Indecent Pursuit

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Indecent Pursuit Page 15

by Ray Gordon

  ‘Charles was talking to me,’ Raymond said.


  ‘You already know him, don’t you?’

  ‘Know him? What do you mean?’

  ‘He said . . . He’s seen you in the club.’

  ‘Well, I have been there a few times. But I don’t think I’ve seen Charles there.’

  ‘He said that you go there with different men.’

  ‘Different men?’ She frowned and cocked her head to one side. ‘I took my friend and her boyfriend once. Oh, and I took a friend and her father.’

  ‘He said that you’ve been with several different men.’

  ‘I’ve only been a member of the club for a while. I don’t think I’ve been there more than three or four times. Is everything all right, Raymond? You look worried.’

  ‘It’s Charles. It’s as if he’s trying to warn me off you, but I don’t know why.’

  ‘Maybe he’s jealous,’ she said, giggling.

  ‘Maybe. Anyway, my father seems to like you.’

  ‘He’s a lovely man, and so are you.’

  ‘Rod looked shocked when he saw you. It was as if he’d seen a ghost.’

  ‘Telling your family that you’re marrying a girl they don’t even know must have been a shock.’

  ‘Yes, yes, you’re right. I’ll get you another drink.’

  Biting her lip as he went back into the house, Sheena knew that Charles would corner her before long. Rod might think twice about blabbing his mouth off now that she’d threatened to talk to Deborah, she reflected. Once she’d hurled the same threat at Charles, she was sure that things would calm down. She knew that George was the one she had to win over. Once she had him eating out of her hand, she’d be all right.

  Sure enough, barely a minute passed before Charles appeared at the back door.

  ‘What the hell are you doing?’ he whispered through gritted teeth as he joined her on the patio. ‘I want you to stop this farce with Raymond, stop it now.’

  ‘Farce?’ she breathed, looking up at him from her chair.

  ‘You’re a slut, Sheena.’

  ‘Oh, thank you very much.’

  ‘I know what you’re up to and I’m going to put a stop to it.’

  ‘I might have a chat to your wife later. I might tell her about the hotel, tell her what a nice time we had.’

  ‘Don’t you threaten me.’

  ‘We can still be friends, Charles. You can still deep-throat me, if you want to.’

  ‘You won’t get anywhere by . . .’ His words tailing off as she squeezed the crotch of his trousers, he frowned at her. ‘What we had was good, Sheena. Why have you ruined it?’

  ‘Nothing will change between us, Charles.’

  ‘Of course it will. You’ll be my brother’s wife, you’ll be living here and . . .’

  ‘And we’ll have times alone together,’ she said huskily. ‘Nothing will change between us. Now, I want you to tell Raymond that you’re happy for both of us.’

  Sheena smiled as he stormed off. She was winning the battle, she thought as she relaxed with the evening sun warming her young body. This was a lovely house, she thought, and she was determined to live here as Raymond’s wife. She needed to get in with Deborah, she decided. They could go shopping together, have coffee in town and become good friends. But she was going to have to speak properly and try to conceal her true self.

  ‘Charles is in a strange mood,’ Raymond said as he appeared with the drinks. ‘He’s just said that he’s very happy for us. He said that he must have mistaken you for another girl.’

  ‘Yes, he must have done,’ she said, smiling at him as he sat opposite her. ‘Has Rod said anything to you?’

  ‘No, but he keeps giving me funny looks. I think you were right, they were all rather shocked by my announcement.’

  ‘I was shocked when you asked me to marry you, so I’m not surprised that they were. You should have waited a while before telling them.’

  ‘Yes, I suppose I should have.’

  ‘They’ll calm down in time, so don’t worry.’

  Watching Raymond sip his drink, Sheena wondered whether Charles or Rod would have a quiet word with their father about her. The Boss was obviously the one with the influence, she mused, again thinking that she should get him eating out of her hand. She wondered what Rod was up to as he walked across the patio and ambled along the path to the far side of the swimming pool. He probably wanted to talk to her.

  ‘This is my chance to get in with one of your brothers,’ she said, leaving the table. ‘You stay there and I’ll go and chat to him.’

  ‘Good idea,’ Raymond replied. ‘Work on them one at a time and things will turn out fine.’

  She walked around the pool, smiling at Rod. ‘What are you thinking?’ she asked him, watching Raymond out of the corner of her eye.

  ‘About you,’ he murmured. ‘I’m wondering what the hell you’re playing at by . . .’

  ‘Rod, you don’t want me, you made that perfectly clear.’

  ‘I didn’t think that you’d go running to Raymond and asking him to marry you.’

  ‘He asked me to marry him.’

  ‘When did you meet him?’


  ‘And he’s already asked you to marry him? He must be bloody mad. I was hoping that we could have got back together, Sheena. That’s why I was going to phone you.’

  ‘Yes, but you didn’t phone me.’

  ‘I was tied up with . . . Well, it doesn’t matter now. You’ve got your hands on Raymond so there’s no chance for us now.’

  ‘There never was a chance for us, Rod. You said that yourself, remember? Anyway, we can still have some fun when no one’s looking.’

  ‘You’re going to marry my brother, and you still want sex with me?’

  ‘Yes, why not?’

  ‘Bloody hell, Sheena.’

  ‘Why don’t you show me around the garden?’

  Following Rod as he walked across the huge lawn, Sheena was sure that things would turn out fine. Charles had enjoyed deep-throating her, and Rod wouldn’t deny himself the pleasure of her young body. The two brothers would do well once she was Raymond’s wife and she’d moved into the house. A resident teenage slut, she thought happily as she glanced over her shoulder at Raymond.

  ‘This is a lovely garden,’ she said, wandering behind some bushes to be out of sight of Raymond. ‘I can hardly wait to move into the house.’

  ‘Sheena, you can’t be serious,’ he sighed, joining her. ‘I know that you want to get out of that bedsit and find a better life, but you can’t marry someone you’ve only just met.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Because – because it wouldn’t be fair on Raymond.’

  ‘What he don’t know won’t hurt him. Besides, was it fair on Deborah to fuck me behind her back?’

  ‘That was different, Sheena.’

  ‘Perhaps you’d better tell her that. Look, I don’t want to argue with you. I like you, Rod. I want to marry Raymond and live here happily with your family.’

  ‘Happily ever after? Yeah, right.’

  Kneeling before him, she unzipped his trousers and pulled his flaccid penis out. Retracting his foreskin as he looked down at her, she took his purple plum into her hot mouth and sucked gently. He breathed heavily, clutching her head and rocking his hips. His organ stiffened as she rolled her tongue over the velveteen surface of his swelling knob. This was the way to a man’s heart, she mused as she savoured the salty taste of his solid cock. He’d said that Deborah wouldn’t dream of sucking his cock, so why not have a more than willing teenage slut move into the house?

  ‘This won’t change my mind,’ he warned as she hauled his full balls out of his trousers.

  ‘I’m not trying to change your mind,’ she said, licking his rock-hard shaft and kneading his rolling balls. ‘I’m just giving you what Deborah won’t.’

  Taking his knob to the back of her throat, she wanked his solid shaft as his legs sagge
d and he let out a moan of satisfaction. How could he deny himself the pleasure of a teenage slut with a shaved pussy and an accommodating mouth? she thought as she sucked and licked his bulbous knob. His fresh sperm flooding her mouth, she knew that she’d won him over as he held her head tight and rocked his hips faster. His balls draining, he gasped and trembled as she sucked the remnants of his sperm from his throbbing knob. That was one satisfied brother, she reflected as she slipped his cock out of her mouth and stood before him.

  ‘I think we’ll all live happily ever after,’ she said impishly as he zipped his trousers.

  ‘I suppose you’ll work on Charles next. You’ll have his cock fucking your mouth and . . .’

  ‘Of course I won’t,’ she cut in, giggling as she wiped the sperm from her red lips with the back of her hand.

  ‘Won’t you? We’d better get back to the house before . . .’

  ‘Before you lick my bald and very wet little cunt?’

  ‘Before someone comes looking for us.’

  ‘This will work out fine, Rod,’ she said as they walked across the lawn to the pool. ‘If you help me to get in with your family, things will be fine.’

  ‘Hi,’ Raymond called as they neared the patio. ‘What’s this, a bit of brother–sister-in-law bonding?’

  ‘You could say that,’ Sheena replied.

  ‘She’s a lovely girl, Raymond,’ Rod said. ‘Congratulations.’

  ‘Oh, well . . . Thanks, Rod.’

  ‘I’d better be going,’ Sheena sighed. ‘I don’t want to stay for too long on my first visit.’

  ‘You can stay as long as you like,’ Raymond said. ‘It’s early so . . .’

  ‘Next time I’ll stay longer.’

  ‘OK, I’ll get my car keys.’

  ‘No, no, I’ll walk. It’s a nice evening and it’s not far.’

  ‘All right, I’ll ring you tomorrow.’

  Sheena followed the brothers into the house. She couldn’t stop smiling as she said goodbye to the family. She’d done well, she thought as Raymond saw her out. After the initial shock, they all seemed happy enough. The Boss had liked her, she thought as she walked home. Savouring the taste of Rod’s spunk, she wondered whether Raymond had tasted it when he’d kissed her on the doorstep. Happiness, money, and a lot of sex with three brothers lay ahead, she thought happily. Perhaps she’d service David, the fourth brother, once she’d moved in.


  Sheena called into the pub on her way home. She wanted to tell Nat that she’d met the family and the wedding was definitely going ahead, but she wasn’t sure how to explain that Raymond had taken Rod’s place. Rod, Ray . . . The names were similar and easily confused, she thought. Hoping that Nat wouldn’t notice the difference, she walked into the busy pub and headed for the bar. Ordering her usual drink, she knew that she still had a long way to go before she was part of Raymond’s family. Once the wedding had taken place, she would be able to relax. Looking around the pub and noticing Nat at her usual table, she was pleased to see that she was alone.

  ‘Hi,’ she said, joining her friend.

  ‘Fuck me, it’s the future wife.’ Nat giggled as she grinned at Sheena. ‘What have you been up to, screwing old men on a train?’

  ‘I’ve been to meet Ray’s family,’ Sheena replied triumphantly.

  The girl frowned and cocked her head to one side. ‘Ray? I thought it was Rod?’

  ‘No, no, that’s his brother. I’m marrying Raymond.’

  ‘You said his name was Rod. All along, you’ve said . . . Oh well, not to worry. So, what were his family like? I hope you didn’t swear like a common slut.’

  ‘Of course I didn’t swear. They’re nice people, especially his dad.’

  ‘And you fitted in with these toffs, did you?’

  ‘They’re not like that,’ Sheena sighed. ‘Just because they have money . . .’

  ‘Come on, Sheena. You must have let yourself down. I mean, the way you talk and. . . .’

  ‘I didn’t let myself down, Nat,’ she cut in indignantly. ‘I know when not to swear and I know how to speak properly. I may be a slut, but I know how to hide it.’

  ‘Sheena, you can no more hide the fact that you’re a slut than you can hide your face.’

  ‘Wow, don’t you sound posh?’ Sheena said, giggling. ‘You can no more hide the fact . . .’

  ‘Actually, one can speak terribly well when one needs to.’

  ‘Blimey, that was amazing,’ Sheena gasped. ‘I wish I could do that.’

  ‘Anyone can do it. You don’t have to go that far and sound like a real toff, but anyone can put on a posh voice if they try.’

  ‘Nat, I want to get in with Raymond’s family. I want to speak properly and stuff. Will you help me?’

  ‘I’m not really the one to ask, but I’ll try.’

  ‘I don’t mean talking posh like a stuck-up toff. I just want to get things right, like me and him, or whatever it is.’

  ‘Why don’t you get a book on English grammar? Spend some time reading instead of dropping your knickers and fucking old men on the train.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I think I will. The trouble is, my voice sounds rough, kind of like gravel.’

  ‘I know, but I don’t think you can change that. You’ve been looking nice lately. What with your new clothes and having your hair done, you look really good. It would help if you get your posture right and don’t accentuate your tits too much.’

  ‘What does accentuate mean?’

  ‘Wearing low-cut tops and sticking your tits out. Anyway, I’m not here to give you fucking English lessons. Let’s get pissed. You can buy the drinks, seeing as you’re loaded.’

  Sheena downed her vodka and wandered over to the bar. She was determined to impress Raymond and his family. In particular, she wanted to impress Charles and Rod. They knew that she was a common slut, but she wanted to prove that she could also act like a lady. She had a real chance to better herself, she mused as she walked back to the table with the drinks. This was probably the only chance she’d ever have.

  ‘I don’t want to fuck up,’ she sighed, sitting next to Nat. ‘This is the chance of a lifetime.’

  ‘You’ll be all right, babes. Just think before you open your pretty little mouth, and you’ll be all right.’

  ‘How come you know big words and stuff? We went to the same school, so I would of thought that . . .’

  ‘Would have thought,’ Nat corrected her.

  ‘What? I’ve always said would of.’

  ‘Well, it’s wrong.’

  ‘Fuck me,’ Sheena swore sadly. ‘I’ll never get it right. Me and him, would have . . . How come you know everything?’

  ‘I suppose it comes naturally to some people.’

  ‘Yeah, I s’pose so. Do you want to stay at my place tonight?’

  ‘Now, that is a good idea,’ Nat agreed, grinning at her young friend. ‘A night of pussy-licking is just what I need. We’ll get pissed first, though.’

  ‘You’re really dirty when you’re pissed, Nat.’

  ‘And you’re really dirty all the time. Did you get fucked this evening? I love sucking fresh spunk out of your cunt.’

  ‘No, I didn’t,’ Sheena sighed. ‘I did suck off . . . I sucked Raymond’s cock.’

  Nat giggled. ‘Not in front of his family, I hope?’

  ‘No, we went down the garden.’

  ‘That’s a shame, I love sucking spunk out of your . . . I’ll tell you what,’ Nat trilled. ‘Just for a laugh, I’ll bet you can’t get fucked in here tonight.’

  ‘Of course I can,’ Sheena said, eyeing up the men standing at the bar. ‘Any one of that lot would fuck me. That reminds me, was you in here that night when . . .’

  ‘You can’t say that,’ Nat cut in.

  ‘Say what?’

  ‘Was you in here. You can’t say that.’

  ‘What the fuck’s wrong with it?’ Sheena asked.

  ‘I’m not going to tell you. You buy a book and find out for yourself
. And don’t go into a shop and ask for a book about an English grandma.’

  ‘But you just told me to buy one.’

  ‘Fuck me, Sheena. I don’t know how you’re going to fit in with that posh family. You start saying something like, was you in here last night because me and Raymond never saw you, and they’ll realise that you’re a common slut.’

  ‘I know how to say that properly,’ Sheena said proudly. ‘Because Raymond and me didn’t see you.’

  ‘It’s Raymond and I,’ Nat corrected her.

  ‘But you said it was him and me.’

  ‘It depends on . . . Just shut the fuck up, Sheena. Move closer to me and open your legs. I want to finger your cunt.’

  Sheena parted her thighs, trembling as the girl’s fingers moved the crotch of her tight knickers to one side. As her finger slipped between the hairless lips of Sheena’s pussy and delved deep into the wet heat of her contracting vagina, Sheena felt her young womb swell and her clitoris stiffen. They were going to have a good night together, she thought as Nat grinned at her. She needed a damned good orgasm, a night of lesbian lust and passion.

  ‘I’ll miss you when you’re married,’ Nat whispered in Sheena’s ear.

  ‘We’ll still see each other,’ Sheena replied dreamily as her juices flowed. ‘You can come to the house and we’ll sit by the swimming pool.’

  ‘There’s a pool?’

  ‘Yes, it’s huge.’

  ‘I don’t think the family will want me there, babes.’

  ‘Of course they will. You’re my best friend and I’ll be living there, so it will be up to me.’

  Slipping her finger out of Sheena’s tight pussy, Nat sighed. ‘There are too many people here,’ she said, glancing around the pub. ‘I’ll give you a good sorting out later. Is that your phone ringing?’

  ‘Yes,’ Sheena realised, taking her mobile from her handbag. ‘It’s probably Raymond.’

  Leaving the table and walking to a quiet corner of the pub, she pressed her phone to her ear. Raising her eyes to the ceiling, she sighed when she heard Rod’s voice. He asked her where she was, and she reckoned that he wanted to warn her off Raymond again. She didn’t want another lecture and was about to hang up, but he again asked her where she was.


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