Beneath Your Beautiful

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Beneath Your Beautiful Page 20

by Tamsyn Bester

  “Why did you stay?” my voice vibrates against her skin before I look into her worldly eyes. Her eyebrows dip in confusion and her eyes probe me. “Last night, when I told you about Haley and Emilie, you stayed. Why?”

  “Because nothing can make me run from you. We all have a past, some darker than others, but being broken doesn’t mean you can’t be loved. It just means there are more pieces of you for me to love.”

  And just like that everything else falls way and becomes meaningless outside of this moment. My life fell apart so that this girl can put it back together.

  “I love you,” I whisper against her lips.

  Her mouth curves up into a tender smile. “I love you more,” she breathes.

  We shower together, caressing each other and touching every piece of flesh with wet fingers. When our bodies are clean and thoroughly stroked, we get dressed and quietly prepare dinner together. Some part of our bodies are always touching and I sense that Huntley needs the contact as much I do. Feeling exhausted, Huntley wraps herself around me and I become addicted to the feel if it.

  I have no idea what she sees in me, or if I can be the kind of man she needs me to be.

  All I know is that I want to try.

  Chapter 23

  ~ Huntley ~

  Walking into the kitchen, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement coursing in the air. We’re getting ready to watch a football game at the stadium and the thought of seeing Grayson do what he does best sends a thrill through my body. Demi stopped dragging to me to Friday night football games when she realized I wasn’t lying about knowing nothing about football. Shocking right? My uncle is a football coach and my boyfriend is a quarterback, but neither of them have been able to get me to understand the game they both love. But after a rough week, and everything that happened with Grayson, I wanted to go tonight to support him.

  Demi, Brody and Grayson are standing around the island in the kitchen talking about the teams ‘game plan’ for tonight when Grayson looks up and sees me. His face lights up with the brightest smile. He saunters over to me with that sexy stride and the look in his eyes makes my insides go loopy.

  “That shirt looks good on you,” he grins. “I’m tempted to make you change so that no one except me will see you in it.”

  I laugh, looking down at the giant football shirt he asked me to wear. It has the number ‘17’ on it with ‘Carter’ in big white lettering on the back. But my favorite thing about it is that it’s one of his game shirts, not one of the shirts bought from the campus store. “You asked me to wear it, and the only way I’m getting out of it is if you take it off yourself.”

  He leans in close, our noses almost touching. I breathe in his warm, familiar scent. “That can be arranged,” he growls.

  “Promise?” I tease. He nods and I close the distance between our mouths. I kiss him softly but he deepens it, tasting and licking the soft flesh in my mouth. The deep sound that escapes from his throat causes my skin to break out in goosebumps. I can’t get close enough to him. Skin-on-skin isn’t enough anymore. I want more. I need more.

  A throat clears behind us, reminding me that we’re not alone.

  “Can you two at least warn us when you’re about to suck face? I would like to save myself from being mentally scarred for life,” Demi scolds.

  I pull away from Grayson giggling and my cheeks flush. Lately, I can’t stop myself from getting carried away with him, like my desire for him is stronger. I didn’t think that was possible.

  “We’ll warn you when you and Brody start using volume control. There’s only so many times we can listen to ‘oh fuck yes’ and ‘harder, Brody, harder’,” Grayson retorts, mimicking Demi’s voice. She gasps and her cheeks turn crimson. Brody laughs next to her and she smacks his shoulder, causing us to chuckle. “I’m not that loud,” Demi whines, the color in her cheeks turning a brighter shade of red. Brody wraps his arms around her waist and looks at her adoringly. “It’s ok babe,” he says, “I must be doing something right.”

  “Ok, ok, enough bedroom talk,” I chime in. “You boys better get going before Coach sends a search party.”

  “You’ll be alright going to the stadium on your own? My offer still stands for you to come with me.” Grayson scrunches his eyebrows together and puckers his lips, concern written all over his face. He’s been overprotective ever since I saw Jakes car and I love how much he cares about my safety. I’ve been walking around campus looking over my shoulder every five minutes and the feeling that I was being watched was overwhelming. But I don’t want to be scared anymore. If Jake is here then I will deal with it and until he shows face I refuse to go into hiding. I’m not that girl anymore.

  “Demi will be with me the entire time,” I assure him. “Right Dem?” I look to Demi for confirmation and she nods. “I won’t leave her side Gray, don’t worry.”

  I smile up at him and see his features relax slightly. He’s still unsure but doesn’t fight me. “Ok,” he acquiesces. “So I’ll just see you at my place afterwards, for the party?”

  “Yes, I will meet you there.” I press my lips against his one last time. “Good luck baby,” I breathe. He smiles and grabs his bags. “Huntley?”


  “Look for me on the field at half time ok?”

  “Ok.” My stomach does flip-flops and I feel giddy.

  Brody follows behind him and Demi sighs. Oh man we have it bad.

  We still have some time before we have to leave so I make some coffee and sit on one of the bar chairs in the kitchen.

  “Things seem to be going well with you two,” Demi states. She takes a seat next to me and watches me from over her cup.

  “Yeah, I guess things are good. It’s been a rough week but we got through it.”

  “Did he tell you about Haley?” she asks. I hear the caution in her voice and I wonder how much she knows. She grew up with Grayson so I assume she knew his sister too. And what happened to her.

  I nod. “Yes, he told me about her. He also told me about Emilie.”

  Demi’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “That’s big,” is all she says.


  Her inquiring gaze drops to the kitchen counter and she appears to be thinking something over. When she speaks, her voice is serious and her face contemplative. “It’s the first time he’s really spoken about Emilie. When she died, it was like part of him died with her. He became numb,” she pauses, “And then Haley left. He was a mess for months, gettin’ involved with some hussy’s to block out his hurt. We didn’t know if he’d ever be happy again.”

  I don’t tell her about how he broke down and told me everything. Not because I don’t trust her, but because I think it’s too private to share. It’s not my place and I don’t want to break Graysons’ trust in me.

  “Until he met you,” she continues. “He’s happier. You put that little spark of life back in his eyes and when he looks at you, it’s impossible to miss the love that shines through.”

  The weight of her words sink in and the flame inside my soul that burns for Grayson flickers, burning a little bit brighter. It warms me from the inside to know that I do for him what he does for me. Brings me to life.

  “I love him,” I whisper. “So much that it terrifies and exhilarates me at the same time.”

  Demi’s soft smile makes me feel at ease with my admission. There’s understanding in her eyes, speaking volumes but without saying a word.

  “He loves you too.” Her statement makes my smile. It has as much certainty in it as if you were to state that the sky is blue and know that without a doubt it’s true.

  “Are you ready to go?” she asks in her next breath, clapping and bouncing on her feet excitedly. Her enthusiasm is both contagious and compelling and I find myself wanting to bounce and clap right along with her.

  I nod and we head out the door, making our way down to my grey Jeep.

  The stadiums parking lot is almost full when we arrive but we manage to find a spot in
the corner. Fans are hovering everywhere, creating a noticeable jolt of anticipation in the atmosphere. Getting out my Jeep, my awareness of my surroundings instinctively increases and I find myself observing the face of every guy with sandy blonde hair and a lean, muscular build. I sigh inwardly when I don’t recognize them and casually start making my way towards the stadium entrance with Demi at my side. We walk in and Demi releases a squeal of delight, looking bright eyed and bushy tailed. There isn’t an open seat anywhere, save for the people still entering the stadium. My nerves twist and turn in my belly as we take our seats right in front of the fifty yard line. Of course Grayson would have gotten us two of the best seats; he’ll want to be able to see me during the game. Silly boy. I don’t want him worrying about me when he has guys charging at him during the game. I just hope I won’t have to watch him get hurt, that will be my undoing.

  The noise dies down and the announcers’ voice booms through the speakers. It becomes eerily quiet, everyone waiting for our boys in black and gold to run onto the field. When the heads of our team come streaming out of the tunnel, pandemonium erupts and the crowd goes wild. I watch as Grayson jogs onto the field with his team mates, commanding his team with the power and authority I’ve come to recognize. My eyes travel the length of his body, stopping a bit longer where the material of his pants hugs his butt and thighs. I never understood why girls swooned over the way a football player looks in his uniform, but seeing the way the material clings to Graysons’ skin and shows off every muscle, I finally get it. My need for him grows and heat pools between my legs. The thought of wrapping my legs around his lean waist while his legs tense with each thrust is enough to make me explode right here. The feeling is purely animalistic.

  He catches me looking at him and he smirks. He’s developed an uncanny ability to read my thoughts, especially when they’re about him, and judging by the glint in his eyes, he knows what I’m thinking right now. Because he’s thinking it too.

  I grin seductively and blow him a kiss, laughing when he pretends to catch it and throw one back my way. I love his playful side. Oh, who am I kidding, I love every side of my complicated man.

  The other team makes their way onto the field and both sides get into position. Despite knowing next to nothing about this sport, I’m excited to see Grayson in action. I look to my left and can practically see the drool coming from Demi’s mouth as she watches Brody. When I look back at the field, it’s just in time for the first play. Brody snaps the ball to Grayson, who calls out a play, and passes the ball to one of his wide receivers. He then runs in the opposite direction, while his linemen run in front of him, and catches the ball thrown back from the wideout. The crowd screams as his linemen lead him downfield, gaining some good yardage before the other teams’ defense intercepts them.

  By half time, the other team is leading by three points but knowing Uncle Alex, he’ll definitely have a trick or two up his sleeve. The half time whistle blows and the teams head back towards their locker rooms. Grayson catches my eye and motions for me to come to the railing. I walk towards him as he hops onto the cement block on the other side of the rails and when I reach him, he doesn’t wait to catch his breath before pulling me in for a kiss. He’s hot and sweaty, which only heightens the rush I feel as our lips and tongues collide. Cheers and whistles come from behind me but I’m too preoccupied to care. Grayson pulls away, aware that he doesn’t have much time before the second half, and smiles his megawatt smile. The sight of him makes my knees want to buckle but I hold on to his shirt like it’s a lifeline.

  “I’m going to win this one for you my beautiful girl,” he breathes, trying to catch his breath. I return his smile and can’t help the butterflies that take flight in my belly.

  “Win for me, and I’ll make sure you’re rewarded,” I tease wickedly. I lean in close, whispering in his ear, “I’m ready for you to strip me out of this shirt and take me from behind.”

  I cheer myself on inwardly when I lean back to look into Graysons’ eyes and see them widen as understanding flashes across his face. He loves it when I talk dirty and I know it’s a fantasy of his to see me on my hands and knees while he takes me from behind. A shiver of anticipation travels down my spine and coils in my belly, setting the butterflies on fire and making my body feel ablaze.

  I kiss him one last time before he jumps down in a daze and disappears into the tunnel. I turn around and head back to my seat, only to find Graysons’ ex-girlfriend, Haley, shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I stand a little taller and meet her glare head-on. Yes bitch, he’s mine. There’s a challenge in her stare and I gladly accept it before turning to face the field. Bring it on bitch.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Demi asks next to me. She looks at Haley from over her shoulder and I giggle when I see her scowl. Her face scrunches up like a bull dog and I have to cover my mouth to stifle my hysterical laugh.

  “Dem, just ignore her,” I say through my laughter. “She’s not worth it.”

  Demi clucks her tongue and turns to face me with a serious expression on her face. “If I were you, I’d keep Grayson far, far away from that bitch. It wouldn’t surprise me if she tried to get back with him.”

  “I really hope we don’t see her at the party.”

  Before I can overthink Demi’s warning, and worry myself sick, Grayson and his team jog back onto the field. When our eyes meet he winks at me and my skin prickles at his silent promise. Uncle Alex’s expression is stoic, giving nothing away, but I can see his focus and determination. Grayson and his teammates huddle together briefly before taking their positions on the field and getting themselves ready for another grueling half-game.

  When the whistle blows and Brody snaps the ball to Grayson, my eyes follow his every move but my mind turns Demi’s words over and over again, wondering if there’s any truth behind her warning. What if Haley does show up the party and tries something with Grayson? How will he react? More importantly, how will I react?

  The crowd around me erupts into cheers and brings me back to the present moment. Graysons’ team is now tied with the opposition, giving them a chance to actually win.

  With five minutes left in the second half, the score still remains tied. Uncle Alex stands on the side talking to Grayson and his hands move animatedly in the air. Grayson gives a stern nod of his head and relays whatever it is Uncle Alex said to him, to his team mates. The stadium goes quiet as we wait with baited breath to see who’s going to win the game. With two minutes left on the clock, I resist the urge to cover my eyes and yell “I can’t watch”. My gaze is glued to Grayson.

  “I think they’re going for a hail mary,” Demi gasps. Her eyes go wide as she watches the team take their formation.

  “What does that mean?” I ask, failing miserably at hiding my confusion.

  “It’s basically a really long pass that has little chance of actually working, but I don’t see any other option. The oppositions’ defense is strong.” She pauses, “Shit. I hope Coach knows what he’s doing.”

  Brody snaps the ball up to Grayson one last time and I hear a collective gasp come from the entire crowd. Grayson runs backwards a few yards and just as the other teams’ defenders charge at him, the ball flies through the air and gets caught by one of our wide receivers. Grayson sprints down the field and when it looks like it’s all over for us, the ball leaves the hands of the wide receiver and lands safely in Graysons’ grasp once again. The stadium explodes with noise as Grayson hurls himself into the air and lands the winning touchdown. My chest deflates and I release the air I was holding in my lungs. I join the crowd and start cheering for our teams’ victory.

  As the crowd moves towards the exits, Demi and I are shoved every which way before we get the chance to run onto the field. I wanted to congratulate Grayson, but I guess I’ll have to wait until I see him at his house. It takes just over an hour for the parking lot to empty out, and by the time we arrive in front of Grayson and Brody’s house, the lawn and front porch are already sw
arming with people while the heavy bass from the music travels from every open window in the house. Holy shit. There are way more people here than I expected.

  “You ready to party like a rock star?” Demi asks excitedly from the passenger seat. She jumps out before I can respond and I follow suit.

  “I guess so,” I mutter under my breath. We push through the throng of people on the porch, only to be met by another crowd of party goers in the living room. People are grinding and rubbing up against each other in time to the beat of the music. Guys are gathered around the kitchen, filling up red plastic cups with beer from the keg in front of them. I look around, eagerly searching for Grayson and when I don’t find him I make my upstairs and towards his room.

  The door’s closed but instead of knocking, I decide to surprise him. He’s probably in the shower, and I would have no problem seeing him dripping wet, in nothing but a towel. Or nothing at all I think to myself haughtily. Opening the door, I immediately wish I had knocked, not that it would make the scene in front of me disappear any quicker.

  Grayson is standing in his room, a towel wrapped around his lean waist, just as I had hoped for. Except the girl pressed against him with her tongue down his throat isn’t me. Her hair is brown, and hangs to her tiny waist that is connected to legs a mile long. Nope, definitely not me.

  It’s Haley.

  I feel the vomit clawing its way up my dry throat and when I try to speak, it comes out as a strangled whisper. It feels like minutes go by but in reality it’s only seconds. Grayson pushes Haley away and yells “What the fuck!” before he hears my strangled gasp for air. I want to scream and shout and slap him, but I do none of those things. Tears sting my eyes and all the excitement I had coursing through my veins turns to dust. Grayson takes a step towards me, saying my name but I don’t hear it above the sprinting thump of my heartbeat echoing loudly in my ears. The smug look on Haley’s face is what finally gets me to move. I race down the stairs, not caring about who’s in my way. Grayson yells from behind me but I don’t stop until I’m outside. I pass Demi and Brody as they laugh and then watch their expressions change when they see me charge past them with Grayson hot on my heels. I jump into my Jeep and turn the ignition just when Grayson appears breathless next to my open window.


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