Bare It All

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by Ronna Gage

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  Bare It All

  © 2010 Ronna Gage

  ISBN 978-1-934446-93-5

  Cover Design by Viper

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction

  of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically,

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  Published by

  Romance Divine LLC

  Bare It All

  Ronna Gage


  “Will they play cool music?” Kieri asked her best friend, Daniela when she pulled her car into the parking lot of the infamous Bare It All Club. She looked at the plain white building, no aesthetic trappings to lure its patrons, not that it needed it. The afterhours establishment had gained a reputation for catering to the over-the-top sexual fantasies of its clientele. Anything from live sex shows, to rooms performing Tantric sex/massage, to whatever the mind could think to further enjoy the arousal. The stories of open orgies and private ‘hook-ups’ that went on behind the walls of this confidential organization spread through the city and party circuit like wildfire. Kieri’s fertile imagination and inquisitive nature about sex and relationships, in general, piqued. The check-it-out-for-herself attitude didn’t rest until that one facet was appeased.

  “Yes,” Daniela dug into her night bag, “there’s music.”

  Kieri looked up at the flashing neon sign. Purple and blue letters flashed the simple name Bare It All. Her hands gripped the steering wheel in anticipation of the adventure just beyond the doors. “What kinds of music? Can I dance to it?”

  “Any kind you like; country, rock, classic rock…it’s all eclectic really. Yes, you can dance to it.” Daniela flipped down the visor for one last makeup and hair check.

  Kieri thought about the array of dances and the kinds of partners she’d dance with. “What kind of people go to a place like this?”

  “People like us.” Daniela quipped, teasing her with the verbal jibe.

  But the comment did more than tease, Kieri thought of the kind of person she was and questioned if this kind of place would be right for her. In her wildest dreams, she never pictured herself here; well not until Daniela started relaying her wild night experiences.

  “Will there really be sex acts…in the open?” she felt a little uncomfortable speaking the word out loud, “for everyone to see?” Kieri worried how she would handle seeing such goings on. “I don’t want to do anything illegal,” she tried to hide her nagging feeling of propriety.

  “Then, I suggest you don’t go outside naked.” Daniela gave her a wink.

  Kieri gasped, the subtle warning compounding her inner feelings to another level. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  Daniela shrugged off the question with a smile, opened the car door and exited. She didn’t give a hint of warning or confirmation of what to expect inside.

  Kieri watched Daniela strut in a ritualistic gait of arousal to the front door, anticipating the acts of coital joy beyond. Kieri envied her friend’s courage to date in today’s world. Daniela’s commentaries of the latest escapades about non-committal sex, along with the stories of this business goaded Kieri’s curiosity until it mounted and grew. A deep rooted interest in the rumors, along with the lingering questions of her childhood sex talk, bloomed in spite of years of prudish behavior and Quakeresque upbringing. She wanted to experience it for herself. Coitus fascinated her; this coupling of people on a routine basis intrigued her. What motivates the attraction? I doubt mother told me the complete truth about sex.

  Daniela stopped at the door, placed a hand on Kieri’s arm stopping her from entering. “Kieri, I see you’re excited about this evening, and God knows I wouldn’t stand in your way, but be careful. This place may rave about its open minded sexual displays, but this isn’t a game.”

  Kieri looked at her friend with love. “You take great care of me. I understand this isn’t a game, and I will be careful.”

  Daniela grinned, opened the door and held it for Kieri. “Welcome to the funnest, if not the most interesting, night of your life.”

  Kieri laughed out loud and entered a smoky room, which lent a mysterious cover for the world of sex games that were synonymous with the late night joint’s name. She stood in the doorway and felt the rolling ripples of butterflies escape her stomach to trap in her throat. Her heart raced with enthusiasm to experience something spectacular. The upbeat atmosphere added to the allure and Kieri’s adrenaline rush. Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a couple making out in a semi-dark corner. The long, blonde haired woman sat on the man’s lap, her hands opened the front of her top for his roaming hands to gain easy access. She watched in amazement as his lips traced down the woman’s throat to finally settling on her breast. The man’s wolfish grin, when he peeled her shirt off and set it wadded up on the small table behind her, sparked a wave of arousing sensations in Kieri. His hungry lips attacked the woman’s breast eagerly.

  Kieri’s panties moistened with the new awakening of want. “Wow! I want to do that too,” she said under her breath.

  The no-holds-barred environment boosted Kieri’s lingering curiosity into a practical research phase. All her life the women of her family, namely her grandmother and mother, told her that sex was a private relation between a husband and wife. They diligently pointed out the negative behaviors of public displays of affection and used them as moments of re-teaching the proper way to express affection when in the presence of others.

  Holding hands is one thing, but groping your partner is prohibited!

  A simple good bye peck on the cheek is sufficient, not some tongue in mouth offensive.

  A couple should never cohabitate without marriage.

  What did she expect from military wives? Although the intention was good, as was the advice, so many unanswered questions consumed her mind. Like, was it wrong to meet Mr. Right Now in a place like this? What did a one-night stand hurt if the couple used protection and they consented, and expected nothing else in return?

  “Are you coming or what?” Daniela asked over the loud music banging in tempo to Kieri’s heartbeat.

  She looked around; tingles stimulated her nerve endings and covered her body. “Yeah, lead the way.”

  She and Daniela passed a curtain of smoke to stand in a collected group of scantily dressed men and women. Paired up couples gyrated on the dance floor in a sensual grind of seduction. Kieri’s mouth gasped at the moves displayed in full view. Men openly groped the females’ crotch. One man even lifted the bra of one dancer over her head giving an unobscured view of her breasts to the gathered crowd. The woman took it all in stride and continued to dance. Kieri scanned the audience for its reaction, but found only indifference. No one cheered the dancers or booed them for their acts of indecency. She looked onto their dance again and envisioned herself out there, dancing, bumping against a man’s hard bulge, and enticing it further with the simple act of touch.

  “What should we do first?” Daniela asked.

  Kieri shook the picture from her head. “This is your type of club, I haven’t a clue.”

  Daniela searched the room with her gaze. “Let’s check out the action.”

  Kieri perused the crowd. Men, dressed in nothing more than pants or sho
rts, stood in a large circle around the dance floor. Women milled around in miniskirts and bra tops. She looked down at her sheer smock cape and sighed. The slip dress underneath seemed demure for the environment, I feel out of place. She bumped Daniela with her elbow. “I feel a little overdressed,” she complained in her ear.

  Daniela laughed. “You won’t be in little while. You will be hooked up with some good looking man out on that dance floor, dancing your ass off, burning up with sweat, and soon the clothes will come off out of comfort more than sex.”

  A sudden, nagging sense of modesty overshadowed her courageous decision of adventure. Doubting her decision she turned to Daneila. “Maybe this—” Kieri’s gaze caught the image of a tall figure within the crowd. She followed him and the second his eyes met her gaze she lost track of thought. Her stomach gripped with a strong, familiar attraction. “Oh my!” she said with uproarious exhilaration. Grant?

  “What?” Daniela asked looking in the direction she gaped. “Oh, I see you found some eye candy. Not bad.” Kieri barely heard a word she said. “He’s a newcomer too.”

  That comment got Kieri’s attention. She continued to gawk at him. “How do you know?”

  “He’s keeping his distance from the available people in the group.” Kieri started to say she knew him, but Daniela interrupted her before she spoke. “Oh, there’s Terry. Do you think you will be all right if I go and say hello?”

  In a robotic response Kieri nodded. Her eyes maintained contact with Grant.

  “Okay, I’m going to go. If you need me I’ll be over there. Remember, leave him wanting more!”

  “Okay, bye!” Kieri continued to gaze at Grant across the room. Her heart fluttered with the same old feelings she had for him when she was a sophomore in high school and he a senior. If not for their dance training in the local studio, they’d probably never been a couple at all. When he went away to college her heart broke, and not long after that she and her family moved to Washington, never to see him again…until tonight. God that was six years ago. Her mouth felt dry, her throat scratchy at the memories running in her head of their first date…the relaxed atmosphere of being with him, the heavy petting…that first kiss. She turned to the find a bar. Ten feet away she found it and made her way through the crowd to the bartender.

  “What can I get for you, little lady?” the buffed man asked, with a bright smile.

  She didn’t dare turnaround, but she knew Grant stood behind her. “What do you have with no alcohol?”

  The man’s smile dropped slightly. “A tea drinker huh? Well, we have cola, tonic water, juices, and water. Sorry babe, that’s about all I have to offer…for now.”

  The small group of men around her laughed at the bar tender’s outright flirtations, which didn’t phase Kieri in the slightest. Not that she expected any less from him. She chalked it up to his attempt at a bigger tip. Placing her best smile possible, she set her elbows on the counter and chuckled. “I’m not here for that kind of service,” her tone tactfully stating her disinterest. The man next to her laughed, the bartender’s arrogant smile dropped completely. “Now, if it’s no bother, I’d like a cola…tall…please.” She ordered with a sarcastic smile on the word please.

  He braved a nod. “Coming right up.”

  Once she had her drink, she paid for it and left the fifty cent change as a tip. Teach you to be an asshole. Kieri turned, prepared to face Grant. Disappointed by his absence, a large empty spot settled hard in her chest. Her gaze switched to the dance floor and searched for him there. The newcomer, as Daniela called him, was gone.

  The music stopped, the gyrating couples walked to the crowded lines around the dance floor. Then, in a moment only a movie director could imagine, the exiting dancers revealed a lone man standing in the center. Kieri gasped in surprise. Grant strolled toward her with the same confident grin she remembered. Her stomach flip-flopped. His blonde hair had darkened to brown over the years. Brown eyes looked at her with affection.

  “Hello, Kieri. Long time no see,” he greeted. His sensual voice boosted her pulse.

  Her eyes took him in as her gaze roamed over his body. The white oxford shirt hung open revealing a chest of muscles and hair. That is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. Tight black jeans hung low on his hips. His transformation to the man that stood before her now, from the boy she dreamed of often over the years and loved with a girl’s heart took her breath away.

  “Hello, Grant. You look great.”

  “So do you.” He bent down and kissed her cheek. “Would your grandmother approve of such a display of affection?”

  Her insides churned with welled-up desires. “You know, she would have issues with it.”

  Suddenly, a slow, dramatic, tempo blared from the speakers. “I think they’re playing our song,” The smoke dissipated from around them, his hands reached for her. “You still dance?”

  Walk away! A voice inside warned. He’ll break your heart again. She pushed the inner voice aside. She and Grant at one time danced together as competition partners for their dance company. “Yes. Every day.”

  He nodded once, a cocky little nod that moistened her panties again. “Good, shall we?”

  She let him lead her to the dance floor. He pulled her close to his naked chest. The hard muscles captivated her. The smells of salty sweat and sweetened spice filled her tummy with a powerful craving to taste him. His bared flesh shuddered under her hand at her touch and his brown hair tickled her arm. She tensed when he wrapped his free arm around her.

  “Relax…” he whispered, “let the music guide you in ways you’ve never imagined.”

  She exhaled, easing the nervousness building inside her as she yielded to the magic of his nearness, and let him direct her in their sultry dance. “Ballroom, ballet, and country dances are one thing, but this kind of dancing is something…different.”

  “Just think of it as a sexy rumba or Latin number. Think sensual…teasing…belly grinding, belly dancing.”

  “Latin dances with sexual overtures are done to gain the audience’s attention,” she said.

  Grant’s hands skimmed her back, her sheer over shirt yielding little barrier to the hot touch of his fingers on her near exposed back. He positioned himself behind her now, swaying his hips against her bottom, rocking her hips into a torturous level of awareness almost too sweet to endure. “Look around, I think we have their attention.”

  Kieri saw the crowd of people point and whisper while they watched her and Grant sway to the rhythmic music. Goose bumps dotted her skin. They enjoy the number. “Just like old times.”

  He laughed. “I hope not. This isn’t exactly tame.”

  She let him bend her forward, his bulging manhood cradled between her legs. When he lifted her up, she thrust her hips forward. “I’ve been watching you since you came into this room,” he whispered in her ear. She moaned. “It’s been too long,” he added, his hand resting under her breasts. He guided her in a quick step and spun her around in a complete circle. She landed in his grasp, leaning against his back, her legs entwined between his. The heat of his breath tickled her ear.

  “I’ve dreamt of dancing with you again for so long now,” she confessed softly. His thumb grazed her breast and she almost came in her panties.

  “I’ve had the same dreams.” He turned her around to face him. “What brings you here tonight?”

  She opened her mouth to speak, but the soft touch of his thumb on her earlobe, and his palm on her jaw line almost undid her. Taking a deep breath to fight the urge to hump him on the dance floor, she answered. “Investigating rumors. And you?”

  His brown eyes danced with mischief. “I’m here to fulfill a fantasy.”

  “Oh?” her eyebrow lifted. “What fantasy is that?” she asked in complete rapture of what made this man tick. Her attraction for him grew. While small glimpses of the young man peeped through, the way he danced was a big change. His handsomeness made him better looking than she remembered. The soft gentle light in his eyes a
wakened her young girl’s fantasies.

  “Investigating curious women.”

  Kieri’s heart almost stopped beating. For a split second she thought it had. “H-how do you intend to accomplish such a feat?” she finally got out. The wild seduction of promise awed her. The music stopped.

  “Let me show you!” He led her off the dance floor. Cheers from the crowd warmed her further. As they passed, Grant gave some of the male patrons a high-five. She followed him into a darkened corner.

  She stood before him; his finger traced the open curved collar of her slip dress. He smiled and she looked down, the swells of her breast glimmered with the body shimmer she applied earlier.

  He leaned into her.

  “What have you been up to all these years?” she asked more out of nervousness than needing to know.

  “Working…searching…wondering what it would have been like if I hadn’t gone off to college.”

  Temperature inside her body reached an all time high, and then mixed with that of his touch. Goose bumps erupted for a second time. “I too have wondered. I even came up with an answer. You want to hear it?” His finger gently fluttered over her protruding nipple and shudders of excitement and desire spiked her already soaring body heat.

  His finger stopped teasing her, he narrowed his eyes. “If it ends well, sure. If not, no.”

  Her arms smoothed over the plains of his chest, fine silky hairs curled in the humidity of the room and rested under her touch. She gazed into his eyes. His head bowed slightly, she tiptoed to meet the touch of his lips. His tongue parted her lips and played with teasing promise. The taste of butterscotch cream and Grant filled her mouth with decadence. His hands eased up her arms to the collar of her shirt but she didn’t tense. In one straightforward sweep, her blouse fell off her shoulders and into his capable hands. Her eyes watched as he laid it on the rail beside him.

  He gazed into her eyes; his hands stroked the bared skin of her collarbone. Fire built from the first glance, settled to red hot embers within her at the kiss that left her wanting more. His lips trailed down her throat leaving heated marks of desire in their wake. Her breathing escalated to his touch and skill. He continued to venture down her chest to her exposed cleavage. “I’ve always been a breast man.”


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