Beneath Your Beautiful

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Beneath Your Beautiful Page 18

by Tamsyn Bester

  She’s going to be the death of me.

  I break away and rest my forehead on hers. “What did I do to deserve that?” I ask. Every kiss with her is like our first kiss. It drives me crazy.

  “Am I not allowed to kiss my boyfriend?” she teases, a slight giggle in her voice.

  “That wasn’t just a kiss, and we both know it.”

  She smiles and looks up at me from beneath her thick lashes. Her cheeks are red, and I wonder if it’s because she’s flushed or if it’s because of what she’s about to say. I’m guessing both.

  “Maybe,” she breathes against my lips, “It’s a taste of what’s to come.”

  I grip her hips. “No pun intended there right?”

  Her hand slips between us and rubs the bulge forming under my zipper. I groan, straining my muscles to stop myself from taking her right here, right now.

  “Not at all,” she smirks.

  I shake my head. If we don’t leave now, there’s no guarantee that I won’t rip her clothes off and do all kinds of dirty things to her against the wall.

  “Let’s get out of here before I do something I shouldn’t.”

  She laughs and picks up her bag. I grab mine and lace our fingers together as we make our way towards the parking lot.

  “How do you girls feel about going out tonight?” I ask, remembering that Brody suggested it.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing,” she laughs, “Demi and I heard about something happening at Nicky’s tonight. We thought it would it be nice to get out the apartment for a change.”

  I’m about to respond when I feel Huntley tense beside me, coming to a complete standstill. I follow her gaze, my eyes landing on a red Ford Mustang GT with plates I don’t recognize. I scoff when I see the ‘I Fucked Your Girlfriend Last Night And She Liked It’ sticker on the back bumper.

  I look back at Huntley. Her face is pale, like she’s seen a ghost. “Are you ok?”

  She doesn’t respond.

  I touch her face and her eyes dart to mine. “What’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head, “Nothing, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.”

  “Why don’t I believe you?”

  “Gray, I’m fine, let’s just go.”

  She pulls me towards my truck and says nothing when we climb in. I can’t escape the feeling that she lied to me and that what just happened is not nothing.

  I’ll drop it for now, but sooner or later she’ll tell me.

  Chapter 21

  ~ Huntley ~

  We walk into Nicky’s and when Grayson looks at me, I plaster on a fake smile and pretend I’m not freaking out on the inside. He saw my reaction in the parking lot earlier, and I could see the questions in his eyes, but I didn’t want to tell him that the red Ford Mustang GT belonged to my ex, Jake.

  I knew it was his car. If the number plates weren’t a dead giveaway then that vulgar sticker on the bumper most certainly was. He could only be here for one reason – to find me. Deep down I always knew this day would come, but what surprises me is that it’s taken him so long. I push my inner conflict over telling Grayson or not aside, and decide to enjoy my night out. It’s been a while since we just let loose and had fun and I’m not going to allow the mere possibility that Jake could be here, to ruin it.

  Grayson grabs my hand and we weave our way through the crown. The bar is packed. Luckily we find an open table and take our seats. “I’m going to the bar. Can I get you something to drink?” Grayson whispers. His warm breath tickles my ear, causing my skin to break out in goosebumps. I shiver and clench my thighs. He smirks and decides to kiss the spot under my ear just for extra measure. Bastard. He’s teasing me, driving my body wild. My hormones have been all over the place lately, and I’m craving Grayson. Badly.

  “Just a soda,” I barely squeak the words out. I’m squeezing my thighs so tightly that they could cramp any second. Grayson walks to the bar and I can’t help but watch his butt. His stride radiates dominance, and his legs move effortlessly. I bite my lip, thinking about the raw strength and power that ebbs and flows through his body, resulting in natural stamina.

  “Down girl,” Demi teases, “It looks like you’re about to pounce on that man and have your wicked way with him right here!”

  I meet her probing gaze and grin. She has no idea how right she is.

  “He’s driving me crazy.”

  She laughs. “I suppose you’re feeling better then.”

  I fidget uncomfortably in my chair. “Much better. But I haven’t said anything to Gray.” My eyes plead with her not to mention anything about the pregnancy test, at least not until I decide I want Grayson to know.”

  Demi lifts her hands as if in surrender. “I won’t say a word, but I do think you owe it to him to tell him.”

  “Even if it was negative?”

  “Yes. Trust me when I say that he’s the kind of guy who would want to know if something like that happens.”

  Grayson and Brody arrive back the table with our drinks, effectively ending my conversation with Demi. Grayson places my soda on the table in front of us and takes a long swig from his beer. He rests his hand on my naked thigh my and I squirm in my seat, the combination of his cold hand on my hot skin sends a current that pools between my legs. My body is hyper aware of him, and highly responsive to every touch. He can be lucky we’re in public, otherwise I’d jump him until he breaks.

  “Let’s go dance,” Demi chimes. She jumps up and holds her hand out to me. I’m grateful for the distraction. The sexual energy humming between me and Grayson was starting to crush me in the most delicious way and the physical distance will give me some time to cool off. I grab Demi’s hand and follow her out to the dance floor.

  We find a spot in the middle of the crowded space and start moving to the beat of the music. I’m surprised that they’re playing mainstream music, as opposed to their usual country music. I throw my hands in the air and lose myself, falling into the rhythm and wild pulse of the music and the crowd.

  After two songs, I’m a little sweaty but I love the feeling of being free. And that’s how I feel. Free. For the first time in what feels like forever, I’ve let my guard down. All my worries and all the shadows hanging over my head dissipate.

  Two strong arms wrap around my waist, crushing me into a hard chest. If I didn’t recognize the smell of mint and apple pie and his body wash, I would’ve panicked. But I know the hands spread out on my belly, the arm wrapped protectively around my middle and the chest pressed against my back. My head rolls back, resting on Grayson’s shoulder. He takes advantage of my exposed neck and rubs his lips over the damp skin, swiping it with his hot tongue until he reaches my ear. He pulls my ear lobe into his mouth and a moan slips from between my lips. His touch, his smell and even his presence sets of every nerve ending in my body, making me feel like a live wire waiting to fire off a spark.

  A slower song starts and we start moving together, the rhythm commandeering our joint bodies. Grayson takes control and I willingly surrender everything to him. My heart, my body and my soul.

  I grind my hips and push back. “Keep doing that and I’ll have no choice but to take you on the dance floor.” His warning is full of promise and I can’t escape the excitement it sets off inside my body. I spin around and meet his heated gaze. “Then take me home,” I breathe against his lips. He smiles wickedly and my insides tighten. He leans in close, and my breathe catches in my throat. I hope he can’t hear my heart racing because I can feel it jumping around widely, bouncing off my rib cage like a ping pong ball. We’re surrounded by a sea of people but I don’t see them.

  A loud crash echoes through the bar and mixes with the music, bursting our little bubble of euphoria. Graysons’ head whips up and I follow his gaze. Brody is standing toe-to-toe with someone, but his features are partially hidden by the dim lighting in the bar. Grayson wraps his hand around mine and he starts pushing through the throng of people to get to Brody. When we finally make it through, the person in front of Brody c
omes into view.


  I let go of Grayson’s hand and scurry to where Demi is standing.

  “You ok?” I whisper close to her ear. She looks at me and I see her eyes glistening with tears threatening to spill at any moment. She simply shakes her head ‘no’, so I wrap my arm around her shoulders and hug her tight. I turn my attention back to what’s going on in front of us but I don’t loosen my grip on Demi.

  “You have a lot of nerve showing up here,” Brody says in Tommy’s face. He shoves Tommy’s shoulder and that’s when Grayson steps in between the two.

  “This is not the place boys,” Grayson warns, his voice calm but stern.

  “The hell it isn’t,” Brody growls. “He shouldn’t be here after what he did.”

  Tommy takes a step forward, causing the tension to intensify. The atmosphere around us becomes thick, and to the outsider this would look like nothing more than a pissing contest between college boys. “After what I did?” Tommy snarls, “You were fucking my girlfriend behind my back for God knows how long. You’re supposed to be my friend, my team mate. And my brother. You betrayed me. I didn’t deserve that.”

  “You’re right. I betrayed you, and I’m sorry. But you had no right to smack her around,” Brody replies. His back is rigid, like he’s ready to fight.

  Tommy hangs is head in what I can only describe as shame. “I know. That was wrong of me. And I can’t take that back. But I am truly sorry.” He looks straight at Demi as he says it.

  He walks to where Demi and I are standing and her body goes stiff. The people around us go quiet, watching to see what he's going to do.

  He lifts his hand as if to touch her face but drops it in defeat when she flinches. Her eyes glaze over and her breathe falters. The look on his face is filled with regret, and maybe even love.

  "Is he good to you?" He asks softly. The question surprises me and I almost feel sorry for him. Almost.

  "Yes." Her voice cracks. I can see this is difficult for her, she's trembling and on the brink of crying.

  "Do you love him?"

  Demi looks over Tommy's shoulder and her eyes connect with Brody's. "More than anything."

  Tommy winces. Demi steps out of my embrace and reaches up to cup Tommy's cheek. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It just happened, and I was powerless to stop it. He's my destiny."

  Tommy sighs and his shoulders drop in surrender. "I'm sorry I hurt you. I have no excuse for what I did. But it’s my last night in town, and I need to know that you forgive me, that you don't hate me."

  "I forgive you." Tears spill onto her cheeks and she does what no one expected. She hugs him. He returns it and kisses her head. I am stunned and in awe of her ability to forgive him after what he did.

  "Goodbye Demi," he breathes. He lets her go and turns to disappear into the crowd. His friends follow and when Brody pulls Demi into his chest, she crumbles. My heart breaks for her. Walking away from someone who has been a permanent fixture in your life is never easy, but it took courage on her part to recognize that Tommy isn’t the one her heart belongs to. He never was.

  “You ready to leave?” Grayson asks. He smiles at me but it doesn’t reach his eyes. There’s a storm brewing behind them, and Grayson’s muscles are rigid.

  “Yes,” I sigh, “I think we’ve had enough fun and games for one night.”

  Grayson wraps his arm around me and leads me out the bar. Suddenly I feel drained, and I can’t imagine how Demi feels. The cool air hits my skin and a shiver travels up my spine. We step into the parking lot, moving towards Graysons truck.

  “Grayson?” a melodic voice calls from behind us.

  I turn to see who it came from but Grayson’s vice grip stops me. His body is frozen in place, and I watch his face transform into stone. He turns around, slowly, as if bracing himself for something.

  The girl in front of us is gorgeous. Her auburn hair hangs down to her waist in soft ringlets and makes her honey colored eyes shine. Her legs are a mile long and lead up to a tiny waist. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a model.


  The way Grayson says her name causes a sick feeling to emerge and root itself in my stomach. His tone drips with contempt. The way her eyes survey me makes my skin crawl. Instinctively, my body straightens and I slip my hand into Grayson’s.

  “What are you doing here?” It’s more of a bark than a question.

  Haley shuffles from one foot to the other before she answers. “You know why I’m here. It’s the second anniversary of Em –“

  “Don’t you dare speak my sisters’ name.” Grayson’s voice is low and menacing, his stance radiating anger. I look between the two of them and try to put the puzzle pieces together in my head. Something just doesn’t feel right.

  “Don’t be like that Gray,” she pleads. I hate the way she says his name. With ease and familiarity. The thought that they’ve been intimate crosses my mind and I realize that she could be an ex. My guess is I’m right.

  “You need to leave Haley. Now.”

  Grayson turns around and almost pulls my arm out of its socket. He opens the passenger side door to his truck and I get in, jumping when he slams it shut. I watch Haley disappear in my side mirror as we peel out of the parking lot. I’m so distracted by what just happened that I don’t even notice when Brody and Demi drive in the opposite direction, towards the house him and Grayson share.

  The drive to my apartment building is short, but an awkward silence fills the cab of the truck. Grayson’s anger and irritation comes off of him in waves, giving rise to my scrupulous thoughts and insecurities. I’m unsure of what to do, what to say, so I keep quiet until we get to my apartment. Grayson shuts the door and walks into the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge. He pops the cap and downs half the bottle in one swig. His actions have me feeling uneasy, feeding my unrelenting need to know what the hell just happened. Our entire night turned to shit in less than an hour, and whoever this Haley girl is, she obviously has some effect on Grayson. His reaction to her presence alone was distressing to me.

  “Are you going to tell me what that was about?” I ask quietly. I fiddle with the hem of my dress, my nerves getting the better of me. I’m worried about how he’s going to react. I’ve never seen him so angry and I never expected to see such an aggressive side to him. I don’t like it. I don’t like feeling on edge. It reminds me too much of my relationship with Jake.

  Grayson’s jaw ticks and he brushes past me, moving to the living room. I follow him.

  “Who was that girl Grayson?”

  My irritation flares when he doesn’t answer me. “Are you going to talk to me?”

  “Goddammit Huntley, will you stop with the fucking questions!” he yells.

  I flinch and resist the urge to run away and hide.

  “Why won’t you talk to me?”

  “Maybe I don’t want to fucking talk! Did you think of that?”

  I’m at a loss for words. The man standing in front of me is a stranger. The Grayson I know would never speak to me this way. My need for self-preservation wins and before he can see me break, I turn and walk to my room. I close the door and strip out of my clothes. After a few minutes, I hear his heavy footsteps coming down the hall way but I don’t look up when the door opens.

  I’m standing in my underwear when I feel him standing next to me.

  “I’m sorry,” he says softly. “I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you like that.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek to stop my tears from trickling over. Why am I so emotional? Almost everything makes me want to cry lately and it’s frustrating. I feel like I have no control over my own emotions.

  “I get that you’re angry, but you have to tell my why.”

  He scoffs. “Like you told my why you freaked out in the parking this afternoon? You haven’t exactly been open with me either.”

  My head shoots up and I frown at him. It’s my turn to get angry. “Are you kidding me? You know everything about
me Grayson, about my past! Forgive me for wanting to enjoy a night out before telling you my ex-boyfriend is in town!”

  “That’s why you freaked out when you saw that red Mustang? Because it belongs to your ex?”

  I look away and nod.

  “Why’s he here Huntley?”

  Keeping my stare fixed on my bed, I shake my head.

  “Tell me why,” he presses.

  “I don’t know!” I yell back in frustration. I can’t keep my tears in anymore and I feel them slip down my flushed cheeks.

  “You’re lying,” he accuses. “Why won’t you look at me?”

  “Because you’re hurting me!” I grab my gown and push past Grayson, rushing into the bathroom. I slam the door in his face and slide down the door. I cover my mouth to stifle the sob I feel clawing its way up my throat.

  His accusation not only rips at my old wounds but also leaves new ones in its wake.

  I’m not sure how much time passes, but when I stand up, my legs are stiff and my face is still wet. I clean my smudged make-up and wipe away my streaked mascara.

  Deep breath I tell myself.

  When I open the bathroom door, my bedroom is dark and empty. I contemplate changing into my pajamas and getting into bed but a muffled sound coming from the living room captures my attention. Pulling my robe tighter, I wonder down the hallway and find Grayson’s silhouette slouched over on the couch. Walking closer, I see his head hanging, resting between his palms.

  He sniffs and I realize the muffled sound came from him. He’s crying.

  There’s an inner war going on in my head and I consider leaving him alone. But seeing him this way pulls at my insides. My love for him trumps the anger I feel towards him at the moment and my body intuitively moves towards him. I sit down next to him and tuck my feet under my butt.

  And I wait…

  I will him to talk to me, to open up and tell me what has him in such turmoil. Relationships aren’t just about the good times or about the intimate moments. It’s about supporting each other through the challenges and hard times and coming out the other end together. I trusted him with the ghosts of my past and I wish he would place the same trust in me. Unconditionally and without hesitation.


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