Into the Deep

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Into the Deep Page 26

by Missy Fleming

  Waiting for him to answer, I frantically try to plan how I can use my power without hurting anyone I care about. If I focus it on Calandra, it could affect the hold on the guards, but I’m not even sure it will affect her. She’s too strong. If I set them free, she might kill my mom out of spite. The third option is to use it on everyone and hope it protects my family. It’s worth a shot.

  Raising my hand, I am ground to a halt by my father’s desperate plea. “I’ll do whatever you ask.”

  His voice is heavy with hurt, resignation, and failure. The possibility of him giving up slides down my throat, hot and heavy. I want to yell at him not to surrender, but Mom struggles for breath, her chest heaving and terror in her expression. I can’t let this happen.

  Beside me, Alexios and Xander are quietly arguing, attempting to form a plan of their own. Xander senses my distress. He moves closer and touches my shoulder reassuringly. I flinch out from under it, impatient in anyone’s lack of action.

  “You have to choose,” Calandra repeats.

  “What do you mean I have to choose?” His gaze strays to my mom.

  Calandra smiles as if she’s won. “Easy. Choose her, choose her life.”

  This finally forces Alexios into action. “Son, take Kona over to release Nerio and the guards, do whatever you have to. We need them. Hopefully, you can use your power and allow Zoey to stay focused on her parents. We’re running out of time. If we don’t act now, all will be lost.”

  “The shark who led us here was going to attempt and have some of his kind to attack the kraken. Do not to hurt them.” Xander starts to argue but I cut him off. “They can help.”

  Xander nods, and then he’s gone.

  “I don’t understand,” Stavros bites out.

  “In order to save your true love,” Calandra explains with a disgusted tone. “You will have to give up your kingdom and your tail. You must become human. Killing you is too easy. This suffering will last longer. I hear the torture of never returning to the ocean is excruciating.” Her tongue slips out, pointy as a snake’s, to lick her lips.

  Her meaning settles onto my father’s face. It kills me, pulls me in two directions, but I silently plead with him to say no. I can’t picture him on land and not in his kingdom.

  “When I say, try to shock her,” Alexios orders. “We can use the distraction to attack.”

  All Xander needs is a few more minutes. I await the order, praying Alexios’s plan works and that it will save Stavros from making an impossible decision. But he’s already made it. The weight of it transforms his features. I start to summon my power, concentrating on the merwitch. Trying to hurt her as I did Fallon, I hit against some kind of shield. I can’t touch any part of her consciousness. So I increase my efforts.

  “I agree, but only if my men are allowed to go free, without harm. My daughter too. She has nothing to do with this.”

  “I disagree. This is about you and her, not Zoey. What I can do is promise you she won’t be harmed. As for your men, once you’re human, I’ll set them free.”

  Giving up, I switch tactics. I form a wall of rushing and boiling water between Stavros and Calandra. It reacts instantly, but a half second too late.

  A pale flare shoots from the merwitch’s hand and slams through the wall I’m forming as if it were nothing. At her neck, the Sky Amulet pulses. The light hits Stavros square in the chest and his back arches in pain.

  Horror wells up inside me as the water shimmers and his long, powerful tail is replaced by two pale legs. The same moment, Mom’s bubble disintegrates. She struggles with what’s left of her strength to swim.

  It happens in the space of two seconds. I’m angry at myself for not being fast enough, but I can be thankful for one blessing…the depth is shallow. Otherwise, my parents would have been crushed by the weight of the ocean.

  “Get them to the surface now!” I shout at Alexios, but he’s already moving forward. I glance over to the guards and see Xander’s had some luck in removing them from the octopus’s tentacles. The freed guards are fighting both with and against the sharks as Calandra’s mer join in. I try to track Xander and Nerio, but it’s impossible. I shove them from my mind, confident in their skills.

  Calandra’s roar of anger vibrates through the water. Spurred on by the turn of events, I hurl my power toward her. This is my chance and I take it. I won’t hesitate as I did on the beach or a few seconds ago. All I want is to inflict pain on her, to give her a taste of her own deviousness.

  A rock close by explodes, showering me with its fragments, announcing she’s noticed my presence. With a flick of my wrist, I sweep the broken rock chunks at her. She pushes them to the side at the last minute, but by her stunned expression, she wasn’t expecting me to retaliate with such strong power. Surprise is replaced by a burning curiosity and desire to possess. I’m guessing her suspicions have just been confirmed.

  “Who are you?” she shouts.

  Noticing she’s distracted, I attack with everything I have and fling nearby rocks at her. The energy from my ability flares to life inside me. She doesn’t stay distracted for long. Calandra glowers at me and the rocks I’ve thrown breeze past her on either side. Damn, I’m no match for her.

  Giving up is not an option. Focusing on the bottom her inky black tail, I spin a whirlpool. She counters that too. More rocks fly at me and I struggle to dodge them. Without pauses it’s nearly impossible to react with ways to hurt her. She is stronger than I imagined and my stomach clenches. Before this it’d been so easy—killing Fallon, hurting Eustacia, dispersing the storm. It was child’s play compared to this.

  In a flash, I hear Batari’s words about Gaia and what I’m supposedly able to do. Right now, I don’t trust a word of it. I’m hanging on by a very thin string. Exhaustion slows my movements. I don’t have enough practice to be pushing my limits this far. I’m already too tired.

  Calandra’s gaze narrows. Another streak of pale light sparks from her hand and electricity charges the water. Pain. It surrounds and consumes me, a living breathing beast scorching me from the inside out. Claws scratch at my skin and lick my throat. It’s eating me alive. A scream pierces my ears, but it isn’t the beast howling, it’s me. This is what I did to Fallon, I’m sure of it. My tail tingles and I can’t disguise the disappointment that it isn’t the more lethal cold version. This is the lighter one, struggling to lessen her attack.

  In a haze, I notice Xander dart out of the fray and launch himself toward Calandra. All of a sudden, the pain ceases and I relish a blissful second before the merwitch hurls a large boulder at him.

  “No!” I scream.

  The lingering effects of whatever she did to me, paired with my fatigue, leave me too weak to save him. I try with all I have to summon the power to stop her from hurting Xander, but I’m too slow.

  The rock hits him in the chest and the crushing blow causes his body to go limp. Rage surges up from a dark, hidden place and the entire scene disappears. I’m awash with coldness and all I focus on is her swirling black hair and lifeless eyes.

  Now the power explodes. A huge wave rushes at her, full of rocks and sand and electricity. She doesn’t react quickly enough as the force pummels her and sends her into a backward somersault. A sharp rock slashes her arm and tail, tinting the water with blood. Before I have a chance to pounce on the advantage, a blinding light flares and she vanishes.

  The rage subsides, leaving me encased by incomprehensible frustration. Sure, I chased her away, but the exhaustion compromised my ability, as did not knowing what I might have done to combat her immeasurable skill. Next time, I won’t be so weak.

  Snapping back to the present, I’m filled with concern for Xander and my parents. I trust Alexios to escort them to safety, so I focus on the broken body to my right. In a haze I notice Calandra’s forces have scattered, powerless without their puppet master, and being pursued by sharks and our guards. A few great whites are feasting on a dying kraken, bathing the area in blood.

  I draw clos
er to Xander and get a look at the devastating damage the boulder did. My heart stills. It might be too late. I gasp for air and choke down nausea as the rise and fall of his chest slows.

  Never having healed anyone before, I don’t know what to do. I only pray I have the strength left do it. With nothing to lose, I lay my hands on the worst of his wounds. The blood is warm but beneath it, his skin is cold. I focus every single cell of myself into mending him and bringing him back to life.

  Dull, throbbing heat spreads from my palms and I actually sense the power flowing out of me and into him. Initially, aside from the heat, I’m not positive it’s working. Silently, I say his name, begging for him to wake up. A few seconds later, he groans and shifts under my touch. I bark out a half-laugh, half-sob in relief. As his lids open, happiness blossoms in my heart.

  “I knew I had to do something drastic to capture your attention,” Xander jokes weakly.

  Stretching his chest, he pushes himself into an upright position. Alexios rushes over, returning from his trip to the surface, and embraces his son. Then he examines every inch of his body. Once he checks out, Alexios turns to me with emotion-filled eyes and wraps me up in a fierce hug, whispering his gratitude.

  I ask, “Are my parents okay?”

  He offers me an encouraging pat. “They’re safe. I can take you to them.”

  Nerio surges over and wraps me up tight. There I am safe and the events we all just experienced threaten to shatter me. “I need to see my parents.”

  As Nerio and I help Xander up, Alexios orders the guards, who have gathered around us, to return to the palace. He also threatens, under promise of death, for none of them to speak of what happened here or to King Stavros.

  The three of us follow Alexios from this dark place. Even with Calandra gone, it has a sinister feel about it. She vanished, but it doesn’t mean she’s done. She’s going to be more dangerous after witnessing the range of my power. I’ll have to be more careful than ever.

  Kona crashes into me and burrows close. I hold onto him tight, noticing a gash running down his left side. Without thought, I heal him and am rewarded with a playful nudge. Nerio grasps my other arm, as if I’m the one who needs support, and pulls me against his side.

  A lump lodges in my throat and I send a “thank you” out to the sharks. A few linger behind, including the hammerhead I owe our lives to. Their own relief is returned, thankful at being released from their bonds.

  Come to me soon. I’ll need your help again before this war is over, I say silently.

  As you wish, princess. I am at your service.

  Then, a thought occurs to me. What is your name?

  I don’t have one, none of us do.

  I chew my lip as we rise. You’re a hammerhead. I’ll name you Thor, after the thunder god who uses a hammer as a weapon.

  A dry chuckle reverberates through my mind. I’m honored with any name you give me.

  Once we pass out of range, my thoughts turn grim. Things are about to change. I need to take my ability seriously, spend all my free time honing it. Calandra is going to hit back, harder than ever, on both land and sea. It’s going to get a thousand times worse.

  Especially now that Stavros is human.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Wherever Alexios left my parents must have been close because we don’t travel far. It isn’t near enough time to compose myself or digest the sequence of events which just happened. I am numb, exhausted, and terrified to see my father as anything but the strong merman I know him as.

  “Where are we?” I ask, as Alexios slows.

  “A small corner of Indonesia. I left them on an isolated beach. They’ll find settlements nearby.”

  I catch traces of sorrow in his voice. He’s mourning the loss of not only a king but a friend. As for me, I haven’t yet begun to process what I’ve lost. We may have won a battle, but the war is not over, a fact pushing at me relentlessly.

  We surface near the shore of a heavily forested coastline. Stavros and my mom are huddled near a small fire. She’s soaking wet and Stavros has fashioned a wrap out of some leaves to cover his nakedness. Because of the other’s proximity I decide to stay in the water for the time being, my trembling hand clinging to Nerio’s as if my very existence depended on it.

  Mom stands and runs to the shore, followed by Stavros. “Oh, baby, I’m so glad you’re safe.”

  Tears roll down my cheeks. “I’m sorry I left you. This is my fault. If I’d stayed put, you wouldn’t be here.”

  “Don’t think that,” Stavros says, sounding every inch the king. “If you’d been at home, this could have happened regardless. Calandra would have abducted you both.”

  I wipe my tears. He’s right. At least now the Pacific mer can be assured they have a weapon to use against the enemy. Unfortunately it is the only comfort I can gain from this situation.

  “I take it since you are all here, unharmed, she is gone?” my father asks.

  “Temporarily,” Alexios confirms.

  “The princess performed superbly. She is everything Batari promised and more,” Nerio gloats.

  An idea strikes me and I shoot forward a couple feet. “Can it be undone? Can I reverse whatever Calandra did to you?”

  The silence that follows is weighted—with hope, fear, and even acceptance.

  Stavros answers, “It’s highly unlikely. You might not have the strength.”

  “Let me try,” I plead. “Please.”

  His expression is full of doubt, but he nods, just once. Without hesitation, I clear my mind and picture him as he was, as a merman. Instead of legs, I visualize his long, powerful, dark green tail. Warmth bursts from within, indicating the power is stirring, but it’s not enough.

  Whatever Calandra hit Stavros with to turn him human is strong magic, beyond my comprehension. Determined, I double my efforts. My body trembles from the exertion and a light pain throbs in my head.

  I stop as the tears fall faster. “I can’t. Maybe when I’m more experienced or understand it more.”

  “It matters that you tried, Zoey. I can live with my choice for now, maybe forever.”

  He pulls Mom close and kisses her. She watches him with such pure love I have to turn away. It’s so weird. They’re my parents. I should be happy for them, but all of a sudden I’m on the outside looking in.

  Nerio must sense my unease because he moves closer.

  “What happens to the kingdom?” I ask, certain I’m not going to be happy with the answer.

  Another brief silence settles over us, making my anxiety soar.

  “Alexios is the most qualified to take over my throne. I have no doubts about leaving him in charge and our people will follow him without question. Most of them, at least.” Stavros nails me with a pointed stare. “Zoey, you’re officially the heir. This position is yours, so you have to be the one to anoint Alexios as a temporary figurehead until you’re ready. I figure maybe two years.”

  My jaw drops. I’ve heard this ever since I changed into a mermaid, but suddenly it’s blaringly real. I previously dealt with it by convincing myself it was years down the road, secure in the notion Stavros would live a long and full life. I’ve only been a mermaid for two weeks!

  I cannot form a single word. The buzzing in my head grows louder as panic claws up my throat.

  “Can we have a private moment?” Stavros directs his question to the merman.

  Xander and Alexios nod and swim beyond the small peninsula, disappearing out of sight. Nerio lays his forehead to mine and I draw courage from him. He dips below the water without a word.

  I pull myself onto the beach. In moments, I’m human again and being held by my mom’s loving arms and covered by her blouse. I want to object, especially when I glimpse her shivering in a thin tank top, but I am more comfortable covered up. Then Stavros joins in the embrace and my family is finally complete.

  After a while, he assists me as I hop over to a log and sit. Joining me, he stares, hard.

  “You’re sc
ared, the fact does not escape me, but I have to impress upon you the seriousness of the situation. Calandra is far from defeated. In fact, I fear her wrath especially after what I assume just occurred. The people of our kingdom need reassurance. They need to have faith that there is a future for them. The mer love you, they won’t oppose you. Word will spread of Magdalena’s betrayal and our people will seek reassurance about the future.”

  I blink to clear the cobwebs from my racing mind. “I haven’t even graduated high school.”

  Not the most intelligent thing to say, I admit, but I’m sixteen, for crying out loud. Mom smoothes my hair down in a soft rhythm and I find comfort in its familiarity.

  The corner of his mouth lifts.

  “Which is why I said in a couple years,” my father says. “You’ll have plenty of time to learn what is required. As a future queen, I wouldn’t feel safe letting you attend school on land. But, if I’m close, we might work something out. If it’s longer than two years, it shouldn’t be a problem either. The mer have to be confident you’re committed to them.” He lifts a shoulder. “Besides, maybe by then you’ll have turned me into a merman again. Then you won’t have to worry until later.”

  It doesn’t exactly quell my fears. “What if I don’t want all this?”

  Stavros tries to hide his disappointment, but he doesn’t succeed. “In that case, Alexios would become king, but on a permanent basis. You’ll have to appoint him, either way. There may be challengers, those who believe they’re entitled to lead. For years the mer of the Pacific Ocean have looked to our family for leadership. They won’t let go of the comfort it offers easily. It may sound as if I’m trying to guilt you into this, but it’s not my intention. I merely ask you to understand and weigh the facts.”

  I’m scrambling to keep up with him. Ever since the night I first turned, I’ve loved the world of the mer. But it doesn’t mean I’m ready to rule them.

  “Do I have to decide this instant?”

  He’s silent for a few minutes as he mulls this over. “I realize how big this is, so here’s what I suggest. Appoint Alexios in a temporary manner with the promise you’ll take over in a couple years, when you’re better acquainted with our world. Use these next two years to learn as much as possible. You can make your final decision before you turn eighteen. Galina will be there to help and a source of great knowledge. Let the mer hear your intentions from the beginning and work closely with Alexios. Be honest with them. Does that sound fair?”


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