Indecent Pursuit

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Indecent Pursuit Page 1

by Ray Gordon



  About the Book

  About the Author

  Also by Ray Gordon

  Title Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  About the Book

  When young and vivacious Sheena is dumped by her snobbish older boyfriend, she decides to get her revenge. So using her sexual prowess she sets out to seduce his three brothers. Her lewd language and loose behaviour prove irresistible to the men and before long she has bedded them all. Despite her sexual conquests, however, she fails in her goal of marrying into the wealthy family. In desperation, she sets her sights on the father; but ‘the Boss’, as he is known by his sons, is determined to regain his family’s honour and at the same time teach the wanton young woman a lesson in respect.

  About the Author

  Ray Gordon is a popular erotic novelist of near legendary status, who has penned over forty novels for a variety of big publishing houses.

  By the same author:











  Ray Gordon


  Sheena was aware of the young man looking at her as she shifted in her chair. He was standing at the bar ordering a drink, his dark eyes glancing at her every now and then. Wearing tight trousers and an open-neck white shirt, he was in his late twenties with dark, swept-back hair and a suntanned face. She thought that he was pretty good-looking, but she was waiting for a girlfriend to arrive and she wasn’t on the pull. Making out that she hadn’t noticed him as he approached her, she took her glass of beer from the table.

  ‘All alone?’ he asked her.

  ‘No,’ she returned, sipping her beer. ‘I’m with a friend.’

  He chuckled and looked at the empty chairs around the table. ‘An invisible friend?’

  ‘She ain’t here yet.’

  ‘Oh, right. I’m Rod, pleased to meet you.’ Sheena said nothing as he sat opposite her at the table. ‘Do you have a name?’

  ‘I might.’

  ‘You’re a very attractive girl, if you don’t mind my saying so?’

  ‘I know I am.’ Gazing at him, she realised that he wasn’t the usual scum that hung around in the backstreet pub. He was well-spoken and polite, which made a nice change. ‘I’m Sheena,’ she finally said.

  ‘That’s a nice name.’

  ‘I don’t think so. Look, I’m waiting for a friend so . . .’

  ‘I’ll leave when she gets here.’

  She frowned. ‘What are you doing in this dump?’ she asked him. ‘You don’t look the type to come to a scumhole like this.’

  ‘I was just passing and decided to call in for a drink. I have to admit that it’s not the sort of place I usually go to.’

  ‘So, where do you usually go?’

  ‘The Castle Club. It’s a . . .’

  ‘I know what it is,’ she cut in. ‘It’s posh. People with money go there.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose it is posh.’ He looked her up and down and chuckled.

  ‘What’s so funny?’

  ‘Nothing, I . . .’

  ‘I know what you’re thinking,’ she said accusingly. ‘You’re thinking that I’m common, aren’t you?’

  ‘No, not at all.’

  ‘Well, you should be thinking that because I am common. They wouldn’t let shit like me in that club.’

  ‘You shouldn’t put yourself down, Sheena. You’re a very attractive girl.’

  ‘Yeah, right.’

  ‘Would you like me to take you to the club one evening?’

  ‘I’ve already told you, they wouldn’t let shit like me in.’

  ‘Allow me to prove you wrong. How about tomorrow evening?’

  ‘I ain’t got nothing to wear.’

  Taking his wallet from his trouser pocket, he passed her fifty pounds. She didn’t hesitate to grab the cash, but she knew that he was only after one thing. Reckoning that he was married and had come to the seedy pub looking for a slut, she grinned. She had no qualms about taking money from men in return for sex. As far as she was concerned, she was happy to be paid to drop her knickers. She was a common slut, she reflected, recalling an old man who’d been in the pub the previous evening. He was in his sixties and had given her twenty pounds in return for a hand-job beneath the table. Fifty quid for a fuck? she mused, gazing at Rod as she thrust the cash into her handbag. Easy money.

  ‘Buy yourself something,’ he said, smiling at her. ‘You’d look great in a black dress.’

  ‘Why don’t you stop playing games?’ she asked him. ‘I know what you want.’

  ‘I want you to come to the club with me, Sheena. I’m not playing games.’

  ‘Yeah, right.’

  ‘I’m serious. I find you incredibly attractive and I’d like to spend an evening with you.’

  ‘You wouldn’t want to be seen with me in that club. People would laugh at you.’

  ‘Why would they laugh?’

  ‘Because I’m a common slut, that’s why. I know that you’re only after one thing so why not admit it?’

  ‘I’ll take you to the club now, if you want me to.’

  ‘OK, let’s go.’

  After finishing her beer, she left the table and walked to the door. She was wearing a red miniskirt with black leather boots and a loose-fitting white blouse, and she knew that Rod wouldn’t be seen dead with her in the Castle Club. Leaving the pub, she turned and hovered on the pavement as the pub door closed. Would he back out? she wondered. Watching the door, waiting for it to open, she brushed her long blonde hair away from her face and sighed. Her hair was a little greasy and dishevelled. Expecting to spend the evening in the pub with her friend, she hadn’t bothered to wash it.

  ‘Ready, then?’ Rod asked her as he left the pub and joined her on the pavement.

  ‘If you are,’ she murmured.

  ‘So, tell me about yourself,’ he said as they walked the short distance to the club.

  ‘There ain’t much to tell. I’m eighteen years old, I live in a poxy bedsit, and I’m common.’

  ‘I do wish you’d stop putting yourself down, Sheena,’ he breathed. ‘You’re a lovely girl.’

  ‘If you say so.’

  Rod said good evening to the man on the door as he ushered Sheena into the club. Feeling acutely self-conscious as she walked up several steps and across the plush blue carpet to the bar, she was aware of eyes staring at her. There were only half a dozen people in the club, but they were well-dressed and Sheena felt incredibly out of place. She was the youngest female there, she observed. The others were in their late twenties and early thirties, and they obviously had money.

  ‘Are you being a naughty boy, Rodney?’ a woman said, giggling as she looked Sheena up and down.

  ‘Not at all,’ he replied. ‘This is Sheena, a friend of mine. Sheena, this is Elizabeth.’

  ‘I’m pleased to meet you,’ the woman said. ‘Your skirt is rather . . . How can I put it? It’s rather . . .’

  ‘That will do, Elizabeth,’ Rod cut in. ‘What would you like to drink, Sheena?’

  ‘Lager,’ she replied.

  Elizabeth giggled. ‘Lager?’ she echoed. ‘This isn’t a common public house, dear.’

  ‘I don’t care what it is, I want lager.’

  ‘Where on earth did you find her, Rodney?’ Elizabeth asked, shaking her head.

  ‘He didn’t find me,’ Sheena said. ‘Me and Rod are friends.’

  ‘It’s Rod and I,’ Elizabeth corrected her.

  ‘Let’s go and sit down,’ Rod sighed, leading Sheena to a secluded table.

  Sheena sat at the table and watched Rod walk back to the bar and order the drinks. She didn’t fit in at all, she mused as Elizabeth said something to Rod and then burst out giggling. Rod glanced at Sheena, looking embarrassed as he forced a smile. This wasn’t a good idea, Sheena thought, wishing she’d stayed at the pub and waited for her girlfriend to arrive. At least she’d made fifty pounds. Finally joining Sheena with the drinks, Rod sat opposite her and apologised for Elizabeth’s behaviour.

  ‘I knew this was a mistake,’ Sheena declared.

  ‘Take no notice of Elizabeth,’ he said. ‘She’s like that with everyone she meets.’

  ‘It’s Rod and I,’ she said, mimicking the woman. ‘Stuck-up bitch.’

  ‘Forget about her. Tell me more about yourself.’

  ‘I told you, there ain’t nothing to tell.’

  ‘Do you work?’

  ‘I did have a job but I got sacked for nicking money out of the till.’ She gazed at Rod and frowned. ‘Are you rich?’

  ‘Well, I’m comfortable.’

  ‘Where do you work?’

  ‘I’m a director of the family business. My brothers and I . . .’

  ‘It’s not me and my brothers, then?’

  He chuckled. ‘You’re learning, Sheena. Well done.’

  ‘I like you,’ she said. ‘You talk posh, but I like you.’

  ‘And I like you, Sheena. Is your place far from here?’

  ‘Just up the road. It’s a dump.’

  ‘I’m sure it’s not.’

  ‘You trying to get me to take you back to my place, then?’

  ‘No, no, not at all.’

  ‘Where do you live? In a posh house, I reckon.’

  ‘I live on the Golden Beach estate.’

  ‘Blimey, that private place with the big houses?’

  ‘Yes, that’s right.’

  Sheena sipped her beer, wondering what it would be like to live on the private estate. The houses were huge, with expensive cars parked in the drives, and the people were rich, she knew, recalling the times she’d cycled around the estate when she was younger. Her parents had split up and she’d hated living with her mother and had left home when she was sixteen. She’d hoped to have made something of herself but, in her heart, she’d always known that she was destined to be broke and common. The Golden Beach private estate was another world. Maybe Rod could drag her out of poverty and give her a chance? she pondered wistfully.

  ‘Why were you in that scummy pub?’ she asked him. ‘Was you looking for a slut?’

  ‘No, I . . . I was just passing and I fancied a drink.’

  ‘Are you married?’

  ‘No, I’m not,’ he replied honestly.

  ‘So, was you looking for a slut?’

  ‘It’s where you . . . Yes, I was looking for a girl,’ he confessed. ‘Not a slut, but . . .’

  ‘Don’t you have a girlfriend?’

  ‘I do, but she’s . . .’ He chuckled. ‘She’s posh, Sheena.’

  ‘You mean, she don’t fuck?’

  ‘Yes, I suppose I do mean that. Look, I didn’t pick you up for sex. I like you, Sheena. I like you as a person.’

  ‘You want to fuck me, you mean?’

  ‘No, I . . .’

  ‘Be honest, Rod.’

  ‘Yes, of course I want to . . . I mean, you’re extremely attractive and . . .’

  ‘Is that what the fifty quid was for?’

  ‘No, that was for a new dress. Look, I have a girlfriend and she’s posh and she isn’t into the things I like. To be honest, my father chose her.’

  ‘He chose her? What do you mean?’

  ‘It’s not easy to explain, Sheena. My family are . . .’


  ‘Well, yes, they are. My father wants me to marry Deborah because she comes from a good family and he has business connections with her father.’

  ‘What would your old man think of me?’ she cut in with a giggle. ‘A common teenage slut you picked up in a back-street pub.’

  ‘I . . . I don’t think . . .’

  ‘Shall we have another drink?’

  ‘Yes, all right.’

  As he took the empty glasses and left the table, Sheena wondered whether she’d ever get to meet his family. Looking at her painted fingernails, the chipped red varnish, she knew that he’d never take her home to meet them. They lived in another world, she brooded sadly. They lived in a world of money and luxury which was a million light years away from Sheena’s world. Thinking that it would be nice to meet Rod now and then, she smiled as he brought the drinks to the table and sat next to her.

  ‘I could be your bit of rough on the side,’ she said hopefully.

  ‘Sheena, you’re more than just a . . .’

  ‘Take me to your place to meet your mum and dad.’

  ‘My mother isn’t with us,’ he said softly.

  ‘Take me back to meet your dad, then.’

  ‘Sheena, I can’t do that. I have Deborah and . . .’

  ‘And she’s posh and I’m not?’

  ‘Yes – no. I mean . . .’

  ‘I know what you mean, Rod. You said that she’s not into the things you like. What things do you like?’

  ‘Sex,’ he replied with a chuckle. ‘All types of sex.’

  ‘Won’t she suck your cock?’

  ‘Er . . . She’s not into oral sex.’

  ‘I love cock-sucking,’ she said, her blue eyes sparkling lustfully. ‘And I love a tongue up my cunt.’

  ‘Shush, keep your voice down.’

  ‘Sorry, I was forgetting that this is a posh place. Does that Elizabeth woman suck cock?’

  ‘I have no idea.’

  ‘I’ll bet she’s never had a mouthful of spunk in her life.’

  ‘Sheena, keep your voice down.’


  ‘I like you, Sheena. You’re my type of girl.’

  ‘But I’m not your dad’s type?’

  ‘No, sadly, you’re not. My father is old-fashioned and . . . Look, we could see each other once or twice a week. If you want to, that is?’


  ‘We could meet in the pub and then . . .’

  ‘Go back to my bedsit and fuck?’

  ‘Well, yes, if you want to.’

  ‘And you’ll pay me?’

  ‘I’ll help you out with cash if you’re short.’


  Sheena sipped her beer and thought about Rod’s father and brothers as he placed his hand on her naked knee. She would get to meet them, she decided. This was her chance to get in with a rich family and make something of her life. All she had to do was buy some decent clothes and try to speak properly and she’d be accepted by the family. Deborah could go to hell, she thought as her plan evolved in her mind. If Rod dumped Deborah and . . . She was thinking too far ahead, she knew as Rod’s hand slipped up her skirt and his fingers pressed into the warm swell of her tight knickers.

  ‘Naughty boy,’ she whispered.

  ‘Naughty girl,’ he returned.

  ‘You’re making me wet.’

  ‘You’re making me hard.’

  ‘You are a naughty boy.’

  As he moved her knickers aside and slipped a finger into the very tight sheath of her young vagina, she closed her eyes and let out a rush of breath. He wasn’t common or crude. Unlike the other men she’d been with, he hadn’t sworn or been at all vulgar. She needed a man like Rod, she decided. The more she thought about getting in with his family, the more she was determined to succeed. If she put on a posh voice and wore decent clothes, she was sure that they’d accept her.

bsp; ‘You’re so hot and tight,’ Rod whispered.

  ‘Tighter than Deborah?’

  ‘Yes, much tighter.’

  ‘Are you going to dump her, Rod?’

  ‘Well, no. No, I can’t do that.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because – because it’s all arranged. We’re getting married and . . .’


  ‘In two months.’

  ‘How old is she?



  As Rod slipped a second finger into her contracting vagina, she considered the wedding. It’s all arranged, two months . . . She had plenty of time to put a stop to it, she thought as she made her plans. Once stuck-up Deborah discovered that Rod had been fucking a teenage slut, she’d storm off and leave the door wide open for Sheena. This was going to be easy, Sheena thought as her clitoris swelled and her sex milk flowed.

  ‘Shit, I’m going to come,’ she breathed.

  ‘No, not here,’ he whispered, retrieving his hand and looking around. ‘Let’s go back to your place.’


  ‘Sheena,’ he began as she knocked back her drink. ‘Sheena, do you have other men?’

  ‘No,’ she lied, smiling at him. ‘Why?’

  ‘I just wondered.’

  ‘I’m not a prostitute, Rod. You won’t give Deborah any diseases.’

  ‘No, I didn’t mean . . .’

  ‘Come on, let’s go.’

  Formulating her plan as she led Rod along the street to her bedsit, she made a mental note of the things she needed to discover. Where did Deborah live? Where did she work and where did she go in the evenings? Sheena was determined to get her foot in the door of the family home, and she knew that she was going to have to do her homework if she was to destroy Rod’s relationship with the woman.

  When they arrived at the scruffy Victorian house, she led Rod up to her first-floor bedsit and showed him in. He looked around, obviously wondering how anyone could live in such a small room. Sheena gazed at several pairs of dirty knickers on the floor by the sink, the dirty clothes piled on a chair. She should have cleaned up, she reflected, kicking a crumpled magazine aside. But she’d arranged to meet her friend and hadn’t expected to have a man back that evening. Rod tried not to show his distaste as he gazed at the dirty plates piled in the sink, but his expression betrayed his thoughts. Sitting on the edge of the single bed, he smiled at her.


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