Irrefutable (The Apprehensive Duet Book 2)

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Irrefutable (The Apprehensive Duet Book 2) Page 12

by Bracco, Kimberly

  This time around is altogether different in lots of ways. Quinn’s aware of herself and what we now. She wants it but she’s scared. After coming to the realization the kind of love she’s always wanted to believe in—be in—actually exists, she’s wary to let herself have it. If she never has it, no one can take it from her. And if she lets me all the way in, she could possibly lose me. I’d never let it happen, but she doesn’t believe it yet. Letting her go again is not in my plan. I just need to let her see that. We’re getting there. Little by little.

  There’s still part of herself she’s holding back. She tries to hide it but there’s this awkwardness about her now. Almost like being back in high school and not knowing how to act around your first girlfriend. I wish she’d relax and let herself go. Maybe she just needs a reminder how we used to be together. We used to joke, laugh, and ease each other’s troubles. I can do that tonight. Try and take away the awkwardness and tension. It will give me something more to do in helping her get through this.

  “I know,” she sighs into my neck as she lays her head down on my shoulder. Using the hand on the small of her back, I pull her body as close to mine as I can get it, and her body softens just slightly. “I’m not doing it on purpose but I feel like all eyes are on us. Like we’re the entertainment for the night.”

  “No one is watching us, angel,” I assure her as I glide her around the dance floor. “But even if they are, let me worry about that. Give me your anxiety and just focus on me. On us. On the way our bodies move perfectly together to the tempo.”

  We spend the next hour making our way around the dance floor until Tanner and Ashley saunter over and Tanner asks to cut in.

  “Looks like it’s you and me, Mama,” I say loud enough for Tanner to hear as I pull Ashley’s body to mine. I make to wiggle my eyebrows as I say it for extra effect.

  “I’m watching those hands, Conway,” Tanner warns as he spins away with Quinn.

  “How’s she doing?” Ash asks once they’re out of earshot. “She’s looks a little better out here than she did at the table before.”

  “She does,” I agree. “I figured keeping her hidden in the crowd would make it a little easier for her to relax. She’s distracted, but I’m also making sure to give the opportunity for a good shot of us, should anyone be looking for one.”

  “I can’t wait until this is all over,” she admits as we find our rhythm to Sinatra’s Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.

  “Me too,” I nod. “I’m going to sneak her out of here after Tanner gives everyone the final amount raised.”

  “Well, he’s heading up to do that in about five minutes, so she doesn’t have much longer,” she smiles. “You’re an incredible man, Alex. Not many men would be willing to stick this through and see the possibilities on the other side. I’m going to give you the same warning I gave Quinn. Don’t hurt her. She’s fragile and is finally starting to see there’s a whole world she never believed existed.”

  “I have no intention of hurting her, Ash,” I ensure her. “All I want to do is get our girl back and make her the happiest woman in the world.”

  A blinding smile graces Ashley’s face. “I know but I still needed to say it. I also want you to make another promise. Don’t let her destroy you. I know you love her, but don’t let that love be the end of you. She’s my best friend and I want nothing more than to see you guys make it through, but I also love you. I don’t ever want to see you go through that pain she caused you again. So please promise me you won’t let her sink you.”

  Ashley’s worries are justified. Quinn doesn’t have the best track record and I’ve been weak in the past when it comes to her. “Let’s hope it never gets to that point again.”

  “Sweets,” Quinn says, grabbing Ashley’s attention as she makes her way back over to us. “Tanner wants you to meet him at the side of the stage.”

  Before heading to the coat check and leaving, Quinn and I stand on the dance floor and listen to Tanner deliver his thanks to everyone in attendance and inform us that the event has raised a total of one point six million dollars to give kids around the city a proper Christmas, to great applause.

  “Ready to head home?” I ask as Quinn inhales the cold city air deep into her lungs the moment we step onto the sidewalk.

  “Yesss,” she moans in what sounds like exhaustion. It’s been a long trying night for her and tomorrow isn’t going to be any easier.

  QUINN’S SOFT SMILE grows wide as we walk through the front door of her place. “Finally home.”

  God, she looked fucking beautiful tonight, like a goddess. Now as we walk in to her place, seeing the rigidness leave her limbs as she kicks off her shoes is even more of a sight. She’s seems freer in her own space as she heads to her bedroom.

  It turned out to be a great night when I was able to get Quinn distracted. We danced. We smiled. We laughed. But when I let her stop and think even for the smallest moment, the clouds rolled back in. I know that’s what’s happening in her bedroom right now too.

  Heading to the kitchen, I grab some wine glasses and a bottle of Pinot Noir. I’m just finishing pouring the glasses when Quinn comes back out to find me.

  “Here, angel,” I say, trying to ignore the fact she’s wearing a short pajama outfit. Her shorts don’t cover all of her ass and her top’s so tiny, it leaves little to the imagination. My cock springs to life, dying to get some action. I need to get him under control. Of course a tux does nothing to hide a hard cock. It’s fucking winter for fuck’s sake; why isn’t she wearing pants and a parka?

  Quinn smiles her thanks but doesn’t say anything. Every part of my being hates seeing her like this. I can’t wait until everything plays out and she’s finally free. I slide down the counter and stop next to her, resting my hips against hers. “How you holding up?” I ask leaning down to breathe her in. After being apart so long, I don’t foresee a time when I won’t crave to have her next to me.

  She leans her head on my shoulder and sighs. Her body rises and falls while she takes a deep breath. “I’m just ready for it to be over. I’ve worked out so many ways tomorrow could go in my mind. The unknown is killing me. This is my father we’re talking about so I’m not stupid enough to think things will go easily, but all I want is for this to be done, one way or the other. I’m over the stress. I just wish I had something else to focus on, but everything depends on tomorrow.”

  So she needs a distraction? I can do that and help her remember how well we used to be able to keep one another from going out of our minds. Quinn’s always been about finding her release through sex. We haven’t gotten back to finding our way in that department. Not because I don’t want to. I do. Nothing would make me happier than reconnecting with her in the way that I’ve never connected with anyone else. But this awkwardness makes it hard.

  I never want to be that asshole who pushes for sex. I can do without it if in the end it makes us stronger. I just wish I knew her reason for the hesitation. There’s no doubt we still have the same exhilarating effect on each other. Every time we touch, even in the smallest way, sparks fly. My skin heats. My heart rate picks up. My cock begs for attention. My mouth salivates at the thought of Quinn’s taste. She feels it too. Her body experiences the same desire that mine does, but she shuts it down.

  I’ve watched her do it. There have been moments over the last couple of weeks when her eyes cloud with need. As if she’s remembering an intimate moment between the two of us. Her body becomes pliable and she loses herself for a second until something inside her mind turns off and she shuts down. Her eyes go from hooded to fearful.


  The thought pops into my head like a light bulb going off. Maybe she just needs me to take over. Make the choice for her. She’s got so much on her mind. More important things. Perhaps she just needs me to take away the thinking.

  Images from the first time I ever forced her to feel and give up control during sex flit into my mind. That night was one of the best nights we’ve ever ha
d. She let go pretty easily that night and it changed the dynamic between us immensely.

  Grabbing and tugging her into my arms, I slowly slide my thumbs under the silky material over her midsection and rub little circles just above her hips. Goosebumps spread across her skin and her body gives a little shudder. She rears back from me and her eyes dart to mine. Uncertainty and hesitation swim in the endless blues of her eyes. The storm is gaining speed, growing strong and fast inside her head. I need to shut it down. Silence it long enough for her to get lost in a different kind of storm.

  Lowering my lips to the shell of her ear, I try to divert her attention. “Don’t think. Just feel.” I make sure to say the words close enough so the warmth of my breath spreads across her ear. My efforts are rewarded as her eyes close and the faintest moan passes her lips.

  “Just feel,” I reiterate, gliding my hands slowly up the sides of her torso. Using the rough pads of my fingers, I try to touch as much of her as possible with just the lightest of touches. The way her breathing accelerates makes my cock scream out, demanding I move faster and get to the part where he gets to do the touching. Stupid bastard doesn’t realize that this isn’t about him.

  My girl needs a diversion and a diversion is what she’ll get. One of epic proportions.

  As soon as she rests her head against my chest, I know Quinn’s turned her mind off. She makes no attempts to move from my touch or fight off the desire that’s sizzling in the molecules surrounding us.

  My lips seek out the spot under her ear where her neck and jaw meet. The spot that’s always been a sure fire way to turn her on. The moment I feel her skin under my lips, I’m zapped with a jolt of electricity. God, I’ve fucking missed this.

  Just touching her, in the simplest of ways, starts a fire deep within my soul. A fire that only burns for her. A fire that hasn’t been lit in a very long time.

  I’ve told myself over and over had I known the last time we were together was going to actually be the last how I would’ve done things differently. I have no doubt that this will not be the last time we are together, but I refuse to take any chances. I’m living this new life with Quinn as if each day could be the last. Everything on the table. No holding back.

  Which is why I reluctantly drag my fingers momentarily from the soft skin of her ribcage and grip her ass, lifting her off the floor. No way is this reunion happening anywhere other than a bed. Where I can worship her properly. Her legs wrap around my waist and squeeze while her fingers weave into my hair and grip. Hard.

  Fuck! The way her nails scrape my scalp makes me want to throw her down and lose control. I’m the moth and she’s the flame. I want to burn in the heat she’s blazing inside me.

  I toss her down onto the bed the moment it’s within reach, and Quinn bounces with a thud and slight chuckle. Her smile drops as I pin her with the intensity of my gaze, zeroing in on the way her tiny slip of a top has risen and all her flawless, milky skin is on display. Calling to me.

  As she stretches, more skin is revealed and I can’t fight it any longer. Climbing up onto the bed, I pull at my bow tie, tugging it off while straddling her middle. I quickly unbutton the top few buttons and pull my dress shirt and t-shirt over my head. Reaching down, I grip the hem of her shirt and slide it up and off of her, revealing her perfect tits.

  Full, round, perfect tits with pebbled nipples begging to be sucked. I lower myself down, needing to feel her skin on mine badly at the moment. Pressing my lips to her collar bone, I begin kissing as much of her as I can as every nerve ending in my body lights up like a Christmas tree.

  As I wrap my lips around her hard nipple and suck, she lets out a throaty moan that reaches out and wraps around my dick making me rock solid. I can’t remember a time my cock was this hard. It’s Quinn. She touches a part of me no one else can and brings everything inside me to life.

  The way she runs her fingers through my hair and pulls me into her chest, holding me where she wants me, spurs me further. I scratch my nails up the inside of her thighs until I meet the smooth material of her too short shorts. Since there’s barely anything to them, it’s easy to slip my fingers underneath and find her bare pussy.

  Finding her wetness pulls a moan from me. The vibrations send Quinn into a frenzy. “Please,” she begs as she grinds her clit into the palm of my hand. God, she’s so sexy.

  Pulling back, I grip the sides of her shorts and drag them down her legs. Once they’ve been tossed over my head, I work my belt and finally get my pants off as I kneel down between her thighs, spreading them apart as I go.

  It’s been too long since I’ve had this part of Quinn in front of my face. She has a magnificent pussy. Wet, pink, sweet, and begging for my mouth.

  My eyes roll into the back of my head as my tongue gets its first taste of her. Best taste in the world. No woman has ever compared to her. Before or after.

  As I suck her clit between my lips and flick it lightly with my tongue, Quinn’s body convulses and she shouts, “Oh my God.”

  Pure manly pride surges through me knowing regardless of our time apart, I still know what she likes. There was a small shred of worry she may like things differently now.

  A smile spreads across my face as I take my last lap of her pleasure knowing I’m only going to give her more. Everything about this woman calls to a deep part of me. The sated look in her shining eyes. The small content smile on her face. The pink flush that covers her whole body after she finds her release. The way I can get her to let go and just be here with me in the moment. I swear on everything I have, this woman was made just for me.

  A dozen images of Quinn in various positions for me to drive into her play through my mind as I lube my cock. Spitting down and coating it, but the condom is missing. We never used them. I don’t associate them with her. She’s the only one ever, and I know I’m clean. I trust her. I trusted her before, and I know she takes safety as seriously as I do.

  I drag my eyes from my bare cock to her face taking in her expression. She seems calm. Not a care in the world. Maybe she’s still riding her high or maybe it’s trust. Her trusting me like this again just on my word after two and a half years is fucking huge. But I still want to make sure. “Do you trust me?”

  Her shining blue eyes lazily focus on my face as she nods her head. “Yes.” The minute the word leaves her mouth, her eyes close and she relaxes into the bed awaiting my next move.

  Pushing her further across the bed, I make room between her legs and crawl up between them. Settling on my haunches, I slide Quinn’s legs over my thighs and watch in fascination as her pussy lines up perfectly with my cock.

  Dragging my fingers through her wetness, I gather her arousal and cover my cock with it. Aligning my head up with her entrance, I lay my body over hers, bracing my weight on my forearms. My lips meet hers as my cock slowly fills her. Her scent, her sounds, her desire, her heat all heighten every little thing I’m feeling.




  Call it whatever you want, but I’m calling it home. It’s like coming home.

  I feel whole.


  The burn.

  The fullness.

  I fucking love it all.

  God, I’ve missed this.

  My pussy still tingles from the last massive orgasm Alex gave me and the slow invasion of his cock is lighting it back up. Alex lets out a sexy groan every time my muscles spasm and clenches his cock. He feels huge inside me, it’s like he’s everywhere.

  “Eyes, angel.” The timbre of his voice reverberates through my entire body. A new gush of wetness coats his dick as he drags it slowly out of me. When my eyes meet his, he pins me with a look of primal desire. The pupils of his eyes are so dilated, barely any of the gorgeous hazel iris is visible. His long, beautiful sandy hair, which I love, hangs down covering half of one eye, and it sways as he thrusts himself back inside me.

  “Ahhhh.” The moan escapes my lips just as my eyes roll backward i
n extreme pleasure. One thrust and I’m hanging on the edge of oblivion. A lust-filled grin spreads on Alex’s lips and he drags himself from me in the same fashion. There’s no doubt he can read how close I am. The man’s always been able to read me like a book.

  An extreme sensation burns in my core and then everything explodes. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. I have no control over my body. An array of colors invades the blackness behind my closed eyes. The Macy’s fireworks show is happening right now! A new sensation takes over my body with every new color that appears. All the color mixing together to paint a picture of the most incredible orgasm I’ve ever had.

  As consciousness gradually returns to my body, I can feel Alex’s gaze. His movements have slowed to a leisurely pace. Not that they were fast to begin with but I know he’s waiting for me to calm down.

  “Welcome back,” he smiles as I open my eyes and lock onto his. The sheen of sweat covering his body makes it shine, demanding my attention. Just as I place my hand on his much more defined biceps, his smile grows wider. “Now, it’s time for the real fun.”

  He drags himself out until just his thick head is resting at my entrance. Then he slams himself inside me, bottoming out.

  “Fucckk,” I scream out digging my nails into his muscles.

  Alex’s hips piston, his fingers digging into my hips. The slight pain from his grip makes the pleasure in my pussy more intense. My wetness coating his balls as they slap into my ass with each thrust.

  “God,” he murmurs. “I can’t. You feel amazing. Nothing has ever felt this good, this right. I’m not going to last much longer with your pussy strangling the hell out of me. Fuck, I’ve missed this.”

  Alex’s eyes bore into mine as he picks up speed, chasing his release. “I’m not coming without you,” he growls as he loosens his hold on my hip and drags his fingers down and finds my throbbing clit. He pinches it between two fingers and rolls.


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