Know Me, Keep Me

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Know Me, Keep Me Page 27

by Barbara Gee

“And you’re really okay with it?” Jolene asked skeptically.

  The other girl shrugged. “I mean, I wish you’d told me about it. I feel a little silly for showing up here early so many times to help with his workout, but come on, Jolene. After seeing those pictures, I know I never had a chance. You two were obviously meant to be. Who would’ve thought Boone Kendall would go for the one girl who isn’t going to fall all over herself trying to hook up with him?”

  “Don’t ask me to explain it. I actually have no idea how it happened,” Jolene admitted.

  “Well I’m happy for you, I really am. If it couldn’t be me, I’m glad it’s you.”

  Jolene sighed and shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say, Izzy. I feel like I need to thank you for being so understanding, and for not accusing me of being a hypocrite.”

  “You don’t have to thank me for anything.” Izzy leaned forward, her forehead creasing. “I’m sorry he had to leave. Did he go back to St. Paul to be evaluated by the team trainers? He’s doing so well, I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually gets back on the ice soon.”

  “I agree with you, and yes, he’ll be evaluated,” Jolene said carefully, glad that Izzy had assumed Boone’s leaving had to do with the team. “I’m sure the medical staff will want to be cautious, but I also know Boone is going to be pushing to play.”

  “I hope everything works out,” Izzy said sincerely. “For him playing, and also for the two of you making a go of it.”

  “That’s sweet of you. I appreciate your attitude more than you know.” Jolene smiled wryly. “What do you think the guys are going to say?”

  Izzy snorted. “They won’t say anything at all unless you bring it up. Then they’ll be all awkward and just want to change the subject. They’re guys, Jolene. They don’t do emotional talks with their boss.”

  Jolene chuckled. “Point taken. I’ll just acknowledge the fact that Boone and I are somewhat involved, and then we’ll get on with our day.”

  “Good plan. See you in a few minutes. I need to answer a few emails before our meeting.”

  Izzy left and Jolene closed her eyes and offered a prayer of thanksgiving for the girl’s unexpectedly graceful acceptance of the situation. And while she was at it, she prayed yet again for peace and safety for Boone. It was so hard not being able to encourage him in person as he dealt with everything going on in his life, both personally and professionally. The man had a seriously full plate.

  Please, Lord, allow him to feel Your presence every second. Give him courage and wisdom, and the strength he’ll need to help his mother through the dark valley she’s facing.

  Her phone rang, and Jolene opened her eyes to the wonderful sight of Boone’s name on the screen. She grabbed it and answered, not even trying to hide her eagerness.


  “Hey, Jolene.” He sounded tentative. “I, uh, wanted to call and see whether you’d answer.”

  “I told you I would.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, but after seeing those photos of us all over the place, I was afraid you’d have second thoughts. I’m sure you’ve seen them.”

  Hearing the dread in voice made Jolene decide right then that they could talk about her issues with paparazzi later. Boone didn’t need that bother right now.

  “I did see them,” she said. “I’ve been told twice already that they’re really hot. Which is probably true, considering that you’re in them. I miss your hotness around here already. My morning hasn’t been nearly as interesting.”

  He was quiet for a long moment, then she heard his low chuckle. “I miss your hotness, too, and your hands. I need those magic hands.”

  “Do you have a headache?” Jolene asked quickly, sitting up straight, a concerned frown wrinkling her forehead.

  “Nah, my head feels fine. I’m just stiff from traveling and sleeping in a strange bed.”

  “Ah, I could definitely help with that. I’m glad your head is okay, though.”

  “Yeah, I’ll be heading over to the rink soon. Not looking forward to a day of evaluation, but if it gets me on the ice, it’ll be worth it.”

  “I think it will, Boone. I think you’re ready.”

  “It’s good to hear you say that. A nice timely boost to my confidence. But, Jo, about those pictures.” His voice became wary again. “You’re not mad? I thought you’d be upset and say this is exactly what you were afraid of.”

  “I mean, it’s not ideal. I hate the invasion of privacy, and the fact that it was probably a staff member who did it makes it even more disappointing. But I guess I feel like there are more important issues right now.”

  She heard his long sigh. “I underestimated you, babe. I’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes trying to figure out what I can say to convince you not to cut and run. I actually felt sick when I was dialing the phone. I was sure you’d be freaking out.”

  Jolene chuckled. “Actually, I may have freaked out just a little when Libby first brought the pictures to my attention, but I’ve had a chance to settle down.”

  “I wish we could talk about it face to face. I miss you already.”

  “I miss you, too. And I’m worried about you. Ryan and Tuck are spreading the word that you’re back in St. Paul, to take pressure off the ranch.”

  “Yeah, I talked to them a few minutes ago, while I was trying to get up the courage to call you.”

  “Is the FBI guard with you?”

  “Two of them are right across the hall. They have an eye on my door at all times. No one can get close to me without them knowing about it.”

  “And they’ll go with you to the arena?”

  “Yep. Try not to worry, Jo. I’ll be fine. And if I pick up a tail, that’s actually a good thing because it could lead to the person causing all the trouble.”

  “Just be careful. Don’t take any chances. I know I told you that before, but big tough guys like you tend to think you’re invincible. That can be dangerous.”

  “Yeah, well, my heart isn’t invincible,” he said softly. “And right now it’s feeling mighty lonely.”

  She smiled against the sting of tears. “I know the feeling. Pretty scary.”

  “It is, but also kinda great. I’m still all in, Jolene, I want you to know that. And if it’s okay with you, when I get asked about the girl in the pictures, I’m going to say you’re my girlfriend. And when they ask if it’s serious, I’m going to say yes.”

  Jolene felt her fingers trembling. “Are you sure? It’s hasn’t even been three weeks since we met.”

  “That’s plenty long enough for me to know what I want. Virgil told me he knew Kay was the one for him the very first time they met. Maybe that kind of clarity runs in the family.”

  Jolene couldn’t speak for a few seconds. “Virgil Desmond is a fine man to emulate,” she finally managed to get out. “Um, if you want to tell people we’re together, I guess I’m okay with it.”

  “Good,” he said approvingly. “I should let you go, and I need to get some breakfast before I pass out. Dinner last night was a sandwich on the run and I’m on empty.”

  “Okay. I’m glad you called. Do it again this evening, if you can. Don’t worry if it’s late.”

  “You got it. And I’ll probably send you about a hundred texts in between.”

  She grinned. “I can handle that. I’ll send a hundred back. Bye, Boone.”

  Jolene gave herself a few minutes to sit still and absorb everything he’d said. Talking to him had been exactly what she’d needed, but knowing she was soon going to be known to the world as Boone Kendall’s girlfriend was completely mind-blowing.

  She closed her eyes and pictured him. Remembered how good it felt to snuggle up beside him on the couch. How easy it was to talk to him, and the way he made her laugh. How her heart raced when those green eyes fixed on hers. The sound of his laugh. The feel of his fingers laced through hers. The way her breath caught when she opened her door and saw him standing there, larger than life and so handsome it almost hurt t
o look at him. His knee-weakening kisses. And that smile—holy smokes. That smile.

  Could she be his girlfriend? And be a good one? Terrifying as it was, she was going to give it her best shot. He deserved nothing less.


  Jolene had lunch with Maddy and Libby, and soon after that Tuck called to give her a report. They’d eliminated one of the cops as a suspect, but were still closely watching the other one. He’d called in sick, and the agents watching his house said he’d been on his computer and phone all morning. He apparently didn’t have any idea he was under suspicion, because his window blinds had remained open, and all the agents needed was a pair of binoculars to easily keep track of what he was doing.

  Their hope was that he would soon leave his house and give them some kind of clue to follow. The Tamkins still hadn’t turned up, but the FBI agents in Alabama had discovered a vacation home on the gulf, and they were en route to check it out. Jolene longed for a quick resolution, but she tried to be realistic. It could be a long road in spite of the FBI’s efforts, and she needed to be patient and trust their judgement and experience.

  After her last PT session of the day, Jolene headed over to the ice rink to check in with Donovan. She wanted to make sure he was able to handle things without his exceptional NHL player assistant. On her way there, her phone buzzed, making her smile. Boone hadn’t made it to a hundred texts, but he had sent quite a few, and she simply couldn’t keep the smile off her face when they came in.

  They think they can wear me down, but this stuff is cake compared to your jump boxes.

  Jolene laughed out loud, ignoring the sideways looks from the group of staff she passed.

  You go, Boone. Show’em what a few weeks with me can do.

  Don’t worry, I am. They’re impressed, and my head feels fine. I’m doing this.

  Proud of you. I’m on my way to see how Donovan’s day went. He probably misses you almost as much as I do.

  Tell him I’ll be back once the season is over.

  Music to my ears.

  J Back to the grind. Later.

  * * *

  Jolene worked late, as did Izzy and Cameron. They always sent extensive, individualized workout routines and activity notes home with each retreat participant, and although they made every effort to construct most of the home plans throughout the two week period, there was always a crunch on Friday to finish them up so they could be given out as the families checked out on Saturday.

  The other two left at seven. Jolene stuck it out for another hour, then stood and stretched her aching back and shoulders. She was satisfied that everything was ready for tomorrow, but being hunched over a desk for hours on end was not good. What she needed was one of those vertical desktop extenders that allowed a person to stand at their desk.

  She rolled her shoulders a few times, groaning as the tight muscles protested. Deciding there was no time like the present, she sat back down and Googled standing desks. After finding several that would work nicely for her and her staff, she printed off the info and put it in a folder with Maddy’s name and a brief written note asking for the extenders, if the budget would allow it. She also needed to return a set of company car keys, so she decided to walk through to the admin building to drop off the keys and put the folder on Maddy’s desk. Then it would be just a short walk through the linked parking lots to her car.

  In the hallway outside the PT rooms, one of the maintenance workers was mopping the tiled floor. Jolene cringed inwardly when she saw him. Of all the Full Heart Ranch Retreat Center employees, Jake Overby was probably her least favorite. He tended to be curt with people, no matter who they were, and he had a perpetually ticked off air about him. But he was the nephew of one of their most valued kitchen employees, who had begged Maddy and Libby to give him a chance. In spite of his off-putting personality, he was a hard worker, and he had kept his job because of that. Jolene was surprised to see him mopping the floor, though, because he was usually given outdoor jobs to keep him away from people. She’d never seen him working inside the gym building, especially so late.

  She forced a smile, because she was always friendly to the man, despite the fact that he didn’t bother to return the effort.

  “Hey, Jake. You’re working late tonight. Maintenance isn’t short-staffed this week, is it?”

  “No, we just got a little behind today,” he said with a scowl. “You’re working late, too.”

  “That’s the way it goes over here when a retreat is ending. Not enough hours in the day.”

  Jake’s light brown eyes shifted back to his mop bucket. “Yeah. Especially when you’re spending so much time with the big-shot hockey player.”

  Jolene stopped and looked at him, her eyes narrowing. “Excuse me?”

  The man shrugged and pushed his mop across the floor. “Just sayin’. Everyone saw those pictures.”

  “You wouldn’t have any idea who took those pictures, would you?” she asked speculatively.

  “Course not.” He looked at her, his eyes glinting. “Maybe you’ve made some enemies around here. Or maybe the big-shot did.”

  “Do you have a problem with Boone being here at the ranch, Jake?” she asked carefully.


  Jolene gave him a slow nod. “Good. Guess I’ll see you around.”

  “Why’re you heading that way?” Jake asked as he wrung out the mop.

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “Just need to stop by the admin building.” She hit the button for the exit door at the end of the hall, but nothing happened. Pushing the manual bar didn’t work either. Mumbling under her breath, Jolene pushed the button again, then a third time.


  Jake’s voice just behind her made her jump. “Oh, um, yeah. Any idea what’s wrong with the door?”

  “I might have some idea. Maybe it got jammed. Like, intentionally or something.”

  He was closer, his breath hot on the skin of her neck exposed by her ponytail. Jolene froze, realizing that something was very wrong.

  He saw her stiffen and laughed, a mean sounding cackle. “Good thing I’m thorough. I had no idea you’d be coming this way instead of going straight out to the parking lot, but just in case, just in case, I took the precaution of jamming the door. Now that’s planning ahead. Impressive, wouldn’t you say?”

  “What’s going on, Jake?” Jolene asked angrily, trying not to panic.

  He put a hard hand on her shoulder and spun her around to face him. “What’s going on? Jake’s retirement fund is what’s going on. It started last night with a nice little windfall, in fact.”

  Jolene’s eyes widened and he grunted with satisfaction. “What, you think no one noticed all the time you were spending with the big-shot? It was just a matter of time before you got found out. And I’ve had it up to my eyeballs with all those warnings to keep quiet about him being here.” Jake’s voice grew mocking. “Because he doesn’t want the publicity. Well, truth is, people like him make their millions off the backs of the ones who drop their hard earned cash on game tickets. The little guys—those are the ones who pay him. So in my opinion, big-shots like him don’t have a right to expect privacy. Public figures are public. Simple as that.”

  “So you decided to take and sell those pictures?” Jolene asked, even though she knew the answer.

  He laughed again. “Sure did. Turned out pretty good, huh? Got some good close-ups. Ended up with a couple magazines in a bidding war, and got double what I expected. Cash wired right to my bank account, too.”

  “I hope it was enough to carry you until you find another job,” Jolene said bitterly, trying to keep him talking while she figured out what he was up to.

  “Well, I was a little worried about that, to tell you the truth. But then out of the blue this morning, another opportunity came my way. Makes the picture money look like petty cash. So yeah, I think I’ll be all right without this job.”

  “You’re not going to have any breaking news this time, Jake. Every
one already knows who I am, and they also know Boone is back in St. Paul.”

  “I don’t need any breaking news. All I need is to get you to the meeting place.” He gave her another evil looking smile, then turned her around and shoved her against the wall, holding her in place with his big body smashed up against her. He had the build of a high school defensive line football player gone mostly to fat, and his bulk was immovable. “You gonna make this hard, or easy, Jolene? ’Cause I can go either way.”

  “Jake!” she gasped. “Come on, Jake, whatever deal you’ve made, I can tell you it’s a big mistake. There’s no way you’ll get away with it.”

  “You’re wrong about that.”

  “But why are you doing this?” Jolene struggled against his weight. “I’ve always made it a point to be friendly to you, why are you turning on me like this?”

  “Friendly doesn’t pay the bills. This is an okay place, and you seem like an okay person, but I’m tired of being the invisible maintenance man everyone orders around but doesn’t really see. I’ve done a good job here, but I get no recognition. I’m just the peon with the hammer or the shovel. Then Boone Kendall comes to town, and everyone’s practically bowing down to the guy, all because he’s good at a freakin’ game. I’m sick of it. So I decided to try to sell some pictures, and the rest just fell in my lap.”

  “What do you mean, the rest? What fell into your lap?”

  “You don’t need the details. I’m taking you to a drop off point, then I’m out of here. Out of this godforsaken state and off to somewhere warm.”

  He attempted to wrestle her to the floor, but Jolene saw that coming. She gave some weak resistance, letting him get over confident in his brute strength, then when he relaxed and let up just that little bit, she snapped her torso up and the back of her head connected solidly with his nose.

  He lost his hold on her and screamed profanities before coming at her again, but she was too quick for him. She took off running down the hall toward the parking lot exit door, hoping and praying he hadn’t jammed that one too. She hit the manual bar latch at almost full speed, a relieved sob escaping her when the door flew open. As she went through it, something heavy hit her hard in the back, knocking her forward onto her knees.


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