Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2

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Living for Love and Dying for Loyalty 2 Page 3

by Mz. Lady P

  “I am so sick and tired of your spoil bratty ass thinking everything is about you! In case you forgot, I am the one who just found out I have a daughter. I have missed out on the first months of her life! So, you can stop being a fucking drama queen. That’s my daughter! end of discussion!" Rahmeek walked away from me, sat down on the bed, and fired up a blunt.

  "Now I’m spoiled and bratty because I don’t want to accept your daughter? You know what Rahmeek, fuck you!”

  I walked out of the bedroom and into my walk-in closet. I threw on some jogging pants and a pair of Air Max 95. I grabbed my keys and left. I needed to make a special visit to this bitch Karima’s house. She is a pain in my ass that I can’t get rid of. I need to check this ho real quick. I did seventy miles per hour to her house. I banged on her door like I was the police until she answered.

  Karima finally answered the door. She looked scared as hell. “Aja, I don’t want any problems with you.”

  “Bitch please! You think you’re slick. Don’t think you have a chance with my husband. You see this ring, bitch? This is something you will never have. I am Mrs. Rahmeek Jones! Pinning your daughter on him doesn’t mean shit to a boss bitch like me! This is my last time telling you stay the fuck away from my husband!”

  “Aja, I don’t want Rahmeek! It’s not my intention to break up your happy home. Now please leave my house.”

  Karima slammed the door in my damn face. I tried to kick her door off the fucking hinges.

  “Fuck you and this raggedy ass house.”

  I was so fucking mad and hurt. I couldn’t believe this shit. I did not want to go back home. So I drove to Trish’s house. I can’t even look at Rahmeek right now.

  Chapter 6 - Markese

  Every fuckin time I turn around, there’s some bullshit in the air. Niggas hate to see another nigga eating. I can’t fucking believe all of our stash houses have been hit in a matter of hours. I have a real fucking problem with this. I know for a fact this some inside shit. Only the crew has access to the spots like that, With the exception of the young niggas we recruited.

  It’s two in the morning and we’re out looking for Ju-Ju. He is the only one who had access to our shit. These youngsters aren’t loyal. He went from selling ten dollar bags of heroin, to passing it out and collecting the money. Greed will get a nigga killed every time.

  I met up with Boogie, Rahmeek, Killa, and Hassan to see if we can find this motherfucker. Only fucking problem was somebody had murked his ass before we made it to him. Ju-Ju was shot in the face with a shotgun while sitting at a stop light. Damn, now I’m really pissed. We just took a five hundred thousand dollar loss. That shit is unacceptable. I invited the crew over to my house so we could regroup and get down to what the fuck is really going on.

  As soon as I made it back to the crib, I was surprised to see Aja’s car in the driveway. From the look on Rahmeek’s face, he was surprised too. Some shit was funky between them. I could feel it but now is not the time. We all went straight to my conference room. We sat around the table trying to figure who could have hit the Towers.

  “What y’all think about this shit?” I asked as I pulled out a liter of Remy and some shot glasses.

  “Somebody set Ju up. He would never steal from us.”

  “You sure about that shit, Killa? His money has been short lately,” Hassan spoke up as he knocked back a shot.

  “Whether he did it or not, dead men don’t tell no tales. We have to put our ear to the streets. Put it out there that we’re giving ten thousand to anybody who knows who hit us.”

  Boogie and Hassan left to get the word out. Killa and Rahmeek stayed at the house with me. We sat back and chilled, sipping and smoking.

  “How is married life treating you, Killa?” I asked him.

  “We good. Nisa’s ass thinks she wears the pants in this marriage. I constantly have to check her about her smart-ass mouth. Her ass needs to remember who slang cock and who don’t. That’s my baby though. I love her psycho ass.”

  “Y’all are crazy. I’m surprised y’all ain’t killed each other.”

  Rahmeek had been quiet the entire time. He looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. As soon as I was about to ask him if he was cool, in walks Aja, drunk ass a fucking skunk.

  “What the fuck is he doing here?” Aja slurred.

  “Aja, calm your drunk ass down. Trish, take her back in the house. Let me holla at Rah.”

  “No, it’s cool, Kese. Since she popping off at the mouth, let’s put the shit out there. Karima has a daughter by me. I knew nothing about her. She got pregnant while Aja and I weren’t together. Aja’s in her feelings because she wants me to choose her over my daughter. That shit is not happening.”

  “Nigga, fuck you and your daughter!” she yelled.

  Aja tried to charge towards Rahmeek but I caught her and carried her into the house.

  “Let me go, Markese.”

  I had to pin her ass down on the couch.

  “Slow your ass down, Aja. All that shit is not called for.”

  “I’m not surprised you’re taking his side. Birds of a feather flock together.”

  I let her go. She was doing too much. I walked away because Aja is going to regret all this shit. I know Rah loves my sister and she knows it too. Aja can’t handle him giving attention to someone other than her. She is a spoiled brat. I’m not getting in this shit. My mind is on my money and who robbed me. I went back out to check on Rahmeek before he left.

  “Look, if that’s your daughter, Aja is wrong for making you choose. I know that you love my sister. I also know you haven’t hurt intentionally. Go back in there and try to talk to her.”

  “I’m good, bro. Her mouth is too fucking jazzy. It’s better if I give her some air before I hurt her. I’m about to check in hotel. Hit me up if you need me.”

  Rahmeek jumped in his car and drove off. I pray they fix this shit. I see this shit not turning out good.

  Chapter 7 - Aja

  It’s been a week since I found out about Rahmeek and Karima’s daughter. Every time I close my eyes, I see images of the little girl’s face. Knowing that Rahmeek has a daughter with Karima makes me sick to my stomach. I simply cannot deal with this shit.

  Honestly, I have been trying my best but it’s so hard. In my heart, I know that he didn’t cheat on me. I’m pissed because Rahmeek made me feel like Karima was just a fuck. Obviously, she was more than that. He had unprotected sex with her. Now his actions are coming back to hurt both of us.

  Rahmeek really hurt my feelings when he said that he would never choose anyone over his kids, not even me. He made me feel like being his wife means nothing. Rahmeek should have been more understanding of my feelings. He basically told me to deal with the situation.

  Besides the hurt, I am very embarrassed. I place my husband on a pedestal because that’s where he deserves to be. Rahmeek is a great father, husband, and friend. He has given me no reason before this to question his loyalty to me. I’m a selfish woman. Rahmeek is my man and he belongs to me. I don’t want to share him with anybody. Not even his daughter. I know that sounds fucked up. That’s just how I’m feeling right now.

  Rahmeek has been trying his best to talk to me. I’m just not in the mood. Since the incident, he has been spending the majority of his time in the streets. He only comes home to change. I’m not trying to hear shit. Markese and Trish think that I’m being too hard on him. They have a lot of damn nerve. Just a year ago, Trish was trying to kill herself over Markese’s infidelity. Fuck outta here.

  I’m dealing with this shit my way so everybody can keep their opinions to themselves. My emotions are all over the place since Rahmeek has been gone. On one hand, I miss him. On the other, I don’t want to see his face.

  I’m glad he has a stash of Kush in the house. I have been smoking all his shit up. I need it to calm my nerves. Lil Rahmeek has been spending so much time with my momma and Mike. Mike has really stepped up to the plate and took on the father and gra
ndfather role. We wanted him to take a DNA test to prove that he was Markese’s and my father. He flat out refused. He said he didn’t need a test. In his heart, we are his kids and that’s all that mattered. I’m glad they brought my baby home today. I have missed my son so much. I couldn’t wait to shower him with hugs and kisses.

  I was lying in bed with Lil Rahmeek trying to get some sleep. Hearing the alarm code being entered made me jump up. I knew it was Rahmeek. I was mad because I looked a mess. I hate for him to see me off my square. I went into the hallway and looked over the banister. Rahmeek was taking his daughter out of her car seat.

  I know this motherfucker didn’t. Rahmeek ass got a lot of nerves to bring her here, especially without my permission.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked as I leaned over the banister.

  “I live here. What the fuck you mean?”

  He got the nerve to respond with a fucking attitude. Lil Rahmeek must have heard his daddy’s voice because he started crying. I swear he loves that man. I ran to the bedroom and grabbed him. I decided to go downstairs so he could see his daddy. Entering the living room, I observed Rahmeek bonding with his daughter.

  “Are you daddy’s little girl? Daddy is going to give you the world.”

  Lil Rahmeek was so excited to see his daddy. He wiggled his way out of my arms and ran over to his daddy.

  He wrapped his arms around Rah. “Da Da.”

  “What’s up Lil Man? Daddy missed you. Meet your little sister.”

  I observed my son kissing the baby on her cheeks. I hate to admit it but they all looked exactly alike. It’s crazy that this is my house, yet I feel so damn uncomfortable. This whole picture is making me sick to my stomach because I know I have to share my husband with this little girl and her ratchet ass momma.

  I really needed to relax my nerves. I decided to take a long hot bath. I had my headphones on full blast while I sat in the tub. I laid my head back and listened to the lyrics of Mary J. Blige’s song Your Child. That song was my anthem. Before I knew it, an hour had passed.

  I couldn’t hide in this bathroom a moment longer. I dried off and wrapped the towel around me. Rahmeek and the kids were lying in bed looking at TV. I understand he is trying to bond with his daughter, but he is doing too much right now. I have been trying so hard to hold my composure. I have to say something to Rahmeek. He is really being nonchalant about my feelings.

  “Could you please get her out of my bed?”

  “What the fuck you just say?” Rahmeek got up out of the bed and stood in front of me.

  “You heard me. Why is she even here, Rah?” Please get her out of my house,” I pleaded with him.

  Rahmeek moved closer to me so that he was directly in my face. “First of all, this is not a conversation I’m about to have in front of my kids. Second, she’s here because this is her house too and stop referring to her as she. Her name is Brooklyn.”

  “Damn Rah, you’re really saying fuck me, huh?” I wiped the tears from my eyes that were now falling.

  “I would never say fuck you, but the way you’re treating her is pissing me the fuck off! She is innocent in all of this. You’re acting like a bitch right now. This shit is happening so deal with it!”

  Rahmeek walked away from me and grabbed both of the kids. He walked out the room and slammed the door behind him. That shit hurt my heart so bad. I threw myself onto the bed and buried my face into the pillows to muffle my cries. I wanted Rahmeek to hold me and let me know that everything would be okay.

  Why can’t he understand this is so hard for me?

  I cried until I couldn’t cry any more. Rahmeek never came to check on me and that spoke volumes. After I got all of the tears out, I was done crying. Rahmeek said fuck my feelings in so many words. I’m about to turn this shit up a notch. Trust me; my feelings won’t be the only one hurt.

  I ran into Slim’s ass last week when I was at the mall. I don’t know why, but we exchanged numbers. I was trying to be nice to him. The last time I saw him was when Rahmeek pulled a damn gun out on him. Slim has always had a soft spot in his heart for me. He’s not enough man for me so that’s why we never would have made it as a couple.

  Rahmeek hates any man being around me or even looking at me. He really hates Slim. I’m about to show him how it feels to get your damn feelings hurt. I hate to use Slim as a pawn in my little game, but he is the perfect person to piss my husband off.

  Chapter 8 - Trish

  Aja has been in a real funk since finding out about Karima’s daughter. She is mad at everybody. I keep trying to talk to her, but she ain’t trying to hear shit. Rahmeek hasn’t even been home. Today is her birthday party and I pray that she enjoys herself.

  Aja is really upset with Markese. She feels like he took Rahmeek side. I got to give it to Rahmeek; He kept that shit one hundred with Aja. He didn’t carry this secret like most men would do. He showed his love and loyalty to her. That says a lot about him, but Aja not trying to hear shit. I hope everything works out for them. They have come too far to end over this bullshit.

  Aja is taking this to another level. I must have serious conversation with her about her behavior. Her sneaky ass has been going out with her ex-boyfriend, Slim. That shit is a recipe for disaster. If Rahmeek finds out about this shit, Aja and that nigga better cancel Christmas. Real talk.

  I was glad she was coming in for a hair appointment. I hoped and prayed she understood where I was coming from. I know better than anyone about making deadly decisions. Aja had finally arrived for her hair appointment. She was standing by his car talking to Slim. Her ass was smiling from ear to ear. I couldn’t believe her ass was out in the open with this man. Aja is going to get that nigga killed. That motherfucker looks sneaky as hell to me. She better watch his ass. He’s a low-level street nigga looking for a come up. As soon as she sashayed into the salon, I grabbed her by the arm and pulled her into my office.

  “Really Aja? I can’t believe you’re out in the open with Slim’s ass. You know Rah gon’ kill him. Why are you using him to get back at Rahmeek?”

  “I’m not using anybody, Trish. You already know we go way back. We’re just friends. He has been taking me and the baby out and showing us a good time.”

  “Oh my God! Bitch, are you ready to die? If Rahmeek finds out that nigga has been around Lil Rah, it’s a wrap. Please, Aja stop while you’re ahead.”

  “Rahmeek started this and I’m going to finish it. Can we please end this discussion? My party is tonight and I plan on enjoying myself.”

  “Let me tell you something, Aja. Slim ain’t got shit on your husband. If memory serves me right, Rahmeek built you your dream house. Your husband just brought you a custom-made Maserati. Bitch, your husband can buy Slim’s ass. You call yourself getting back at Rah, but you’re playing yourself. That nigga can’t do shit for you or your son. I know you’re not trying to hear what I’m saying so I will end this conversation right here and now. I love you. So I will be here when this shit blows up in your face. Trust me, it will blow up. Come on out here so I can do your hair. I can’t wait to turn up tonight. It’s been a minute since I had a drink. I need a Patron Margarita ASAP.

  Aja followed me out of my office. I tried to smooth out the conversation. However, I have a bad feeling about all of this. Aja is playing with fire, and Rahmeek gon’ burn her ass. I felt the need to talk to Aja because I have always given her advice over the years but she is not listening to me.

  Markese and I have been getting along quite well since our last blow up. He has stepped up to the plate and is doing right by our baby. He has completely spoiled him. Markese ass has created a problem, but I’m the one dealing with it. I’m just glad everything is back to normal.

  Once I was finished with Aja’s hair I closed down the shop early. I still had to curl my hair and get the kids off to Momma Gail. As I walking towards the door to lock up, two plain-clothes detectives came into my shop. My heart started beating so fast. I just knew something had happened to Markese.r />
  “Oh my God! What happened? I grabbed my chest and sat down in one of the chairs.

  “Hello Ma’am. Are you Trish Williams?”


  “I’m Detective Dominguez, and this is my partner Detective Moreno. We would like to know if you could come down to the precinct to answer some questions about Lamont Wilson.”

  As soon as he said the name, I lost my hearing. I saw his mouth moving but I couldn’t hear a sound. I know they saw how nervous I was. Trish, think quick, I thought.

  “I really don’t think I would be of any assistance.”

  “I think you will be. We have phone records indicating that his last call was placed to your cell phone on the night he was murdered,” Detective Dominguez said with a smirk on his face.

  “Like I said, I can’t help you. If I’m not under arrest, could you please leave my place of business?” I stood up to escort them to the door.

  “No, you’re not under arrest Ms. Williams. At least not yet. We just wanted to give you a chance to come in voluntarily. Here’s my card. Use it before it’s too late.”

  Detective Moreno handed me his card and both detectives backed out my shop. I hurried up and locked the doors. I wanted to call Markese but I called Nisa instead. My husband should have been the first person I called. However, I’m just too scared to tell him right now. Markese has so much shit going on in the streets. The last thing he needs to deal with is the police. I called Nisa and told her what was up.

  Nisa told me to come over to her house, but make sure no one was following me. I made it to her house in record time. Nisa opened the door and she looked like shit.

  “Damn, what the hell wrong with you?”

  “This damn morning sickness has turned into all day sickness.” Nisa sat on the couch and placed a towel on her forehead.

  “Congratulations, Boo! I know Killa is too happy.” I sat down, hugging and kissing her on the cheek.


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