Indecent Pursuit

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Indecent Pursuit Page 20

by Ray Gordon

  ‘I think I’m in love with you,’ she breathed softly. ‘I always have been.’

  ‘It’s too late,’ he murmured. ‘Even if Raymond dumped you, I can hardly announce our forthcoming wedding to my family.’

  ‘Fuck me,’ she said, slipping her gown off and reclining on the bed. ‘Fuck my cunt, Rod.’

  ‘You have a wonderful way with words,’ he replied, kneeling on the floor and gazing at her tight crack and the swell of her hairless sex lips.

  Sheena breathed heavily as he leaned over her naked body and kissed the smooth plateau of her stomach. Moving down, he pressed his lips to the gentle rise of her mons and breathed in her girl-scent. Why couldn’t things have been different? she mused as he licked the bald lips of her teenage pussy. He was the first brother she’d met, he was the one she’d wanted and – and now that he was free, she couldn’t have him. She sighed as he ran his wet tongue up and down her opening sex valley. This was the man she’d wanted, she thought dreamily as her clitoris swelled and her lust milk flowed. Life was cruel.

  Parting the fleshy swell of her hairless pussy lips, he slipped his tongue into the wet heat of her young vagina and tasted her juices of arousal as she writhed on her bed. This was far removed from cold sex. She’d been licked a thousand times by a hundred men, but this was so different. This was sex, but with love. Trying not to think of the future as Rod drove two fingers into her tightening vagina and sucked her erect clitoris into his hot mouth, she parted her legs wider and closed her eyes.

  ‘I don’t feel like a slut when I’m with you,’ she said. ‘I feel like . . . I don’t know what I feel.’

  ‘You told me that you were a slut when we first met. But I don’t think you are. You’re just looking for a special relationship and, in the process, going through one man after another.’

  ‘I thought I’d found that special relationship with you, Rod. But Deborah was in the way. All I heard was Deborah this, Deborah that . . . The very sound of the woman’s name made me angry.’

  ‘She’s gone now, but we still can’t be together.’

  Sheena said nothing as he slipped his trousers off. Kneeling between her feet, he pushed his solid knob between the smooth lips of her teenage pussy. She could feel her young womb contracting as she waited expectantly for his cock to impale her. Reaching out and kneading the firm mounds of her petite breasts, he locked his dark eyes to hers and smiled. Sheena returned his smile as his cock entered her. Her vaginal sheath opening, stretching to accommodate his huge organ, she let out a rush of breath as his knob pressed hard against her ripe cervix. This wasn’t fucking, she thought happily. This was making love. Although she’d opened her legs and been fucked by a hundred men, she’d never made love before.

  Leaning over her naked body, he sucked her ripe nipple into his mouth and snaked his tongue around her sensitive milk teat. Sheena breathed heavily, her body shaking uncontrollably, as he rocked his hips and found his vaginal shafting rhythm. This was so very different from cold sex, she reflected again as he sucked on her other nipple. But she knew that Rod could never be anything more than one of her many lovers. At least they’d be living in the same house, she thought as he rocked his hips faster. At least they could make love regularly.

  His knob swelling, his sperm gushing, he let out a low moan of pleasure as Sheena’s hot vagina tightened around his thrusting cock and she reached her climax. The squelching sounds of sex resounding around her bedsit, the worn-out bed creaking, she whimpered and squirmed in the grip of one of the most powerful orgasms she’d ever experienced. Her pleasure rolled on and on, reaching every nerve ending and tightening every muscle in her young body. Her solid clitoris was massaged by his wet shaft, pulsating wildly as her orgasm peaked. She knew that she could never live without Rod. No matter what happened, she’d make love with him whenever she could.

  ‘You’re the best,’ he admitted, slowing his shafting rhythm as she drifted down from her climax.

  ‘You’re the best ever,’ she whimpered, her head lolling from side to side. ‘You’re incredible.’

  He brushed her blonde hair away from her flushed face. ‘Am I better than my brothers?’ he asked her.

  ‘You’re better than any man, Rod. I’ve never made love before. I’ve had sex, but I’ve never made love.’

  ‘So, where to from here?’ he asked, sliding his deflating penis out of her sperm-bubbling sex sheath. ‘What happens now?’

  ‘I don’t know,’ she sighed, propping herself up on her elbows. ‘You tell me.’

  ‘I wish I could, Sheena. The truth is, I have no idea where we go from here.’

  ‘When I’m living in the house, we can make love every day.’

  ‘What about Charles and David? I mean, will you be screwing all four of us?’

  ‘Well, I . . . I don’t know. I suppose so, yes.’

  ‘At least you’re honest,’ he said with a chuckle as he rose to his feet and pulled his trousers up.

  ‘I can’t be honest with Raymond, can I?’

  ‘No, no, you can’t. Look, I’d better get going. I suppose you’ll be at the house this evening?’

  ‘Yes, Raymond did invite me round.’

  ‘OK, I’ll see you there. It won’t be easy, Sheena. Having to watch the girl I love with another man . . . It won’t be easy.’

  ‘It will work out, Rod. I’ll think of something, OK?’

  ‘OK, well . . . I’ll see you this evening.’

  Flopping back on to her bed as he left the room and closed the door, Sheena decided that looking back was futile. She couldn’t change the past but she could dump Raymond for Rod and change the future. Raymond hadn’t once said that he loved her or made her feel wanted, and she had no feelings for him. But she’d be risking everything. If she dumped Raymond and Rod changed his mind, she’d be out in the cold, living a life of poverty in her bedsit. Raymond was a means to an end. She’d planned to marry Raymond and live in the family home, and she was going to have to accept that.

  Walking to the pub at lunchtime, Sheena hoped to find Nat there. She felt trouble brewing and needed to relax and chat with her friend before meeting Raymond at the house that evening. Would Deborah go back to Rod? she wondered as she sat at her usual table. Her plan had been to use his money to set up in business with the photographer. Would she throw all that away because he’d screwed a teenage slut?

  ‘Hi, babe,’ Nat said as she emerged from the loo.

  ‘Nat,’ Sheena said, her face beaming. ‘I didn’t think you were here. I saw the drink on the table and hoped it was yours.’

  ‘I’m always bloody here,’ the girl sighed.

  ‘Are you OK? You sound like you’re pissed off.’

  ‘I’ve been trying to find punters for our little business but no one’s interested. I think I’ve lost my touch.’

  ‘You need to try the Castle Club. There are people with money there, businessmen, unlike the scum you get in this dump.’

  ‘Yeah, but how do I get in? Could you get me membership?’

  ‘I could try.’

  ‘Let’s go there this evening. I could go as your guest and . . .’

  ‘I can’t this evening, Nat. I’m seeing Raymond.’

  ‘I’m bored without you, Sheena. I know that we had a good time the other night, but I hardly ever see you any more. We used to spend all our time together, do everything together. Until your delusions of grandeur trip.’

  ‘What does that mean?’

  ‘It means . . . Oh, it doesn’t matter. Rod was great the other night. Is he looking for a wife?’

  ‘Er . . . No, no, he’s not.’

  ‘It was just a thought. Imagine us both marrying into a rich family. God, we’d have a great time.’

  ‘That’s an idea,’ Sheena murmured pensively. ‘If you went off with Raymond . . .’

  ‘That’s the one you’re supposed to be marrying.’

  ‘Yes, I know. I’m just thinking aloud. You see, I started off with Rod but he was marrying som
eone and – Rod is now free, but I’m stuck with Raymond.’

  ‘You can’t swap,’ Nat said, giggling.

  ‘That’s what Rod said. But if Raymond dumped me for you . . . It might work, Nat.’

  ‘What’s this Raymond like?’

  ‘It don’t matter what he’s like, he’s loaded.’

  ‘Yes, good point. OK, let’s go for it.’

  ‘I’ll take you to the house this evening.’

  ‘I’ve got nothing to wear.’

  Sheena opened her handbag. ‘There,’ she said, passing Nat a wad of notes. ‘Go and buy some clothes.’

  ‘Fuck me,’ Nat gasped, counting the money. ‘Two hundred quid? Where the fuck did you get that?’

  ‘It don’t matter where I got it.’

  ‘You can’t say that,’ Nat corrected the girl.

  ‘Say what?’

  ‘It don’t matter – you can’t say that.’

  ‘What the fuck are you talking about, Nat? Look, buy something decent to wear, and I’ll meet you here at six.’

  ‘Wow, you’re on. So, what shall I do? Sort of chat this bloke up or . . .’

  ‘Leave it to me,’ Sheena cut in, grinning at her young friend. ‘I’ll make sure that you two are alone together, and then you can move in for the kill.’

  ‘Cool, I like it. OK, let’s get another drink.’

  After a few drinks, Nat went into town to buy some clothes and Sheena headed home. This was a crazy plan, she knew. It was also dangerous and she risked losing everything, but she was desperate to marry Rod. She dreaded to think what the Boss would say, but she decided to cross that bridge when she came to it. Things would work out if Raymond dumped her, she thought as she rummaged through her new clothes. The Boss would see that Rod had gone to her rescue and they’d fallen in love and . . . One step at a time, she told herself as she dressed.

  Walking to the house with Nat, Sheena thought how attractive the girl was. She looked stunning in her red dress and matching shoes. She’d been to the hairdresser and her makeup was beautiful, and Sheena reckoned she could easily get work as a model. What if Rod made a move towards her? she wondered anxiously as they approached the house. More to the point, what if Deborah was there?

  ‘This is Nat,’ Sheena said as Raymond opened the door. ‘She’s my best friend.’

  ‘Oh, right,’ Raymond breathed, smiling at Nat. ‘Er . . . Come in.’

  ‘Gosh, this is a beautiful house,’ Nat said in her posh voice, which annoyed Sheena. ‘It’s Edwardian, isn’t it?’

  ‘That’s right,’ Raymond replied, leading the girls into the dining room. ‘We had the garage built on a few years back, but the house is original.’

  ‘Yes, I did notice the garage. But it blends in nicely with the architecture.’

  ‘You never noticed the garage,’ Sheena said, frowning at Nat.

  ‘Now that’s Victorian,’ Nat said, admiring the drinks cabinet.

  ‘It is,’ Raymond said, obviously impressed. ‘What would you like to drink?’

  ‘Vodka and tonic,’ Sheena mumbled.

  ‘And I’ll have the same, please,’ Nat said.’

  Sheena realised that she wasn’t going to have to do any matchmaking with Nat and Raymond. They were getting on rather too well, she thought as Nat put on her stuck-up voice and Raymond suggested that he show her round the garden. Fortunately, Rod wandered into the room as Nat and Raymond headed for the garden. He frowned at Sheena and then shook his head as Nat walked past him.

  ‘What the hell is she doing here?’ he asked her.

  ‘She’s my best friend,’ Sheena replied. ‘This will be my home, soon. I’m allowed to bring her here, aren’t I?’

  ‘Thank God Deborah isn’t here. You really do play dangerous games, Sheena.’

  ‘She’s getting on very well with Raymond. It would be funny if they ended up together, wouldn’t it?’

  ‘So, that’s your game. I might have known that you were up to something devious.’

  ‘Rod, I want to marry you.’

  ‘I know, but . . .’

  ‘If Nat and Raymond hit it off, there’ll be nothing to stop us.’

  ‘Devious isn’t the word,’ he said with a chuckle. ‘Conniving little devil is more appropriate. Look, if they do hit it off and things turn out well . . .’

  ‘You’ll marry me?’


  ‘Wow,’ she said, knocking back her drink and holding her empty glass out. ‘I’ll be Mrs Robertson.’

  ‘God knows what my father will say,’ he sighed as he refilled her glass.

  ‘He’ll be fine, don’t worry. Where is everyone?’

  ‘They’re all out somewhere. My father’s upstairs, he’ll be down in a minute.’

  ‘I like your dad. I got on really well with him.’

  ‘That’s just as well because he wants to talk to you.’

  ‘Oh? What about?’

  ‘You and Raymond and the wedding. He’ll be down any minute, so I think I’ll disappear.’

  ‘Don’t leave me alone with him, Rod.’

  ‘He wants to talk to you alone. He’ll take you into his study, more than likely.’

  ‘You’ve got me worried now.’

  ‘Don’t mention us, OK? Just play it by ear and don’t mention anything that might annoy him.’

  Sheena felt her heart race as she imagined being interrogated by George. She’d got on with him, but he was a formidable man. She’d come such a long way in her quest to marry into the family, but she knew that she was now treading on dangerous ground. Hoping that Nat was in the summerhouse and had taken her knickers off for Raymond, she asked Rod to refill her glass as she heard someone crossing the hallway.

  ‘Good evening, Sheena,’ George said as he appeared in the doorway.

  ‘Oh, hi,’ Sheena said, taking her drink from Rod.

  ‘Come into my study and we’ll have a little chat.’

  ‘I’ll see you later,’ Rod promised, winking at her.

  Sheena followed George into a huge room lined with books, sat opposite him at a leather-topped desk and tried to appear relaxed. He poured himself a glass of neat whisky and smiled at her as she fidgeted in her chair. Recalling the advice Charles had given her, she reckoned that if she followed it she’d be all right.

  ‘You look lovely,’ he said.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘The thing is . . . This business with Deborah. I’ve spoken to her, so I know all about the problem. Did you take the photograph?’

  ‘No, I . . . It was sent to me.’

  ‘By whom?’

  ‘I have no idea. I thought it was a joke at first but then – then I realised that it was Rod and . . .’

  ‘So why cause trouble by showing Deborah?’

  ‘She’s only after his money, George. She plans to set up in business with a photographer friend and . . .’

  ‘How do you know all this?’

  ‘I know the photographer. You probably think I should have kept out of it, but I couldn’t stand by and watch Rod . . .’

  ‘Sheena, I know this will come as a blow to you. You can’t marry Raymond.’

  ‘What? But why can’t I?’

  ‘You’re a very attractive young girl and . . . I’m sorry, but you’re just not suitable.’

  ‘Why aren’t I?’

  ‘Because . . . You’ll probably think me a snob, but you’ve not had the upbringing that I’d like . . .’

  ‘I’m common, is that what you mean?’

  ‘To be blunt, yes. We have business associates here to dinner and . . .’

  ‘And I’d let the family down?’

  ‘Well, yes.’

  ‘I’ve been trying to speak properly, George,’ she sighed, hanging her head. ‘I’ve been trying to be posh and . . .’

  ‘Don’t cry, Sheena. There must be plenty of young men who would . . .’

  ‘I only want . . .’

  ‘Who do you want? It’s not Raymond, is it?’

��What do you mean?’

  ‘I’m not stupid, Sheena. I know what’s been going on. You and Charles at the hotel, you and Rod, you and David . . . And now you’ve set your sights on Raymond.’

  ‘How do you know?’

  ‘I have my methods. Who’s that girl you brought here?’

  ‘Nat, my best friend.’

  ‘And the plan is?’

  ‘There is no . . . She likes Raymond.’

  ‘And you like Rod?’

  ‘Yes. Why ask me if you know everything?’

  ‘I don’t know everything. But I do know that you live in a bedsit and you don’t work and you have no money.’

  ‘So what happens now? Do you want me to leave?’

  ‘No, not yet. I admire you, Sheena.’

  ‘You admire me? Why?’

  ‘Because I started out like you. I was broke and out of work when I was your age, and I was determined to change my life. I didn’t try to marry into money, the way you are, but I . . .’

  ‘I’d make a good wife,’ she cut in hopefully. ‘I might not talk posh, but I could change that. I’ve bought a book about English and I’m trying to learn.’

  ‘Sheena, if you married one of my boys, you’d be sneaking off with the others and . . .’

  ‘No, I wouldn’t. I’ve told Rod that I’d be faithful.’

  ‘What if I said that I’m looking for a wife?’

  ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘I’m rich and not unattractive. I own this house and the company. I have cars and holidays abroad several times each year. I even have a villa in Spain. Would you go for me if you had the chance? Would you marry me?’

  Sheena bit her lip as he gazed at her. Was this a proposition? she wondered. Or was he testing her? He couldn’t be serious, she reflected as he sipped his whisky. His sons would go mad if he married a teenage girl, especially a slut they’d all screwed. She left her chair and paced the floor, trying to appear confident. This was a test, she concluded. But she had no idea how to answer his question.

  ‘Would you want a girl like me?’ she finally asked him.

  ‘I’m asking the questions, Sheena.’

  ‘No, you’re not having this all your way. Would you want a teenage girl as your wife?’


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