Know Me, Keep Me

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Know Me, Keep Me Page 25

by Barbara Gee

  That time would come, he just had to get through the in-between.


  Jolene had just crawled into bed when Boone called. They talked for half an hour, and she could hear the emotion in his voice when he described how Virgil and Kay had reacted to him. In spite of their shock and grief, they’d shown him only love, and hadn’t been angry at him for not telling them sooner. That didn’t surprise Jolene at all, knowing the Desmonds as she did. She hoped that in time Boone would truly come to see them as a second set of parents.

  When he started telling her about his conversation with Tuck, Jolene felt her heart getting heavier and heavier. By the time he got to the part about moving the hockey tournament up to tomorrow night and leaving right after, she was curled up in a ball and holding the phone so tightly her fingers were cramping.

  She made a huge effort to keep her voice normal, but her throat ached from trying to hold back her tears. “I understand why you have to leave. I know you don’t want to put anyone here in danger.” She held the phone away briefly as she cleared her throat and sniffed. “But it seems like you just got here. It’s going to be hard to let you go.”

  “I’ll come back as soon as I can, Jo. Once they catch the person doing the blackmailing, the danger will be eliminated. After that there’s no reason I can’t return to the ranch while the rest of the case plays out. I might want to leave again when things go public, just so the ranch isn’t inundated with the media, but once the furor has died down, things should go back to almost normal.”

  “It won’t be the normal you had before all this started,” she said gently.

  “Yeah, but I’ll deal with it,” he said quietly. “And it’s not all bad. I have the Desmonds in my life now. And you. I really hope you’re part of my new normal, babe.”

  She snuggled deeper into her pillow. “I’m still open to giving it a shot,” she told him.

  “That’s all I ask,” he said. “Just give us a chance and see where it goes.”

  They talked for another few minutes, deciding to meet for breakfast in the cafeteria instead of having his morning workout. Then they would go find Donovan and discuss the details of moving the tournament up. They’d have to give the players and their families a reason, but that was easy. Considering who Boone was, telling them he had to go back to St. Paul unexpectedly would be believable. No details would be necessary.

  Jolene put her phone on the bedside table and closed her eyes. She felt a terrible sense of loss at the thought of Boone leaving, and yet there was a smidgeon of hope that he might be back soon. And another smidgeon due to the fact that he seemed dead set on pursuing a relationship with her in spite of everything that was going on. The question was, would he still feel that way when they were separated and in different states?

  Only time would tell. She knew she shouldn’t get her hopes up, but her feelings for Boone were already so strong she knew she’d reached the point where she was willing to risk heartbreak on the off chance that they could actually make it work. If his feelings were even half as strong as hers, then maybe, just maybe, they could overcome the obstacles and make it work.

  The memory of his lips on hers was fresh in her mind. Boone’s touch had inspired a level of desire she hadn’t even known she was capable of, and she still felt shaken. It seemed so unfair that just as they were figuring out that they wanted to be together, he had to leave.

  She sighed and rolled over. Maybe things would be okay in spite of it all. After all, they were an item now. A small smile curved her lips. Definitely an item.

  * * *

  Jolene walked into the dining hall the next morning and eagerly scanned the room. She saw Boone standing over in a corner, chatting with a few of the staff. Their eyes met and held. It was electric, and Jolene felt the impact zip through her body. Suddenly she wanted him to herself, needed him to herself, away from the crowd.

  Without giving herself time to think, she turned and pushed open the door she had just come through. She looked back over her shoulder, giving him the barest of smiles, then walked quickly through the hall to her office.

  Once there she leaned over her desk for a moment, her palms flat on the smooth surface, trying to calm her racing heart. It was no use, though, she was too amped up. She stood straight again and faced the door, waiting.

  It only took about twenty seconds. When Boone’s tall form filled the doorway, she went to him. He gripped her waist with one hand and shut the door with the other, his eyes dark green and glittering. “Morning,” he said softly, just before his mouth came down on hers.

  Jolene’s eyes slid closed and she stopped all thought and allowed herself to feel. Just feel. His firm lips on hers, his hand sliding from her waist to the small of her back. A soft lock of his hair skimming her forehead. She leaned into him and he pushed her up against the door, one forearm braced against the wall above her head.

  He drew her deeper into the kiss, his tongue sliding smoothly against hers, learning her feel and her taste. A low groan vibrated his chest as he wrapped both arms around her waist and effortlessly lifted her off the ground so their mouths were aligned. Jolene shoved her fingers into his hair, feeling at that moment like she needed Boone’s kiss as much as she needed to breathe.

  She went with it, feeding her previously untapped passion with the touch of the first man she’d ever truly wanted, until a seed of logic finally bloomed and told her it was time to rein it in, lest she be regretful and embarrassed later. With great reluctance she turned her head to the side, breaking the kiss and unintentionally freeing him to kiss down the side of her neck to the sensitive hollow of her collarbone.

  “Boone,” she said on a sigh, still on fire but knowing they needed to stop.

  “Mm hm?” He moved his lips to the pulse point at the base of her throat, then slowly lifted his head, his eyes heavy-lidded and warm as he stared into hers.

  She grinned, enjoying being eye to eye with him for a change. “Wow,” she said simply.

  His lips curved up. “I take it that’s what you were after when you gave me that come-hither look in the cafeteria?”

  She nodded, unabashed. “It’s exactly what I wanted, and we certainly couldn’t do it there.”

  “Certainly not,” he agreed.

  “I love kissing you, Boone. Why did we wait so long?”

  His smile widened and his eyes narrowed just a touch. “Because you wanted to be all business, no messing around. You had this cool, collected, prim and proper thing going on. It was a big turn on, if you want to know the truth. And now that I know it’s all just a front to hide the heat within?” He shook his head and ever so slowly lowered her until her feet were on the floor again. “You’re the sexiest girl I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing, Jo.”

  “Me?” she squeaked, pleased but not quite believing him.

  “Oh yeah. Hands down. A dozen super-models could walk through that door naked right now, and I wouldn’t even notice. I’ll take my girl, in her yoga pants and tank top, any day.”

  “I like the idea of being your girl.” Her smile gradually dimmed as reality set in. “You leave tonight,” she said softly. “I don’t want you to.”

  “I’ll be back. I promise.”

  She reached up and pressed a finger to his lips. Those amazing, talented lips. “Don’t make me any promises,” she said, “because if you do, you’ll feel obligated to keep them. If you come back, it has to be because you want to, not because you need to keep a promise.”

  “Okay, no promises,” he said agreeably. He lowered his head. “But I will be back,” he said against her lips.

  Jolene kept the kiss short and sweet. “I guess we’ll see. A day at a time, remember? And now we’d better go eat, or you’re going to faint from hunger.” She placed a palm against his hard, flat stomach. “Gotta take care of this million dollar body.”

  He raised a brow and she laughed and teased him some more. “Or should I say this multi-million dollar body. So many multi’s it make
s me nervous to even have you on the premises.”

  “Whatever, Jo. But breakfast is indeed calling my name. Think you can control yourself and let me eat this time?”

  She grinned. “I’ll do my best, but I’m addicted, remember? And it had been a whole, long night since I saw you.”

  They left her office and he curled a hand around the nape of her neck, under her ponytail, as they walked back to the cafeteria. “I hope you don’t go looking for ways to feed your new-found addiction when I’m gone,” he said.

  “No worries. It’s a very specific addiction, and can be satisfied by only one person.”

  They stopped at the exit door and Jolene reached up and took his hand from her neck, squeezing it before letting go.

  He tilted his head curiously. “Not ready to let the world know?” he asked.

  “Only because you’re going to be leaving tonight. Why get people all riled up and gossiping before you go? I’d rather wait until you come back.” She looked up at him hopefully. “If you come back.”

  “I already told you I’ll come back,” he said as he pushed the doors open. He gave her a sideways glance. “I mean, my birth parents live here. I have to come back.”

  Jolene rolled her eyes and jabbed him in the stomach with her elbow as she walked past, unable to hide her smile at his teasing. The man was everything she’d ever dreamed about. And who would have ever guessed her dream man would turn out to be none other than Boone Kendall?


  The hockey tournament was a smashing success. It was a very unconventional format, due to having only fourteen players, half of them standing and the other half on sleds. Being their first attempt at the event, there were certainly some glitches, but the skaters and their families had a great time, and Donovan and Boone learned a lot of things that would make future tournaments that much better.

  The atmosphere was pretty much perfect, though. Many members of the Barlow community had shown up to lend their support, and they mixed in easily with the veterans’ families. The added numbers made for some loud, excited cheering, and the players ate it up. Maddy had thoughtfully arranged for concessions hawkers, just like at real games, only all the food was free. The kids especially appreciated that feature.

  Jolene sought out Andi Jansen to sit by, and the two of them cheered Charlie on, giddy with excitement when he scored his first goal. Jolene was amazed at how skillfully he controlled his sled. Considering it had been less than two weeks since he’d first taken to the ice, he really was doing remarkably well. Boone’s prediction that Charlie could have a future with a team in his area made sense, now that she’d seen the man play.

  By the end of the tournament, Charlie had four goals in the two games his sled team had played, as well as the MVP trophy. His team was also the tournament winner, thanks to his efforts, and Andi couldn’t stop crying at the proud expression on his face, and the genuine smile he gave her when he accepted the trophy.

  Following the awards presentation, the children were invited onto the ice for free skate. The adults in the stands took advantage of the kids being occupied, mingling with the people they’d gotten to know during their time at the ranch. This was one of the things Jolene enjoyed most, hearing the buzz of conversation and laughter, and seeing the lasting friendships that had been formed between people who truly understood each other’s challenges.

  Boone was in the thick of things the whole time, first as the winning coach, then out on the ice with the kids. He was surrounded by them the whole time, his smile flashing almost continuously as he enjoyed himself with the young skaters. Cameras flashed all through the stands as proud parents sought to get photos of their child skating with the NHL all-star.

  Jolene had to concede that Boone’s decision to leave yet tonight was best, because even though everyone knew they weren’t supposed to talk about him yet, some of those pictures would end up hitting the social media sites sooner rather than later. The temptation to share was too great. Soon the paparazzi, and worse, would know exactly where to find him. Only they wouldn’t find him, because he’d already be gone. Jolene could only imagine their howls of fury when they showed up in Barlow, only to see photos of Boone back in St. Paul.

  After sticking around for an autograph session, Boone exchanged a triumphant, back-slapping bear hug with Donovan, then slipped out a side door, where Jolene was waiting. She drove him back to his cabin, where he was already packed up. They loaded his bags, ready to head for the field by the ranch house, where the helicopter would soon touch down.

  “We should probably say our long goodbye here,” he said when he closed the trunk. “I imagine the others will be waiting to see me off over at the house.”

  Jolene didn’t need to be told twice. She walked into his arms and held onto him for dear life. “Be careful, Boone, please be careful. Watch your back and don’t trust anyone you don’t know.”

  “I will, and I won’t,” he said with a crooked smile. “I’d make you a promise, but you forbade me to do that.”

  “In this case, it’s fine. Promise me you’ll be careful?”

  “I promise, babe. I’ll be careful.” He dipped his head and looked into her beautiful dark eyes. “You’ll answer when I call? I don’t want you getting cold feet.”

  “I’ll answer,” she said quietly. “If you call, I’ll answer.”

  “I know you still don’t quite trust my feelings for you,” he said. “I wish there was some way to convince you that I want this. I want you. Because I do, Jo. I’m not going to change my mind.”

  She pushed her face against his shoulder. “I want it, too. I’ll be praying for a quick resolution. Not only because I want you to come back, but because I want you to be safe and able to move past this whole mess. And I’ll be praying for your mom, too.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Thanks for that. I’ll let you know when I’m going to tell her. It’ll help, knowing you’re praying.”

  “One more thing.” She pushed away from him far enough to be able to look up into his eyes. “I’m sure your team medical staff will want to do a complete evaluation of you as soon as you get back. I’ll be sending my reports and notes to them first thing in the morning. And honestly, Boone, I wouldn’t be surprised if they want you to suit up and practice with the team. You’re doing that well.”

  He closed his eyes, but not before she saw the flare of emotion in their depths. “You have no idea how much I want that. If I can’t be with you, I could at least be with the team. And if I do well enough in practice, maybe the play-offs aren’t such a stretch after all.”

  “I feel like I need to warn you to not get your hopes up, but at the same time, I have to agree. I don’t think it’s a stretch. In fact, you might be ready even now. Your sessions with me and all your work on the ice kept your conditioning at a good level, and your headaches are gone.” She rubbed her hands up and down his arms. “But I’m not a hockey doctor, so what do I know.”

  “Hopefully enough to be proven correct.” Boone said fervently.

  Her dark eyes shimmered. “I’ll be cheering you on.”

  He smiled. “Yeah, you will. From the stands. If I start playing again, I’ll get you to every home game. Somehow we’ll work it out.” He lowered his head, his lips lightly brushing hers.

  “I don’t want you to go,” she whispered.

  “We’ll talk every day. And I’ll be in close contact with Tuck and Ryan. Between the three of us, we’ll keep you up to date on everything that’s going on with the case.”

  Jolene’s eyes roamed over his face, trying to memorize it so she could remember what it was like to have him so close once he was gone. “I’ll miss you,” she told him. “Really, really, really bad.”


  He kissed her then, and Jolene stood on her tip-toes and wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing closer to his big, warm body. She tried to memorize that feeling, too. He slid his hands beneath her top to the smooth, warm skin of her waist, making he
r shiver with awareness.

  The distant thumping of helicopter rotors reminded them their time was up, and they reluctantly ended the kiss. Boone rested his forehead against hers and Jolene held on to him tighter, frustrated that their goodbye was being cut short.

  “I guess that’s our cue to get moving,” he said heavily.

  “I guess so.” She gave him what she hoped was a brave smile. “Do you have people who can help keep you safe in St. Paul?”

  “Tuck and Ryan have taken care of that. I’ll have an FBI shadow for a while.”

  She sighed, relieved. “Good. Man I love those guys.”

  They parted and got in the car, not speaking during the drive to meet the helicopter. As predicted, the others were all there. They’d left the festivities of the hockey tournament in time to see Boone off.

  Kay was already wiping her eyes when they drove up. Libby broke away from the group and ran up to give Boone a huge hug when he got out of the car.

  “That tournament was so awesome, Boone. Thanks for all the effort you went to. You were a natural with the vets and their families, and they were all so thrilled. It’s going to get us a lot of really good press, which will make my job of promoting this place a lot easier.”

  “Glad I could help.” Boone returned her hug, then approached Kay and Virgil. “Sorry I have to leave. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Don’t worry about us,” Virgil said. “You just concentrate on staying safe and letting the FBI do their job.”

  “I will. I imagine I’ll be spending most of my time at the arena, and security is pretty tight there, even on off days.”

  Kay pressed a large plastic container into his hands. “I baked you a few snacks for the trip home.”

  Boone hefted the container, grinning. “I think this’ll last me a little longer than the trip,” he declared.


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