Three Ways to Wicked

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Three Ways to Wicked Page 6

by Jodi Redford

  Could she do something so sexy and wanton? Although she’d penned her fair share of threesomes, she’d never entertained the possibility of engaging in one in real life. She was nowhere near that wild.

  But you want to be. With Ty and Gibb, you want to be as wild and wicked as the brave, uninhibited heroines you write about. Admit it. Deep down, you’ve been hungering for this from the first moment you laid eyes on them all those years ago.

  Damn, her inner voice was pulling no punches today. Still, it was nothing less than the brutal truth. She did want to explore every sinful avenue she could with them. She always had. Furthermore, she was a grown woman. Free to do any crazy, kinky thing out there. True, if a few certain someones didn’t approve of her actions and condemned her in the end, it’d hurt. A lot. But she couldn’t keep plodding through her life with this constant worry of disappointing everyone and ignoring her own desires.

  Firming her resolve, she sucked in a shaky breath and released it. “I’m tired of always worrying about making everyone else unhappy. For once, I want to focus on what will make me happy.”

  Gibb’s stare drilled into her. “What exactly are you saying, Kay?”

  She swallowed past the uncertainty congesting her throat and prepared to leap into the wild unknown. “I’m saying yes. To the boat ride. To you and Ty. To whatever happens between us.”

  Chapter Eight

  Her newfound courage hit a rough patch the moment Ty and Gibb escorted her to the docks where their small fleet of fishing boats was moored. Easy to feign bravery on dry land, where it was entirely possible to beat a hasty exit if things got too intense. But out on the Atlantic? There’d be nowhere for her to go, other than overboard. And probably into the jaws of a waiting shark, knowing her luck. Since that was something she intended to avoid at all costs, she’d have to hike up her big-girl panties and take her chances with Gibb and Ty.

  She risked a peek at them and realized they were watching her intently. Oh crap. Had they asked her a question? How long had she been dazing off into space and fretting about three-ways and sharks? “I’m sorry, you were saying?”

  “We didn’t say anything.” Gibb’s features softened. “Kay, you’re seconds away from jumping out of your skin.”

  She chafed her arms. “Guess I’m a tad nervous.”

  “About the boat ride?” Ty asked. “Or us?”

  “A little of both,” she admitted with an unsteady sigh.

  “There’s no need to be. With either.” Gibb tucked her against his side and gently combed his fingers through her hair, a gesture that instantly soothed. “We would never push anything on you.”

  “I know, and I feel stupid for being this jittery.” She worried her bottom lip between her teeth. Embarrassing as it might be to admit to the insecurities harassing her brain, if she was going to go through with this, a full disclosure was in order. “Truth is, I might be able to write the sexy stuff, but I’m not sure how good I’ll be at it in real life. My sexual experience is limited. Really limited. I might end up being a big disappointment.” So much for her resolve to no longer be ruled by that particular fear. But in this case, it wasn’t one she could readily ignore.

  Her lack of sexual expertise wasn’t the only thing making her belly do flip-flops. Ty and Gibb were gorgeous hunks who could have any woman they wanted. She was far from being a supermodel with a perfect, airbrushed body that repelled cellulite. Her thighs were all too happy to rat out her lifelong love affair with sweets and pasta. And buried not so deep inside her, she was still that gawky book geek suffering a mega crush on two beautiful men who were ridiculously out of her league. It was impossible to forget that glaring fact.

  Gibb tilted her chin, ensuring she met his prodding gaze. “There is no damn way you could disappoint us. Get that idea right out of your head.”

  He must have read something in her eyes that gave away her lingering doubts because he leaned down and kissed her, the firm, sinful pressure of his lips going a long way in eradicating her uncertainty. His tongue glided along hers, stirring up a luscious melting sensation that left her dizzy. He broke the kiss and traced her jaw with a gentle brushstroke of his fingertips. “Besides, I’m just as scared shitless about disappointing you.”

  “What? That’s crazy.” She twitched her nose when he pinned her with a telling look. “Well played, you crafty bastard.”

  Chuckling, he steered her toward the wide dock and the enormous cabin cruiser berthed at the first set of weathered pilings. She took note of the name stenciled in black paint on the stern. Salty Girl. Oh thank God, it was the name of their boat. Curious about the others, she craned her neck to scope out the neighboring vessels. Hump Master. Wet Dream. The Dirty Oar. “Uh, let me take a wild stab here. Ty got the job of naming the boats?”

  Gibb grunted. “What gave it away?”

  “Hey, those are world-class awesome names. Gibb’s only jealous he didn’t come up with them.” Ty swung his leg over the metal guardrail spanning the length of the ship and held out his hand to her.

  Keeping any further assessment of his dubious boat-naming skills to herself, she accepted his assistance and climbed aboard. While Ty took care of freeing the mooring lines, she followed the narrow deck to the seating area near the helm. She plopped her beach bag on the cushioned bench and rubbed at the crick in her neck.

  “Up for a quick tour before we leave?” Gibb asked as he stepped behind her. He cupped her shoulders and kneaded them lightly.

  “Sure. Especially if you keep doling out these massages.” She lolled her head to the side and sighed in unreserved bliss while Gibb’s magic fingers zeroed in on the tension points at the base of her nape. If his aim was to relax her enough she’d be too limp and brain-fogged to say no to anything he and Ty might have up their sleeves, it was damn well working.

  “I wasn’t merely using reverse psychology on you earlier with that part about not wanting to disappoint you.” Gibb’s warm breath fanned her cheek. “I’m terrified I’m going to fuck this up.”

  “H-have you changed your mind? About being with me?” Her stomach knotting, she waited for him to deliver the news sure to crush her.

  “I’ve wanted you for a long time. I’m too selfish to give up this opportunity.”

  His admission sent the heaviness in her chest immediately packing. The intense longing she’d harbored all these years was mutual? It didn’t seem possible. Any minute now she was probably going to wake up and find out this was all a dream. Unable to mask the wistfulness in her sigh, she snuggled against him. “You’re not being selfish if I want it too.”

  He caressed the sensitive spot behind her earlobe. She shivered, and he slipped his other arm around her waist, splaying his hand low on her abdomen when she instinctively molded her body to his.

  Being enveloped in his masculine heat was sheer heaven. “Mm, I like this.”

  “Me too.” His erection prodded her from behind, and he chuffed a soft laugh. “In case you couldn’t tell.”

  Snagging her bottom lip between her teeth, she wiggled against that hard, delicious bulge straining his fly. Gibb’s hand flexed on her belly, his hips rocking with her motion. He ducked his head, the scrape of his bristly cheek against her smoother one causing her nipples to peak and tighten. A low groan rumbled from his chest. “Kay, you’re killing me. How am I supposed to keep my focus on operating the boat now that I know you’re not wearing a damn bra?”

  “I am planning to put on my bikini,” she said on a laugh.

  He snorted. “Oh yeah, that’ll be way better for my concentration.”

  Relishing the naughty, flirty side he brought out in her, she stretched her arms above her head and locked them around Gibb’s neck. “Mm, I could always go topless instead if you want.”

  “That goes without saying. But God save me if you do.” His rigid cock nudged insistently against her. “I need to change into my shorts before I bust out of these fucking jeans.” He carefully extricated himself from her arms and slapped her
on the fanny. She deliberately chose not to dissect why that gesture made her pussy infinitely wetter.

  “Come on, I’ll show you the rest of the boat.”

  Ignoring the damp state of her panties, she grabbed her bag and tailed him down the stairs leading to the central cabin.

  A galley comprised of a long stainless-steel counter with a sink and four-burner range took up a large portion of the roomy space. Honey-toned cupboards framed the white walls. A built-in table and high-backed bench seats were tucked in the opposite corner. Two matching hunter-green sofas completed the sparse furnishings.

  Gibb offered a wry smile. “Not exactly the QE2.”

  “But I like it. Very cozy.” She skimmed her fingers along the edge of the counter and surveyed the assorted snapshots of anglers and their catches tacked to a large corkboard. The boat rocked rhythmically, composing a lulling melody of creaks and pops. With the additional soft splash of waves lapping against the hull, the drowsy atmosphere encouraged curling up on the sofa for a lazy afternoon nap.

  Or other sexier activities.

  She tore her attention from the couch and glanced at Gibb. He was watching her with a strong glow of interest in his hazel eyes. It was absurd to think he could know where her mind had been, but the possibility heated her cheeks nonetheless.

  “The private cabin and bathroom are through that door.” He nodded toward the far end of the room. “You can get changed in there.”

  “Aren’t you going to come in with me?”

  The sultry sparkle in his eyes ratcheted her internal thermostat by a thousand or so additional degrees. She gave a breathy laugh that would have embarrassed her to no end if she wasn’t too damn turned on to care. “What I meant is, aren’t you going to finish the tour?”

  “If I follow you in there, there’s no damn way we’ll make it out of this boat slip.”

  She felt the hungry intensity in Gibb’s gaze all the way to her toes. Her body responded instinctively, her breasts growing achy and heavy. She was excruciatingly aware of every silken glide of her panties along her clit whenever she shifted her weight. She licked her bottom lip. “Would that be such a bad thing?”

  Way she saw it, the sooner they were all naked, the better. A welcome revelation, considering how nervous she’d been about exposing her flaws to Gibb and Ty moments ago. If it meant getting to touch and kiss every inch of their gorgeous bods, she’d suck it up. Hopefully they liked dimply butts.

  “If I’m given the chance to make you come, you better believe I’m going to ensure you do it screaming. That could get awkward if old man Henry over at the Jet Ski rentals has his hearing aid cranked up.”

  She swallowed. “I’ve never experienced a screaming O before.”

  “Then your exes didn’t do it right.” The focused way Gibb watched her filed its own addendum to his statement. Not only would he do it right, he’d do it so mind-blowingly right there was a good chance she’d need shock paddles to revive her afterwards.

  Oh. My. Mouth dry, she fumbled with her bag and hurried to the private cabin. Shutting the door behind her, she surveyed her surroundings. The space was tiny—at least half the size of her bedroom back in Detroit. The predominant feature was the queen-sized bed fitting almost wall to wall. Her mind immediately conjured an image of Gibb and Ty doing fantastically dirty things to her while she was sprawled on the sage-green spread. Maybe they’d be indulging in equally naughty acts with each other at the same time. The second the provocative thought blossomed, a decadent spiral of heat shot through her, coalescing into a throbbing pinpoint of sensation in her clit.

  Who would have thought she’d be so aroused at the idea of two men getting it on together? But with all these sexy images implanted in her mind…damn. If she was being completely honest, now that the shock of what she’d witnessed in the Master Charters’ lobby had worn off, the prospect of seeing Ty do more than give Gibb a hand job behind the concealment of Gibb’s jeans was fiercely tantalizing.

  Biting back a moan, she pulled her blouse over her head and dropped the garment onto the bed. She wiggled out of her sandals and shimmied from her shorts and lacy G-string. The steamy air puckered her nipples. Made her acutely aware of the slick evidence of her arousal coating her labia. It was tempting to let her hand drift between her legs and swirl a fingertip over her clit, teasingly slow, until the need to come made it impossible to do anything but rub her aching bud with desperate, frantic strokes.

  She kept her hands clenched at her sides. Gibb and Ty—the men she’d longed for her entire life—were on the other side of that door. No way would she settle for taking the edge off on her own when they were waiting for her. Waiting to do all kinds of wicked things that would possibly make her fantasies look pathetically G-rated.

  Oh Lord, she hoped so.

  Chapter Nine

  Teeth chattering more from excitement than nerves, Kay slipped on her turquoise Hawaiian-print string bikini. The skimpy garment clung to her generous curves, her boobs threatening to pop free of the halter top. Being big busted, finding a swimsuit that didn’t make her resemble a stripper or porn star was virtually impossible. But on the plus side, hopefully Gibb and Ty would be hypnotized enough by her breasts they wouldn’t notice her small belly pudge and the extra few inches of padding on her hips.

  Smoothing her trembling fingers down her abdomen, she turned to face the door and sucked in a steadying breath. She twisted the handle and stepped into the main cabin. Gibb was nowhere to be seen. Taking note of his discarded jeans on the couch, she glanced at the stairway leading to the top deck. He’d draped a beach towel on the wooden rail, presumably for her.

  The floor suddenly vibrated beneath her as the Salty Girl’s engine rumbled to life.

  “Here goes nothing.” Squaring her shoulders, she crossed to the steps and snatched the towel. Grateful for the slight coverage it offered, she wrapped it sarong style around her waist and made her way upstairs. Gibb and Ty stood at the helm, their voices pitched low in conversation. They broke off in mid-mumble the instant she stepped within their view. As predicted, their gazes zeroed in on her breasts like they were high-powered tractor beams.

  Ty was the first to find his tongue. “Holy. Shit.”

  Gibb shook his head as if he were trying to clear it. “Ditto what numbnuts said.”

  “Fuck, wish they were numb right now.” Grimacing, Ty readjusted the fit of his swim trunks.

  She rolled her eyes, but deep inside she was thrilled they liked her body and that she was as capable of arousing them as they did her. “You guys have seen me in a bathing suit before.”

  “Not one like that,” Ty pointed out. “’Cause guaranteed if I had, I’d have carpel tunnel by now from jerking off every night remembering how fucking incredible you look in it.”

  Gibb grunted. Impossible to tell if it was out of sarcasm or agreement. Deciding to do a little visual inventory of her own, she let her attention crawl over the tanned, muscular planes of both men’s broad chests and shoulders. Holy moly, Gibb’s six-pack could give Ty’s a run for the money. Normally the impromptu visual of running six-packs would have made her giggle, but instead she released a fluttery sigh of appreciation.

  Gibb cocked an eyebrow. “Hope that sound means something good.”

  “I’m just wondering how long it’ll take to get past range of Henry’s hearing aid.”

  Awarding her an intense look that made her all quivery, Gibb quickly returned his focus to the controls and steered the boat out of the narrow slip. Once they were past the no-wake zone, he increased the throttle until they were plowing through the waves at a decent clip. The salty breeze snagged her hair, sending it whipping around her face in a frenzied dance. Ty took a seat next to her, using his bigger frame to block one side of the incoming gusts. Joining in on her laugh, he brushed a few of the wayward strands away from her eyes and leaned in to kiss her. She yielded to the luscious pressure of his lips, her moan becoming lost to the wind as his tongue delved inside to meet hers.

  A wild and exhilarating rush swept through her. Unable to rein in her giddiness, she flung her arms around Ty and laughed again, feeling lighter than she had in possibly forever. His smile curved against her mouth, and everything else promptly faded to the background. Her troubles with her mom. The endless worries of losing her zest for writing. Even the fear of driving a wedge between her and Bailey for pursuing this reckless albeit wonderful three-sided love affair with Ty and Gibb took a backseat to the joy of being in the moment.

  Ty grinned at her before rubbing her nose with his like a sexy, playful Eskimo. “I’m glad you decided to give us a chance.”

  “Me too.” She snuggled against his side, enjoying the closeness and the lazy drag of his fingertips along the crook of her elbow. A movement in her peripheral vision nabbed her attention. Glancing to the right of the boat, she spied a silvered dorsal fin disappearing beneath a foamy breaker. “Oh my gosh. Was that a dolphin?”

  Gibb must have spotted the mammal too because he slowed the boat and pointed to the area where she’d seen the dolphin. A few seconds later, a pair of the creatures crested the water, their slick, graceful bodies performing acrobatic flips as they dove through the shimmering surf. The up-close encounter with the frolicking dolphins was a million times more amazing and awesome than the handful of occasions she’d managed to spy a distant glimpse of the marine mammals through a pair of binoculars. Unable to contain her excitement, she leaned closer to the side rail for a better vantage point.

  They followed the coastline, tracking the dolphins’ journey for as long as possible before the creatures headed toward deeper water. Gibb piloted the Salty Girl in the direction of the shore and a sheltered cove framed by sea-oat-topped dunes. He peered over his shoulder at her and Ty. “I’ll drop anchor so we can take a dip.”

  Grimacing, she peeked down at her bikini top. Ten to one her breasts would pop out the second she jumped into the water. No matter what any guy might insist to the contrary, flopping boobs were not a sexy look. “How about if I kick back here and watch you two swim?”


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