Rated: X-mas

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Rated: X-mas Page 11

by Rachel Bo, Stephanie Vaughan

  Chapter Four

  The elevator door closed behind them and strong arms wrapped around Val from behind as Ty settled against the back wall. “Easy,” he cautioned her, pulling her back until her upper body rested flush against his, slightly unbalanced by the backward-leaning angle. It was an unsettling feeling, and Valerie fought her body’s instinctive urge to right itself as Dan closed in on her from the front.

  His eyes swept over her and Val was reminded that she was still dressed from her day at work. She wanted to be dressed in her finest. No, better than her finest, because that wasn’t very elaborate at all. Here she was, Cinderella going to the ball with two princes, but instead of a beautiful gown and glass slippers, it was layered T-shirts -- long-sleeved at that -- jeans, and athletic shoes. All kept warm by her Sears’ finest storm jacket.

  Some princess. More like Cinderella after the clock struck midnight.

  Not sure she could have moved even without the restraint, Val tilted her head to keep Dan in her sights. Movement overhead caught her eye and she saw their reflection in the polished brass fixtures on the elevator’s ceiling. The reflected Dan’s head moved closer until it finally blocked her view and all she could see was warm brown eyes and dark sable hair. The arms holding her tightened their grip and Val was aware of the heat from Ty’s body, Dan’s mouth settling on hers, a rigid erection nestling into the indentation between her butt cheeks, the scent of soap from Dan’s skin.

  She was drowning in Dan’s kiss, reveling in the unmistakable evidence of the desire of two men, when the elevator stopped with a slight shimmy and the doors opened.

  “Third floor. That’s us.”

  Luckily the hallway was empty. Val was thankful she had support, because she wasn’t sure she could have stood on her own. Her knees had turned to jelly and walking unaided was out of the question. The distance from the elevator to the room was a blur. It probably included pictures on the walls, potted plants, possibly even an ice machine. But Valerie was only aware of Dan to her left, arm wrapped around her waist, and Ty supporting her similarly on her right.

  “Here. This one.” Ty slipped the key card into the door lock and Val thought she just might expire from the wanting. Spontaneously combust. The whole experience was surreal. Something she had dreamed and fantasized for years was about to happen. She could smell her own desire -- her panties were soaked with it -- and she could only hope it wasn’t obvious to Dan and Ty.

  Glancing quickly around the room, Val had the impression of heavy wood furniture, an armoire that took up half of one wall and a bed. A big one. Would it be roomy enough for three? An image of the three of them naked on the bed together came instantly into Val’s head and the throbbing in her needy pussy increased. Interior muscles clenched hard. She closed her eyes and concentrated on breathing slowly and deeply until she gained control again.

  “Val. Are you okay? It’s not too late to change your mind, you know.” Dan’s eyes, full of concern, stared down at her. She looked at Ty and he, too, was watching with an assessing gaze.

  “No, I’m good. I mean --” she stumbled, nerves tumbling over the sinuous thread of want running through her. “I want this.” Unless -- was it possible that they ...? “Unless you’ve changed your mind. That’s okay if you don’t want to.”

  “Oh, we definitely do. Do you really want the shibari?” Dan indicated a canvas bag with an athletic logo on it she hadn’t noticed before. Where had that come from? Had he really had it all along? How out of it must she have been not to have spotted it? “We don’t have to. We can still be together without it, you know.”

  “I do. I definitely do. I’ve never --” Dammit, she would get this out. She was so close to living her dream. “Dan, I’ve known you half my life. I know your parents. I even knew your grandparents when they were alive. I trust you. And I know you wouldn’t have a man for a partner that I couldn’t count on, too.” She laid a hand on his arm. “I can’t think of anyone I would trust more. Please?”

  Behind her Ty snorted. “Danny, the woman’s begging. For my sake, can we just tie her up and fuck her now?”

  A sound somewhere between a gasp and a laugh burst out of Val at Ty’s bluntness. She couldn’t understand how it punched a hole in the seriousness and lightened the mood. The look on Dan’s face as he struggled to do the right thing touched her. She wanted to make it easy for him.

  So she smiled at them both and shrugged out of her coat, throwing it blindly in the direction of one of the chairs. Crossing her arms, Val grabbed the hems of the T-shirts she’d layered on that morning and, as one piece, pulled them over her head. Another flick of her wrist tossed them in the same arc the coat had taken. Heat was building in two sets of male eyes and Val felt the power of the goddess flow into her as she stood before them. She was female, stepping into the realm of the male and it thrilled her like nothing ever had.

  Balancing on one leg, Val pulled her shoe and sock off, switched legs and repeated the process. Some other time she would do a real strip tease for them. Really put on a show. But for now she was in a hurry get where she was going. A snap of a button, one quick pull of the zipper, and she was hooking her thumbs in the waistband of her jeans and sliding them down her legs.

  She stood before them in just her panties and bra.

  “What now, guys?”

  * * * * *

  Dan thought his heart might give out.

  This ... this ... perfect vision of female beauty had stripped herself naked before his eyes. And now looked questioningly from Ty to him. Did it get any fucking better than that? If it did, Dan couldn’t think how.

  “Stand right there. Don’t move.” He could have been a frog for the croak in his voice.

  Waves of heat washed over him and Dan realized he’d been so mesmerized by what Valerie was doing with her clothes he’d never thought to remove his own and he still wore his jacket. Ty had removed his jacket and was already unbuttoning his own shirt as Dan finally shook out of his coat.

  If the little darling who stood so trustingly before them had an itch for bondage, she would probably enjoy a little domination as it was administered. Dan left his clothes on.

  The nylon rope he’d found in the trunk was probably left over from the move to the new house they’d just completed. But he’d have to ask Ty later what his bag of play toys was doing in the car. God knows Dan hadn’t thought to bring it along on a trip back to see the family. What the hell reason could Ty have had to toss it in? His partner’s sixth sense for planning could be damn spooky at times.

  “Ty.” Dan nodded in Val’s direction as he shook the rope out of the athletic bag. A sixty-footer was standard for shibari, but it had been so long since he’d needed one for that, Dan had no idea if this was his old one or not. Doing a quick measurement with his arms, he decided the rope was close enough for their purposes.

  Reading him perfectly, Ty unhooked Val’s bra from the back. Either she was ticklish or turned on because she arched her back a little and shuddered. Ty completed her nudity by sliding her tiny panties down her long, toned legs and revealing a triangle of soft curls the same rusty brown as the hair on her head.

  “Beautiful. Ty, what do you think? A ceremony later?” He nodded to her thatch of curls as he completed the first three knots in the rope.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Ty’s answering smile and nod would drive Val crazy, Dan knew. But for anyone who enjoyed ropes and bondage -- especially a novice like Valerie -- anticipation was nine-tenths of the thrill.

  “What?” She’d been so quiet, her question startled him. “Ceremony? What are you guys talking about?”

  “Later. Maybe. One step at a time. And we won’t do anything you don’t agree to. Okay?”

  Dan waited for her nod of agreement before stepping in close. Slipping the loop of rope over Val’s head, the first knot fell just above her breasts. And such beautiful breasts they were. Round and full with gorgeous pink areolas and nipples that stood out, practically calling his name. Begg
ing for attention. He lowered his head to a scant inch away and was rewarded with Valerie’s sharp intake of breath when he extended his tongue. But as much as he yearned to latch on and suck it deep into his mouth, he stopped himself.

  “Okay.” Her breathy answer made Dan realize he’d forgotten the question. Oh, yeah. Nothing she didn’t agree to.

  Ty chuckled and Val whipped her head around. “What are you laughing at?”

  Where Dan would have soothed her ruffled dignity, Ty only laughed harder. “You. We’re just getting started, doll.”

  Dan focused on adjusting the knots to the correct distances apart and not on the succulent flesh two inches from his nose. Her skin was warm and smelled faintly of flowers. He couldn’t tell if it was soap or perfume, but Dan was pretty sure a taste-test would clear everything up. His dick jumped at the thought and he went back to counting knots.

  One above her breasts, one just below and one over her belly button. Dan might be a little rusty at his rope skills, but not so rusty that he didn’t remember that the placement of the fourth knot was critical. Directly over her clit. He divinely hoped they could convince her to shave that pretty little kitty. If Val truly did have a taste for ropes, the sight of her bound pussy, spectacularly naked and hairless, was something he desperately wanted to see. His mouth actually went dry at the thought.

  Down on his knees, Dan adjusted the knot over her clit, his fingers sliding in the juices that flowed from her pussy onto the ropes. God, how long had it been since he’d tasted the honey that flowed from a woman’s body? His hands shook and it was only by sheer force of will that he didn’t slide a finger into her steaming body. What could a finger or two hurt? Just to see if she was ready. Three would be a tight squeeze. He groaned a little, inwardly, at the thought.

  “How’s that, Val? Can you feel that?”

  “Um, yeah.” The little quiver in her voice lit fires in him that could only be put out one way.

  “Good. Perfect.” After passing the long tails of the rope between her legs and back to Ty still standing behind her, Dan couldn’t resist bringing his fingers to his face. He drew the sweet musky woman-scent that lingered there into his lungs before putting them into his mouth and sucking them clean. Beautiful.

  Ty pulled the ropes through to his side and Dan climbed to his feet as Ty brought the ropes up between the smooth globes of Val’s ass before passing them through the loop at her neck. Those cheeks -- as soft and smooth as a Georgia peach and twice as tasty. The possibilities of what the three of them could find together dazzled him.

  Now for the artistry.

  As easily as it flowed, Dan wondered why they’d never teamed up to bind a woman before. It made things so much easier, to be able to pass the ropes back and forth, rather than one person having to move from front to back, back to front, over and over again.

  “Are you okay, babe? How does that feel?” He sounded like an FM deejay, his voice rumbling up from the depths of his body. It was incredibly arousing to see Valerie’s trust in them manifested so tangibly.

  “Good. Strange. But good.”

  “You look great, babe. If we had a better set up we could do some truly amazing things with you. But this is good.”

  They continued to pass the ropes from back to front, through the sections formed between knots, until finally the ropes formed an intricate pattern of diamonds and triangles as they criss-crossed her body.

  After Ty completed the last pass in back, he finished off the last of the rope by making a small bow.

  “Look.” Dan angled the mirror-covered door of the armoire so that Valerie could see herself. The trick to shibari was in the placement of the knots and the tension of the ropes. Restrictive, but nowhere was circulation affected.

  “We could tie your arms now. Or your legs.” Ty watched Val looking at herself in the mirror. “Think of what we could do if we only had a hook in the ceiling.” All three of them looked up. Imagining.

  Ty leaned in as he tugged here and there on the ropes, checking the tension, and whispered in Valerie’s ear. “Had enough? Or do you want more?”

  She had to clear her throat twice, but the shine in her eyes and the juices flowing from her quivering body told the true story.

  “More. Definitely more.”

  * * * * *

  Enough with the foreplay, Ty was ready for some real fun.

  Running his hands up Val’s body, he pressed himself close while reaching around to cup her breasts. There really was nothing like the soft, springy flesh of a woman’s breasts. So deliciously tender. So sensitive to stimulation. Ty weighed Val’s in his hands, earning a moan when he squeezed them.

  “How sensitive are you? Do you like it when I do this?” “This” meant pinching her tender pink nipples, twisting first one, then its mate. Val only nodded and began to pant a little.

  “So you won’t mind, then, when I clamp them?”

  Bent over her as he was, Ty knew the instant her eyes sprang open and he felt the delicate brush of her eyelashes over his cheek. Her little gulp of courage was distinctly audible when she shook her head.

  Ty spared a second to check on Dan’s progress and saw that he was down to only pants and boots. “Danny, you about ready?” The answering intensity in Dan’s eyes kicked Ty a little higher. “Since you’re in front, why don’t you do the honors?”

  Reaching into the athletic bag, Dan found the clamps. Small alligator clips on a light but sturdy chain, they had a deceptively wicked bite. A gasp of indrawn breath answered the first application. When the second was affixed her breath was released on a long, shuddering sigh.

  Dan didn’t have the taste for domination that Ty did. Something in him flinched when it came to causing pain of any kind. The rush that Ty got from watching erotic suffering turn to ecstatic bliss, though, wasn’t something he’d had to learn. It was innate to who he was.

  “How’s that? You still okay?” Val’s lips curved up in a half-smile and she nodded absently. Like a duck to water, she was taking to their style of play like a natural. “Any time you’ve had enough, just say the word. Anything will do. ‘Stop, whoa, enough.’ You let us know, okay?”

  “I’m fine, guys. Keep going.” He could get used to that husky alto murmuring assent. Who knew what they could build up to, given time?

  Finished undressing, Dan approached Val and took her face in his hands. “Are you good? Is this what you wanted?”

  Nodding, she said, “Kiss me. Please? I need you to kiss me.”

  By the time the last word was clearing her lips, Dan had fastened his mouth over hers, giving her a slow, deep, searing kiss.

  A big man, Dan’s cock was at least as big around as Val’s wrist. And Ty knew it would be nudging insistently at her belly. Ty got a firm grip on Val’s hips and used his whole body to press her between them. He loved directing the action and spoke commands low into her ear. “Grab that big cock, baby. Yeah, stroke it. Have you ever had anything that big in you? Aw, look how wet you are. Feel my fingers? Can you imagine how that big hunk of meat’s going to feel inside of you?” Val moaned helplessly as Ty ground his hips into her ass.

  After a few moments, Ty disengaged and backed away -- rummaged through the play bag until he found the items he was looking for. After readying them, he closed back in again.

  “Has anyone ever used your ass?” He murmured silkily into Val’s ear as he rubbed a generous amount of lube around the rosy pink orifice in question. “Dan, let her talk.”

  “N-No.” She’d frozen stock-still when she’d felt the chill of the lube hit the warmth of her skin. Was the temperature of the liquid her only hesitation?

  “Just tell me to stop, Val, and I’ll stop.”

  She looked up at Dan and then down at the harness on her body. After only a moment’s hesitation, she said, “I want it all. Keep going.”

  “Okay, Val. Just close your eyes and relax. Kiss Dan. I guarantee you’re going to love this.”

  He’d been fully prepared to stop when sh
e said no. It wouldn’t be the first time someone thought they wanted to play and found reality a little too different from the fantasy. But talk about gutsy. Ty’s admiration for Valerie kicked up two more notches.

  Already sheathed in a condom, Ty added more lube to the soft jelly butt plug he’d chosen and pressed it to the opening of Val’s ass. “Relax and think good thoughts, babe.” After the smallest of hesitations, the muscles guarding her rear opening began to give way under the gentle pressure he applied. Danny was no doubt stroking her clit, because she began to rock slowly back and forth. She whimpered a little, and then pressed backward into his hand as the plug slid home.

  Chapter Five

  She was drowning in sensation.

  Like waves on the ocean, they built slowly from the depths, rising gradually until they burst to the surface and crashed over her. The feeling of security she got from the ropes binding her body was the only thing holding her together. Keeping her from flying apart.

  Her pussy had been throbbing since the restaurant, which seemed about a million years ago now. The slow pulsing of her core had ebbed and flowed, too, but never completely stopped. How could it, when she was surrounded by two powerful examples of masculinity, continually pumping pheromones into the air? Her starving body had lapped them up, feeding ravenously. And now, ready and primed for hours, her core felt empty and needy.

  Sensitive nipples added another layer to the feelings pouring over, around, and through her. What had initially felt like fire had eased and now burned slowly like a low ember. How did the saying go? “That’s not pain, that’s just strong sensation”? Something very close to strong sensation had washed over her when Dan had clamped her first nipple. That feeling had been pushed aside by the pinch in the first when he’d attached the second. And now it seemed to come and go; fading away until it was barely noticeable only to rise again into a relentless ache.


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