Cameron 7: The Finale

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Cameron 7: The Finale Page 9

by Jade Jones

  Cameron teased her hair with a metal rat-tail comb in the bathroom mirror. Normally, she wore it short, but lately she’d been letting it grow out. It reached just a little past her shoulders and was full, natural, and chemical-free.

  Cam needed it to lay perfectly this evening. This was she and Jude’s first date since only God knew when. It wasn’t often they went out together because work always kept him so busy. But for today, Jude had taken the night off just for her. They planned to renew their wedding vows. It wasn’t their anniversary. He just wanted to do something simple, special, and romantic to revisit the wonderful day they made it official.

  Cam looked beautiful that evening in a white body con dress with cut out sides. She was finally starting to look and feel like her old self again. No more drama, no more madness, and most importantly, no more Jag.

  “Hurry up, babe! Our reservation’s in half an hour,” Jude called out from the bedroom.

  “I’m almost ready,” she said. Cam quickly dabbed on a little Gucci perfume and rubbed her lips together, which were coated in a matte fire red. She looked fiercely classy.

  After making sure her hair was properly styled, Cam left the bathroom and went downstairs to the kitchen. She wanted to pour herself a small glass of red wine in order to get her night started.

  Grabbing an empty champagne glass from the cabinet, she padded barefoot to the double-sided sink and turned on the faucet—


  The glass slipped from her hand and shattered when it hit the floor. Cameron froze up after she saw a dark figure standing outside through the kitchen window. No. No. No. It can’t be!

  Panic-stricken, she turned and fled the room, accidentally slicing her foot on a broken shard.

  Cameron ran straight into Jude on her way out. He’d sprinted downstairs after gearing the glass break. He already had his chopper in hand, ready to fuck up any intruders.

  “It’s him!” she cried. “It’s him! He’s out there! I saw him!”


  “JAG! He’s outside! I just saw him through the kitchen window! He’s here!” Cameron was so livid that she didn’t notice the blood pouring from her foot.

  “Calm down—”

  “Don’t tell me to calm down! He’s out there, Jude! I have to get the kids!” Jag had her shook. All she could think about was the verbal and physical abuse. She could never go back. Cam tried to run off but Jude grabbed her. She was going to scare the shit out of their baby sitter with all the theatrics.

  “Relax. They’re safe,” he assured her. “You probably just saw the driver. He’s been waiting on us for fifteen minutes. That’s why I kept telling you to come on.”

  Cameron shook her head vehemently. “No, it’s him! Let me go, Jude! I know what the fuck I saw! It was Jag!”

  Jude finally released her and started towards the front door.

  Cam’s eyes shot open in fear. “Jude, no!”

  “If it’s him then I gotta bullet with that mothafucka’s name on it.” He seemed undaunted by the possibility that Jag was outside. Jude knew that son of a bitch was dead. His wife was the only one that had difficulty accepting it.

  Cameron fearfully watched as Jude unlocked and opened the front door. Her heart pounded so hard in her chest that she was sure he heard it. Suddenly, she realized she was weaponless. If he were out there, then surely she’d need something to protect herself.

  Cameron thought about going upstairs to get her burner until she saw the driver standing outside in front. He was smoking a cigarette and looked relatively annoyed that they’d made him wait so long.

  Cameron felt like a total fool. Roxie was right. She really was torturing herself.

  Jude turned around and looked at Cameron. His eyes were filled with disappointment and sympathy. “You gotta stop doin’ this shit, Cam. It ain’t healthy for you. It ain’t healthy for me. It ain’t healthy for none of us, bay,” he stressed. “Sooner or later, you gotta realize that you won’t be at peace ‘til you let that shit go. You gotta move forward, babe.” Jude suddenly noticed the blood on her foot. “Gotdammit Cam,” he said, irritated.

  Cameron looked down at the cut on her heel. It was pretty bad but not deep enough to require stitches. If it weren’t for him acknowledging her injury she would’ve never noticed it otherwise. Jag had her mind and emotions all over the place.

  Jude quickly went to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. When he returned, Cam was trying her best not to stand on her foot.

  Jude lifted her bridal style and carried her to the closest chair. After carefully placing her down, he proceeded to dress her wound. “You gotta stop doin’ this, Cam,” he said again. “It hurts me to see you hurting like this. I hate that I can’t take that weight off ya shoulders ‘cuz you deserve happiness.”

  Cameron stared at him with loving eyes. She could see how strongly he cared about her. Jude was right. She had to stop with the antics, because it was only affecting those she loved.

  Cameron reached out and gently ran her fingers along his cheek. He was incredibly soft, like baby’s skin. Jude affectionately nuzzled her hand, savoring her warm touch. He never wanted to lose her.

  “I love you with all my heart—and everything I’m made of, Cam. I’ll always protect you and be by your side until my last breath,” he promised.

  “I know you will…and I love you for that.”

  He smiled and looked up at her with earnest eyes. “You wanna know somethin’ funny? I don’t think I ever knew what real love was ‘til I met you, Cam. And I never wanna lose that. I’d die before I ever let someone hurt you again.”


  Thirty minutes after their little dilemma, Jude and Cameron arrived at a newly built restaurant in Virginia Highlands. The neighborhood pub featured classic Italian comfort food, exposed-brick interior, and an outdoor patio in back that faced North Highland Avenue.

  When the driver pulled in front of the restaurant and opened the back door to their limo Cam’s mouth fell open. “Jude! OH MY GOD! You didn’t!” she said excitedly.

  Positioned above the entrance doors was a huge sign that read Cameron’s Trattoria.

  They were supposed to be renewing their vows tonight, and he said he had a gift for her. But she had no idea it’d be an actual restaurant. Not only did Jude want to do something sweet for her, he also wanted to invest his money into a legal business since he planned on getting out the game for good. That was a surprise he had yet to reveal.

  “I did,” he said. “And I did it for you.”

  “Jude—I—I’m at a loss for words.” Tears filled her eyes. She never thought she’d see her name on a sign somewhere. Jude just never ceased to amaze her. He still had yet to show her the new billboard for the establishment.

  “That’s cool. You don’t need words for this.” Jude pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

  Taking Cameron by the hand, he led her through the newly constructed restaurant and to the back patio. It wasn’t too chilly so she didn’t oppose dining outdoors.

  Their table was already set up beautifully with silverware, dishes, two candles, and a single red rose for Cam. Ever the gentleman, he pulled out her seat before taking his own.

  A bottle of Dom Perignon sat between them and Jude did the honors of popping the cork. He poured them each a generous amount. The flames from the candlelight danced against his golden skin. He was clean-cut and stylish that day in a Hermes three-piece with a white button. His dreads were piled high in a man bun. Her husband was beyond compare.

  “Jude, this is beautiful… I love it,” Cameron said.

  “You and me, girl…Go a long way back…”

  Upon hearing someone sing, she turned in her seat and saw instrument players and a man crooning a soulful rendition of Bloodstone’s 1982 classic.

  “I remember when loving you wasn't easy. It wasn't easy, baby… But I stuck on in there with you… And we made it. Sugar, we made it… Through it all... Now let's keep it up ‘cuz I ain't had enou
gh... You and me, girl…Go a long way back…”

  Cameron looked over at Jude with tearful eyes of gratitude. There was an impish grin on his handsome face. Reaching over, she placed her hand on top of his. Some men got lazy with their efforts in keeping their woman happy—but not Jude. He just kept finding new ways to love her and show her how much he cared.

  “And I know you remember when trying to love me wasn't easy. It wasn't easy, baby… But you stuck on in there with me… And you see, we made it. Just you and me… And we love each other so… Girl, we can't let each other go…”

  Cameron was so wrapped up in the performance that she didn’t notice Jude place a jewelry box on the table. He tapped her hand to get her attention, and her gaze shifted to the velvet case.

  “What is it?” she asked, breathlessly.

  “Open it…”

  Cameron took her time lifting the lid. Her eyes instantly lit up at the three stone emerald diamond ring. Cam’s original one was tossed out by Jag in a jealous fit of rage.

  “Oh my God, Jude. You didn’t have to do this, baby.”

  “I wanted to,” he insisted. The new ring was expressly for reaffirmation. He needed Cam to know he was just as committed to their marriage, as he was the day he asked her to be his wife.

  “Jude, I…it’s…absolutely remarkable. Thank you, baby.”

  Just then a waiter stepped out onto the patio with a basket of fresh bread. Before he could place it on their table, a slug whizzed past and shattered the bottle of champagne.

  Glass exploded everywhere as more bullets came sailing towards them.





  Cameron screamed and ducked for cover. A peaceful ceremony was suddenly impeded with gunfire. She almost thought she was trapped in a nightmare until she saw the waiter struck down by a bullet. His blood splattered all over Cameron’s face and expensive dress.

  “Get down!” Jude yelled, snatching his burner out.

  Two of his men rushed outside after hearing the chaos. One of them was kind enough to whisk the band away from danger.

  As Cameron dropped to the ground she noticed a teenage girl coming right their way with a loaded Ruger.




  Alessia was hell-bent on avenging her family as she emptied her clip. She would’ve clap backed sooner, but she had her hands full trying to locate Cam. And thanks to Jude, she did. He’d bought a billboard in the city to advertise his new business, and as fate would have it, Cam’s face was right at the bottom. Alessia’s prayers had finally been answered. And now that she had Cameron in her sights, she planned on finishing what she started back at the cabin.

  That bitch should’ve killed me when she had the chance, Alessia thought. Now she was in for a rude awakening.

  Dressed in all black from her skullcap to her shoes no one ever saw the 17-year old coming. She looked just like the contract killers that raised her and taught her how to be a cold-blooded murderer.

  Jude quickly flipped their table over to use as a shield. A hollow point hit one of his boys, but he didn’t have time to see if he was okay. Jude was too busy trying to protect his wife from harm.



  Jude left off two shots of his own—and Cam quickly ran over to stop him. “NO! Don’t kill her! She’s just a kid!”

  Jude violently snatched his arm from his wife. “I DON’T GIVE A FUCK! This lil’ mothafucka shootin’ at us! You don’t think I’mma lay dis young bitch down?!” Swinging his arm over the edge of the table, he fired off a few more rounds.




  Cameron was in the middle of an all out war. As much as she hated Alessia’s crazy ass, she didn’t want her to get hurt. She was a disgruntled teen with a chip on her shoulder, but she didn’t deserve to die. At least not in Cameron’s eyes.

  In an effort to make the shooting cease, she jumped up and yelled, “STOOOPPPP!”

  “Cameron, no! What the fuck are you doing?!” Jude yelled from the ground.

  Alessia took one look at Cam and pointed her gun—

  “Enough is enough! It’s over! It’s all over, Alessia! Just stop! Enough people have suffered already. You don’t have to do this!” she pleaded.

  Tears poured down the young girl’s cheeks. “Yes, I do! I have to! ‘Cuz the person who should’ve suffered the most hasn’t!” she yelled. Alessia didn’t care how insane she looked opening fire in the heart of a busy commercial district. She didn’t care about the innocent lives at stake or the consequences of her actions. If she died tonight, she planned on taking Cameron down with her. “Don’t you get it?” she asked. “I have to do this!”




  A single bullet ripped through Cameron’s body, sending her falling backwards. Jude caught her just before she hit the ground. His first reaction was to shoot until he ran out of ammo.




  Holding his motionless wife in one hand, he opened fire on Alessia with the other. Once his chamber emptied, he tossed the gun, and centered his attention on Cameron. She wasn’t moving, and he couldn’t tell if she was breathing. Tears clouded his vision as he searched for where she’d been hit.

  Jude’s men continued to shoot at Alessia, but their bullets hit everything in sight but her. Car windows exploded, tires flattened, and a nearby restaurant’s window was shot out.

  Alessia wanted to annihilate them all, but her ammo was on E. Quickly taking off on foot, she ran in the opposite direction. She could hear the faint resonance of sirens wailing, and didn’t want to be around when the police came—


  Out of nowhere, a moving vehicle accidentally slammed into Alessia. The gun flew out of her hand, and she slid off the hood, and crashed into the ground.

  The frantic, uninsured driver sped off in haste, desperate to flee the scene of the crime. The only reason he was driving recklessly to begin with was because he’d heard gunshots.

  After a grueling struggle, Alessia miraculously stood with no broken bones and minimal bruises. Unfortunately, that was where her luck ended.

  Several patrol cars surrounded Alessia before she could escape. She thought about trying her luck anyway until the cops hopped out and drew their weapons.


  “Don’t move!”

  “Get down on the ground!”

  Red and blue sirens lit up the dark street. They had the entire corner blocked off. Frightened citizens watched from the windows of their homes and establishments like they were staring at a suspenseful episode of Law & Order.

  Alessia shielded her eyes from the bright light coming from above. When she looked up, she noticed a Fox News helicopter hovering in the sky. The eager reporters fought to get the perfect angle of her possibly being gunned down.

  “I said get on the fucking ground! NOW!”

  Alessia refocused her attention on the angry policemen. They all looked ready to open fire at a moment’s notice.


  It really was over.

  There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, and no one to have her back.

  With nothing left to lose, Alessia leapt for her gun on the ground—but was tackled from behind by a cop. She fell face first on the concrete, busting her nose wide open.

  Thankfully, someone got to her before they had to light her young ass up. They didn’t want to shoot an adolescent, but they would’ve if they had to.

  After being roughly snatched to her feet, Alessia was handcuffed and read her Miranda rights. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say or do can be held against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you can’t afford one, then one will be appointed to you.”

  From her peripheral, she noticed Cameron being tended to by medical personnel.

bitch is alive?

  EMTs placed Cam onto a stretcher, covered her face with an oxygen mask, and wheeled her off to a nearby ambulance. Jude was by her side the entire time. He’d been grazed on his arm by one of the bullets, but it wasn’t shit a few stitches couldn’t fix.

  A couple technicians begged to treat him yet he refused. All that mattered was the state of his wife. Luckily, she had only sustained a flesh wound injury. At first they tried to hassle him about climbing in the ambulance with her, but he quickly assured them he was the husband.

  Cameron reached out from the stretcher and held his bloodied hand. She had temporarily fainted from shock, but was now alert and aware.

  Jude cut his eyes at the angry teen. Cam may’ve wanted her spared but he planned on making her death look like a suicide once she got to prison.

  “I’m gonna blow you to hell, bitch!” she screamed. “Do you fucking hear me?! YOU’RE DEAD! I will never stop coming for you! I will hunt you down and wipe out your entire generation—starting with those fucking half-breed mutts!”

  If Cameron had a gun within reach she would’ve shot Alessia her damn self. She didn’t appreciate her coming for her kids. Cam should’ve popped her ass in the cabin but she decided to have a heart. She’d done the same foolish shit tonight and now she had a damn hole in her shoulder.

  “Fuck that young bitch,” Jude said, low enough for only them to hear. “I’mma make sure she handled personally. You can bet on that shit.”

  Alessia was in a total uproar. “You’re gonna pay for what you did to my family—to my brothers!” she screamed in the distance.

  Cam and Jude paid her useless threats no mind. They knew she was just upset that her plan had been foiled. Now she would be going away for a very long time—maybe even deported. The US government took crimes committed by immigrants seriously.

  All of a sudden, Alessia grabbed the service pistol out an officer’s holster. She refused to let her arrest be in vain. She was determined to kill Cameron at any and all costs.

  As soon as Jude heard the ruckus he looked over and saw Alessia being subdued. The cops were trying to take the weapon away from her.

  “Give me the gun!” she screamed. “I HAVE TO KILL THAT BITCH! LET ME GO! I have to f—”


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