 Verse 1 and 2. She sang louder.

  Joshua couldn’t help it, he smiled. A woman in her line of work who could quote scripture. “Hmm,” he closed his eyes and allowed her to sing him right into a peaceful sleep.

  When they arrived at the airport, Samuel drove into the private hangar and waited for the doors to close. He helped Joshua up the steps of the plane, sat him on a sofa in what looked more like a living room, dining room combination, than the inside of a plane. He looked around taking in the decor. Across from the sofa, which was long enough to accommodate Joshua’s six-four height and more, was tan leather seating for four more and a table with a place setting for four. Further down the aisle were additional seating areas and tables. The plane could easily carry twenty people without anyone sitting in the same area. The decor was impressive even to the three new occupants, who were no strangers to luxury. Roc checked Joshua’s vitals as Samuel settled into one of the seats at the table.

  Joshua looked at Samuel and did not like the idea of him seeming weak by lying on the sofa. "I'll sit in one of the chairs," he said to Roc.

  "I think you will feel better lying rather than sitting up. Your body would gain more strength in a resting position."

  "I don't recall asking you," he replied.

  Roc stepped back. In the calmest voice she could manage, she replied. "All right. If you can get up, you can sit in the chair."

  It took him a few attempts, but he was going to show her his strength was returning. Fighting through the pain, Joshua stood, then took one step and stopped. He took another and stopped. Roc was doing all she could not to laugh at the arrogant man who apparently would go through pain to have his way. Finally reaching the seat, he s
lowly sat in the chair near the aisle.

  Samuel glanced at Roc with a questioning look as she sat across from him. He then looked at Joshua. The discomfort was clear on his face. “Now is not the time for you to feel you have to prove anything to anyone, Joshua. I know who you are and your capabilities. You are my brother who has had my back more times than I can count. Even in your current state, I will take you over any man to cover me.”

  “I’m good Sammy,” Joshua exclaimed. “Give me a minute to adjust to sitting here.” Before he was able to lay his head back, Roc had pulled her weapon and jumped in front of him as someone stepped onto the plane. Joshua had heard the sound, as had Samuel, but neither reacted with as much speed as Roc. Her body literally covered his in a fashion that any weapon, bullet or knife would have to go through her before it touched him. As the person revealed himself, she eased off of Joshua then stood, holstering her weapon.

  “How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me?”

  “Checking your skills,” Sly smiled as he emerged from the shadows.

  Samuel still had his weapon pointed at the man dressed in a suit, gator shoes and a hat that looked as if it came straight from the set of the movie, Super Fly.

  “He’s good,” Roc said to Samuel.

  Joshua looked up as Sly came into view, closed his eyes and shook his head. It was bad enough that he had to have Samuel seeing him at his weakest point, now he had to endure Sly, of all people. The one man, other than Samuel he looked up to. “Sammy, shoot me now…just shoot me.”

  Samuel, never took his eyes off Sly, “Say the word Joshua.”

  Joshua exhaled, grimacing in pain as he lifted his arm to pull Sammy’s down. “Don’t shoot him Sammy.”

  Samuel eased his weapon down but did not holster it. He remained standing next to his brother as the man sat across from him.

  “Sammy, you know Sly.” The two men assessed each other, giving a curt nod.

  Suddenly the air was thick with tension. Roc wasn’t sure why, but it was clear there was an issue for Samuel. “We appreciate the ride to Virginia, but we weren’t expecting any other passengers. What are you doing here Sly?”

  Sly was a cautious man. He never took his eye off of a man with a weapon. “Melissa Sue is missing,” he said glaring at Samuel.

  “Who?” Roc asked.

  “Al Day’s pilot?” Joshua asked. Sly nodded. Joshua sat forward with a grimace. “When?”

  “Last contact was five hours ago,” Sly stated. “Give me something to go on Absolute. Who could have taken her and why?”

  “What’s her disappearance have to do with Joshua?” Samuel asked.

  “She’s also the pilot who brought you home.” Sly replied to Joshua instead of Samuel.

  “Coincidence?” Roc asked.

  “I don’t believe in coincidences,” Samuel and Joshua said.

  “What’s happening here Absolute?” Sly asked.

  “Not clear at this time,” Joshua replied as Samuel put a hand on his brother’s shoulder cautioning him.

  “Something on your mind Lassiter,” Sly asked as his eyes moved to look at Samuel. “You seem tense.”

  “Not tense Sly,” Samuel replied as he held the man’s glare. “Cautious when you are around.”

  There was definitely bad blood between the two, Roc thought as she looked from one to the other. She knew both well. Neither would be easy to take down if it came to that. However, the possibility of that occurring was something she wanted to avoid, for she was certain one of them would not survive.

  “I ran across a weapons deal in Mexico. Took the weapons out, but not before they locked a missile on me.”

  “Was Mateo in on the deal?”

  “No,” Joshua shook his head. “I’m not sure Mateo knew it was going down on his property.”

  “What else do you have?”

  “The man making the deal was Jonas Gary.”

  “His last location,” Sly asked.

  “Mexico,” Joshua replied.

  “Is he the person who did this to you?”

  “Not important.”

  “It is to me,” Sly and Samuel said at the same time. The two eyed each other.

  Now, it was becoming clear to her. The two men were jealous of each other. They both wanted Joshua’s admiration. Roc contained her grin. Watching men operate could be so entertaining.

  Joshua looked from one to the other. “If the pissing contest is over, will one of you reach out to Al. You know how he is about his people. Melissa Sue has been with him for a while. She’s like family.”

  Samuel nodded, as he pulled out his cell phone. “There is something to be said about protecting one’s family,” He stared at Sly as he made the comment.

  “Who is Al?” Roc asked, silently agreeing with Joshua about the pissing contest taking place.

  “The one person who could take down this government, if he so chooses,” Sly replied.

  Roc raised an eyebrow, “That connected?”

  “On both sides of the law,” Sly replied.

  Joshua looked at Sly, “Where was the last place she was seen?”

  “Laredo,” Sly replied.

  “Then we are going to Laredo.”

  Roc, shook her head. “That’s not going to happen.” She looked at Samuel and Sly. “I can’t tell you guys what to do, but him,” she nodded towards Joshua, “he’s going to Virginia.”

  Joshua’s eyes narrowed, not only because she was trying to dictate his life, but because she was making him out to be a weakling in front of Sly, his mentor and Samuel, his big brother. Both of whom he had been trying to live up to. “Laredo,” he exclaimed.

  “Virginia,” she replied as she stood, then walked over to the aisle. “Sly, on your way out, tell the pilot we are ready to take off.” She reached into the bag she had placed next to the sofa, then looked at Samuel. “You might want to catch your brother.”

  Samuel, shook his head as a warning.

  “I don’t need Sammy…” Joshua’s voice trailed off as the sedative, Roc inserted into a vein in his neck took effect.

  As asked, Samuel caught Joshua before he slumped to the floor, and placed him on the sofa, Sly stood shaking his head at Roc. “You are going to catch hell from him for doing that.”

  “Probably, but he is in no condition to track anyone. He has an agent he was mentoring.”

  Samuel nodded, “Monique.”

  “I suggest you call Monique,” she pointed to Joshua. “That man is going home.”


  Ned sat in the safe house gathering as much information as he could through his computer system. The message from Lucy was fresh in his mind as he closely monitored his movements. Something was off. The slight movement in his keyboard was the first indication that someone had infiltrated his system. Next there was a flash of light that was no more then a millisecond long, but it was there. He immediately took precautionary steps to protect his agents’ information. He locked down the system, GPS locators and all personal information. He had gone dark twenty-four hours earlier. He was given an order that was not beneficial to the United States. He was ordered to give coordinates on two of his agents, Joshua and Roc. The four agents’, under his command, lives depended on him. There was no way he would put any one of them in jeopardy. However, he was an agency man. Didn’t always agree with what his authorities asked of him, but he never once disobeyed an order. Rather than doing so now, he went dark. No communications coming in or going out. He knew anything coming from his IPS number would be picked up. As all good handlers know, you never allow anyone to know all of your options.

  Standing, taking one last look around, he knew what had to be done. Closing his black case, he opened the door, stepped out, took one last look around the room he had operated from for over ten years, then closed the door behind him. He didn’t walk to his vehicle, at least not the one he used regularly. No, he walked out the back door of the apartment complex, across the ally, into another building, then w
alked out of the front door. Across the street from the Chinese restaurant, Ned, unlocked the door to a 1969 Mustang convertible, then pulled off. He drove until he was a good ten miles out of the city, pulled over then opened his case. Taking a small remote from inside, he opened his car door, stepped out, turned back facing the city then pushed a button on the remote. An explosion rocketed through the air, but little of the sound reached Ned, for he had gotten back into his car and pulled off.

  Chapter Ten

  Quantico, Va

  Getting Joshua from the plane to his home in Quantico, Virginia was going to be difficult without help. Samuel did not want to interfere with Roc’s mission, however, he knew people who could make this journey a little less stressful. “Roc what’s your plan to get Joshua from the airport to his home without being seen?”

  “I called a friend. Transportation will be waiting for us at the airport.”

  “Can your friend disable the cameras in the private air terminals?”

  “No, but we can.” She held up her handheld device, then placed it back on her belt.

  Samuel nodded, satisfied with her plan. “I have a friend who not only has access, but can get us through traffic.”

  Roc tilted her head to the side. “I don’t trust unknown factors.”

  “But you do trust me.” Samuel held her stare.

  Roc looked towards Joshua. “I know he’s your brother, but at the moment, he is also my mission. That trumps brother.”

  Samuel nodded, “Understood.”

  “Anything happens to him, I take you out. Are we clear?”

  Samuel knew she meant what she was saying. He pulled out his cell. “I need transportation and firepower. What do you have available?”

  The private plane landed at Reagan International about thirty minutes later. The hangar doors were up, allowing them to pull in. Once the plane’s tail cleared the entrance, the doors closed behind it.

  Samuel looked out the window, surveying the area to ensure there were no unwanted guests, and then he saw the familiar face. “We’re good,” he said as he looked at Roc.


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