Treasure Me (Alpha Four, Book 1)

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Treasure Me (Alpha Four, Book 1) Page 6

by Mia Dymond

  “And now you’re marrying her.”

  “Not officially. My recommendation to the Senator was a full-time bodyguard. Marriage was his idea.”

  “You didn’t argue.”

  He paused at the Captain’s matter-of-fact conclusion. No, he didn’t argue. Why? Hell if he knew.

  “I just want her safe and it just so happened I put a ring on her finger to do it.”

  Ace’s eyes widened to the point Rebel was sure they would pop from the sockets. “You gave her an engagement ring?”

  He simply nodded. There really wasn’t much else to say. The deed was done and that was that. Except, Chaos just couldn’t leave it alone.

  “You just happened to have one on hand?”

  Rebel grinned at his friend’s pun – intended or not. “You could say that.”

  “Do you have any idea what kind of motive this guy has?”

  Relieved that Thunder steered the conversation back on course, Rebel released a hard breath. “I’m convinced it’s all about the paintings. If the perp wanted Sophie bad enough, she’d be long gone by now.”


  “Any word on the Pennington robbery?”

  “Everglade Springs PD found the painting in the bushes beside the house.”

  “Come again? He stole the painting and then left it in the bushes? What the hell?”


  “Do you think the alarm threw a kink in his plan?”

  “Possibly. It was a pretty ballsy move to begin with. Not only was the place alarmed, there was a staff of workers all over the place.”

  “Incredible.” Ace braced his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers under his chin. “Is this art really that valuable?”

  Rebel totally understood his friend’s skepticism. “According to Sophie, the artist is highly popular. His paintings are one-of-a-kind.”

  “I’m willing to bet we’re dealing with one perp,” Thunder said. “He obviously knows art and is either familiar with Sophie or is watching her closely.”

  Rebel had come to the same conclusion. “I follow you, Captain, but what I can’t figure out is why he just now became aggressive. She’s dealt in fine art and DuBois paintings for the last two years without incident.”

  “It could be as easy as increased demand. Has she altered protocol?”

  “Just since the attempted thefts. Normally, she returns the pieces to her studio for analysis before going to an appraiser. Now she has a courier.”

  Ace lifted his chin. “She’s been confronted twice in the last week. Someone’s desperate.”

  “That’s another thing, he had another opportunity but didn’t take it.”

  “What was different?”

  “I was with her.”

  Chaos voiced what he most feared. “He’s got her through a scope.”

  “Not anymore.” His blood sprinted through his veins. “Mark my word, if the sonuvabitch even looks at her again, I’ll hunt him down and take him out. No prior thought, no regret.”

  Ace whistled low under his breath. “Those are strong words for a fake engagement.”

  “You still need a tux.” Rebel refused to be swayed by his teammates’ reactions. “There’s an engagement party tomorrow night.”

  Thunder crossed his arms over his chest. “Where?”

  “Hell if I know. Somebody will let me know.”

  “Rebel, this could be a security nightmare.” Despite all the grief his teammate had given him, he knew Chaos was genuinely concerned. “We need a little more Intel.”

  “I’ll call the Senator when we’re finished. I got the impression Mrs. Graystone was already prepared.”

  Chaos raised an eyebrow. “Who’s on the guest list?”

  “Again, I have no idea. I just got engaged about thirty minutes ago. Why?”

  The other man shrugged. “Just wondered.”

  “Kat is on the list, I’m sure,” Ace drawled.

  Rebel nodded. “I would guess all of her friends will be there.”

  “You know I hate these things.” Thunder uncrossed his arms. “Especially since it’s a fake.”

  Rebel couldn’t help but smirk. “It’s good practice, Captain.”


  He sat at his desk and tapped a pencil against the surface while he waited for his associate to make an appearance. It seemed that all he did was wait and he was tired of the routine. The operation had become entirely too difficult and he needed to put things back on tract. For that reason, he called a sit-down with his accomplice.

  A few minutes later, he quieted the pencil when the front door opened and his associate entered.

  “Were you followed?”


  “Have a seat.” He gestured at a chair next to the desk.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can pull these jobs,” the other man said as he sat.

  “You don’t have a choice.”

  “The police are on to me and even though they haven’t identified me, both the paintings and the woman are becoming more and more protected.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “She’s a Senator’s daughter, for Christ’s sake! People don’t hesitate to help her.”

  His compassion for this associate’s plight was nil. “Well, if you wouldn’t attack her, there wouldn’t be a problem.”

  “How else am I supposed to get the goods? She doesn’t let them leave her sight.”

  “Simple. Follow the plan.”

  “What are you going to do if she changes her methods?”

  “She won’t. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “You haven’t done much to control her so far.”

  “She’s just spooked. You inefficiency has made acquisition that much more difficult.”

  “Hey, I’ve worked with the hand I was dealt. I think you’ve underestimated the broad.”

  “Impossible. I’ve never had an issue until now.” He didn’t give the other man a chance to dispute the implication. “The next one arrives Friday morning. Today is Wednesday – that gives you twenty four hours to prepare.”

  “Will she be alone?”

  “Of course. She always goes alone. And, the venue will be much more crowded, which could work to your advantage if you pay close attention.”

  “I’ll take your word for it.” His associate stood and headed for the door. “If she changes things again, I’m out.”

  He narrowed his eyes and injected venom into his gaze. “Don’t worry, if you fail this time I’ll take you out myself.”


  Sophie sat at her kitchen table and tossed the morning edition of the Everglade Springs News to the side. Just as her father promised, the notice of her engagement to Lt. Dagan Caldwell had been published right on front of the society page. She had to admit, her father’s secretary had written a very spectacular and really very romantic rendition of the courtship right on up to the engagement. How ironic – she suddenly found herself jealous of herself.

  She glanced through the opening between the kitchen and the living room at the staircase that led to the upstairs bedrooms. Since she hadn’t heard movement, she assumed the golden-hearted Adonis still slept in the bedroom next to hers. She’d been tempted to sneak in on him earlier in the morning, perhaps even slide beneath the sheets, snuggle up against his broad back, and slide one leg between his. Warm, safe, and content. She sighed. Would he oblige?

  She and Rebel had yet to discuss the whole situation. Was he simply playing a role? He claimed he cared about her but were his feelings deeper? And, what in the world would they tell people when the gig was up? No doubt, her father would smooth things over with some sort of acceptable explanation but that didn’t change the fact that she might not see Rebel again. Her heart skipped a beat at that thought. She’d waiting a long time to find someone like him; she wasn’t so sure she could let him go.

  She shook those negative thoughts from her head. For now, she’d concentrate on the engagement and the real re
ason behind it – catching the art thief. First on the list, calling Carley to plan the party.

  She picked up her cell phone, intent on pressing her friend’s icon, when the doorbell rang. She hurried to the door and opened it before someone decided to ring again. Kat, Carley, and Liv all stood on the other side.

  “You have a secret.”

  Sophie swallowed hard and smirked at Kat, the picture of serenity and calm, arms folded under her breasts and braced against the doorframe. Soft-spoken and relaxed, nonjudgmental, but extremely direct.

  “Good grief, Kat!” Carley pushed passed the other two women and entered the house. “At least wait until we’re inside before the interrogation.”

  “No interrogation on my part.” Liv dismissed the rest of them with a hand as she stepped inside behind Carley. “And I told you so.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Kat rolled her eyes, pushed herself off the frame, and followed behind.

  Sophie closed the door and then gestured to the living room. “Since I’m assuming you all read the morning paper, it’s not really a secret.”

  “Oh, but it is,” Kat insisted as she and Carley sat on the sofa, “and we want all the dirty details.”

  Liv giggled as she settled into a nearby chair. “Do tell, Sophie.”

  “And don’t leave anything out,” Carley chimed in. “I need all the information I can get to plan your engagement party.”

  Sophie rolled her eyes while she took a chair next to Liv. “We’re not engaged.”

  “Really,” Kat drawled as she pointed at Sophie’s left hand, “then explain that sparkling monstrosity on your finger.”

  “It’s only for looks.”

  “Tell us something we don’t know. That’s not why we’re here.”

  Sophie frowned. “No?”

  “No.” Kat smirked. “We know you well enough to know you’re not quite that spontaneous. However, you must be interested in Lt. Caldwell to go along with this charade.”

  “Have you been on the Internet?”

  “Yep, and I am not ashamed. But I didn’t find much.”

  “He’s practically a ghost,” Sophie mumbled.

  Carley giggled. “She searched all of them.”

  “You did?”

  Kat nodded. “Again, nothing. Alpha Four seems to be nonexistent.”

  “So, we’re relying on you to fill us in.” Carley leaned back against a cushion and crossed her legs.

  “There was another attempt to get my painting yesterday.”

  “Oh, Sophie!” Liv gasped and placed a hand on hers. “This sounds serious.”

  “Dad still isn’t convinced the paintings are the target. He believes someone wants me instead.”

  “Enter the muscle.” Kat nodded as if she completely understood. “Been there, done that.”

  “Both my father and Alpha Four believe the most logical explanation for Rebel’s appearance is a romantic one.”

  “You don’t?”

  Sophie paused to toss her response back and forth in her brain. In all reality, the thought of being engaged to Rebel warmed her from head to toe, sparking several fires in several strategic areas in between. After all, if they were engaged, there was absolutely nothing stopping her from getting to know him – intimately. Yet, his perfectly-carved body wasn’t the only thing that stoked the fire.

  Although the amount of time she spent with him wasn’t long in a matter of calculation, he used the time well. The man was a second skin, all suffocating and protective, determined to keep her safe. And deep down under the surface of his smooth, tanned skin beat the heart of a warrior who would give his life to protect her.

  “Sophie?” Liv squeezed her hand.

  She shook her head in an attempt to clear her thoughts. “Sorry.”

  “Obviously, you think it’s a good idea.” Kat giggled. “It’s written all over your face.”

  “I like him,” Sophie admitted. “A lot.”

  “A lot?”

  “A lot.”

  “I told you.” Liv gave them all a smug smile.

  “Your people skills amaze me, Liv.” Carley swung one leg. “Do you suppose he feels the same?”

  Liv shrugged. “I’ll know when I see them together.”

  Sophie sighed. Liv wouldn’t need to see them together for a validation. She was exactly right. “So you’re right, Carley, I need an engagement party. Tonight.”



  “I know.” Carley’s eyes twinkled. “Your mother called me last night. I’ve got it all under control. In fact, you’ve got a spa appointment at 11:00 a.m. this morning.”

  She glanced at Kat. “With you?”

  “No.” The other woman grinned. “You get royal treatment.”

  Sophie shook her head. “It’s a conspiracy.”

  “A well-meaning one,” Liv agreed. “You’re happy, Sophie, and we like to see you that way.”

  “My, my, my,” Kat suddenly mumbled under her breath.

  Sophie turned to see what held her friend’s attention and immediately paused, mesmerized at the sight of Rebel descending the stairs, head bent and obviously unaware she and her friends sat below while they took in the scenery. His hair hung loose at his shoulders, making her fingers tingle with the temptation to grab a handful while she rubbed herself against him. Although a light green dress shirt covered his shoulders, it settled against his magnificent chest, unbuttoned – an open invitation for her fingers to climb the carved indentions of his muscle. His trademark black jeans rode low on his hips, showcasing the sexy v-cut of his obliques, and black combat boots wrapped his feet – the picture of pure, masculine male. She licked her lips. My, my, my, indeed.

  “Sorry, ladies.”

  His fingers flew over the shirt buttons and she suddenly desired to have her naked skin touched by those long, strong fingers. She almost groaned out loud.

  “I thought I was the only one awake.”

  Kat broke their lustful admiration. “It’s nine o’clock a.m. We’re early morning risers.”

  “Rebel had a late night.”

  As soon as the explanation left her mouth, Sophie heard several feminine snickers. She turned to her friends and glared.

  “With his team.”

  “Of course.” Liv patted Sophie’s shoulder and then stood. “We’ve got to go. Don’t worry, Kat and I will help with all the arrangements.”


  Liv and Carley headed for the door, but Kat hesitated.

  “Come on, Kat.” Carley rolled her eyes and then returned to the sofa, grabbed her friend’s hand, and yanked her into motion. “You can interrogate Lt. Caldwell later.”


  Rebel’s deep, husky voice tainted the already-sexually-charged atmosphere and when he grinned, he only delayed her friends’ departure even further.

  “Rebel.” Even Carley appeared star struck as she nodded and dragged Kat to join Liv at the front door.

  “Wait!” Sophie stood. “Where are we having the party?”

  “Alana suggested the ballroom at the Westminster. Is that okay?”

  Relieved, she nodded. “Perfect.”

  “Good, because I reserved it last night.” Carley gave her a smug grin and pulled Kat out of the doorway behind her. “See you tonight.”

  As soon as the door shut behind her friends, Sophie stood and closed the distance between her and Rebel. With a quick swipe of her hand, she swatted his fingers from his shirt.

  “No need to button up, they’re gone.”

  He held her gaze for a full second and she wondered if she’d been too brazen. Quite frankly, she didn’t care. Her body literally sizzled and she intended to look as long as she could. Besides, if he were offended, he would most likely finish buttoning.

  And then a sexy smirk split his lips.

  “You like what you see, Miss Sophie?”

  She fought the urge to release a very unladylike snort. Like that body? More like worshipped. If she were lucky,
maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t read the rest of her naughty thoughts as they crossed her face. She returned his smirk and gave him an absolutely honest answer.

  “Very much.”

  Still hypnotized by the beauty before her, she raised a hand and traced the staircase of abdominals with one finger. Much to her delight, his breath hitched as her finger touched the bare flesh.

  “You’re so hard,” she murmured.

  He gave a weak laugh. “Actually, I am.”

  At his admission, she moved her gaze downward and smiled when a very impressive erection took shape beneath the buttons of his jeans. Suddenly she wanted to pop each and every one of those buttons from the fabric.

  “Yes, you are.”

  She moved her palm down his smooth stomach, intent on feeling the power of his masculinity beneath her touch, when he caught her hand in his own.

  “Not now,” he said between clenched teeth.

  She tilted her head to one side, confused about his hesitancy. He was quite obviously interested; maybe she’d misinterpreted his reaction.

  “I want you so damn badly, Sophie.” He moved her palm to rest flat against his chest. “And I intend to take you.” He raised his free hand and tucked a wayward tendril of her hair behind one ear. “But there’s not nearly enough time now for me to do even half the things I plan to do to you.”

  Relief washed through her as she felt his heart jump beneath her palm. “I feel the heat between us, baby.”

  He moved closer and placed his lips to hers in a soft, gentle kiss, a slight tremor moving over the surface while they touched.

  “I just need time to ease it,” he told her when he lifted his lips.

  “I can’t wait,” she whispered.

  “Believe me, it will be worth the wait, sweetheart.” His lips split into another smile. “But for now, how about coffee?”

  “Sure. I’ll go make it.”

  “No.” He pulled her back against him, the obvious bulge still readily apparent as it pressed against her abdomen. “We need a change of scenery. Let’s go out.”

  By the time they stood inside The Steamy Barista, Rebel was relieved that his cock had decided to behave and go back into hiding for the moment. The absolute last thing he needed was to fuel an erection with caffeine. He braided his fingers with Sophie’s, led her to a corner table, and then pulled out a chair. Reluctantly, he released her hand to allow her to sit.


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