Fallen Idol (Love and Music in Texas Book 4)

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Fallen Idol (Love and Music in Texas Book 4) Page 12

by Nikki Lynn Barrett

  "So that's funny?" Confusion slipped in her tone.

  He laughed. "No. I was thinking about the picturesque sky and how nights like these play a role in a lot of country songs. I don't normally think about life and music like that." He reached across the seat to cover her hand with his. "I blame the cute bad influence over here."

  "I'm not sure what to be shocked about more- the fact that you think I'm cute, or that I'm a bad influence!" Kyra retorted playfully.

  Turning on the gravel road that led to the cottage, Matt shrugged his shoulders, playing coy. He pulled up in front and killed the engine.

  "Ooh, two stories with a balcony!"

  "Yep. Oh, and a hot tub on the back porch." Why did he just mention that? Not like Kyra had a bathing suit on her! Neither did he, for that matter.

  "A private hot tub and a starlit night. Hmm, I like the sound of this."

  "The hot tub was an afterthought, actually. I just didn't want to go back to town, yet." Matt hoped she didn't think he took her here to try and seduce her. Not that he didn't want to, but...

  Oh hell. This woman made him all sorts of crazy. Sometimes he got tongue tied around her ,and his thoughts were a big jumbled mess. Things he normally wouldn't second guess, he did in Kyra's presence.

  "You won't find me complaining."

  Matt stuffed his keys in his pants pocket, grabbed the bags of food, and Kyra reached for the drinks. Side by side, they headed up the paved sidewalk that led to the front door. He struggled to pull the keys from his pocket with full hands. Why did he stick the keys in there when they were only going a few feet from the car to the door?

  Kyra rearranged the way she carried the drinks and aided Matt. He flashed her a shy smile. "Thanks." Finally he had the door open. Flicking on a light switch, Matt surveyed his surroundings. It smelled fresh and clean in here, which meant the cleaning person his parents hired to work on the place once a month had recently come.

  "I keep waiting for someone to run down with a shotgun, wondering why we're here," Kyra joked.

  He feigned hurt. "Hey! This is my parents' place. I'm not breaking in some random place just to try and impress you!"

  She laughed. The sound was warm and enjoyable. "Good. I'm already impressed without you having to pull a silly stunt like that, although it would make an interesting inspiration for a song."

  He nearly dropped their food at her statement. She was impressed with him? How the hell did he manage that? "Well, maybe you can still use it for inspiration without actual events. When my parents come around, they stay here."

  "What do they do?"

  Matt surveyed the surroundings, making sure everything was in place. "They're doctors. Right now, they're somewhere in a third world country, saving lives. Follow me. We'll get plates and eat. Outside view, or in?" He didn't particularly want to talk about his parents. Another sore subject.

  "I'll take the outside view. I've had enough of the indoors," Kyra said from behind him.

  "Outside it is."


  Kyra couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so relaxed around a man she barely knew. The night chill deepened, and she pushed her empty plate away, then leaned back in her seat. Matt was right. The sky was picturesque. Calm. Intriguing. Stars twinkled, and she even saw one fall. "Quick! Make a wish!" She tilted her head to look Matt's way. "A falling star."

  He stared in the direction of the sky, then turned to her. "Did you actually make a wish?"

  Yep, but she wasn't telling him what it was. Instead of replying, Kyra smiled.

  "Mysterious, huh?"

  "I like mysterious. How long does it take to heat up the hot tub?" She pointed at it in the corner.

  "Not long at all. Why? You want in?"

  "It sounds good right about now." A hot tub, with just her and Matt? Grounds for getting into some trouble, but it was trouble she didn't mind.

  "You don't have a swimsuit on you."

  "So?" She shrugged. "I'll go in these clothes. I don't care."

  "I might have a pair of shorts and an old shirt you can change into, if you really want to take a soak."

  "I'm in if you are."

  "Sounds good." Matt pushed his chair back from the table and headed for the hot tub. He fiddled with a few things before the low sound of a pump came on. "There. It's heating, and the jets are already running. I'll clean up the dishes and then get hot tub worthy clothes."

  Kyra helped Matt clear the table. They headed inside. Changed and ready to go fifteen minutes later, she stepped out on the porch in her bare feet, loving the cool feel of the wood on the bottom of her feet. She checked the temperature of the water. Still lukewarm. It would take a little bit before it would be perfect. Kyra didn't know about Matt, but with a hot tub, she loved the water hot. Steaming hot. Leaves rustled in the distance. Kyra peered out in the open, dark landscape, looking for anything out of the ordinary. Probably the wind. It was pretty isolated out here. She highly doubted someone had followed them. Just the wind or an animal.

  She turned around and found Matt staring at her. He leaned his large frame against the door and had his arms folded over his chest. The intensity of his gaze sent chills down her spine. Strange sounds forgotten, Kyra focused on him. "What's the look all about?"

  "You, wearing my shirt and shorts. I like the sight," he said softly, moving to gap the distance between them. Stopping just before her, Matt's gaze traveled down her body, then he raised his head again and met her stare.

  "Careful. You might not get them back. I love how soft they are," she warned playfully. Matt was so close, she could feel his warmth, and he wasn't even touching her yet. His hands were at his sides.

  "I think I can stand to lose them to you. Would it be too much to ask you to send me pictures of yourself in them when you're back in Nashville?"

  Kyra laughed, but a pang of sadness washed over her. Nashville, the place she'd called home for years had its wonders, but it didn't have her family.

  It didn't have Matt.

  She'd known this man what, a week and a half or something, and all of a sudden she knew he'd be missed when she left Texas. "I think I can arrange that," Kyra finally replied.

  He closed his eyes, then opened them again and fixed a heated gaze on her. "There's this awkwardness between us that I'm not sure about. It's like a place between becoming friends, but thinking about other things. I don't think I like it, because I don't know what to do. I've felt it ever since my son decided to think we should date."

  Kyra felt the same way. "That kiss in the tree house didn't help any." The two of them were barely getting to know each other and were already thrown into a weird situation. The fact that she could confide in him with such confidence scared her, because for years, there'd been no one to talk to about what she was feeling, other than Mark and a therapist.

  "Nope." Matt raised his hands to her face. He swirled his right thumb gently over her lips. "But it doesn't change the fact that I want to do it again."

  "I'm not objecting," Kyra whispered. Her heartbeat sped up. She wrapped her arms around Matt's neck and drew him closer to her. Should she just get it over with and kiss him first? Why the hell not? Both of them wanted to. She knew it. Matt knew it. Currents of need swarmed her body, overloading her with sensations.

  They met midway. Matt's lips met hers, and he immediately pulled her completely against him. He slid his hands down her back, his fingers gently teasing her skin, adding fuel to the already well-lit fire. Tiny moans escaped in between fiery kisses. He hoisted her up, and they tumbled back toward the edge of the hot tub. Kyra wrapped her legs around him and held on tighter. Matt's erection pressed up against her, and she knew if they didn't stop this right now, things would go down a path she wasn't sure they should go. Kissing was one thing, anything more than that...

  "Mmm." She tried to say his name, but at the same moment, Matt slid his tongue around the corner of her lips, prodding gently. Oh hell, she wasn't about to stop now. Kyra gave in. She leaned back and
nearly shrieked when her lower backside touched the water. It startled Matt, and he almost dropped her all the way. He kept a good grip, but not before more of Kyra's backside hit the water.

  "Ahh!" she yelled.

  Matt finally had her back on the ground. They stared at each other, breathing heavily, before Matt started laughing. Kyra joined in soon after.

  "That would be my luck. Kissing you and practically drowning you in the hot tub." Matt did a thumbs up sign. "Way to go, me!"

  "Well I can't say there's a dull moment with you, Matt Greer." Kyra leaned close and kissed his cheek. "Honestly, if we didn't stop, I'm not sure how far I would have let things go. So thanks for nearly drowning me." She winked.

  He grimaced.

  Once again, a rustling sound startled Kyra. She'd been right the first time! Someone was out there! Then came heavy footsteps. "Matt, someone's-"

  A shadow approached. "Miss Sanders? Are you okay? Are you in trouble?"

  Matt stiffened. He gently prodded Kyra behind him as the intruder moved closer.

  Who the hell was that?

  Chapter Fourteen

  By the middle of the next week, Kyra's mother was strong enough to be moved to a regular hospital room, and her father had been released. His more severe burns were healing, and the doctors talked about a bit of physical therapy after he'd had skin grafts done. He still struggled with walking, because most of the more severe wounds were on his legs.

  The day he came home was full of chaos. Amy and David helped him inside. They'd made a welcome home banner, which made their father smile.

  Kyra put his bag of stuff in the room her parents shared and listened to the sound of her family talking downstairs. Things were slowly turning around. There was still no word about the cause of the fire. Was that a bad thing that it took this long to figure it out?

  There hadn't been much conversation with Matt since the night they were at his parents' cottage and her hired bodyguards busted up their moment. The man didn't know any better. He'd heard her yelling and thought she was in danger. That was his job, to make sure she was okay. Except neither Kyra or Matt knew they'd been followed even by protection, and it was awkward. After Matt almost attempted to kick the guy's ass before finding out the man's identity, things were tense. Matt had driven her back home.

  Days later, he still hadn't said much.

  Kyra guessed the whole idea of what they were doing freaked him out and caused him to back off, especially because they had no privacy whatsoever. Of course he did. She knew his feeling about musicians, so why had she ever expected anything more? It frustrated her, because she enjoyed getting to know the handsome single dad.

  With a sigh, she trudged back downstairs. Nothing she could do about it right now.

  "Anything you need, Daddy?" Amy asked, just as Kyra entered the living room.

  "I've got all of my kids in the same room. I'm good." Dad smiled at them. "We just need your mother home and we'd be set."

  "I can hang out in here with you while I do my homework," David offered.

  "I'd love that, son."

  Kyra watched the exchange from the doorway. She studied her father. He kept glancing back at her, as if trying to figure something out.

  Amy seemed nervous. She hesitated in front of Dad. "I umm... I have a project to do for school, but I'd hate to leave you-" It could have been Kyra's imagination, but Amy was lying. The way she flicked her gaze from Dad to Kyra, it was as if she was afraid to be figured out.

  "Amy, it's okay. You don't have to hover. Go take care of your schoolwork. I love ya," their father assured her.

  "Okay. If you're sure."

  "I'm sure. David's here, and Kyra's here. It's good. This is your senior year. Go make it the best you can, and that includes good grades. That's an order, young lady!" He winked, showing her he was all in good spirits.

  Amy kissed his cheek. "Love you, too. I'm so glad you're home!" She grabbed her purse and backpack, then stole one last look at everyone before she left.

  There was a look of guilt on her face, and Kyra couldn't figure out why. Was it because she wanted to stay home with him, or was it because she had no school project? Was it something else? Her sister was a puzzle she couldn't solve.

  "I'm going to go get a snack and then start homework," David announced, heading for the kitchen.

  "Come here, Kyra." Dad's tone changed to serious.

  Unsure, she moved to sit in the chair beside him.

  "How are you, really?"

  She reeled back, unsure of why he asked. "What do you mean?"

  "I know about the letters you've been getting. I also know you had an anxiety attack at the dance the other night. You still can't handle crowds. I have a feeling that what happened at the clinic was an act of-"

  "Want a cookie, Dad? Mrs. Winters left us some goodies." David popped one into his mouth, re-entering the living room, killing any chance to continue this conversation. Kyra didn't want to talk about the dance and the hate mail, but she wanted to talk about what her father thought he knew about the fire.

  Damn it.

  "No son, I'm good. Thank you." Disappointment etched in his voice, he shared a glance with Kyra. The look in his eyes told her they'd talk about this later with no one else around.

  David worked on his homework while Dad rested and halfway paid attention to the TV. Kyra pulled out a pen and notepad, hoping to work on some lyrics. Mostly, she just kept an eye on her father and thought about things. The fire, being home, Matt, Nashville.

  A few hours flew by. Dad's eyes were closed, so Kyra quietly left the room. David was done with homework, but he stayed in there claiming he wanted to keep an eye on Dad. She checked her email and found more angry letters, but there were some that were nice from fans who couldn't wait until her new CD was out. Her name wasn't trending any more, which meant that the events from the night of the dance had died down. Good. Maybe they'd leave Matt alone, too.

  Kyra got so lost in what she was doing that she never heard the doorbell ring, but she heard voices from the living room that didn't belong to her father or David.

  Curious, Kyra headed downstairs. Matt and Andrew were in the living room. Her father was awake and talking with them.

  "Hey Kyra!" Andrew turned around to wave.

  "Hi, Andrew. How have you been?" She hadn't seen him in a few days, either.

  "Good. We just came by to see your dad."

  She nodded. Matt's eyes were now on her. She couldn't read his expression. He had a good poker face. Completely neutral. "Hi, Matt."

  "Hey," he replied, continuing to watch her.

  Unsure what else to do, Kyra left the room. Realizing how late it was, she figured it was about time she ate something. On cue, her stomach growled. She searched the fridge for something appealing when the sound of footsteps approached from behind her. Curious, Kyra closed the door and whirled around. She came face to face with Matt. "What can I do for you?"

  "Accept my apology?" Matt reached out and touched her shoulder.

  "But I didn't hear one." An apology? For what?

  "You're about to." He raked his free hand through his hair. "I pushed away after the night at the cottage. The whole thing with being interrupted by your bodyguards made me realize I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to you. You live in a world full of traveling, music, and chaos- all the things I can't do."

  "Matt-" This wasn't fair. Why did he keep doing this?

  He pressed a finger against her lips. "I can't stop thinking about you, though. The way things were going that night, I wanted all of it. But you're not going to be here long, and I can't just do a little fling. I've got a son to think about. He needs stability."

  "Andrew seems to be doing fine. I think you're hiding behind what you think your son needs. And that's fine and dandy if that's how you feel. Just don't use your son as an excuse to hide from me. I never asked for anything from you, Matt. I like you, I'm also attracted to you, but I don't need a fling, either. I've got enough crazy
to keep me on my toes for a long time. So why don't we chalk it up to a mistake we almost made and be friends for the remainder of the time?"

  He opened his mouth and narrowed his eyes, but he didn't argue. No, he didn't say anything at all for a while. Was that hurt in his eyes?

  "I might be cautious, but I have to tell you Kyra, it wasn't an almost mistake. I just don't know how it would work. You're the first woman I've been attracted to since Kendra dropped Andrew on my doorstep and moved on completely with her life. I swear this time I'm not trying to compare, because you are so different and you amaze me, but I can't help but proceed with caution." His voice grew louder as his face turned red.

  Okay, so saying they almost made a mistake wasn't the right thing to do. Kyra took a step back, and another, until she was right up against the fridge.

  "I also came in here to tell you your dad wants to talk, and I'm supposed to distract Andrew and David for a while." Matt edged closer to her. He dropped his hand from her shoulder to take her hand. His warm fingers curled over hers. "And then he says I should take you out to dinner. Think he knows something is up with us?"

  She laughed softly. "My dad has always been good at that. He was trying to tell me something earlier before David came into the room. I'm afraid to know what it is." She hesitated, not wanting to break the contact with Matt. If only he knew that she was just as conflicted about him. Did he really think she wanted a fling? Hell no. There wasn't time to play around like that. Kyra's schedule was going to get full on crazy, and while she knew she was attracted to Matt and enjoyed his company, she wondered too how things would play out.

  "Well, I'll get the boys rounded up. About that other part. If you don't want to go to dinner, I don't blame you."

  "I want to." Kyra stared at the oil smudge above his forehead. "I want to know what a day in the life of Matt Greer is like," she said suddenly, knowing the change of subject was abrupt. She laughed when Matt wrinkled his noise. Crease lines formed around his eyes. "There's oil right above your eye here." She took her thumb and ran over the dark spot.


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