Home Is Where the Heart Is

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Home Is Where the Heart Is Page 3

by J A Fielding

“Fine, let’s just assume for a minute that you are right. What would your argument be?” she asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

  “Oh my God…you just gave me so much leeway,” Meg said laughing.

  “What do you mean leeway? I haven’t….” Julie started to say before Meg put a finger on her lips and began to speak.

  “Let me make it easy. I will let you have three names. Names of guys you may have had a chance with but bailed before you even hugged.”

  Julie shrugged and shook her head.

  “Really?” Julie asked.

  “I’m being serious,” Meg exclaimed.

  “Okay…Paul,” Julie admitted in defeat. She knew that once Meg had set her mind on something, she was like a dog with a bone.

  “Paul, interesting choice. You met for coffee and then breakfast and then dinner but you never got through the dinner,” Meg said.

  “Yeah, what really happened?” Julie asked as she took another sip of her coffee.

  “Well, you went to the bathroom and when you came back he was sitting with his ex and you went back home,” Meg said before she bit into a cookie.

  “Well I cannot be blamed for bailing on a guy that had attachment issues with his ex, now can I?” Julie objected.

  “Well, the point is that you bailed before you even knew why the ex was there and yet you were locking lips with a man you hardly knew anything about,” Meg reminded her.

  Julie nodded and shrugged.

  “Fine I get it,” Julie reasoned.

  “No way, you started this and you are ending it. There are two more guys on the list and you have to give me the names,” Meg insisted looking more excited than ever.

  “Fine. There was that guy Dean a few months ago,” Julie told her.

  “Yeah Dean…did you ever call him back?” By this time Meg was trying real hard to stifle a laugh.

  “No. He was kind of…lame. You can’t blame me. The guy had a body of a god but the brain of a…I don’t know, rat?” Julie claimed.

  “And this you based on how many minutes of knowing him?” Meg asked.

  “It had been a while…maybe a few hours, but even you wouldn’t compare him to Steven,” Julie said. Meg bit into another cookie and raised an eyebrow at Julie.

  “Steven? We are on first name basis now?” she teased. Julie looked at her and shrugged.

  “That was his idea not mine and this game is over by the way. The guys I have met in the past cannot compare to Steven, not in the very least.”

  “And this is because of what exactly?” Meg asked.

  “Calling him Mr. Davenport every time was…” her words trailed off when she realized how ridiculous she sounded. “Look, it doesn’t matter. I call him Steven and he calls me Julie. That’s just how it is,” she snapped as she took a cookie from the plate.

  “And you are going to have two beautiful babies and name them Ashley and Alec Davenport,” Meg said laughing.

  “Stop that,” Julie barked staring daggers at her.

  “Okay fine,” Meg sighed before continuing. “So what happened next?”

  “What do you think? I bolted out of there. I didn’t even show him the second house and I have been waiting for an angry call from Dana but there’s been nothing so far. It’s almost as if she doesn’t know about the whole thing,” Julie cried.

  “Isn’t that a good thing?” Meg asked.

  “Well, yeah…but I have been getting on her nerves of late…you know arriving late and everything but maybe he didn’t tell on me.”

  “Well, you need to figure out something soon because you will be at that office in a few hours,” Meg said as she looked at her watch. “Damn it, look at the time. I forgot I had to drop off mum’s dry cleaning,” she told Julie as she stood up. “This was great. And as best friends, we need to hook up more often. Skype just doesn’t work anymore,” she added as she picked up her purse.

  “Want some for the road?” Julie offered as she pointed at the plate of cookies.

  “Read my mind,” Meg laughed before Julie walked to the kitchen and put a few cookies in a container. She walked back and handed them to Meg before walking her out.

  “Lunch on Sunday?” Julie asked.

  “One on one, not on Skype,” Meg ordered. Julie laughed. For almost a month now, their standing lunch date had been almost non-existent. Julie gave her a hug and nodded.

  “If Dana hasn't killed me by then, I most definitely will,” she joked before pulling away. “Drive safe,” she shouted, as she watched Meg pulling out of the driveway. She stood there for some time before she walked back into the house, just in time to hear her phone ring. She rushed to the kitchen where she had left her phone and looked at the screen. “No caller ID,” she thought as she looked at the screen. “Hello, Julie Parker,” she answered as she picked up the phone.

  “Julie, hi. It’s Steven Davenport.” Julie froze when she heard his voice. She ran her fingers through her hair and sighed.

  “Steven…hi,” she managed to say.

  “Hi, I just wanted to check on you. See if you’re okay seeing as we never finished the house tour yesterday,” he replied.

  “I know and I’m sorry about that,” Julie said as she sat down. “It’s just that…I…I really don’t know what to say,” she stuttered as she tried as hard as she could to get the right words to express herself to no avail. Steven laughed.

  “It’s perfectly fine, Julie,” he stated .

  “I am not that kind of person you know,” Julie said quickly.

  “And what kind is that?” Steven asked.

  “Well the kind that kisses every Tom, Dick and Harry without even thinking of the consequences,” she whispered.

  “For starters Julie, I am no tom, Dick or Harry and two I find you intriguing. That is why I kissed you and the reason as to why you kissed me back…” Julie cleared her throat loudly cutting him short. Steven laughed. He knew that he was making her uncomfortable and he liked it. “We can have a do over if you’d like. How about dinner?” he offered. Julie was quiet for a while as she considered whether she could handle sitting across from him for a couple of hours, not forgetting the uncomfortable ride back home. “Are you still there?” he asked when she didn’t answer.

  “Yes…yeah…I’m just…dinner? Why would you want to have dinner with me?” she replied confused.

  “Because, I just told you, I find you intriguing,” he told her.

  “Just dinner?” she asked.

  “Just dinner,” Steven confirmed.

  “Okay,” she promised sighing.

  “So, what do you think, is tonight alright?” he asked in that sexy British accent that made her melt. She looked at her watch and gasped.

  “Right now? It’s seven thirty,” she said.

  “So?” he asked as if that was no big deal. “Are you having an early night?”

  “No, it’s just that by the time you get here it will be at around eight then we have to drive to a restaurant and then…” “…just leave that to me,” Steven demanded cutting her short. She sighed and shook her head, a smile playing on the corners of her lips. She had no idea why she was smiling, but there was something about Steven, his persistence, his zeal, that made her strangely…interested in him. She shrugged and rolled her eyes.

  “Fine. I’ll text you my address,” she said before hanging up. After sending him the text, she couldn’t help but feel like this was a bad decision that she would regret the next morning, but somehow, she didn’t think she had a reason to stop and think about what she was about to do. She walked to her bedroom and sighed as she thought of taking a whore bath. That was the only way she was going to be dressed and ready by the time Steven came for her. She then chose a short white sleeveless dress that showed all her curves. She coupled the dress with a green jacket and a matching pair of shoes before she went on to put on her make up. When she inspected her reflection in the mirror, she felt a little stupid for getting so glammed up. She looked spectacular and she had no idea how Steven
would react when he saw her or what he would think. Would he think that she was trying too hard or that she was maybe trying to throw herself at him? She shrugged and pushed the thought to the back of her mind. At exactly eight, she heard the doorbell. She walked to the door slowly, her heart pounding so loud she could almost hear it in her ears. When she got to the door, she opened it slowly and tried to smile as she looked at the dashingly handsome Steven standing on her doorstep holding a small paper gift bag.

  “You clean up real nice,” Steven complimented with a smile as he looked at her. She smiled at him and shrugged.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she flirted. Steven handed her the bag.

  “I wanted to get you flowers, but I wasn’t sure what you liked or if you were allergic. So, I got you chocolate,” he confessed with a smile. The smile suddenly turned into a frown. “Wait, I am not sure if you are allergic to that too,” he fretted with a worried look in his eyes. Julie looked in the back.

  “Tulips and amaryllis, those are my favorite flowers and no, I am not allergic to chocolate,” she told him as she pulled the pack out of the bag. She looked up at him and grinned. “Swiss chocolate is especially perfect,” she added.

  “So, I guess I am off to a pretty good start, huh?” he teased. She felt herself blush as she shrugged. After putting the bag on the table next to the door, she glanced up at him. “Your chariot awaits, milady,” he said jokingly as he gave her a small bow. She smiled as she walked to the door. They were about to get into the car when Julie saw her best friend’s cream white Prius pulling up.

  “Oh holy shit,” she thought when she saw her getting out of the car. “Just what I need,” she rolled her eyes before speaking. “Meg, hi”

  “Julie, heading out?” Meg asked smiling.

  “Yeah, kind of. This is Steven Davenport, a client. Steven this is my best friend Meg Tyler,” she explained as she tried to ignore the fact that her cheeks were getting red, almost crimson. She knew that at that moment, Meg had already gotten enough ammunition to use against her.

  “Client,” Meg spoke with amusement in her voice.

  “Yes, dad. Client,” she spoke through gritted teeth and stared daggers at her best friend.

  “Nice to meet you, Davenport? Is it?” Meg asked shaking Steven’s hand.

  “Steven is just fine. I find Davenport to be a bit too official,” Steven said. “I was about to take your friend for dinner. Would you like to join us?”

  “Oh no, I just came for my spare key. The garbage disposal at my mum’s house seemed to have loved mine a little more than I hoped it would,” Meg told Steven. Julie smiled at her.

  “Just a minute,” she told them as she walked back into the house. Meg looked at Steven and smiled at him.

  “So you are Steven, huh?” she asked.

  “Judging by your tone I would guess that you already know a few things about me,” he laughed.

  “Well, I am the best friend. I know what color underwear she had on this morning,” Meg joked. A smile played on Steven’s lips.

  “Is there any chance that I might get to know what color underwear she has on right now?” he asked mischievously. Meg laughed at him and shook her head.

  “You are a cheeky fellow, aren’t you?” she jested just as Julie walked out. “Thanks sweetie,” Meg said as she took the key from Julie.

  “Don’t mention it,” Julie replied.

  “Well, you kids have fun,” Meg said as she gave Julie a little wink before heading to her car.

  “Your friend is nice,” Steven said as they walked towards the black town car.

  “Yeah, she is something,” Julie chuckled. She looked at Steven as he opened the rear left door for her. “Of course you have a chauffeur. I would have expected nothing less,” she thought as she got in. “Hi,” whispered Julie when she saw the driver in the dark suit.

  “Evening,” the man said in greeting just as Steven got in.

  “Hope you like Italian,” he said as the car pulled out. Julie just smiled. It was all she could do without breaking into nervous feats. She could not help but notice just how rich the atmosphere was. There was something different about this car compared to all the other cars she had ever been in. The rich brown leather, felt so good and soft under her small palm. She even found herself wondering what the leather would feel like against her own naked skin at some point. “You live pretty damn far from your work place,” Steven stated.

  “Yeah, it is a long commute but I don’t really mind,” she explained.

  “So, you have never considered moving somewhere closer to the office?” he asked. She took a long deep breath and smiled.

  “Oh I have. But the property rates in that side of the city are a bit rich for my taste,” she told him. “And I know what you are thinking. ‘But you’re a realtor’,” she added with a giggle.

  “You read my mind,” he said laughing.

  “Well, I have found some affordable apartments, but the neighborhood is not somewhere I’d be comfortable in. And my dad would most definitely not let me move there,” she admitted. Steven looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

  “Your dad? What has he got to do with anything?” he asked.

  “I live with my dad. It’s just the two of us…which reminds me. I have to text him so he doesn’t worry.”

  She took her phone out of her purse. She sent a quick text and then put it back in her purse.

  “I bet he is really proud of you,” Steven said. Julie looked at him and smiled.

  “I guess,” she said.

  “What about your mom?” he asked. She shrugged and then sighed. “I’m sorry, is that a bad topic?” He suddenly feeling guilty about prying.

  “No, it’s okay. She and my dad divorced when I was twelve and she remarried when I was eighteen. We talk, and sometimes meet for the occasional lunch, but I’m more of a daddy’s girl,” she explained. “I kind of always have been even when she was still around,” she added.

  “Your father would be proud to know that he raised a good woman,” he told her honestly. She looked at him and smiled.

  “You don’t even know me. How can you be so sure?” she asked. Steven smiled and shrugged.

  “I have a knack for good people and I have a gut feeling that you are a good woman. Plus, I always trust my gut. It’s never let me down before,” he told her. Julie didn’t know why, but for some reason, she felt safe with him. She had always trusted her gut too, and like him, it had never let her down before, but she didn’t understand why she felt so comfortable around him. She didn’t even move her hand when he put his hand on hers. She leaned against the headrest and looked out into the well-lit street as a smile played on her lips. She had a feeling she was going to enjoy this dinner date.

  Chapter 4

  Julie could not get over how perfect the restaurant was. When they got to Antonio’s, she was a bit taken aback. She had heard of the restaurant, but she had never had the chance to dine there, especially when she heard that they had a three hundred dollar plate on the menu. When they walked in, the host showed them to a private table away from prying eyes and Julie had to admit, she loved it.

  All through dinner, Julie had totally forgotten that she had met Steven only a week earlier. Before dessert, the two were talking like old friends. It was almost as if she had known him all of her life. During dinner, Julie felt the need to ask him the age old question why her. And if she made a fool of herself, she could just blame it on the alcohol. She looked at him and smiled.

  “I have to ask, why me?” she said to Steven.

  “What do you mean?” he asked confused.

  “Well, I know a man of your stature meets a lot of women, maybe even supermodels at some point. So why me? What is so different about me?” she wondered as she looked into his eyes. Steven laughed and shook his head.

  “I don’t know. There is something about you, something I just can’t get over,” he explained.

  “What is this something exactly?” Julie asked.<
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  “Well, like I said, I find you intriguing. And even the hottest model couldn’t compare to you.”

  Julie felt her cheeks flush.

  “Are you trying to get in my good books or something?” she teased. Steven smiled and shrugged.

  “Well, is it working?” he asked jokingly and laughed .

  “Kind of. But maybe it’s just because you’re British,” she said smiling. “Seriously though. No girlfriend? Wife?” she asked. He smiled and shook his head.

  “Well I was engaged at some point but it never materialized,” he explained. She shrugged and raised an eyebrow.

  “Never materialized?” she asked surprised.

  “Well, I proposed to her, she said yes and she turned out to be a bit shady,” he replied.

  “How shady?” Julie asked more interested than ever. It was like having a front row seat to a soap opera.

  “Three weeks to the wedding, a distant cousin was in town and I caught them pants down. Literally.”

  “Ouch,” she winced as she took a sip of her wine.

  “Well, it was kind of a relief really. After that I sought out to just have fun before I really settle down,” he said.

  “You are preaching to the choir, mister,” she chuckled.

  “I never really understood the concept of that saying,” Steven looked confused. Julie noticed his confused look and shook her head.

  “What, preaching to the choir?” she asked.

  “Yeah, is that like an American thing?” he replied. She took a deep breath as she tried to get the right words to describe the saying.

  “Well, you see, to sing in a choir you need to be a believer. So, when a preacher is out to as they say win souls, he wouldn’t need to do it with a choir because they are already…you get it?” she questioned hoping that she had made her point. He smiled and nodded.

  “I think so.” .

  “Oh, thank God because I wasn’t sure there was any other way I could explain it,” she said as she looked at her watch. “Oh crap, it’s late and it’s a working day tomorrow.” She looked up before continuing. “I really hate to break this up. I am having a really good time with you.”


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