Heartless (The Raiford Chronicles)

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Heartless (The Raiford Chronicles) Page 10

by Janet Taylor-Perry

  ♥♥♥ Ray and Parker walked out of the police station together. Mia was surprised to note the relaxed manner in which they walked down the street. She had finally given up searching the shelters. She knew Parker would eventually approach Ray. After all, he had had the courage and audacity to confront a United States Senator. On the other hand, she was astounded that Raiford Reynolds was not screaming in anger. Maybe he's mellowed with age.

  The two men came back a little later as Mia waited across the street. They talked a few minutes before Parker left. Ray rubbed his head and turned in circles. He evidently still gets migraines, and although he hasn't thrown a fit, he's stressed.

  "Damn it!" Mia muttered as she lost sight of Parker by watching Ray. She would have to find him again.

  ♥♥♥ Mia made the shelter rounds twice. The man at the sign-in desk commented, "Lots of people looking for this kid tonight. He just left. If you need a place to crash, you can have his."

  "Yes," agreed Mia. "Do you think I can catch him first?" "Maybe." Mia stepped out the door to see Parker talking with Ray again. There was a petite redhead with them. The conversation seemed cordial. Is that Ray's wife? Something about her made Mia angry. Apparently, Parker is leaving with them.

  Mia ran back inside. "I'll be back," she told the man. "You have an hour and fifteen minutes. If you ain't back, the door gets locked. You gonna sign in?"

  "Yeah." Mia signed her name.

  The man noted, "Same name as the kid. You kin?"

  "Yeah." She followed her son to Ray's house.

  Mia peeked through the window to see what was happening. That woman is holding Parker's hand. Who does she think she is? And why is Parker letting her hold his hand— the little traitor? Doesn't he have a clue what I've done for him?

  Mia began to fume. God! I need a fix. At least I know where to find Parker. I need to rest and score. Gotta get back to the shelter. Tomorrow. I'll decide what to do tomorrow. I need to see more.

  ♥♥♥ Seeing more over the next few days only made Mia angrier. Ray took Parker to church. Then, he enrolled him in school. Who does he think he is—Parker's father? Well, yes, he might be—but this is too much.

  What the hell? Ray was hugging her son. Something had to be done. She had to formulate a plan. Parker is mine. All it will take is for him to make a mistake, and Ray will throw him out. Parker needs to see that. But how?

  It was hard to think when she was this angry. She really needed a fix, but where could she find one here? I need to run to New Orleans. She had to calm herself. She was too mad to think straight, but Ray would not get away with this. He's a holier-than-thou heartless bastard, just like Robert.

  ♥♥♥ Raiford Reynolds filed the documents to have Parker's last name changed to Reynolds first thing Tuesday morning. Along with that, he filled out the paperwork for a new driver's license for Parker to sign. The judge looked over Parker's file and declared, "I have no problem taking away this woman's parental rights. The kid is all yours, Ray."

  Ray returned to his office where Chris Gautier waited for him as she stared out the window at gray buildings set against a gray day. Seeing Chris, Ray demanded, "Well, have you found the bitch yet?"

  "No. She seems to have vanished. She got out of rehab the week before Judge Salus was killed. I know she visited his office and Ms. Vaughn's office." She flipped through her notes. "She had to sign in at both facilities. She was looking for Parker, but since then, there has been no sign of her."

  "You know, Chris, I'm certain she's the killer." Ray sat down in his chair and rubbed his head.

  "Migraine?" asked Chris.

  "Yeah." He pulled out his office bottle of rizatriptan. "You know, these had subsided some until the Robert bullshit and now Mia." He popped a pill in his mouth and opened the water on his desk to rinse it down. "She has motive and the medical skill to take out the hearts. After reading Parker's file and seeing that the kid has been treated deplorably, I'm mad as hell. But I wouldn't have gone out and killed these people. Still, I can see where she's coming from if she has an inkling of love for Parker. One thing she needs to realize, though, is that she has been the real problem. She has never been a mother."

  "Ray, you need to chill. Your anger issues are showing again." She sat down across from her boss and friend.

  "Chris, what would you have done when you found Lindsay if she had been abused her whole life?"

  "I would've sued to get her back, and I would've arrested the abusers. You can't arrest the Byrds. They're dead."

  "No, but Mia is another story. I would like to strangle her, Chris." His voice came out higher than normal. "The only positive influence in Parker's life was a recovering addict who called himself 'Fritz the Cat.' I did a little research on him, too. He could be on the FBI's most wanted list as 'Fritz the Cat Burglar.' I don't know if it's the same person for sure, but he took care of Parker when he was around, the only person who did besides Miss Maxi who cared for Parker and three other boys. I think I'll track her down and thank her."

  "Now, that would be a good way to channel your energy. Let me be the detective. Focus on loving your son. You and Larkin have him now. Make the most of it. He seems to be a great kid in spite of all he's endured."

  "Yeah, he does, doesn't he? I will, Chris. Thanks for letting me vent."

  "You're welcome as always, Ray."

  They bumped fists in an expression of camaraderie.

  ♥♥♥ Parker felt the two weeks of school before Thanksgiving break were the best two weeks he had ever had. He had a real family and, apparently, a girlfriend, something he had never had before. His first date ever loomed ahead of him.

  Friday evening came, and Sheena picked up her date because Terry Johnson was not comfortable with a motorcycle even if the boy was Raiford Reynolds's son. Ray whispered to Parker, "Next time you can use one of the cars if you want."

  "Really?" Parker whispered back.

  "You have a new driver's license, and I just put you and the motorcycle on my insurance. The only one completely off limits is the GT. She's all mine."


  "Have fun. Be home by midnight." Ray handed Parker five crisp twenties and a phone.

  "What's this?" Parker asked.

  "Cash for your date and in case you need me for anything. The house number, my number, Larkin's number, Raif's number, and Chris's number are already programmed. Any you add are up to you. I bet I know the first one that's going in. Now, go have fun."

  Parker and Sheena went to The Arena, a teenage hot-spot that had a miniature golf course, a go-cart track, a paint-ball course, a bowling alley, a skate rink, an arcade, and a pizza palace. They walked in and Sheena said, "Oh, shoot! Maybe we should go somewhere else."


  "My ex-boyfriend is here. He went off to Texas A and M in August. He must be home for Thanksgiving."

  "Do you still want him to be your boyfriend, or is he really your ex?"

  "Oh, he's my ex. We split up last year after I broke his nose because he didn't understand the meaning of 'No.'"

  Looking around he asked, "You broke his nose? Which one is he?"

  "The tall guy with the skinned head at the pinball games. Damn! I can't believe he shaved all his hair off. He never really liked being like his family that way."

  "Does he play basketball?" Parker's eyes looked like two oceans they stretched so wide.


  "You broke his nose? You're what—five-four, a hundred five pounds?"

  "You're good. Daddy says I have anger issues. I've been taking karate since I was four. I have a black belt. Don't mess with me." Sheena grinned and dropped into a front stance.

  Parker, who was only five-nine and, maybe, a hundred thirty-five pounds, raised his hands in mock surrender. "I promise," he laughed. "But you wanted to come here. Don't let him run you off. If you want, you can tell him I'm your new boyfriend."

  "I can live with that."

  "Really?" His grin stretched across his face. "I mean, are we,
like, going out?"

  "Yeah," Sheena replied as if there should never have been any question. "I like you, but next time you have to pick me up and meet my folks."

  "Okay. Ray says I can use any car I want except the GT. Let's eat. Then, I'll race you." Parker pointed out the go-carts. "You're on. I like pepperoni."

  "Me too." He grinned. I've actually had pizza before I came here—and not the frozen kind. Larkin would be surprised.

  As they ate on opposite sides of a booth, they were suddenly rudely interrupted as Sheena's ex slid in beside her and his friend, a tall, lanky, sandy-haired guy slid in beside Parker. "Well, look who's here, Little Miss Virtue."

  "Derrick, you can leave now, or would you like to have some other part of your anatomy broken?" snapped Sheena.

  "Ooh, she's feisty," said the other boy.

  Derrick stuck his hand across the table. "Derrick McAlpin. And you are?"

  "Parker Reynolds, Sheena's boyfriend, and I think she asked you to leave." Parker did not shake Derrick's hand.

  Derrick sat back and looked at the guy across the table. They listened to the ding-ding of a pinball game and the laughter of some younger children in the plastic-ball pen. Derrick waved off the comment with his hand. "You can't always get what you want. But if Sheena's good, I might just give her what she needs." Then Derrick draped his hand over Sheena's shoulders and groped her breast.

  Simultaneously, Parker shouted, "Get your hands off my girlfriend!" while Sheena screamed, "Get your hands off me!"

  "Oops, my hand slipped." Derrick laughed sarcastically.

  Parker looked at the guy sitting beside him. "Excuse us. We're leaving."

  "Ah, come on," whined Derrick. "We're just getting acquainted."

  "No, we were just leaving," argued Parker. "Please, move and let us out."

  "Sheena doesn't want out," said Derrick as he placed his hand on her thigh. "She doesn't want to leave with a little boy. She'd rather stay with a college man."

  Parker glared at the young man who was over half a foot taller than he was. "You have no idea who you're messing with," he said through clenched teeth. "If Sheena broke your nose, I'm sure I can break something else. I think I'll start with the hand you have on my girlfriend's leg." Parker put an elbow into the guy's ribs that was blocking him in the booth. "Get out of my way. Let's take this outside, Derrick."

  Derrick laughed. Sheena shook her head as she realized Parker was serious and his anger issues were much greater than hers. "No, Parker. You'll go to juvey."

  He shook his head. "No, I won't. Derrick will go to jail though. I'll get my dad to arrest him for sexual assault. He did grab your boob."

  "Your dad?" asked the guy beside Parker.

  "Yeah. He's the chief of police."

  The guy stood. "Derrick, this is your fight. I'm just visiting from Texas. Maybe you should move up from high school girls."

  "Ooh," taunted Derrick. "Let the little punk call his daddy. Reynolds?" He snickered. "Raiford Reynolds is your father? Since when?"

  Parker clenched and unclenched his fists.

  "I'm so scared of a mistake the good cop made in his youth," Derrick continued to goad.

  Sheena pushed Derrick with both hands. "Move! Parker and I are leaving."

  "You're gonna have to crawl over me, baby."

  Parker suddenly growled like a wild animal, came across the table and belted the unsuspecting Derrick in the mouth.

  "You little shit!" bellowed Derrick as he threw Parker to the ground, straddling him and slamming his head into the floor.

  "Get off him!" yelled Sheena, jumping on Derrick's back and putting him in an iron-clad choke hold.

  Within minutes, two patrol cars arrived, and the officers dragged all participants to separate areas. Finding out that Sheena and Parker were minors, the officers called their parents. Officer Link Marceau, a very tall Native American looking rookie who was expecting his first child any day, got the privilege of calling his boss.

  "Hello," Ray answered his phone.

  "Chief Reynolds, this is Officer Marceau. I'm afraid I need you to come to The Arena. Your son has been in a fight." "What? He's on a date."

  "Yes, sir. She was involved in the fight, too. Her dad is on his way. The other kid is eighteen. He's on his way to lockup. The kids are saying he accosted the girl."

  "I'll be there in a few minutes."

  Larkin tried to ask Ray what was wrong. He just held up a hand on the way out the door. "Don't worry about it. I'll take care of it."

  When Ray got to The Arena, Terry Johnson was talking with both Sheena and Parker. "Ray," he greeted an old friend.

  "Terry." The men shook hands.

  Ray looked at Parker. "So, explain."

  Eyes wide, nostrils flared, Parker ranted, "That Derrick guy sat down at our table. He grabbed Sheena's boob and rubbed her leg, and she didn't want him to. Then, he called me a punk and her baby. He made fun of your being my dad, and I hit him. I'm not sorry. Sheena said she already broke his nose once."

  "Yes, she did," said Terry. "Ray, I know the kids were fighting, but this boy won't leave Sheena alone. I'm not mad at Parker. He actually acted chivalrously."

  "Derrick McAlpin?" Ray asked.

  Parker and Sheena nodded.

  "Yeah, bad news," Ray affirmed. "Sheena how'd you get mixed up with the likes of the McAlpins?"

  She shrugged. "He was a popular basketball player."

  Ray rubbed his head. "Who drew first blood?"

  Parker asked, "Does grabbing Sheena's boob count?"

  "Oh, yeah, big time." Ray nodded.

  "Then, Derrick did. We asked him to let us leave, but he wouldn't. Ask that guy over there." He pointed out Derrick's friend from Texas. "He was with Derrick, but he got up and left when I told him my dad was chief of police."

  "Pulled me like a loaded gun, huh?"

  Parker shrugged. "I didn't wanna fight, but Derrick left me no choice."

  "He's telling the truth, Mr. Ray," Sheena said. "When I was dating Derrick, he pinned me against his car door and tried to, well"—She made a rolling hand motion—"you know. I managed to get free and broke his nose. His father pulled a few strings and got the case dismissed. Please, believe us. Don't tell Parker and me we can't go out."

  Ray turned to the patrolman. "Marceau, was there any damage?"

  "No. Just the fighting."

  "How would you handle this if I was not chief of police?"

  "Since it seems this was self-defense of a sort, we'd call the kids' parents to come and get them, just like we did. If the manager of the place doesn't press charges, you can take 'em home."

  "Is he pressing charges?"

  "Yes, she is," answered a woman behind Ray. "But not on these two. I'm pressing charges on the older boy. This girl should, too. Their server confirms their story."

  Ray nodded. "Thanks. Sheena, you can decide what you want to do about Derrick. I'm not gonna keep you and Parker apart. Terry, are you?"

  "Nope. I wish he'd beat the hell out of Derrick, but the jerk is twice his size. He did try. Thanks, Parker." Terry Johnson shook Parker's hand.

  Ray said, "Come on. Let's go home. Tonight's date is over." He put a hand on his son's shoulder to facilitate moving out the door. As an afterthought, Ray turned back. "Terry, y'all join us for Thanksgiving dinner. We'll eat about six. Come earlier."

  Terry nodded. "Sounds good. What should we bring?"

  "The wine and whatever kind of beer or drinks that you like."

  Parker followed Ray to the GT. They got in without words. Several minutes into the drive home Parker asked, "Are you mad at me?"


  "I'm sorry."

  "Fooyay! No, you're not. Parker, I'm mad that there's a knot on your head, and you're gonna have a black eye when you meet Meemaw and Papaw. At least you must have hit him pretty hard. Your knuckles are bleeding. We're really gonna have to work on your anger issues. If you're gonna take on a guy twice your size, I'm gonna have to teach you how to kick h
is ass."

  Ray reached over and stroked his son’s head. "I remember breaking Robert LaFontaine's jaw over Larkin. You get your temper naturally. Maybe we can work on our anger issues together."

  12 Thanksgiving

  Thanksgiving at the Reynolds house began the day before. Christopher and Courtney had told Parker that the families took turns hosting holiday events. This year was their turn to host the Thanksgiving feast. Wednesday, Larkin set everyone to work chopping, grating, mixing, and so forth.

  At four, the door chimes sounded. Courtney squealed, "They're here!" She grabbed Parker's hand. "Come on." He had no choice but to follow.

  Albert and Dorothy Reynolds were in their seventies but still healthy and active. Albert was a little less than six feet with snow white hair. He was not overweight, but he had a little paunch. Dorothy was five-seven and weighed about one forty. She obviously colored her dark-brown hair. Her blue eyes, not as vivid as Ray's, snapped with authority as well as love. Albert scooped Courtney into his arms. "My goodness! You're getting too big for Papaw to pick up."

  "Papaw, this is Parker. Are you gonna hug him, too?" Albert put Courtney down. "When he tells me he's comfortable with it."

  Dorothy snorted, "Well, I'm not waiting. Give your meemaw a hug."

  Parker timidly hugged the forceful woman. Holding his chin lightly between her thumb and forefinger, Dorothy tipped his head to the side. "What happened to your eye?"

  "I had a fight."


  "My girlfriend's ex put his hand on her breast."

  Dorothy widened her eyes. "Now did he? Well, I hope he looks worse than you do."

  "I busted his lip."

  "Good for you."

  "Sheena already broke his nose. You'd think he'd get a clue."

  "Sheena? Little Sheena Johnson?"

  "Yeah…I mean yes, ma'am."

  Dorothy chuckled. "Well, that's a good choice."

  Courtney slipped under her grandmother's arm. Dorothy kissed the girl on the forehead. "Where's Christopher?"


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