Score - A Stepbrother Romance

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Score - A Stepbrother Romance Page 43

by Daire, Caitlin

  "Go have fun," she says cheerfully, but her voice sounds a little tired. I briefly wonder why, but don't spend too much time worrying, my mind already on other things.

  "Bye!" Jax and I shout in unison, waving as the car drives off, our parents safely enclosed inside.

  And then it's just the two of us, my heart beating faster than ever. I'm not sure I can handle this, and it's been about ten seconds since the parents left.

  Jax turns to face me so slowly I'm losing my mind before we're even face to face. I don't meet his eye, knowing that when I do, it will be the end of me trying to keep it together.

  But Jax isn't having it.

  He reaches for my face, tipping my chin up with his fingers until I'm forced to look him in the eyes. The connection between us is tense, like a storm brewing. I'm just waiting for the rain to start pouring down on us.

  "Hey, Rubi," he says softly, his lips wrapping around my name like a kiss. I almost moan out loud, but manage to stop myself just in time. Instead, I just stare at my stepbrother intently.

  "You've gotta do what I say now. I'm in charge when they're gone," he tells me, smirking at me. When his lip pulls upward on one side, I have an intense desire to either kiss or smack that expression off his face, but of course, I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to do anything about it.

  If Susie knew about this, she would be pushing me into Jax's arms already. The thought brings a smile to my face, and I decide to play along.

  "Hope you make me do something good," I say, surprised by the words coming out of my mouth. I blush lightly but keep my eyes trained on Jax.

  He raises an eyebrow in surprise, grinning at me. "Oh yeah?" he teases me. "I have some ideas."

  I move away and start walking towards the beach house, throwing a look over my shoulder. "I'll see what I can do about those," I purr and actually wink at him.

  Then I disappear inside the house, nearly falling to the floor once I'm away from his watchful eyes. I'm breathing heavily as I think of what I just did, but a smile finds its way onto my face nonetheless.

  * * *

  I try to keep up appearances, so I head down to a bonfire party that evening. I just wear a dress over my bikini, choosing to go casual. My hair is air-dried from the sun with beachy waves, and I leave my face free of makeup, since my skin is already getting a nice tan.

  While I'm waiting for Susie, my phone beeps and I nearly fall over in my rush to read the incoming text, hoping it's from Jax.

  My wish comes true.

  Are you coming to the bonfire?

  Yep, getting ready now. Are you?

  Yes. Wanna play a game?

  I do. I want to play a game.

  What kind of game?

  Truth or dare?

  There's already a smile playing on my lips as I consider my choice. Good girl Rubi always goes for truth, but today I'm feeling brave, so I text him and ask for a dare.

  Wear a dress today. No bra, no panties.

  My eyes widen as I read his text, and I giggle, feeling both excited and scared. Slowly, I get up from the bed and strip my bikini from underneath my dress, hoping the night will be dark enough to make the dress less see-through.


  Pics or it didn't happen!

  I laugh out loud at his message, then grab my bra and dangle it between my fingers, snapping a quick shot and sending it to his number.

  I'll have to check in person, don't trust you.

  Blushing, I reply.

  That sounds like another dare, and I never got my turn. :(

  It's my game darlin’ ;)

  I don't want to admit it, but I can already feel the wetness between my legs, and I know I'm in big, big trouble. But today, I don't think I can resist.

  My mind is telling me Adrian is the wise, safe choice. But my body wants Jax, and I'm in no position to deny it what it wants.

  The cell phone beeps again.

  Another one?

  I reply with a smiling emoticon and sit waiting for his reply for ages. Finally, my phone beeps again and my fingers shake as I look at his text.

  You're already wet ... You're going to slide your fingers inside yourself the moment you stop reading this text. And then you'll lick them for me.

  I can't believe how cheeky he is. And I can't believe what I do next.

  My trembling fingers find the slit between my legs, which is drenched with my own juices. Hesitantly, I push my finger between the folds and moan as the rush overtakes me, slipping them back out.

  My whole body shakes as I lift my fingers to my lips, snapping a photo with my free hand. I close my eyes, tasting myself on my own fingertips.

  I send it.

  Then a car starts honking outside and I drop the phone like it was hot lava, blushing violently as I realize Susie's waiting for me. I rush outside and wave to her just as my phone beeps with another text.

  Good girl. Hope you're ready for something bigger than those dainty fingers.

  "Is your sunburn back?" Susie asks worriedly and I have to stifle my own laugh as she envelops me in a tight hug, realizing I'm blushing. We chatter as we walk over to her truck, with me thinking about his delicious text.

  "Oh my God," Susie gushes. "So you and the god of all that is holy and wrong are alone in the house today?"

  I nod shyly, and she smiles so excitedly you'd think she's the one who is about to spend a night alone with Jax.

  Susie goes on and on, until we arrive at the beach where the bonfire is burning bright against the backdrop of an inky blue night.

  "Well, look who's here," Susie whispers in my ear, and my eyes travel over the mass of people who are enjoying the balmy night. I see a few of the girls I've made friends with and give them a wave, but then my gaze falls on Adrian.

  I groan.

  I don't want to deal with this right now, because in my mind, I've already made my decision – not that there was much deciding to do. But seeing Adrian makes me feel a little tense and the doubts about my relationship with Jax start sinking in again.

  However you look at it, in the end we are stepsiblings.

  And if anything happened between us, there'd be a scandal... Whereas Adrian is the perfect safe choice, a great guy and someone who I know likes me.

  Too bad he doesn't make me feel like Jax does.

  "Don't worry, I've got your back," Susie winks at me before linking her arm through mine and strolling right over to the rest of our friends.

  I'm offered a red cup filled with punch, which, upon being sniffed, is not as fruity as it is spiked. I take small sips, knowing someone will refill my cup as soon as it's empty. I don't want to get drunk tonight ... I want to have all of my senses on high alert when I see Jax.

  If I even see him.

  I spend the evening constantly looking around, hoping to catch a glimpse of him. I was pretty sure he'd show up to the bonfire, since everyone is here today ... But so far, no such luck.

  Unfortunately for me, Adrian seems to be trying to make eye-contact with me all night long. I catch his eye and smile, then look away as fast as I can, but I guess that's all the encouragement he needs, because he comes to greet us in a matter of seconds.

  "Hey, Rubi," he greets me with a smile, and I smile shyly at him.


  "Haven't seen you in a while, is everything okay?" he wonders out loud, and I can see genuine concern in his eyes. This guy is so goddamned sweet, and I'm sure I'd be all over him if it weren't for my stepbrother.

  "I had a sunburn," I say lamely. "Had to stay inside until it faded."

  "Oh, poor girl," he says with a sweet smile. "I would've come over to keep you company." He accompanies the last sentence with a grin and a wink and I blush.

  Thankfully, Susie strides over to us in the next second.

  "I am so sorry, Adrian, but this one is needed for some gossip," she says matter-of-factly and before Adrian can pipe up with an objection, she's already pulled me away while he stares after us, confused.

  We bot
h giggle, looking at each other incredulously once we round the corner.

  "Do I need to do some damage control?" Susie asks. "Like you want Jax, you like Jax, did you forget about Jax?"

  "I don't think I ever could," I sigh heavily, shaking my head.

  "Good." Susie sounds satisfied. "Will you be okay by yourself? I'm about to make out with an insanely hot surfer dude."

  "I'll keep her company," an amused voice interrupts, and I whirl around, almost bumping into Jax who seems to have appeared out of nowhere.

  I just stare at him, not trusting myself to form coherent sentences.

  Susie jams her elbow in my ribs, then returns to her make-out partner.

  "You showed up," I say to Jax, hoping the dark night is hiding my flushed cheeks.

  "Been waiting for me?" he teases, raising an eyebrow.

  I shrug. "I've been keeping busy," I say, and I let my eyes float towards Adrian. Not that I would ever hook up with him, but at least it might get Jax a bit jealous.

  But instead of the jealousy I expect, he looks genuinely angry. He steps a little closer until he's right in my face, staring at me hard. His hands shoot up and grab me by the shoulders, and I just look back in shock.

  "Don't," he says angrily. "Don't go near him."

  "Sheesh, okay," I say with a groan, pulling out of his hands, even though I regret it the moment I don't feel his skin on mine. "Jealous much?"

  "I'm just looking out for you, Rubi," Jax says tiredly, and he looks beat-up all of a sudden. I move a little closer to him, my hand shooting up of its own accord to move a strand of hair from his eyes. He looks at me, and I blush again.

  "It was in your eyes," I say apologetically, giving him a shy smile.

  He looks at me, and his face cracks a smile, slow and so sexy I bet just that could make me wet in a hot minute.

  "Having fun?" he asks me , glancing around us at the party, which is in full force.

  I shrug.

  "I wanna keep playing." The words are out of my mouth before I can stop them, and it seems like Jax is just as surprised by them as I am. He stares at me, hard, and suddenly I'm intimidated by his presence.

  "You're sure?" he asks hesitantly, and I realize this is my chance to get out.

  I could say no and leave right now, and we wouldn't have done anything too forbidden. I could kiss Adrian tonight, pretend there was never anything between Jax and me. I'm sure he would find a substitute for me in a split second.

  But the thing is, I don't want to.

  So I nod, my body swifter and more sure of what I'm doing than my heart.

  Jax is glaring at me and his Adam's apple bobbles as he swallows. "Great," he says, and his smile reminds me of that of a predator. "Come with me."

  He takes me by the hand and gently pulls me away. I follow in his footsteps as he leads me away from the light of the bonfire, walking across the beach.

  My heart is thumping loudly in my chest, but if I said it wasn't in excitement, I'd be a liar.

  Chapter 13


  We walk on the beach and Rubi takes off her shoes, dangling them from her hand. She keeps sneaking glances at me, and I end up laughing out loud while she blushes.

  "What is it?" she asks self-consciously.

  I shake my head, a smile still playing on my lips, and she stops all of a sudden, crossing her arms in front of her body defensively. "Are we playing or what?" she asks stubbornly.

  "Sure, you can be my plaything," I tell her, and she nearly trips when she starts walking again – on flat ground I might add. I chuckle low in my throat.

  "Truth or dare?" I ask her next.

  She hesitates for a second. "Dare."

  I stop, a few inches away from the water lapping at the shore. We've put a good distance between us and the people at the bonfire by now. "Come over here," I order her.

  Her eyebrows shoot up. "So simple?"

  I shrug. "Let's see you do it, and we'll see how simple it is."

  She steps up bravely until she's a step away from me, and I shake my head unhappily. "No, closer."

  Another small, tentative step brings her almost face-to-face with me.


  Finally, she steps right into my arms, but I make them stay at my sides, grinning at Rubi who is refusing to meet my eye. I assume it's because our lips are almost touching.

  "Next," I tell her in a low growl.

  "Truth," she says, her voice shaking as she looks at the ground. But I'm not about to let her get off that easily.

  "Do you want me to fuck you, Rubi?" I groan, and she flutters those long eyelashes, looking at me for just a split second.

  She hesitates, stepping from one foot to another, but I don't like waiting. I am not a patient man.

  Tipping her chin back, I make her look me straight in the eyes, and the answer is clear in them. "Say it," I order her and move my hand away from her face, knowing she won't be able to break eye contact. I lower it next to my body, but she surprises me by reaching for it with her own hand. Our fingers twine together.

  She bites her bottom lip. "Yes," she whispers.

  "Yes what?" I demand more.

  "Yes, I want you to... fuck me."

  She curses all the time, yet hearing those dirty words that are so familiar to her lips makes me hard as a rock this time around.

  "Show me," I dare her, my eyes dancing with flames. "I wanna see how badly you want it, darlin'."

  She moves closer, and it's fucking torture. She's inches away from me, the girl I want more than anyone up to this point in my life. But I can't touch. I know it has to come from her – she has to make the first move.

  Rubi is looking down, our fingers still twined together. Slowly, she raises her eyes to meet mine, her irises sparkling through thick black lashes. Fuck me ...

  Then, she stands on her tiptoes, pulling my hand around her waist. My arms wrap around her hips like that's what they were meant to do, and I inhale her sweet scent. It's pure summer, lime and coconut. I need to taste it.

  She hesitates, inches away from my lips, my hands wrapped around her waist. I pull her closer, desperate for her to make up her mind. I know I shouldn't initiate the kiss. But I can still play the game.

  "Truth or dare?" I ask, my voice rough.

  Our bodies are pressed so close together, her breasts tight against my chest. I can feel her heart, and I'm sure it's beating so fast because of me.

  "Dare," she half-whispers, half-moans. I can feel her hard nipples, naked under the dress just like I ordered her.

  "Take my hand," I tell her, and she obediently does as she is told, pulling my hand closer. "And show me what a good girl you are, following my orders. Show me you're not wearing anything under that dress."

  She winks once, twice. Then she slowly brings my hand over to her body, placing it on her hip, her fingers trembling as she does so.

  "No," I say sternly. "Put it between your legs."

  I'm fighting every urge in my body to not take matters into my own hands. But finally, she tugs on my hand, her free arm moving up the fabric of her dress. I make my eyes stay on hers even though I want to look down so badly.

  But next thing I know, she presses my fingers against her slick pussy, already moaning, already wet for me.

  "Good enough?" she asks, her voice raspy.

  I touch her, my fingers slipping between her lips and teasing her just enough to make her gasp out loud. I find her clit, flicking it between two fingers as she moans.

  "Fuck," I curse softly against her lips. "Rubi."

  Feeling her smile on my cheek is sweet torture, but then she steps on the tips of her toes and our lips touch softly. She wants to taunt me, wants to play, but I'm done with the games.

  I grab her waist and lift her up, and she follows my body like she was made for me. She's feather light, wrapping her legs around my waist as I lower her against my mouth, our lips crashing together.

  It's not like our first kiss, full of fear and rebelliousness. It'
s sweet, it's wrong, yet it's so fucking right.

  Rubi whimpers every time I move my mouth, demanding I keep my lips on hers. If I move away for a split second, her hands are already around my neck, pulling me back. She kisses me like she's waited long enough. Deep, hard, driving me insane.

  I breathe heavily as she pulls me back once again.

  She looks me right in the eye. "Dare," she says, a sweet smile playing on her lips.

  I bite down on her bottom lip, making her moan in pleasure. "Let me make you mine," I say.

  Chapter 14


  I'm coming undone, and it's all because of Jax. I thought I could resist, thought I could fight, but as soon as we kiss, I'm done for.

  And he doesn't disappoint, doesn't hold back – not for a single moment.

  He lowers me to the sand, our bodies closely pressed together, hearts beating as one. Our eyes are glued to one another's, and I can't wait any longer.

  My hands tremble as I reach for the hem of Jax's shirt. I lift it slowly, my free hand sliding over his rock hard abs as he groans in my ear. His hands are at his sides, shaking lightly like he can barely resist touching me himself. But it's my game now, and I'm about to break all the rules.

  In a rush, I lift his shirt all the way and he raises his hands, helping me pull it over his head. I come face to face with his tattooed chest, the glorious black images coming to life in the moonlight as his muscles ripple.

  "Eyes up here," he tells me, and a small smile makes its way on my face, reminding me of that first day we met on the beach. My fingers glide across his chest, coming to stop on an intricate web of tattoos.

  "Take your dress off," he orders, his voice rough with desire.

  "Won't you help me?" I ask in response, but he shakes his head.

  "No. I want to watch."

  He smiles wide, and I feel the goose bumps on my skin. Then, I do what he says, his orders turning me on more than anything. I slowly lift the hem of my dress, pulling it over my head in one swift motion, my tits bouncing as I pull the thin fabric over my head.

  Jax is inches away, but he reaches for me with one hand, grazing the sensitive skin on my belly with just one finger. "So beautiful," he groans under his breath and I look away shyly.


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