Three Ways to Wicked

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Three Ways to Wicked Page 11

by Jodi Redford

  “Hm.” Gibb situated himself on one knee and tapped the corner of her keyboard. “Okay if I take a look at what you’ve got so far?”

  Usually she didn’t let anyone see her work in progress, but the genuine interest in Gibb’s compelling gaze bulldozed past her insecurities. She offered a hesitant nod and clicked open her file. “To give you a little background on the characters, Vikki—my heroine—is a detective deep undercover at a private swingers resort run by two men who are suspected art thieves. She’s hoping to crack the case by spending the week as their plaything and gaining as much insider intel as she can.” Considering the sinful activity of Gibb’s fingers, getting all that pertinent information out in one breathless run-on sentence proved a herculean task.

  “I like the sound of it already.” Gibb angled the laptop his way.

  Anxiously staring at his profile while he silently read over her words, she chewed the corner of her lip and fidgeted with the edge of the table. “It’s a rough draft. I’ll flesh the characters out more in the next pass.”

  Gibb continued his quiet perusal of the scene. Needing to do something to sidetrack herself from the nervous anticipation making a Bounce House out of her belly, she shifted her focus to the laptop screen. That proved a mistake when her attention immediately fell on the world’s most horrendous typo. “Oh for God’s sake, that’s supposed to be he sucked on her nipple, not she. Obviously that’d be impossible. Unless she’s got some amazing contortionist skills. Or is a circus freak.”

  Her chagrined groan was instantly cut short by the distracting graze of Gibb’s thumb over her clit. A shaky exhalation sneaking free, she wiggled on the seat, unconsciously grinding against the enticing pressure riding her sweet spot. His motions slow and deliberate, Gibb eased another finger inside her and swept his thumb in a lazy circle. “Kay, I don’t give a damn about your typo. Not when all I can think about is how rosy your nipples are underneath your top right now, while you’re so hot and wet around me.”

  Put like that, who was she to quibble over a typo?

  “I think we need to see just how stiff those pretty nipples are.” His touch bold and devilish, Ty slipped her tank top up to her shoulders and cupped her naked breasts before offering them a light squeeze that made her squirm.

  Humming in appreciation, Gibb leaned forward and played his tongue along the throbbing peak of her breast. His eyes glittering with heat, he peered up at her. “Is this what you had in mind for the scene?”

  “W-works for me.” Oh boy, did it ever. Especially when Gibb’s fingers zeroed in on her G-spot. She arched with a gasp, her spine digging into the rigid chairback.

  Gibb’s hot gaze remained glued to her face. Closing her eyes, she turned her head to the side.

  “No, don’t hide from us, baby.” Gibb’s lingering stroke across her cheek coaxed her focus back to him. “We want you to be open and free with us. And honestly, I fucking love how responsive you are to everything we do to you.”

  Ty’s mouth trailed a string of kisses over her collarbone. “Same goes for me. Seeing firsthand how hot you’re getting for us turns me on like crazy.”

  Their words, along with their seductive, worshipful caresses, went miles in eradicating her doubts. With Jeremy, she’d always clung to her inhibitions, too afraid to reveal too much of her sexual side, knowing he’d be threatened by it. But with Gibb and Ty, they not only appreciated it, they encouraged her to revel in her innate hedonism.

  Gibb slid his fingers from her and licked them clean with a lusty moan before hiking her up onto the dining table and stripping her shorts off. While Ty scooted her laptop to safety, Gibb settled into the seat she’d vacated and grasped both of her butt cheeks in his hands. Burying his head between her legs, he sucked her pussy into his mouth, his tongue an unrelenting whiplash flicking her clit. Primed past the point of no return, she bucked upward with one uncontrolled surge of her hips, a cry bleating from her throat as he drew her climax into wave after dizzying wave of pleasure.

  Several moments later, limp from the overload of sensation, she murmured in blissful contentment when Gibb stretched over her and nuzzled her mouth with his. The taste of her on him was more arousing than off-putting. Likely because the aftershocks rippling through her made it impossible to forget how wonderful he’d made her feel.

  Sliding her fingers through the silky ends of his hair, she hugged him close. “I love how easy you and Ty make it for me to relax and just be myself.”

  Gibb’s tender smile increased the ache of happiness in her chest. “That’s all we want you to be. Because you’re absolutely perfect in every way, sweetheart.”

  Emotions threatening to get the better of her, she turned her head and met Ty’s dark, soulful gaze. He brushed a strand of hair away from her eyes. “Every word of it’s true. I’ve never known a woman who turns me inside out the way you do.”

  She leaned up on her elbows. “Is that good or bad?”

  Ty massaged her nape. “Already told ya, when it comes to you, it’s all good.” He backed up his declaration with a leisurely kiss that quickly rekindled her desire despite the sexual satiation making her bones as useful as Play-Doh. Before he’d completely dissolved her insides, he retreated with a lazy glide of his tongue along hers. His expression smoky, he palmed her breasts again. “I’ve got an idea of how we can do that Butterfly position if you’re game.”

  Like there was any chance in hell she wasn’t.

  She started to lift up from the table, but Ty stopped her with a wag of his finger and a sultry look that melted the few functional brain cells she had left. “You’re not goin’ anywhere, darlin’. This is exactly where I want you.” He reached past her head and fetched something from the table.

  Perplexed, she eyed the condom packet he flipped to Gibb. “Where did that come from?”

  “I snuck to the bedroom and grabbed it while Gibb was keeping you preoccupied.”

  The lecherous waggle of Ty’s eyebrows prompted her laugh, but soon enough that morphed into a choked moan as Gibb’s sheathed cock eased inside her slick channel. He allowed her a moment to adjust to his fullness stretching her to the limits before slipping her legs over his shoulders and gripping her ankles near his ears. The angle raised her hips off the table, awarding him a deep penetration that made them both suck in a harsh breath.

  Ty’s palm skated over her taut belly and higher still to the juncture where she was joined with Gibb. “Damn, that’s fucking sexy.” The pad of his finger glazed through her wetness, seeking out her clit. She whimpered, her muscles tensing. Ignoring her frantic pleas, he concentrated his efforts on the tiny nub, teasing the bundle of nerves until she was trembling with the need to come. He reached under her with his free hand, his knuckles grazing her inner thigh and coasting lower.

  A second later, a strained sound tore from Gibb, and his mouth went slack. “Is this payback for the accidental ball groping?”

  Ty’s devious grin slid into place. “Don’t even pretend you’re not lovin’ this.”

  Judging from Gibb’s shivery expression, that was an epic understatement. A low, desperate noise clawing from his chest, he pumped into her harder and scraped his teeth along her sensitive instep. His unexpected—and incredibly sexy—action stirred all of her dark, primal fantasies of being ravished like an animal. Her toes curled and her body quivered, staccato breaths catching in her throat.

  “Mm, seems our naughty girl enjoys a little edge with her sex.” Ty lowered his hand and plumped her breast. After gifting her puckered nipple with a tantalizing lick, he transferred his kiss to her mouth. “I’ve got something for ya, but it’s definitely not little. Think you can handle it?”

  She grinned against his lips. “Don’t recall you having any complaints the last time I handled you.”

  “Yeah, but this time I’m not gonna be in your hand.” Ty nipped her bottom lip, his eyes glinting with devilish promise. He moved back a pace, his fist closing around his shaft.

  She stared at the fat,
glistening cock head, her mouth watering.

  “You’re looking at me like you’re gonna eat me alive, baby.”

  “Oh God, yes.”

  Chuffing a laugh, Ty skimmed the silky gland of his dick along her lips, awarding her a small but potent taste. A hungry, wanton noise purred from her, and she flicked her tongue at the underside of his crown. Ty traced the bottom curve of her lip with his velvety tip. “You’re gonna make that sound when I’m buried in your throat so I can feel it vibrating all the way down to my balls.”

  Almost delirious with the need to put his sinful demand into action, she grabbed for his cock. Still intent with his teasing, he stepped out of reach, thwarting her attempt. “Easy, darlin’. You’ll get a better taste.” He tossed a smirk in Gibb’s direction. “And don’t think you’re getting out of this so easy, either, ’cause this time I’ll have both hands freed up.”

  “Shit.” Despite the wary set of his jaw, there was no mistaking the spark of excitement igniting Gibb’s gaze.

  With no further preamble, Ty climbed up onto the table and tipped her head back. She required no additional encouragement on his end and eagerly opened for him as he dragged his cock head over her lips again. One gentle nudge and he slid toward the roof of her mouth. Greedy for more of him, she bobbed upward, sucking him in with a long swallow.

  “Oh fuck. Kay, so good.”

  Ty’s moaning praise filled her with overwhelming feminine pride and happiness at giving him even a fraction of the pleasure he and Gibb constantly showered on her. That alone would have been enough for her, but the generous boy stretched forward and took over where he’d left off with his fingers, only this time with his hot, agile tongue. He swabbed her clit with a series of painstakingly slow figure eights while Gibb’s cock hammered ceaselessly at her G-spot. They worked her over with an unrelenting determination that stripped her of any desire beyond the need to submit to the lush ecstasy invading every molecule of her being. She was no longer in control of her body. Gibb and Ty were. And neither would be satisfied until they’d pushed her to the peak and beyond.

  She had no prayer of holding the looming climax at bay. Every muscle in her body tensing, she jolted at the impact of a thousand volts of ecstasy splintering through her cells. Shaking, she sobbed around Ty’s cock, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. Her men didn’t give her a reprieve until they’d strung her orgasm out to the absolute max and her body was a limp, sated noodle. Only then did they cave to their own imminent releases. Ty was the first to succumb, a ragged groan tearing from him as the first jet of his come spurted down her throat. Gibb followed almost immediately behind him, lodging deep in her pussy with one final thrust, a fierce shudder tripping through him.

  Dazed and her emotions raw, she squeezed Gibb’s and Ty’s hands as they collapsed onto the table and snuggled her between them. Frowning, Gibb brushed her damp cheek. “Sweetheart, why are you crying?” Worry began to creep across his face. “Were we too rough?”

  “No. You were w-wonderful.” So wonderful, the thought of leaving them was a terrible weight in her chest. But she couldn’t tell them that. There were no expectations or strings attached to their time together. She wouldn’t ruin everything by getting weepy and gloomy. Forcing a trembling smile, she rested her cheek on Gibb’s shoulder and hugged Ty’s arm tight to her tummy. “And The Butterfly definitely works in a threesome. Which really makes me wonder about the feasibility of that standing sixty-nine.”

  Ty immediately perked up at her question—in more ways than one. His cock stiff and eager against her butt cheek, he leaned upward on his elbow. “I have an idea for how that could work.”

  “Of course you do.” Gibb flopped onto his back with a groan. “God save us all.”

  Gibb’s observation drew laughter from them all and significantly lightened the mood again.

  She just wished the same could be said for her heart.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kayla managed to eke out the remainder of the scene and most of chapter five before the persistent grumbling in her stomach alerted her to the fact it was well past the lunch hour, and the solitary slice of toast she’d had for breakfast wasn’t cutting the grade. She offered her bitching belly a conciliatory pat. “Oh for Pete’s sake. Pipe down in there, I’m almost done.”

  She stretched her shoulders and spine, the faint crick near her tailbone a naughty memento of her sexy activities with Gibb and Ty earlier. Like she needed any further reminder in that department. The entire time she’d chugged her way through The Butterfly scene she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about their erotic encounters that morning. And not just the physical components, though God knew the lingering twinge deep in her core and the back of her throat wouldn’t let her forget that. But she especially couldn’t shake the bittersweet tangle of joy and melancholy putting her emotions through the wringer.

  How pathetic did it make her that their time wasn’t even up, and already she was pining away for them? She’d do well to take a page from her own book, and stop being an over-romanticized fool. Tough-skinned Vikki was smart enough to know sex was sex, and not label it as something more. Kayla needed to do the same. Before she really did something epically stupid—like profess her undying love for Gibb and Ty.

  Her cell phone buzzed from its station at the corner of the dining room table. Distracted with her inner pep talk, she snatched the device and held it to her ear while she scrolled to the next page in her file. Unfortunately, it happened to be the section where the absurdly well-hung Ted held Vikki suspended upside down, her legs wrapped around his head while she gobbled his cock and his own mouth drove her to a fast and furious orgasm. Kayla cleared her throat with an awkward cough and attempted to shove her personal inspiration for the scene to the rear of her mind. “Hello?”

  “Screw it. I can’t wait for this weekend. I’m taking off early from work so we can get sloshed on margaritas.”

  Bailey’s familiar drawl drew a guilty flush to Kay’s cheeks. Oh Lord. Of all the times for her brain to be saturated with sexy mental snapshots of deep-throating Ty. “Err, sounds great, Bail.”

  “Why is your voice so squeaky? Oh my God. My brother isn’t doing something gross like grabbing his crotch in front of you, is he?”

  No, but he did that to Gibb while they were getting dressed this morning. Right before he’d peeled Gibb’s jockeys down and swallowed his cock with one provocative, sliding gulp. Her pussy growing damp at the memory, Kayla cleared her throat. “Ty’s at the marina, along with Gibb. You know that, Bail. No reason to get bitchy.”

  “Sorry. Guess I’m still a little paranoid about Ty hitting on you.”

  “He’s not. So stop fretting over it.” A fresh layer of guilt settled over her like a horsehair blanket. Worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, she fidgeted with the loose Tab button on her keyboard. It didn’t sit well on her to lie to Bailey, even if technically she wasn’t. Sure, Ty wasn’t hitting on her, but only because he didn’t need to. He had unlimited stage access to all parts of her body.

  Well, most of them, anyway. She hadn’t screwed up the guts to try anal sex with him or Gibb yet. Not that they were pushing her for it. If anything, she was the one obsessing on getting over her fear of it. She didn’t want to walk away from this sexual quest with them without experiencing all that she could.

  Another sharp pang reverberated through her heart at the reminder of her limited days with them. Despite her avowal to hold firm to her pragmatic decision to stay focused in the moment and not dread over the looming goodbye in their future, the sinking reality insisted on continually creeping to the forefront of her thoughts. Yeah, it wasn’t like she wouldn’t see them after next week was up. But the prospect of enduring a lifetime of cold, lonely Detroit winters with only the memory of their stolen time together to keep her warm was depressing as hell.

  “Oh shit. The office personal phone call Nazi is giving me the stink eye,” Bailey whispered, breaking through Kayla’s silent turmoil. “I�
�ve gotta go. But I’ll swing by my folks’ place around six, okay?”

  “Sure, sounds good.”

  Bailey hung up, and Kayla clicked off her cell. Distracted all over again for an entirely different reason, she placed the phone down and stared at the blinking cursor on the laptop screen.

  She was a big girl. She’d known precisely the potential heartache she was inviting by pursuing this threesome with Gibb and Ty. Without question, if she had to relive the choice whether or not to say yes to Ty’s proposal that fateful day in the lobby of Master Charters, she’d still give a resounding Hell yes. She wouldn’t give up this time with them for anything. Even if it saved her from the biggest heartbreak in the world.

  For far too long, she’d denied herself the pleasure of letting go and allowing happiness in for fear she was being selfish for wanting these things that held so much potential for making others unhappy with her. She’d been groomed to be a good girl. A perfect and obedient daughter who didn’t cause trouble. She was failing miserably at that now. But a part of her was finally getting to the point of not caring.

  And it felt liberating. No doubt Vikki would give her a high-five for deciding to live life to the fullest, everyone else be damned.

  A tiny fraction of her gloom lifting, Kayla returned her focus to the blinking cursor. Taking a deep breath, she began writing the kinkiest, perverted, filthy-as-all-get-out sex scene she’d yet written.

  Her gorgeous, delectable muses would heartily approve.

  When Ty and Gibb ambled up the stairs at a quarter to six, looking like a pair of bronzed and windburned surf gods recently spit from the Atlantic, Kay closed her laptop with a definitive snap and released a shaky breath. “I might be ready for anal.”

  They both gaped at her, apparently stupefied speechless. No small wonder. Blurting out something like that was bound to rob any guy of his tongue.

  Cheeks blazing hot, she pushed up from her seat. She’d been sitting there for so damn long it was a miracle her butt hadn’t bonded with the wood. “I don’t mean right this minute, if that’s what you’re thinking. Bailey’s going to be here in fifteen minutes, so ass time—or any kind of sex—is out of the question.”


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