Vendetta (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #4)

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Vendetta (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #4) Page 21

by Connie Suttle

  "Aedan, he walks around in a daze. Adele called him that boy today. She doesn't recognize him any longer. Father, how could you do that?"

  "I didn't intend for that to happen," Aedan said sadly. "He thinks we've both abandoned him."

  "Father, you have abandoned him. There's no mistake, there. I might have thought otherwise, but to pull away all support? What would you have done if Winkler hadn't stepped in to support the boy?"

  "I don't know. It was a rash decision, I should have left something with you," Aedan admitted.

  "If he wasn't being cared for, he would be now. I owe him for both my daughters' lives, Aedan. And for mine. I owe him blood debt. As do you."

  "I know. But this—I don't know how to deal with it, Nathan. Wlodek wants to turn him when he's eighteen—I'd bet my life on it. I don't want that for my boy."

  "Aedan, if we don't make this right somehow, I have a feeling we'll all lose him. That he'll just walk away and we'll never get him back."

  "I don't know what to do about that, child. In the meantime, I'll work on getting an assignment somewhere close. Perhaps if I can get to Adele, I can remove that portion of the compulsion. She needs to recognize our son at least. I know he's heartbroken over this, but the way things stand, I can't do anything about it at the moment."

  "You could try to explain things," Nathan suggested quietly.

  "I'm not sure I can. I don't think I'm strong enough," Aedan sighed.

  * * *

  "Kid, somebody else I know used to climb up on roofs and sit," Winkler settled beside Ashe. Ashe had misted through the ceiling to sit atop the roof of Winkler's temporary home. Ashe was high enough now to see the waxing moon over the gulf waters in the east. Winkler had been forced to climb onto the roof in a more conventional manner.

  "How are Cori and the others?" Ashe asked.

  "Shaky," Winkler said. "We questioned Jeremy and Chad under compulsion. They intended to kill both of us, kid."

  "I know. Trajan, too," Ashe added. "But they got into a fight with Sali and the others, and since the guns were handy."

  "Yeah. Boys sent to do a man's job, by somebody I'm hunting," Winkler agreed. "Jeremy's parents are devastated. It was a kindness to take Chad in, but he's done nothing except lead Jeremy astray. Now, since Jeremy was the one to pull the trigger, he won't live over it. Bear won't even defend him and the Grand Master has already passed sentence on Chad. We'll do the executions Sunday before the run."

  "What happens to people, Mr. Winkler? What turns them in that direction?"

  "I don't know, Ashe. As a Packmaster and Weldon's peacekeeper, I've seen more than my share. Some of them I've seen grow up from babies and they turn out like that. I figure Nathan and your father have seen the same. Some people, raised in the best of circumstances turn out bad, and some growing up in the worst of circumstances turn out good. I can't explain any of it."

  "Is that your official title? Peacekeeper?" Ashe asked.

  "More like an unofficial title," Winkler placed an arm around Ashe's shoulders. "Weldon's son is his official Second, to keep everybody's eyes off me. It allows me to move freely, and since I own a security company, I can have eyes and ears everywhere. It works out for the best, all the way around."

  "I'll keep that to myself," Ashe said.

  "I know you will. Just so you'll know, right now you're earning a little more than eight thousand a month. Half that goes into the savings account." Winkler patted Ashe's shoulder, then stood and stretched before walking to the edge of the roof to let himself down. "Don't stay up there too long," Winkler's voice floated up from the ground.

  * * *

  "You'll have to send your Trackers, Grand Master; Fergus and Eudora took off like frightened rabbits and managed to elude the wolves I had set up in the area." Winkler grimaced as he passed the news to Weldon Thursday morning. Everybody had a rough night and now Winkler was dealing with an early morning. Andy set a cup of coffee in front of his Packmaster. It was six a.m. and Winkler was waiting for Trajan and the others to rise so they could go out for breakfast.

  He'd notified Adele the night before that they were having morning meals elsewhere from then on. He thought it best, since Ashe had witnessed his mother kissing Buck the day before. The problem would be solved after Friday anyway—he had a cook coming down from Dallas to prepare meals at the new beach house.

  Jeremy and Chad were imprisoned inside a vacant home with three of Marcus' wolves standing guard. The boys had been bound with silver—both wore cuffs and chains on wrists and ankles. Silver didn't kill but it weakened dramatically. Werewolves and shifters never wore silver jewelry.

  "I'll send the Trackers after Fergus and Eudora this morning," Weldon promised before hanging up.

  "Andy, check the online records—I know you changed the passwords, but I want to know if those two got away with any more money," Winkler said.

  "Sure, boss." Andy walked out of Winkler's office, heading toward his own. Winkler pulled up his email account to read the message he'd gotten from Matt Michaels. Matt was in Chicago already, preparing his team to go into the tunnels come nightfall. The sensors had been successful, locating the nest of Elemaiya in the oldest part of Chicago's underground tunnel system. Those areas were constructed of bricks and mortar and hadn't been used in a very long time. Matt had targeted those right away—he couldn't imagine that anyone, alien or not, would want to stay there for any length of time.

  Winkler sighed as he closed the email. Wlodek and Weldon were cooperating to destroy the nest. Winkler didn't want to push Ashe on where the others were camped. That might be a dangerous prospect anyway; he had no idea what kind of power or ability both sides might possess. He'd risked his life once before, tracking down the Bright Ones. They'd considered killing him before they'd heard him out. Winkler shook away the memory. It hadn't been pleasant.

  * * *

  "I have a message for my King," Wildrif insisted. "It must be taken to him directly."

  "You will give it to me. I will determine whether he should be interrupted," Prince Beldris snapped. Wildrif, bearing long experience at this sort of thing, fell onto the floor of Beldris' tunnel, jerking and weeping uncontrollably. Beldris watched as this went on for an interminable amount of time. "Very well, transport him to my brother," Beldris tossed up his hands and surrendered to the inevitable.

  Liridael bowed to Beldris. Liridael and his brother Laridael, were the only two remaining Dark Elemaiya with the ability to transport many others at once. Most Elemaiya could transport one or two others when they relocated—parents could easily transport their children, after all. There weren't many Dark Elemaiya remaining who could relocate with half the camp, however. Baltis' Destroyers had the talent when using their medallions, but now the Destroyers were dead. The talent in any other was quite rare and exceptional among the Dark Ones. The Bright Ones still had several who could accomplish it. Consequently, Laridael remained with the King; Liridael was constantly beside Beldris.

  "Come, filth, you will bathe before going to the King," Liridael muttered, hauling Wildrif away.

  * * *

  "Boss, everything is ready except for a few last-minute details." Buck spoke to Winkler but watched as Ashe explored the spacious kitchen. The island was nearly as big as Ashe's bedroom back in Cloud Chief, with an extra sink and two dishwashers. The last-minute details included paint, some tile work in the entry and other minor construction issues. Winkler gave a slight hand gesture to Buck, telling him to back off for now. Buck wanted to talk to Ashe about his developing relationship with Adele. Winkler's small gesture told Buck that Ashe wasn't ready.

  "Hey, Ashe," Marco walked in with Ace. Both had been staying at the beach house, helping the crew get everything ready.

  "Kid, I want to thank you for yesterday," Ace said.

  "It wasn't anything. I wish I could have saved Hayes."

  "I know." Ace patted Ashe on the back and moved away.

  "Come out and look at the new deck, Ashe," Marco broke the
ensuing silence. Ashe was glad to leave the kitchen. He didn't know what to say to Buck.

  * * *

  "This is really cool." Ashe admired the massive, multilevel deck. The last one had been much smaller and only one level, with one set of steps leading to the walkway that in turn led to the beach. This one had steps going down and converging from three separate locations.

  "We've ordered the furniture already," Winkler walked up behind Ashe. "All of it will be delivered tomorrow while we're here and we'll decide where to put it. It'll take our minds off other things."


  "Ashe, let's go for a walk on the beach," Marco suggested. "Boss, we'll be okay," Marco waved Winkler off; he was ready to send Trajan with Marco and Ashe.

  Winkler nodded curtly and went inside the house, Trajan following behind him. Marco waited until they were on the sand, the midmorning light glaring off the water and making it difficult to see. Ashe held out his hand and two baseball caps appeared from his old bedroom in Star Cove. Handing one to a shocked Marco, Ashe slipped on the other. The hat helped him see as they walked down the beach. Marco, still unsure of what he'd just seen, put his cap on as well.

  "Ashe, if you hadn't helped yesterday," Marco said.

  "I did it for Cori, dude."

  "No part of that was for me? Or for Sali?"

  "Maybe a little. Mostly it was for Cori. Cori's always been my friend. Even when the others thought I was empty. Granted she blabbed about Billings' letter to my parents to keep everybody from knowing about James being in contact with Randy, but that's understandable."

  "Yeah. She told me about that."

  "So you can keep secrets."

  "Ashe, I know how to do that. And I understand a little better just how important it really is."

  "You mean you don't run to Winkler about everything?"

  "That's in the past, dude. When I made my oaths to Winkler, it states specifically from this day forward."

  "That's how it's done." Ashe nodded, squinting over the water and purposely not looking at Marco.

  "Ashe, I didn't come to open old wounds. I came to thank you for Cori's life. And Sali's and the others. Jeremy could have reloaded. There were four more darts. Humans could have gotten killed, too."

  "I know. I had to place compulsion and wipe a few cell phones."

  "I hear the Grand Master may come down for the full moon." Ashe jerked his head around at Marco's statement.

  "Marco, come on. We have to talk to Winkler."

  * * *

  "I'm asking you to trust me," Ashe said. Winkler, Trajan and Marcus sat inside Winkler's study inside the beach house. Marcus had been summoned and the Grand Master was on a conference call.

  "Kid, this is a big thing to put in your hands," Marcus growled.

  "Marcus, you can't say this to anyone else. Not Sali, not Marco, not even your wife. Do you understand?" Ashe had stars in his eyes. Marcus swallowed with difficulty. It wasn't easy looking at Ashe when he was like that.

  "He'll keep quiet or I'll have him locked up," the Grand Master said on speakerphone. "I'll come down. I want to see this."

  "I'll handle everything from this end," Winkler said. "See you Sunday, Grand Master." Weldon ended the call. Winkler punched the end button on his handset. "Marcus, we have a little planning to do," Winkler stood and jerked his head toward the door. Marcus dutifully rose and followed Winkler.

  "I sure hope you know what you're doing," Trajan stood too, coming over to wrap Ashe in a hug. "Ashe, if Winkler hadn't signed up to be your guardian," Trajan released Ashe and walked out behind his Packmaster.

  "Yeah. I know," Ashe muttered.

  * * *

  "My King," Wildrif bowed low before Baltis. The Dark Elemaiya camp was quite cold and Wildrif was used to a much warmer climate. "I would have come sooner, but my escort insisted on my bathing. Twice."

  "What is it, Wildrif?" Baltis wasn't in any sort of humor to deal with the half-crazy foreseer.

  "My King, I feel your brother and those you keep in Chicago are in danger," Wildrif moaned. "The outcome is not clear, but I fear the human military is leading an attack against them."

  "Human military? Hmmph," Baltis waved away the threat.

  "But my King, the incident is still murky and unclear. Terrible things might happen." Wildrif groveled, his blue and brown eyes pleading insincerely with Baltis.

  "Did you discuss this with my brother? I feel he might be more than capable of taking on a few humans," Baltis had nothing but contempt for most things human, though they did have good food and a comfortable habitat, most of the time. Baltis had spent time on worlds where things weren't nearly as hospitable.

  "But my King," Wildrif wept. "Please—let me stay here with you until it is over. I beg you."

  "You're that frightened? Very well, I will send mindspeech to Beldris. He may make the final decision." Baltis waved Wildrif away. "Take him to a space on the far side, near the lake. I have no wish for his stench to reach my tent," Baltis growled. He'd been in the middle of making preparations for the pending attack by the Bright Ones. That attack could come at any time. Wildrif had been consulted, but as the outcome was once again murky, he was more useless than not on the matter.

  Brother? Beldris was surprised to receive mindspeech from Baltis. I thought you would be making preparations for the coming attack.

  I am, Baltis replied. But Wildrif seems convinced that humans are preparing an attack upon you.

  Humans? What humans?

  He says the human military is leading an attack against you. He cannot see the outcome—it is murky to him.

  Many things are murky to him—he's three-quarters human. Beldris' amusement came through in his mental voice.

  As you say, Baltis was also amused. What say you, brother? Do you wish to join me here, or does a threat from humans frighten you?

  I do not fear humans, Beldris declared. We will stay and if they find us, they will regret their attack, I assure you. I have the two blasters and Treydis—he will destroy their hearts if they think to take us down.

  Wildrif is frightened and wishes to stay with me, Baltis said.

  Let him stay, then. Send Liridael back to me. We will sort this out after the Bright Ones fall.

  That will be the most welcome of events, brother. We will celebrate it. Baltis turned to Liridael. "Go back to my brother—he is staying in Chicago to handle any threat from the humans. Assist him in his efforts." Liridael bowed to the Dark King and relocated.

  * * *

  For the moment, Ashe was content to sit on the floor of his new suite, an elbow leaning on the window as he stared out at the ocean. He could see it easily from this bedroom; the new design had seen to that. His other hand gripped his cell—Cori had left three messages. Each message begged him to call or come see her. Ashe ducked his head, leaning it against his arm on the windowsill. Hesitantly, he lifted the cell and dialed Cori's number.

  "Ashe, where are you?" Cori asked immediately.

  "At the new beach house. Winkler wanted to see how it's coming along."

  "You're not going to ignore me, are you?"

  "No, Cori. You'll always be my friend."

  "Ashe, I feel so guilty," Cori wept. "That you came to me first, and let Hayes go."

  "Cori, do you think I don't feel guilt over that too? That I can't go to Hayes's mom and dad and explain myself? Even I can't be in two places at once. Not for that. I don't have the ability to bring back the dead, either. Hayes left us while I was working on you."

  "Ashe, I was trying to protect Dori. She turned and jumped on Jeremy, to keep him from shooting Sali. Jeremy hit her in the head with one of those stupid guns and aimed at her. I tried to stop him. He shot me instead and then aimed at Sali again."

  "Cori, hush," Ashe soothed as Cori sobbed. "Hold on, I'll be there in a minute." Ashe was there in only a second or two. Cori sat on the back porch of her parents' home, weeping. "Come here," Ashe settled on the chaise beside her. Cori wrapped her arms around his
neck while Ashe tried to get her to stop crying.

  "What's going on?" Dori stopped dead as she walked onto the deck carrying a glass of juice. "Sis, what happened?" Dori sat beside Ashe as he rubbed Cori's back gently and murmured soft words against her hair.

  She's upset about Hayes—that she lived and he didn't, Ashe sent, knowing Dori would hear him perfectly. And be able to reply if she so chose.

  I'm sorry you had to choose. I feel responsible, Dori replied.

  The one responsible is Jeremy. His parents are wondering right now how this happened. Don't blame yourself for someone else's temper and shortsightedness. Or whom they choose as their friends. Chad sent Jeremy in this direction. Now both will pay the price.

  Then take your own advice, Ashe. Don't blame yourself because you couldn't save two people at once, Dori returned. Nobody blames you. You did the best that you could.

  Dori, right now I don't know what my best is.

  "Ashe?" Cori pulled away, wiping moisture from her cheeks.

  "Cori, do you want me to take you to Marco?" Ashe brushed strands of blonde hair away from Cori's face.

  "Would you?"

  "Yeah. Dori, tell your mom that I'm taking Cori to Marco." Dori nodded and Ashe and Cori disappeared.

  "Cori?" Marco was sanding drywall compound but stopped immediately when Ashe appeared with Cori.

  "Marco," Cori was in tears again as she flung herself into Marco's arms.

  "I'd take a break on the beach, dude," Ashe suggested before misting away.

  "Kid?" Winkler stood in Ashe's doorway as he settled in front of his window again.

  "Mr. Winkler?" Ashe stood.

  "Come on, let's go into Corpus. We'll have lunch while we're there. Like sushi?"

  "Never tried it, Mr. Winkler." Ashe followed Winkler out of the house.

  "You might like a spider roll," Winkler grinned, draping an arm around Ashe's shoulders. "And no, there aren't any spiders in it."

  Ashe tried a spider roll but liked the salmon and cream cheese better. Trajan taught him how to eat with chopsticks while Trace teased. Winkler watched, smiling slightly while having an enormous platter of sushi. Ashe was dipping a tuna roll in soy sauce when he stiffened slightly.


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