Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1)

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Finding Me (Love's Not Easy Series Book 1) Page 5

by Rickman, Nicole

  ♥ ♥

  Aiden returned with two drinks for him and Aimee. He gave Aimee her drink; and, sat, just as the waiter brought out the main course. Aimee looked at her bowl of soup. She was reluctant to try anything else tonight. Aiden took a spoonful and tasted his soup.

  “It’s good, Aimee. It is Cheesy Potato soup. There is no goat cheese or beets in it. I promise.” He slyly grinned.

  Aimee was looking at him with a questionable look on her face. “Aimee, taste mine.” Aiden dipped his spoon in the hot bowl of soup and carefully brought the spoon to Aimee’s mouth; holding one hand under it, so he could catch any spills. Aimee reached close to him, as he put the spoon in her mouth. To her surprise, the soup was good.

  The soup was the only good food of the night. The chicken was way too spicy; and, the vegetables seemed bland. When Sheridan joined the table, LJ told her the food was not her best. Sheridan said they had hired a new chef; and, she has argued with him all night.

  They listened to two more speakers, before being encouraged to mingle. Sheridan said the dessert was being delayed; which, is why they had to mingle until the problem was resolved.

  LJ escorted his sister to the kitchen to handle the chef. Aimee noticed his dad followed them in, as well. Aimee and Aiden found a small group of students from their class in the back, so they went to talk to them. It wasn’t long before someone asked her why she had chosen to come to Neahovia, when there are lots of good Universities in the States.

  Aimee keep her answer short. She told them she had done a mission trip in Neahovia; and, felt lead to come back here to study. She didn’t want to elaborate on her mom and grandmother; so, she said she also had ancestors from Neahovia, and she wanted to learn more about her ancestors and the country they lived in.

  Thirty minutes later, a simple, strawberry dessert was served. It was very good. They listened to a closing speech, given by the Dean of Business School. They stopped and talked to a few more students on their way out. Aimee had decided the easiest way to make new friends, outside of her flat, was to focus on trying to get to know them, in their smaller lab classes.

  Aimee was sitting quietly in the car when Aiden finally made it out of the parking garage. “LJ talk you to death?”

  “No, I am just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  “A couple of things. First, did you notice how everyone asked you about what Ava was going to think of you bringing me to the dinner?”

  “Aimee, don’t worry about that.”

  “It’s kind of hard not to. Do you think she will be mad?”

  “Honestly? Yeah.”

  “Aiden, I am sorry. I never thought about how this would look to her. I should have just took a taxi or something.”

  Chapter Four

  “Aimee, we both had to go to this dinner. It was required, so for us to go separate, would have been crazy.”

  “I just don’t want to cause any problems.”

  The light turned red, so Aiden stopped just as his phone rang. He had it hooked to blue tooth, so Aimee knew it was Ava.

  “Hey, Ava.” Aiden sounded upbeat.

  “Don’t, hey Ava, me. Where are you?”

  “On the corner of Main Street and Maple Avenue.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “We are on our way home.”

  “I can’t believe you. How could you make such a fool of me?”

  “Ok, not sure what you are talking about. What did I do?”

  “Don’t play dumb. When you told me you were taking that American girl to the dinner, you left out a lot of details.”

  “No, I did not, Ava. I told you everything about tonight.”

  “You didn’t describe her to me.” Ava was beginning to yell and Aimee felt totally uncomfortable right now.

  “You didn’t ask.” Aiden seemed to enjoy torturing her.

  “Well, the photos I just got, shows me, a lot, Aiden. How can you take out someone so sleazy looking?”

  “Ava, that’s enough. She is not sleazy looking; and, I have no idea what photos you are talking about.”

  “It was so embarrassing, receiving those photos on my phone. I was with some of my friends. They saw them.”

  “What photos Ava?” Aiden turned down the street and parked the car at a coffee shop.

  The phone clicked and then beeped that he had a message. Aimee looked down at his phone and laughed. “Oh my Gosh.”

  Ava called right back. “Ava, I can explain everything. The food tonight was horrible. Aimee had just tasted a horrible appetizer, and was afraid to try her soup; so, I gave her taste of mine to show her it was ok.”

  “I don’t want to hear any dumb excuses, Aiden. American girls all want to marry themselves a Prince; and, she is just trying to get her claws in you.”

  “Ava, she is in the car with me. I am driving, so I am using the Bluetooth; she can hear you.” He winked at Aimee.

  “Hi, Ava.” Aimee smiled and used the nicest tone she could.

  “Hi, Aimee.” Ava’s voice did not sound so nice.

  “Ava, I promise, I am not going after Aiden.”

  “Whatever. Aiden, call me when she is not around.” The phone went dead.

  Aiden went through the drive thru of the coffee shop before getting back on the road. Aimee just looked down at her feet or out her window. When they got back to the flat, Aimee went to get out of the car; but, Aiden took her arm.

  “Wait.” He shut off the car and went around to her door. “Let’s walk down toward the beach for a minute.” Aimee slipped her shoes off when they reached the sand.

  “Aiden, I am sorry about tonight. I don’t want to cause trouble with you and Ava.”

  “Trust me when I say, you are not causing problems. She is just using you as her reason to start a fight.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ava likes the status that comes with dating me. At least, that is how I am starting to see it. She is all about being in the public eye. And I get her there.”

  “That’s not right. She should not treat you like that.”

  “I know; that is why she is so mad about the photo. If someone sees me with you then, they will think we are over and she has lost her status.”

  “And you’re ok with her treating you this way?”

  “No. I am just figuring this out. Ava and I have a lot of things we need to work on. My friendship with you is the farthest thing from my and Ava’s relationship problems.”

  “Ok. If you need to talk, I am here to listen.”

  “You mentioned, in the car, that you had two things on your mind. What was your other thought?”

  “The other question we heard a lot of tonight was everyone asking why I had decided to study in Neahovia. That seems weird to me.”

  “Yeah. I thought it was weird too. I don’t know why everyone kept asking you that, but I’ll find out for you.”

  “Thanks. You have a phone call to make. I am going back to the flat and order us a pizza.”

  “I’ll walk you back.”

  Aimee walked into the living area alone. Colin laughed as she walked in. “We are just ordering pizza.”

  “Great. I am starved and so is Aiden; so, order two?”

  Lexi jumped up from her chair. “What? You just came from dinner. How can you be hungry?”

  “The food was gross.” Aimee headed up the stairs.

  “I heard you spit your appetizer into your napkin.” Colin was waving the phone.

  “I was wondering why you started laughing when I walked in. Who told, Aiden or LJ?”


  “Order the pizza, Colin.” Aimee headed up the stairs with Lexi and Sophia right behind her. When she opened the door, Piper finished her phone call.

  Aimee went to her dresser and took out a pair of pink lounge pants and a T-shirt to match. “Help me out of this dress.” Lexi was right behind her.

  As soon as Lexi undid the back hooks, Aimee went to change her clothes. When she came out, al
l three girls were sitting on her bed.

  “Did you seriously spit your appetizer in a napkin?” Piper sat grinning.

  “In my defense, it was the grossest thing I have ever stuck in my mouth.”

  “That is such a slap in the chef’s face.” Sophia shook her head in disappointment.

  “Sophia, it was pickled beets and goat cheese.”

  “Ok, that’s nasty.” All three girls said.

  “The poor chef. Sheridan said he was new and they had argued all night. The chicken was too spicy the vegetables bland. The only food that was any good was the soup and strawberry dessert.”

  Aimee sat down and Lexi began unpinning her hair; while, she removed her make up.

  “So, you met LJ?” Lexi started putting the pins into their container.


  “How did that go?”

  “Ok. Why?”

  “He can be a bit overbearing.”

  “Yeah, I can see that."

  “So, where is Aiden?”

  Aimee bit her lower lip. “On the phone with Ava. Trying to do damage control.”

  Piper looked up from her phone. “What damage?”

  “Ok, I told you about the appetizer.” Aimee cleared her throat. “Well, I was afraid to taste anything else; so, when they brought out the soup, I was reluctant to taste it. Aiden tasted his. He said it was good; so, he offered me a sip of his. Actually, he fed me a spoonful of soup.”

  The room filled with laughter. Piper was holding her side. “He fed you soup?”

  “One spoonful. Anyway, somebody took a photo and sent it to Ava.”

  “Seriously?” Lexi started laughing harder. “I bet she is livid.”

  “Yeah. She is pretty mad.”

  “Hey, hot, intelligent lady. Pizza is here, so you and your friends need to come down.” Colin yelled from the stairs.

  “He is so dead.” Aimee headed for the door.

  “What is this about?” Piper was right behind her.


  When the girls made their way down to the kitchen, Colin handed Aimee a plate. “I can feed you, if you prefer.”

  She playfully hit his arm. “I can manage.”

  “I guess only Aiden gets that pleasure. Sounds like you had a good night; Aiden fed you soup, and you put LJ and his dad, in their place.”

  “How long did you talk to LJ?” Aimee glared at Colin.

  “Not long. But, long enough to torture you for days.”

  Aimee turned to Aiden. “Everything ok?”

  Aiden gave her a side hug. “Don’t worry, she is not mad about you anymore.”

  Colin hit Aiden on the back. “How did you manage that?”

  “I told her I was not going to the Fall Ball.”

  “Why not?” Lexi asked.

  “We have testing the Monday after, and two reports due, as well.”

  Colin sat at the table. “Man, you are going to pay for that.”

  “Give Ava a break guys, she cannot be that bad.” Aimee was wanting to give her the benefit of the doubt.

  “It’s ok, Aimee. They are right.” Aiden answered.

  “Ok, then. Is this pizza good or am I starved?”

  Colin pretended to give her a bite. “Both.”

  Sophia sat up straight. “Someday, Aimee, I will make you a real gourmet dinner.”

  “No pickle beets and goat cheese.” Aimee grinned.

  Sophia giggled. “I promise, no pickle beets and goat cheese.”

  Chapter Five

  Aimee sat in the living area alone, studying. Everyone was out today preparing for the Fall Ball. Aiden was in his room studying. Aimee was in need of a break for from studying Professional Development.

  So, she spread out some of her mom’s pictures, along with a list of names she found at her dad’s. None of them seemed to be connected to Neahovia. Aimee was on a free database site trying to find anything she could about her mom when Aiden came down.

  “I need a lunch break. How about you, Aims’?”

  “I just called an order into the Mexican place down the street. I ordered enough for two.”

  “Thanks. What are you doing?”

  “Trying to find out some information about my mom or grandmother.”

  Aiden sat beside her on the floor. “What do you have to start with?”

  “Not much. I can’t even find their names on any database I search.”

  “You mind if I try?”

  “Not at all. Maybe you will have better luck.”

  “I have private access to a few sites. Let me see what I can gather. Let’s start with your grandmother. What is her name?”

  “Edna Rose Townsend.”

  Aiden started searching the sites; but, just like Aimee, he was coming up short. He was trying every trick he knew. “Do you know what city they lived in?”


  “Let’s try your mom. What was her full name? I am assuming her surname was Townsend?”

  “Lillian Rose Townsend.”

  Aiden tried searching her name on several sites while Aimee went to pay the delivery boy. When she returned, he told her no luck.

  “Is your name Aimee Rose?” Aiden took his food.

  “Aimee Roselyn.”

  They spent the next hour searching information on her mother and grandmother, with no luck at all. She showed him some pictures of her mom. She thought that some of them may have been taken in Neahovia, but she couldn’t tell. Aiden offered to take them to a Historian friend of his family. After that, they went to work on their reports.

  Sunday morning, Aimee went to church; then, met up with Lexi for lunch. Lexi had a lot to tell her about the Fall Ball. Apparently Ava showed up with another guy. She was in front of a camera at every chance she got. Aimee was not surprised. She guessed that was her way of getting back at Aiden.

  After lunch, she went home and printed her reports and put them in the correct binders. Then, she called and checked in with her dad before taking a walk on the beach. She took a nice stroll down to the south end of the beach. She ended up at one of the most beautiful lighthouses she had ever set her eyes on. It made her think of how Jesus was her lighthouse.

  ♥ ♥

  Lady Y had found her mole. They had been doing good getting in close with Aimee. She barely mentioned her family to the mole. But, they were on the watch. Mr. X called her last night to inform her that Aimee and Aiden had been surfing the net for information on her mother and grandmother. He was able to block the sites before she found out anything. No secrets can be revealed. The stakes are too high.

  Lady Y followed Aimee to church and dinner with her friend, Lexi. Aimee didn’t mention anything to her about her searches. Right now, all is good as long as no one else figures out Aimee is here. As long as she can keep the truth from Aimee, Lady. Y’s plans for Aimee will stay on course, just as she had planned.

  ♥ ♥

  The next day, Aimee stayed busy with her classes. After her last class, she and Aiden joined some of their classmates, Julia, Leo, Milton, and Ruby, at Frank’s Place. Frank’s was a quiet, family pub, a few miles from the University. It had a wonderful Christian feel. They went to celebrate surviving and passing their first major exams. The six friends had the same class schedule. Today, they decided to form a study group. Tonight, they would work out the details.

  Frank went to Aimee’s church, so she went and spoke with him for a few minutes. She loved the atmosphere he had created with his pub. It was all the enjoyments of a regular pub with no alcohol.

  On the way back to her seat, she noticed a guy dressed in brown sitting on a stool by himself. Normally, she would have not thought much about it; but, that was not the first time she noticed him lurking around.

  She took Aiden to the side and told him. Aiden went to talk to the guy. He said he was waiting for his carry out and had no clue who they were. Aimee spoke to Frank, he had never noticed the guy in his pub before. Frank; said he came in shortly after Aimee and her friends. Frank decid
ed to make the gentleman’s to- go order top priority.

  The guy left as soon as he got his food. Something about him seemed to make Aimee feel nervous. But, he left with no problem. That allowed Aimee’s nerves to settle and she began to help plan the study group. Since Aimee and Aiden had the largest flat, everyone agreed to meet at their place on Tuesdays and Thursdays for study group. Ruby volunteered to make a snack schedule.

  That night, Aimee couldn’t think of much but that guy. He had been in several of the same places as them lately. One thing that bothered her was that it was not just when she was with Aiden. He was following her. She checked her purse for her mace and a working flashlight. She was not going out by herself just yet. There was still so much of the city she didn’t know about. She could not afford to get lost.

  She called her dad and had a short conversation with him. He was busy with campaign stuff and work at his office, so he couldn’t speak long. He asked her the basic questions. How was she? How was school and that sort of stuff? It was times like this, she really missed her mom. Someone she could talk too, ask for advice, and generally make her feel better. She needed a mother’s touch. She debated a few minutes, and then called Mrs. Opal. She was the caregiver at the plantation; and Gran was her best friend. After Gran died, Mrs. Opal stepped in grandmother role with Aimee.

  Mrs. Opal answered on the first ring. Aimee told her about school, the dinner she had with Aiden and how Ava reacted. She gave her details about every roommate. She even told her how she and Aiden had tried to find out information on her mom and grandmother. Opal offered to look for something around the house when she had the chance. Aimee finally told her about the guy at Frank’s. Opal was concerned. She suggested that Aimee and her friends think about joining a self-defense course of some sort. She like the idea of Aimee having her mace and a flashlight on hand. She told Aimee to keep her cell charged.

  Aimee talked to Opal for nearly an hour. At the end of the phone call, Aimee promised to call her at least once a week. When she hung up, she went down and watched a movie with Colin and LJ.

  Josiah was out with his band again. When he came in the house, he reeked of alcohol and was using foul words. Aimee hated when he came in like this; he scared her enough when he was sober. He was always so negative and such a downer. Aimee really worried about him. She prayed for him every night.


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