Irrefutable (The Apprehensive Duet Book 2)

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Irrefutable (The Apprehensive Duet Book 2) Page 21

by Bracco, Kimberly

  “Are you wet, angel?” Alex asks as he spreads my legs open and kneels between them.

  I look down the length of my body to Alex’s eyes peeking over my pussy and remind him, “When it comes to you, always.”

  The crotch of my panties is gripped in Alex’s hand and he yanks them away with a growl.

  Fuck that was hot!

  The warmth of his breath hits my pussy before his mouth but the moment the tip of his wicked tongue touches my clit, I scream out, “Goddd!”

  “Mmmm,” Alex moans against my core, the vibrations taking me higher. “You’re the best taste in the world.”

  What girl doesn’t love hearing that? Alex is on an orgasm mission tonight.

  A long finger probes my entrance and my hips lift up trying to draw any part of him inside me. Alex adds another finger to the mix but still refuses to push them inside, circling them around my hole.

  “Alex…” I warn, not feeling like delayed gratification today.

  He chuckles against my clit while shoving his two fingers up inside my wet pussy hooking them at just the right angle.

  “Fuckkk,” I scream out, the pressure on my g-spot making me see stars. All Alex does is give those fingers a little wiggle and flick his tongue fast and the ball of intense pleasure inside me explodes.

  Every part of my body feels like it’s floating. Weightless limbs tingling with the best feeling in the world. Release.

  “It’s not over yet,” Alex says with a cat-that-got-the-cream smirk.

  Sitting up, I push Alex back and rise to my feet. Fisting his collar in my hands, I pull his face to mine and attack. I taste myself on his lips, but it just makes this whole thing even hotter. The taboo things in sex have always been my thing. I love doing the stuff other people cringe about, to a degree anyway. There are just some things I draw the line at.

  Rotating us, I shove Alex down on the bed and make fast work on the button and zipper of his jeans. I drag his pants and his briefs down until his cock springs free and bounces off his stomach.

  My mouth waters and I bend down unable to resist the urge to lick the entire length of his cock.

  “Aghhhh.” Alex’s moan fills the room, echoing off the walls.

  Climbing up onto the bed, I hover over him and align the head of his cock with my slit.

  The stretching and burn I feel as my body takes in Alex’s long thickness is spectacular. I feel full and complete.

  “God, I love this,” I pant, sliding up and down his length making sure to hit the right angle.

  “Why are these covered?” Alex asks, reaching up grabbing the cups of my bra and pulling down. “That’s much better.”

  His hands reach around to my back and he pulls my body down closer to him and sucks my nipple into his mouth.

  The extra sensation intensifies the orgasm brewing in my lower body and my hips work up and down, faster and faster.

  My release builds higher and higher until there’s nowhere left to go.

  “Holy shit,” I scream out, sliding my hands under Alex’s shirt which never made it off his body and dig my nails in.

  A garbled litany of words leave Alex’s mouth, but all I can make out through my own enjoyment is, “Fuck, yes! Just like that, angel.”

  My hips stop moving as the waves of my orgasm pulse through my body and I begin being thrust up into the air as Alex races to find his own pleasure.

  His hands clamp around my hips and he holds me down onto him as his cock throbs deep inside me. I feel each spurt of his release through the twitching of his cock. The little movements making my oversensitive flesh quake, prolonging the tail end of the monster orgasm he just gave me.

  That’s a way to fucking celebrate!

  LOUIS TAYLOR HAS been in jail for close to three months. Those three months haven’t been the happily ever after I was hoping for with Quinn. I’d assumed once everything had been taken care of with him, things would settle down. Quinn and I would be able to work on rebuilding our relationship. But it’s quite the opposite.

  Quinn has been working nonstop on getting this new company launched. I’m happy for her. Truly, I am. Seeing her so excited and full of life again makes my heart swell. She’s been through so much shit and lost so much of herself, seeing her enjoy life again is amazing to watch.

  Lately, I feel like I’m watching from afar though. Jordan is still the one doing most of the helping when it comes to Quinn. I feel as if I’m the third wheel in a different relationship. Quinn spends all day at her office and all night at Jordan’s. Any time I actually get with her isn’t really spent with her. She’s on the phone with Jordan or texting Jordan or emailing him. Or she’s recounting everything they worked on together.

  With all the chaos going on in her professional life, I know she has a lot going on. And right now those things rank of more importance than us. It’s just that I’d like to see us move past being just okay. Move closer. Grow together. I thought we could weather it. But we’re not. I’m not.

  I’m tired of being last. I don’t need a lot, but Quinn is barely giving me anything at all. I didn’t really notice how bad it had gotten until the season ended last month. I didn’t realize how little Quinn actually thought of me.

  The unreturned calls were noticed first. I’d call and she’d tell me she’d call me back and then never would. Then came the unanswered texts. Ones I know she read because it told me so. I kept telling myself to stop being overdramatic because it wasn’t intentional.

  Next came the nights she’d say she was going to come by and never showed. The first two times, I was worried as all hell. When I finally got her on the phone, she told me she got wrapped up in meetings with Jordan and decided to head home because she was exhausted.

  We had an argument about it when I had to remind her about being considerate. Both times, she said she understood she’d messed up and she’d make sure she didn’t do it again.

  But she did. Again and again.

  Tonight seems to be the last straw for my patience.

  It’s taking everything in me to continue to keep my shit together, but Quinn has created enough spark to light the fuse. I planned an entire evening together tonight, and she either forgot or blew it off. Either way, after thinking about how long this has been mounting and it’s snowballed from little things into bigger, I’m pissed.

  I thought a nice night together would remind her of us and bring just a small part of her attention back to me. That was the point of making reservations tonight. Having a nice dinner together. Just us. Enjoying each other.

  But Quinn never showed. I waited for her, but she didn’t come home. She didn’t go to the restaurant either. I called them when I couldn’t get her on the phone thinking maybe she had just gotten the meeting place wrong. Nope. She just never came.

  This kind of reminds me of that day she went to Jordan’s office and completely forgot to update me for hours. Only difference is this time I know she’s at the office with Jordan.

  I hear the front door of my apartment open as I’m drying myself off from showering.

  “Alex?” Quinn’s voice calls out.

  Her shoes make a clacking sound on the hallway floor as she makes her way to the bedroom.

  Her lips turn up and she leans on the doorframe, “There you are. How was your day?”

  She completely forgot about our plans. The ones I reminded her about this morning as she left for work. It’s obvious by the smile and her casual “honey, I’m home” demeanor.

  “Discouraging,” I deadpan and pull my sweatpants on.

  Anger and disappointment boil inside me with the realization that even after everything we’ve been through, all I’ve stood by her through, I’m still not anywhere near the top of her priorities. That’s a big problem for me.

  Quinn’s smile drops and her forehead scrunches, “Oh? What happened?”

  She approaches, concern on her face. She doesn’t like that I’m upset which is a good sign. But I doubt she even has a thought that it ha
s to do with her.

  Crossing my arms over my bare chest, I look her in the eye and say, “My girlfriend forgot about the date I set up for us. Didn’t call. Didn’t text. Didn’t show up. Ring any bells, Quinn? You know, the date I even reminded you about this morning to which you said you wouldn’t miss it for anything?”

  I can tell she remembers now as her pupils dilate with shock and a little regret as my words sink in.

  “Alex, I’m so sorry,” she explains. “I didn’t mean to miss our date. I just got wrapped up … Jordan had this great idea and we got lost in exploring the options it would bring. I was really looking forward to a night just me and you.”

  The words she means as an apology have the opposite effect on me. They don’t mollify me, only fuel me on because she has no regard for me or my time. It’s all about her. I’m usually not an angry man, but tonight it doesn’t seem I have any control over it. As each moment passes, she does or says something that only adds to it. “It could be me and you every night, Quinn. You just choose to not have that. You’d rather spend all your time with Jordan and then fit me in just enough to keep me hooked, but only when it’s convenient for you.”

  A scowl begins to form on her face as she steps closer and asks defensively, “What’s Jordan got to do with this?”

  For real?

  “Jordan has everything to do with this. Jordan spends more time in my relationship than I do,” I scoff, looking down on her.

  “We are business partners who are building a company. He has nothing to do with us,” she denies emphatically, her hands perched on her hips. “What the hell is your problem?”

  “My problem is your lack of respect for me. You spend more time with your ex-fiancé than you do with me, the man you’re with. I’m not some puppy for you to play with when you have free time,” I rant. My heart rate spiking as it furiously beats inside my chest. I’m so fucking angry at the moment, and this woman makes me want to lose control. But control is my lifeline in the situation. No matter how badly I want to shake the shit out of her for being so god damn self-centered, I don’t because it won’t help anyone.

  “That is not true and that engagement was fake,” she argues before trying to turn the tables. “You don’t see me over here complaining that you go home to a woman you used to sleep with.”

  “Don’t even try that bullshit,” I snap. “That’s completely unfounded and you know it. I never agreed to marry Tiffany. You agreed to marry the man and that’s not something you take lightly. I barely even got an ‘I love you’ out of you in almost two years and within a matter of months, you gave him everything I wanted. Do you know how that feels?”

  Her mouth opens as she makes to say something, but I’m not done. Apparently, my brain is planning on leaving everything on the table today. “Plus, you’ve known about that between Tiff and I for a while and never said anything about having a problem with it. You’re trying to justify your behavior. Where I, on the other hand, already voiced my dislike of you being inconsiderate when it comes to spending hours upon hours together with him and leaving me behind with no thought at all. We’ve had how many conversations about this shit, Quinn? You forgot about me again and then you ask me to be happily waiting for you when you have time for me.

  “You treat me like a pet. Expecting me to always be there for you when you get home, no matter how long you left me alone. The bulk of the time I get with you is spent sleeping. And whatever little time I do get with you at a normal part of the day, you spend talking to Jordan, about Jordan, or messaging Jordan. I just get a quick glance here and smile there while you pat my head. That’s not how this works.”

  The words just flow. Everything I’m feeling spills from my lips with ease. I guess I’ve been a volcano waiting to erupt, and today’s the day.

  I expected to see a look of contrition on Quinn’s face, but that’s not what’s there at all. Her lips are set in a thin, hard line. Her jaw is clenched and posture rigid. She’s pissed.

  “If that’s how you feel, then why are we doing this? If you can’t get over yourself enough to support my career, then you don’t know me at all,” she seethes.

  Nothing I’m saying to her is registering at all. She’s in defensive mode. For Quinn, the best defense is a good offense, so she’s putting her walls up and throwing fire just to lash out.

  “I know you better than anyone else on this planet. I support everything you do including the things I don’t agree with, but I won’t tolerate being unimportant in your life. I’m not asking for much, and you can’t even be bothered to make a phone call to say you’re not making it. I rank so low on your list of priorities, I don’t even register.”

  How can she not see that? Yes, I’m angry but I don’t want to fight with her, I want to talk it out and find a way to fix it that works for both of us. Listening to her jump right into talking nonsense is a blast from the past.

  “I’m not the chick that’s going to hang all over you and not be able to get through a day without seeing you. If you need me to make you the center of my universe, then you got the wrong girl,” she says bluntly.

  This is going nowhere fast. She’s in no mood to talk sensibly about this, and I honestly need a break from all the Quinn drama. There’s no doubt in my mind that I love her, but sometimes I really need quiet in my life. Life with Quinn has been a whirlwind these last six months and I wouldn’t mind a reprieve.

  Quinn needs time to decide if she wants to make this work, because right now all I’m hearing is excuses. So before those excuses turn into something ugly, I tell her, “Go home, Quinn. If that’s how you really feel, then leave. Call when you decide to face the truth and deal with your problems like an adult.”

  I turn away from her and retreat back into my bathroom. Turning the water on, I lean down and splash some water up onto my cheeks. Grabbing my toothbrush, I brush my teeth as a distraction while waiting to hear the door close.

  Tonight was supposed to be a good night. A night for Quinn and I to relax, but instead it’s a fucking mess.

  Of course, I don’t want a life without Quinn in it. But I also know I don’t want this current one with Quinn either. I can’t continue to let myself be okay with whatever she decides to give me. I may not be perfect, but I know I deserve more than this.

  Regardless of how hard it would be to walk away from her, I refuse to let myself repeat the same mistakes I made in the past.

  “ALL RIGHT, WHAT’S going on?” Ashley asks as soon as the waiter leaves the table. “Why’d you want to have lunch if you’re just going to be a bitch?”

  She leans back into her chair and arches an eyebrow at me while resting her hands on her baby bump. “Wow, and I’m the bitch?”

  I thought lunch with Ashley might cheer me up. My mood has been shitty since Alex kicked me out of his house two days ago. Sitting on my couch, staring at the walls, I decided to get out and do something, like lunch with Ashley. I assumed spending a little time with her on a cold Saturday doing things we used to do together before this whole thing with my father took over most of my life for the last year and half might warm me up, in more than one way, but maybe I was wrong.

  “Quinn,” she huffs. “You called me out of the blue today and asked if I wanted to get together for lunch, which of course I do because getting any time out of you lately is a feat in itself. But if that lunch is going to consist of you grunting and scoffing and being a dick to the waiter, then you should’ve invited your bitchy friend, Blair, and you two could be miserable together while I’m home with Tanner and Michaela.”

  The last thing I need right now is someone else getting on my case. I’m so over all this fighting and clawing to fight my way to the top. The only people I need to be in my life right now are the people who will help me build myself back up, not ones who want to pick apart everything I do. “I asked you because I wanted to see my best friend, but if you’re just going to sit here and give me shit too, then I see this was a bad idea,” I hiss.

g, I go to grab my purse from the back of my chair, fully intending on leaving, but Ashley has other ideas.

  “Stop being a fucking baby and talk,” she scolds. “There’s obviously something you want to talk about so do it already. I’m here. I’m listening, but I can’t do shit if you’re going to throw a tantrum because I called you out on being a bitch.”

  When did Ashley grow some balls?

  “Looks like someone has grown a backbone…” I mutter under my breath as I turn back around in my seat.

  “Looks like someone needs to grow theirs back,” she challenges, bracing her elbows on the table before leveling me with an expectant stare. “Start talking.”

  My eyes gaze beyond her and watch the people walk past the windows of the little bistro we’re at. We found this place years ago after a trip to the mall in Paramus and fell in love with it. I haven’t been here in a long time.

  A couple catches my eye and they look so happy it’s sickening. He wraps her up into a hug, shopping bags hitting her back, and she laughs up at him while smiling as though he’s her world. God, I want that. But I just don’t know if that’s ever going to work for me; it doesn’t seem to be in my cards. I just have to accept that. While I do believe in love and that it’s out there and it exists, that doesn’t mean that it happens for everyone.

  “Alex and I had a fight,” I announce breaking the silence that’s been growing around our table.

  Ash’s head nods slightly and reaches for her water. “Okay, everyone fights. Did you guys work it out?”

  “No,” I tell her. “He doesn’t understand me or my life right now, so I don’t know if it can be fixed.”

  “You’re not giving me much to work with here, Quinn,” she presses. “I can’t help if I don’t understand.”

  Our waiter drops off the platter of fried food I forced Ash to have as an appetizer. I want comfort food for my shitty mood, and she’s going to eat it with me. I recount the whole argument from the other night as Ash and I put a serious dent in the food.


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