The Lives of Tao

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The Lives of Tao Page 33

by Wesley Chu

  Roen’s small group continued toward the helipad. When they reached the stairs, they gathered at its base and used a scope under the door to assess the enemy strength. There were two guards on the other side of the door and at least a dozen men near the center of the helipad.

  A waiting helicopter hovered directly above them, readying to land. There were four prisoners, with hoods over their heads standing off to the side, flanked by two guards. Roen recognized Jill and Sonya by their clothes. Both seemed no worse for wear. Roen felt renewed rage when he saw Sean giving orders on a handset and standing behind Sonya.

  “How should I play this, Tao?”

  Incendiary to the right, away from the prisoners. Send two left and the rest right, providing suppression fire. The guards in the open are not wearing armor, so they should go down easily. Have the men stay near cover. Be careful of Sean and take him down last.

  Roen pointed to two of his men, pointed at the door, and then pointed left. He pointed at the other two men and pointed right. Then he held up his open hand and counted off from five. His men ran up the stairs and quickly took out the two door guards and then took cover. Roen came out last and hurled his grenade toward the enemy but away from the two women. The explosion shook the ground and threw up a cloud of smoke and debris. He felt a rush of cool air and raindrops on his arm as he burst outside and opened fire.

  Roen waited a beat as his men moved to flank the enemy, then he dove behind a crate near the door and took aim at the soldiers at the far end. A quick burst of gunfire took them down. A grenade flew right over his head and landed a few meters behind him. He took off running and stumbled as another explosion damaged the entranceway to the helipad. Roen rolled to his feet and continued to fire, staying low and constantly moving. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of his men fall. And then another. There were still half a dozen Genjix guards left.

  Keep moving down the right. Order the left flank back, and get someone on that guard making his way toward the back. Be careful with the two near the women.

  Roen shouted orders at his remaining two men as he followed Tao’s lead and continued to shoot. One of the Genjix guarding Sonya and Jill fell, and then another fell. Sean pulled out his pistol and took cover behind the two women.

  “You coward!” Roen roared.

  Smart move if anything. Order your men to get behind him.

  Roen looked to both sides and suddenly realized he was alone. Where were his men? By his count, there were still at least two Genjix guards and Sean to deal with. He reloaded and crawled back toward the door. It had gotten eerily quiet on the helipad, with only the crackling sound of fire interrupting the otherwise dead silence.

  Roen saw one of the Genjix poke his head out of a corner. Roen aimed quickly and took him down. The last guard he found trying to flank him. Roen’s life flashed before his eyes for a split second when the guard fell. Kwan, it seemed, was still alive. The agent gave him a quick nod as they warily headed for Sean.

  Sean, still standing behind Sonya, looked more annoyed than worried. “Now that you two can hear me,” he said mildly, “I suggest you drop your guns before I put a bullet in your precious Prophus here.”

  “Fat chance, Sean,” Roen shouted. “You should think about surrendering right about now.”

  Sean cocked his head. “Is that you, Roen Tan? You came all the way here for your girlfriend, did you? I’m just not sure which one she is.”

  Roen and Kwan slowly closed in on Sean. Sean glanced back and forth at the two with a bemused expression. Roen didn’t know how the man could be so unconcerned with the situation. The helicopter had long since pulled away and the entranceway had been damaged. There was no way for the man to escape except down the mountainside.

  “I’ll make you a deal, Roen,” Sean said. “Why don’t we all put down our weapons? And then I’ll release your girlfriends and these two gentlemen here. In return, you give me a one-minute head start, and then you can pick up your weapons and come after me. Is that reasonable?”

  Sounds too reasonable. You cannot trust Chiyva.

  “Or I can just shoot you,” Roen responded.

  Sean chuckled. “Here’s why you won’t. If, let’s say, you happen to miraculously be a crack shot with an automatic assault rifle, which I don’t believe you are, and you do manage to kill me, where do you think Chiyva will go, girlfriend number two or your man here? Think about it, son.” The thought of the Genjix being in Jill gave Roen chills. That would be a fate almost worse than death. What could he do then? Roen frantically tried to think of a solution.

  “How do I know I can trust you?” he asked.

  Sean shrugged. “You don’t. But I can’t take on two fully armed men and you won’t shoot at your woman here. And since I only care for Chiyva’s survival, which is guaranteed, I really have a lot less to lose than you do. You should give me that one-minute head start before you hunt me down. It’s your best chance.”

  Do not do it!

  “Tao, I don’t have a choice. I’ll still have a pistol on me anyway.”

  Roen shouted out, “Fine, Sean. Put down your gun and we’ll put down ours.”

  Sean let go of his pistol and dropped it with a loud clatter onto the metal grating. He held out both his hands to show that he was completely unarmed. Roen gestured to Kwan, and the two slowly placed their rifles on the ground. Roen stood up and put one hand near his holster, ready to pull his pistol out. And then – faster than he thought possible – Sean drew another pistol from his hip pocket and shot Kwan in the head.

  Roen pulled out his pistol, but dropped it when he felt a hammer-like blow. He fell backward, clutching his chest. His armor had taken the brunt of the blow, but it hurt nevertheless.

  “Stupid, stupid,” said Sean. “Why would you make a deal, boy, when you already know I don’t care about the consequences? And now look at the mess you’ve made.” He brandished the gun in his hand and looked at all the bodies littering the ground. Then he looked at the crushed door at the entranceway. Sean added, “You’ve built quite a body count, son. There is no escape from the helipad for any Quasing here, so this one is insurance.” He gestured at Jill and clubbed her on the head with the pistol. “And since no Quasing wants competition for available vessels, these three won’t be needed anymore either.”

  Roen watched, horrified, as Sean put his foot on the backs of the two Prophus delegates and pushed them off the helipad over the cliff. Their screams faded as they fell down the side of the mountain. Sean was about to do the same to Sonya when he hesitated and turned to Roen.

  “You care for this one, don’t you, boy?” he said slowly. He pulled out the small glass figurine of a turtle and looked at Roen. “I believe it’s time Tao pays a debt owed to Chiyva. Do you remember Paneese, Tao?” Sean pointed the gun at Sonya’s back and pulled the trigger.

  Bam. Bam. Bam.

  Sonya gasped. Roen watched as her body shuddered and contorted before collapsing onto the platform. A pool of blood began to expand on the ground around her.

  “No!” he screamed. He dived to the right, rolled up onto his feet, and began to run. Roen continued running, dodging and weaving behind a few crates on the helipad. A bullet ricocheted dangerously close to his head as he dove behind a generator.

  Stick your head out of the right side and pull back!

  “What? I have to get to Sonya!”

  Trust me. And do it quickly. You cannot save her until you handle Sean.

  Roen complied, peering out from the right edge and pulling back. Two bullets spit up the ground at that side, and he huddled back toward the center.

  Five. Six. Now do it again.

  “Are you crazy?”

  Just do it.

  “Come on, boy. Why do you delay the inevitable? Do you know how to die like a man? Come out and show me!” Sean’s voice echoed through the mountain air. “You better stop hiding. Your girl will bleed out in a few minutes.”

  Roen stuck his head out and peered at Sean, having just
a split second to pull back behind the generator before two more bullets flew right past his head.

  Seven. Eight. Now, stick your head out the other side.

  “I’m not getting this.”

  I will teach you if we ever survive this. Just follow my directions.

  Resigned to trusting Tao, Roen stuck his head out and pulled back just as a bullet struck the railing close to his head.

  Good, now run to the right, past that debris toward the edge. Cut in and charge Sean when I say so. Go!

  Roen took off, keeping his head low and charging across the length of platform. He sprinted past a row of crates and heard a bullet pass by. He almost stumbled as his momentum carried him forward. Roen put his hand down to keep his balance as he turned and dived behind several large fans.

  “Now what?”

  Keep going.

  Roen continued running and rounded the platform corner. He felt a sharp sting as a bullet grazed his armor, just missing his elbow. He pivoted and stumbled, almost falling down.

  Now! That was his last bullet. Take him down!

  Roen regained his balance and charged. His body throbbed everywhere, but he pushed the pain out of his mind. There was Sean with Sonya lying at his feet. Sean looked up and realized that he didn’t have time to reload. He hurled the gun at Roen. Roen tried to duck out of the way, but the pistol struck him in the shoulder, making him lose his balance. Miraculously, he stayed on his feet and closed the distance between them. He moved in close and attacked Sean with everything he had.

  Control your momentum. Stay in control.

  He threw a hard right cross that passed harmlessly by Sean’s face as the man easily sidestepped the attack. Sean countered with a quick right backhand on Roen’s cheek that sent him staggering. Roen attacked again, throwing a combination of kicks and punches. Again, Sean easily evaded him. He retaliated with another backhand that sent Roen crashing to the ground.

  Sean chuckled, shaking his head. “You disappoint me, Tao. This is the best your vessel can do? I shot her through the lungs, Roen. She’s choking on her own blood as we speak.”

  He is trying to rile you. Stay focused.

  Growling, Roen picked himself up and took a few steps back. His shoulder and chest were throbbing, and he barely had the use of his left arm. Exhaustion was setting in as well. It was all he could do to stay upright. He watched warily as Sean stretched his neck and arms lazily, sauntering closer and closer.

  He is trying to intimidate you.

  “He’s doing a good job. I don’t think I can beat him. He’s too good.”

  Now is not the time for self-doubt, Roen. He might have more experience and skill, but you have youth and strength on your side.

  Gritting his teeth, Roen charged again, slipping outside of Sean’s guard to attack at an angle. He pressed forward and threw a right hook toward Sean’s exposed ribcage. Sean twisted out of the way. He grabbed Roen’s forearm and sent him tumbling head first to the ground. Roen found himself lying on his back as fresh waves of pain rippled through his body. The man was toying with him.

  “I can’t beat him. I can’t even touch him. What style is he using? What do I do? He moves like Lin!”

  I believe he is using a form of aikido or possibly Ba Gua Zhang to neutralize your speed and strength. He is good, but not that good! You can beat him! He would not hold a candle against Lin.

  “That doesn’t make me feel better. Sifu Lin never broke a sweat tossing me around.”

  Roen scrambled back to his feet and retreated, watching with unfocused eyes as Sean stalked him. Sean still wore that bored smug smile as he yawned. He said, “Why don’t you make it easier on yourself?”

  “What?” Roen growled. “Just lie down and die for you?”

  Sean chuckled. “You might as well. You have no chance, but who can blame you? You’re only human.”

  “Tao, I... I can’t beat this guy, not by myself. I can’t do this alone.”

  Roen, listen to me. You will beat him, because you must. Sonya and Jill are depending on you. If you fail, they die. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Do not let anyone tell you that you are not able. Not me, not you, and damn it, not Sean Diamont. So, forget about me, the Prophus, and this ridiculous war. Think about those who love you and depend on you. What else is worth living and dying for? And Roen?


  You are not alone. What is the capital of old Assyria?

  Roen closed his eyes and chuckled involuntarily. “The capital of Assyria?” He looked up at the early morning sky. “Well, heck, everyone knows the answer to that. The capital’s Assur!”

  Exactly. I will always be with you. You want to change the world? Now is your chance! Go show this bastard what you are made of!

  Roen’s anger reached a boiling point as he glared at Sean’s smug grin. The man was standing very close to him now. With a snarl, Roen took his pent-up energy, focused it into his right fist, and threw with all he had at Sean’s closest body part – his left hand. His fist struck the lower half of Sean’s palm. He heard the satisfying crack of bone breaking as Sean’s wrist and forearm took the brunt of the blow. Sean had only a moment’s look of pain and surprise before his head snapped back from a second punch that sent him tumbling to the ground.

  “Last I checked,” Roen growled, “you’re human too. Or did that not hurt?”

  To his credit, Sean recovered quickly. Within seconds, he stood up, and the look of serenity was back. If he was in pain, he didn’t show it. His left arm dangled at his side, useless. Sean gave it one dismissive glance and smiled. “Not so toothless after all? Now, let’s see...”

  Before he finished talking, Roen bounded forward to take advantage of the situation. He slipped toward Sean’s weakened side and pressed the attack, punching the broken left arm repeatedly. Sean grunted with each shot, but deftly avoided most of Roen’s attacks.

  Be careful. You are too aggressive.

  Roen kept up the pressure, throwing a jab at Sean’s head, followed by a kick to the ribcage. Even injured, Sean was quick enough to dodge them both. He hit Roen with a right elbow strike that sent him sprawling to the ground. Within moments, Sean jumped on top of him, pinning him with one knee on his chest and raining punch after punch down on him.

  “You want to play rough, boy?” Sean laughed. “I have killed men far worthier than you will ever be! You are nothing but an insect, and now it’s time to die like one!”

  He tried to cover his face with his hands, but Sean just punched through them. Then, while desperately trying to find something to cling to, Roen grabbed Sean’s limp broken wrist and twisted. Sean gasped as Roen twisted it even harder. And harder. Finally, he cried out when Roen found enough leverage to lean forward and punch Sean in the jaw. This gave Roen enough room to push him off and scramble to his feet.

  With Sean still clutching his broken wrist, Roen went on the offensive again. He threw punches that Sean was only able to partially block, followed up with a kick that snapped Sean’s head back. Then Roen twisted the dangling arm until he heard a pop and a snap as bone and ligament broke. This time, the skin around the elbow tore. Sean spun quickly and Roen felt the air whoosh out of his chest as a spin kick caught him square in the solar plexus, sending him tumbling back.

  Roen gasped for breath as he tried to pull himself up. His insides were on fire and his legs refused to cooperate. He desperately tried to crawl away. He looked over and saw Sean staggering away in the opposite direction. “My God! I almost tore his arm off! How is he still kicking my ass?”

  Sean Diamont is tough. You were holding his broken wrist when he executed the spin kick. He dislocated his own shoulder doing that.

  Roen looked behind him just in time to see Sean pick up a pistol from the far side of the helipad and stagger toward him. “Die, betrayers!” he screamed.

  Roen tried to crawl behind a metal generator, but instead his hands found cold metal. Looking up, Roen saw the dark metal sheen of an assault rifle. Usin
g what was left of his strength, he grabbed the rifle, rolled over, and pointed it at Sean. “Let’s see how immortal you really are,” Roen growled, pulling the trigger.

  A quick burst nailed Sean across the chest and he fell. It became quiet, save for Sean’s final gasps. Very slowly, Roen pulled himself to his feet and limped toward his nemesis. He had to finish this. Sean’s beaten, bloody body lay against one of the generators. He was alive... barely. His breath came in shallow, ragged bursts. Roen stood over him and pointed the muzzle at Sean’s forehead. This might be his only chance to kill him.

  “For Sonya, you bastard,” he growled.

  Roen! No! You cannot kill him.

  “Why?” Roen turned and saw Jill’s crumpled body. He turned cold at the thought of what almost just happened. She was the only viable host for Chiyva. He would be condemning her.

  “What do I do, Tao?”

  Sean’s time is short. You need to throw him off this platform before he dies.

  Roen grabbed Sean by the collar and pulled. Sean barely budged. Grunting, he tried again, willing his body to summon the strength to drag the body to the ledge. This time, Roen’s legs gave out and he collapsed onto the floor. He had lost too much blood and was too weak.

  “I can’t, Tao.”

  Let me think. Let me… damn it! We have no choice then. See to Sonya before it is too late.

  “Too late for what?”

  Sean will pass any second now. You have to think about Baji’s safety.

  “I don’t understand.”

  Yes. You do.

  Then the sudden realization struck him and his chest seized. The air became difficult to breathe. “No, no,” he moaned.

  I am sorry.

  “There has to be another way.”


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