The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3)

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The Book of Joshua II - Believe (The Gems & Gents Series 3) Page 20

by Iris Bolling

  “We don’t know for a fact that it’s him. Tracy,” JD held her at arms length, “the children need you right now.” He looked up, “John have Mr. Brooks’ children brought here. Also, locate my mother. Do we have eyes on my mother?”

  “Yes, Sir we do. She is en route.” John replied, “We will have the other children in five.” The agents moved with speed, not wasting a minute to gather the family.

  JD turned to JC, along with Brian and several agents. “Son, tell me what you know.

  JC proceeded to tell them about the run in with Holt at the basketball court. “He was talking to Jazzy and Jada when I approached him.”

  “A few days ago?” Brian asked.


  “Was Elliott with you?” Brian pulled out his phone.


  Brian walked over to the agents. “Run this plate.” He then pulled up a picture of David Holt. “This is the man you are looking for. He’s an ex-felon. Not known to have conventional weapons, however, if he has the President’s child he is considered an enemy of this country.”

  “Keep this on the low,” JD instructed. “If he gets wind that we are looking for him, he will disappear.”

  “The city is on lockdown, Mr. President. It’s automatic when there is an attack on a principal protectee. Every mode of transportation is shut down. Police blocks are in place at every exit from the city. He will not get out of this city.” Agent Dumas proclaimed.

  “That doesn’t prevent any damage he could do to the girls inside the city,” James paced angrily. “I have to find my daughter,” James ran from the room.”

  “Calvin,” JD nodded towards the door where James exited. Calvin ran behind James. “Brian,” JD pulled him aside. “Too much is happening today.”

  “You think it’s connected?”

  “I don’t know.” JD exhaled, anger radiating from him. “My daughter…Brian..someone has my daughter.”

  “We’re going to find her,” Brian stated.

  JD closed his eyes, then looked at Brian. “Get with Joshua. Tell him I want my daughter back. My gut is telling me there’s more in play here than what we know.”

  “It’s all connected Dad,” JD turned to see JC standing behind him with a frown on his face.

  “Don’t you see it? One of your children has been abducted. You are in a compromising position as far as the country is concerned. If you received a ransom note ordering you to drop a bomb on another country or your child will be killed, what would you do? You would have to choose between your country and your child. They are pushing you into a corner. They want you to take the 25th amendment and step aside. If you do that the Vice-President takes your position.” Every eye in the room was on him, but he didn’t care. JC continued. “It’s a conspiracy, Dad. I don’t know who’s behind it, but it is a conspiracy to get you out of office.”

  JD nodded to Brian, then turned back to JC. He walked with his son to another room. JD held a hand up asking the agents who followed to stand back. They stood in the back of the foyer, away from the windows. “Jon-Christopher, listen to me. Nothing in my life comes before my family. This situation will be handled. If what you say is true, all parties involved will pay.”

  “With their life, Dad?”

  “Son, I took an oath to protect this country and its constitution.”

  “I didn’t take that oath Dad.”

  JD pulled his son to him. It pained him to have his fourteen year old son thinking this way. “I’ll handle it son.”

  “I know you will Dad. Just don’t give them what they want.” JC pulled away and looked up at his dad. “Get Jazzy back, protect the AG, but don’t give the Vice-President your seat. The country voted you in office, not him.”

  JD smiled at his son. “I will not step down. This is as far as you and I are going to discuss this. I love you son, but this is my burden, not yours.” He grabbed his son’s shoulders, pulled him to his side and began walking. “Know what I need you to do?”

  “Anything Dad.”

  “I’m going to be a little busy with all of this. Will you help your mom?”

  “I got her Dad. But who’s got your back?”

  “Mr. President,” Special Agent Dumas called from the doorway. “The FBI has arrived.

  Chapter Twenty

  Washington, D.C.

  “Why are you in a hurry to leave?” Joshua’s voice was edgy, not as smooth as he wanted, as they got into the vehicle.

  “It’s time.” Roc replied as she looked out the window.

  “According to whose clock?”

  “Mine, Joshua.”

  “You’re not one of those women that thinks having sex…damn good sex constitutes a relationship Roc. So what gives?”

  “No. I am a person who believes in self preservation.” She turned to him. “You aren’t ready for me because you haven’t allowed yourself to heal. And I’m not a woman to be second to anyone.” She turned away. “I’ll work through this case, then I’m walking.”

  She’s not walking anywhere. Joshua pulled the SUV into a parking lot behind a deserted building. He stepped out the driver’s door, removed his trench coat, then entered the backdoor. Closing the door, he placed the coat across the driver seat, reached between the two seats and pulled Roc to the back with him. “Sleep mode Genevieve.” The doors on the vehicle locked, the windows tinted to a dark shade, the back seats folded backwards into a bed.

  “What the heck are you doing?” she hissed, as she looked around at what was happening inside the vehicle.

  “Giving you an Absolute experience.” His lips captured hers before she could release her next breath. His tongue captured hers in a fierce battle of control. An arm, strong as steel, circled her waist, pulling her tight to his body, as if he was trying to lock her in. His other hand grabbed her wrists, holding them together and above her head. Then his thigh, covered hers, securing them between his. She was so thoroughly wrapped in his embrace, she felt as if she was in a cocoon. His kiss, so intense, it set her body ablaze. This wasn’t good for her state of mind and she knew it, but there wasn’t a darn thing she could do about the way her body was yearning to get closer to his. Heaven help her, she wanted this, her body was craving more of him. His taste was intoxicating, overruling her better judgement until the good sense God gave her vanished and the only thing that mattered was how his glorious tongue was making her feel.

  The moment he felt her body begin to relax and move closer to his, he rolled her onto her back, taking his lips away from her mouth, planting kisses down her throat, to her breast, biting through the material of her blouse until the bud was hard, straining to be released. He let her hands go, opened her blouse, then unsnapped the front hook on her bra. He pushed the material aside, then took the nipple into his mouth sucking as if he was a baby nursing for the food of life. The life line of his was now straining against the zipper of his pants, but this wasn’t about his pleasure. No, this was to mark his territory. He pulled up at the thought, then looked down at her, confused. But the look of passion on her face, made him want to see more. He grinned, then captured the other nipple into his mouth. Licking, sucking, feasting on it until she was squirming beneath him. Moving his thigh over hers, he felt the butt of her gun against his leg. He began to chuckle against her breast. He pushed his hard steel between her legs, pulled up then looked down at her grinning. “Is that your gun or are you that happy to be here?”

  For a moment Roc didn’t respond. All she could do was see that devilish gleam in his eyes. He was too fine for his own good, her heart melted. “You realize I could kill…right?” she moaned as she reached down to unzip his pants.

  The words were deadly, but the sensuous way she said them fueled his desire to have her. “Hold that thought darling,” he unzipped her pants and pulled them down over her hips. “Give me two minutes and let me die a happy man.”

  Roc began laughing, as she reached up and grabbed his suit lapel, pulling his lips down to hers. “You started this
you better finish.”

  “Don’t you worry darling,” he slid easily between her legs into her wetness, not stopping until all of him was fully embedded inside her heat. They both moaned. He whispered against her lips, “Purify me Roc,” he slowly pulled out, then slowly pushed back into her. “Coat me in your sweet juice.” He pulled out again, moving as if he had all the time in the world. He kissed her neck, as he eased back out, relishing in the feel of her silky walls closing around him, pulsing each time he entered. He didn’t know which felt better, entering her or being fully enclosed inside her. The plan to mark his turf, was turning into something different…something more. It was her branding him, every time he pulled out and pushed back in. For the life of him, he couldn’t stop. He thrust harder at the thought, and damn if that didn’t feel good. She put her arms around his neck, and wrapped her thighs around his back pulling him deeper into her warmth. He put his hands on her hips and began pumping into her as if his life would end if he didn’t fill her completely. Each stroke put him closer to a state of delirium, the feel of her was driving him to push harder, faster, deeper until he felt her body explode and all her glorious, juices flowed around him. He captured her lips with his, enjoying the scream escaping her throat. His tongue touching every corner of her mouth, as he drove fiercely inside of her, demanding that she surrender every fiber of her body to him. He refused to release his seed, until she gave him everything. Her walls began to pulsate around him again, and he was ecstatic, for he was ready. He pushed up on his hands, his lower body driving into her absorbing every drop of her essence as it poured from her. He didn’t stop. The feeling was so all consuming he couldn’t do anything thing but explode. His body jerked, at the impact of his release. But he continued to move within her, determined to keep the exquisite feel of her around him.

  He slowly, lowered his body down, to hers. He gathered her in his arms, as he moved to the side. They lay there, wrapped in each others arms as if they had nothing more important to do than just be…

  Finally, Roc, whispered into his neck. “I’m thirty-five years old getting busy in the back of a car.”

  “State of the art automobile, darling, only the best for you.” They both lay there laughing.

  An hour later, he pulled into a space across the street from where the meeting was to take place. They watched the building in silence for a moment. “What do you think?”

  Roc looked round. “It will be dark in a few. I say we wait.”

  He opened the door. “I say let’s go in. They are going to wait until dark. We need to be in place before they arrive.”

  Roc got out of the vehicle and followed as he walked into the building. Instead of entering through the front door, Joshua walked around to the back. There were steps leading down into a basement entrance. Using a set of tools from his pocket, Joshua picked the lock. They both eased into the building closing the door behind them.

  Roc pulled out her flashlight and slowly shined it around the room. As expected, the basement was vacant. “Shall we explore upstairs?” She asked, then turned to see she was alone. “Joshua?” she called out.

  “Up here,” he replied.

  She shined the light in the direction of his voice, to find him inside the vent. “What is it with you and small places.”

  “I like it tight, what can I say,” then he had the nerve to grin displaying those sexy dimples.

  “Cute,” Roc looked around. “I’m going to check out upstairs.”

  “I’ll meet you there.”

  Roc took the stairs as Joshua disappeared. The first level of the building was open space, as if it was a reception hall of some kind. She walked the area, with her weapon drawn. Some light was coming in through the covered windows, as she checked the few doors to ensure no one was there.

  “We have eyes in place,” Joshua advised from behind her.

  She swung around. “You are going to get yourself killed doing that.”

  “You knew it was me. I can tell…your heartbeat increased the moment I walked in the room.”

  She tilted her head as she spoke. “You are not that potent, Mr. Lassiter.”

  “Yes I am,” Joshua grinned

  “Those dimples are going to get you killed,” she turned, continuing her surveillance of the room. “Or me, before this night is out.”

  “I think we have a few minutes. Come look at what I found.”

  “You are having too much fun with this.”

  He stopped in his tracks. It hit him. She was right. He was having fun. This was the first time in three years that he’d had fun on a mission. The last time was with Akande. He waited for the anger to hit him, but it didn’t. The thought of Akande didn’t anger him. Why he did not know, but damn if it didn’t feel good not to hurt at the thought of her.

  She stopped and turned back when she realized he wasn’t behind her. “What’s wrong?”

  Joshua held her gaze. He saw the concerned look there, but there was something else there too. He saw him, the old Joshua reflecting through her eyes. He walked towards her. “When this case is over with, remind me to kiss you like the gift from God you are.”

  His eyes sparkled with mirth, as he walked by her. It took Roc a moment to gather her wits after his statement. Then she turned and followed him up a flight of stairs .

  She looked around as she reached the top. The upstairs was another open area with windows all around. The place could have been an open loft with the great views of the city’s skyline from any point in the room. “Wow.”

  “Nice isn’t it,” Joshua said from a corner of the room. “Check this out.” She walked over to where he stood. “We should be able to see who’s coming and going from here.”

  Roc looked out of the window. “There’s a blind spot. If the person doesn’t want to be seen, they could enter from that direction,” She pointed to the left.

  “In that case, I have a set of eyes planted.”

  This man she could not figure out. He argued with her for shooting his coat, yet he was now on the dirty floor in his suit like a kid in a candy store. “You are getting your suit dirty.”

  Joshua looked up at her from over his shoulder, thinking how many times did his mother say that to him? It always seemed to be right before church. He was glad she was looking around and could not see the play of emotions her words caused. He continued to adjust the wire that had a camera at the tip, as thoughts of his mother and church filled his mind. The fact that he was lying on the floor getting his suit dirty was a testament of God’s presence for him. It was the first time in a few years that he’d felt it. What caused this to hit him at this moment, he didn’t know. But it felt damn good to have God’s presence with him and know it.

  No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you: I will never leave you nor forsake you. Joshua 1:5

  He felt as if the words were echoing in his ears. “I know now, you have always been with me.”

  “What?” Roc turned back to him.

  “Nothing,” he should turn the thoughts off. “Look at this.” He sat up with the handheld in his hand.

  Roc sat on the floor Indian style as he did and watched as the monitor showed the empty room below. “Do we have sound?”

  Joshua pushed another button and a big smile appeared on his face, “We shall soon find out.”

  Roc couldn’t help it, she smiled back. “You’re nothing but a big kid, you know that.”

  In that moment, with her smiling up at him, he had the irresistible urge to kiss her. So he did. Just a quick peck on the lips. But her eyes asked for more and never let it be said that Joshua Lassiter did not deliver. His arms circled her waist, startling her, and lifted her across his lap. Neither spoke, as they sat face to face, their lips parted and a breath away from the other’s, when it hit him like a boulder. This was the angel God sent him. He held her face between the palms of his large hands. “What God hath joined together, let no man put asunder.”
r />   “King James Bible. Mark 10 verse 9,” Roc whispered. The smile in his eyes filled her with joy. She knew this man had no idea the havoc he was playing on her mind. But at this time, in this moment, she didn’t care. She wanted this. She wanted him.

  The kiss that followed melted his heart. Sweet, pure sensation flooded his body, as his tongue merged with hers. Every corner of her mouth was like another dose of medicine to heal his broken heart. The deeper he kissed, the stronger his heartbeat vibrated. His hands filled with the warmth of her body as he pulled the tucked blouse from he pants. Her skin was so smooth beneath his hands. He couldn’t help but move one hand to the front, allowing his fingers to rub across the bra covered nipple. It came to attention at his touch. She clung tighter to him, matching his intensity stroke for stroke of her tongue. He swallowed her moan, driving his tongue deeper into the sweetness of her mouth. Not able to wait another moment, he pushed the bra up, then took the brown nipple into his mouth. She gasped at the break from the kiss and melted at the feel of his mouth on her. “This is dangerous. We have to stop.”

  “Daring, darling is what it is.” He returned to his taunting of her breast. “They’re as tasty as before.” he smacked his lips, then nipped her nipple, sucking harder.

  Was it possible to get the big O just from his mouth on her? It didn’t hurt to have twelve inches of steel pulsing between her legs. No matter how many times her mind told her to stop, she couldn’t keep her body from rubbing, feeling, the heat of him there. The more he suckled, the more she squirmed against him. She heard the sound just as she knew he had, but neither was stopping the sweet torment they were experiencing. The bad would have to wait.

  BOOM! There it was.

  Joshua covered her mouth with his to keep her from screaming out. He held her body down, tight against him, until she rode the wave out. Then he kissed her gently on the throat as he caressed her back with his hands. Easing her heart rate down.

  Her forehead fell against his. “We’ve got to stop doing this.” she whispered.


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