The Pleasures of Summer

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The Pleasures of Summer Page 23

by Evie Hunter

  It was curiously freeing. The decision had been made. She was being spanked. She relaxed still more. Without her volition, her legs parted, allowing her to sink down more comfortably onto the table. This position made her more vulnerable even while she was more secure.

  Summer wondered what would happen if she used her safe word. He might stop. She didn’t want to risk it. ‘Bully,’ she hissed instead.

  The spanking continued.

  Now her pussy was exposed, and she could feel wetness down her thighs. She couldn’t be aroused. This hurt. But the pain was merging into a different sensation, a bright sparkling prickle that surrounded her body. Unconsciously, she tilted her hips a little more, offering herself more fully to that rock-hard hand.

  She needed something, but she had lost the ability to think. Words had deserted her. She could only feel, and she sank deeper; the table and Flynn’s hard hands the only reality in her universe.

  Close, she was so close. ‘Mmm,’ she murmured. That wasn’t right. She was on the edge of something. ‘Please,’ she managed.

  Everything stopped. The silence was shocking. Her ears had become accustomed to the steady smack of his hand against her bottom. What had happened?

  She forced her eyes open and looked around.

  Flynn was standing back from the table. His hands were steady, but there was a dark flush on his sharp cheekbones. ‘That’s enough. You’ve been punished.’

  She shifted against the table. She was so close. Now she could recognize the rise to orgasm, and she was almost there. It would only take a touch to send her over. She pressed down against the table edge.

  Then Flynn was there, helping her to straighten up, pulling her shirt down to cover her decently and holding her, as her unsteady legs were not up to the job. She was torn between begging him to continue and being mortified at the idea that he might know how close to climax she was.

  She raised her head. Flynn’s face was flushed and his nostrils were wide. He might claim this was a punishment for her, but he was affected too. Did he know what he had done to her? She caught the flicker of triumph in his eyes.

  ‘You stopped deliberately.’ She couldn’t believe it.

  His voice was steady. ‘As I said, you’ve been punished.’ He turned away. ‘I’ll make breakfast this morning. You can set the table.’

  Flynn kept a close eye on Summer for the rest of the day. She had needed that spanking but he wished it hadn’t been a punishment. He’d much rather have given her a slow, sensual, over-the-knee spanking where he could warm her up and see how far he could push her.

  She had surprised him. He chuckled silently. There had been nothing passive about Summer when she was being spanked. He hadn’t realized she even knew some of the names she had called him. So much for a convent education!

  It had taken her a long time to realize that she was going to get spanked, no matter what she said. Did she really think that she could ride roughshod over him the way she did with everyone else in her life? He hadn’t missed the way her body had softened halfway through, when she accepted that he was in charge.

  Something in Summer had responded to that giving up of control.

  He made breakfast for her, fried eggs and mushrooms. It wasn’t as elegant as Summer would have done but it was food. She winced slightly as she sat down and shot an accusing glance at him, but didn’t complain. Not even when she found a bit of eggshell in her eggs.

  He considered taking her out for some self-defence training, but decided she would be too sore to concentrate. Instead, they foraged for wild food, with Flynn keeping a wary eye for the wildcat that had killed the rabbit. Summer picked wild garlic, dandelion leaves and nettles. She determinedly didn’t mention the spanking and concentrated on her hunt, but the edge that often sharpened her voice was gone.

  She was full of energy and insisted on extending the search into the woodlands.

  Later, she cooked dinner, showing off her ability to make a rabbit stew served with wild leaves. Afterwards she washed up without a single dig about lazy men. Until she pricked her finger on a sharp knife and burst into uncharacteristic tears.

  Sub drop. Flynn had been expecting it and cuddled her while she cried herself out. He rocked her in his arms and fought against the desire to hold her like this every evening.


  As he had expected, Summer crashed that evening. One minute she was arguing about the ethics of fur, the next she was yawning and slumped against him. She didn’t even put up a fight when he sent her to bed. It always amazed him how much a spanking could take it out of a girl.

  He climbed into bed when he was certain she was asleep, still unsure what to do. This was the perfect point to put a distance between them. After this morning, she wasn’t filled with soft and fluffy feelings. It would take very little to have her really pissed at him.

  She rolled against him in her sleep. Her sweetly rounded butt nestled into his groin with predictable results. On the other hand, he thought, could he really resist her?

  That damned wildcat seemed to have found a new hobby – annoying him. At least once every hour, it tripped the perimeter alarm, sending him out to check that it was only the cat and not a tango.

  When he came in from his fifth fruitless chase through the woods, he decided that he would have to reset the perimeter alarms to allow the cat to come and go as it pleased, or he would have to get rid of the cat. That wasn’t an option he wanted to take. So he went out a sixth time, chasing after it again.

  At least it had got Summer into the habit of staying put when he told her. When she complained about being stuck indoors while it rained, he told her that they would be doing blow jobs 101 that evening.

  As dinnertime approached, he could see her getting more nervous. For someone who was normally neat and competent in the kitchen, she was all thumbs and dropped two eggs. She stared at the smashed yolks on the wooden floor and looked as if she was about to burst into tears.

  ‘Here.’ He handed her a small glass of his favourite tipple. Niall had sent him a bottle and he had been saving it. This seemed as good an occasion as any.

  ‘What is it?’ she asked, wiping an unexpected dampness from her eyes.

  ‘Baileys.’ She took a sip and allowed the sweet, creamy taste to wash over her tongue. ‘Don’t laugh,’ he told her. ‘I get enough hassle from the guys about it.’

  ‘You do?’

  ‘Sure. It’s not a macho drink. In fact, there was a case in the Cameroon where two guys were arrested for looking gay because they ordered Baileys in a bar.’

  She took another sip. ‘I can’t imagine that anyone would look at you and think that.’

  He grinned back at her. ‘You’re about to find out. Let’s eat.’

  After dinner, he stoked up the fire and spread all the quilts in front of it. He had been considering the best way to introduce Summer to the pleasures of a good blow job. The woman kneeling in front of the man was traditional because it was a great position, but he suspected it would set all sorts of alarm bells ringing for her. So he stripped off his clothes and lay down in front of the fire.

  She was sitting at the table, determinedly holding onto her glass. He patted the quilt beside him. ‘Come and join me. You can’t reach me from over there.’

  She squared her shoulders and rose. ‘What do I do?’

  ‘Whatever you like. Do what appeals to you, and I’ll guide you as you learn.’

  She sat down beside him, still fully clothed, and reached out a tentative hand to his chest. For someone who had already seen so much of him, she was surprisingly shy.

  ‘Oh, one thing before we start,’ he told her. ‘I won’t come in your mouth.’

  That took her attention away from his nipples. ‘Why not? I thought this was about teaching me to like the taste.’

  ‘That comes later. You have to earn the right for me to come in your mouth.’


  He ignored her outrage. ‘Think of it as a sort of graduation c
eremony. When you get really good at blow jobs, then I will.’

  ‘It’s great to be a Dom,’ she grumbled but he could see the tension easing in her.

  He allowed her to lick and kiss her way down his torso. His cock, always interested when Summer was around, was already erect and hard. She had started kneeling beside him, but when he didn’t pounce on her, she lay down so that she was closer to him.

  She laid her head on his abs, tracing the line of hair from his navel down to his groin, and examining the head of his cock from close quarters. The top of it was shiny with a drop of pre-cum. Summer leaned closer and licked it off.

  ‘That’s all you are going to get until you earn it,’ he told her.

  She glared at him, and then returned her attention to his cock. Visibly bracing herself, she took it in her hand. Her fingers were cool and he jerked. God, this was going to be torture.

  ‘A little tighter,’ he told her. ‘That’s it.’

  She obeyed, and then explored the different textures of his cock and balls. Then she leaned down and sucked in the crown.

  Flynn fought to keep his eyes from crossing. He would never get tired of her mouth. ‘Good girl,’ he said with an effort. ‘No sucking yet. Just let it get comfortable in your mouth. Swirl your tongue over it.’

  She did, and he had to take a deep breath to control the urge to thrust. Instead he lay back and allowed her to get used to the feel of him in her mouth. She moved her head to a different angle, so that she could explore the sensitive underside with her tongue. Unbidden, she began to suck.

  Flynn threaded his hand into her hair and pulled her back. ‘No, we haven’t got to that stage yet. First, you’re going to do a lot of licking. Make friends with it.’

  ‘You’re kidding me,’ she said, but she did what he said. Her agile tongue danced up and down, making his cock wet and slippery. When she brought her hands into play as well, and caressed his balls at the same time, he had to fight to stay in control.

  Seeing Summer like this did things to his insides, twisted them in complicated ways he didn’t want to deal with. He had planned this little lesson to get back in the driving seat and remind Summer that she had to obey him, for now at least. But this was backfiring badly. Summer had the power to turn him into her slave if he didn’t get a grip.

  Summer was now more relaxed and clearly enjoying what she was doing. Flynn guided her down again, with her head on his stomach and her body aligned with his. This way, he could enjoy caressing her as she worked. ‘I think you’re ready to go to proper sucking now,’ he said, proud that his voice still worked.

  Without another word, Summer obliged, sucking the head of his penis deep into the hot recesses of her mouth. Again, he had to hold her head to slow her down. ‘This isn’t a race and I’m not going to come in your mouth.’ Even if it killed him. And it just might. ‘Forget that idea.’

  He guided her into a slow, easy rhythm, one that she could maintain and which he loved. No doubt about it, having a beautiful woman sucking his cock was one of the best things in the world. Having Summer do it was mind-blowing.

  For a while she was content to go at his pace, relaxing in the fire-lit dimness of the croft. Then she upped the ante and tightened her lips, sucking harder and speeding up. She had obviously decided that she could ignore what he had said.

  Flynn allowed himself to enjoy the tightening of his balls and the feeling of his juices gathering itself for release. It would take very little to tip him over the edge.

  Summer sucked harder and caressed his balls. So close. It would be so easy to come between her luscious lips. But as his orgasm swept over him, he pulled her head back and away from his cock.

  He tilted his hips, and watched the semen pulse from the end, spurt after spurt, and land precisely in the fire. It was a stupid trick, one he had perfected as a randy teenager, but it was effective. Summer’s eyes were as round as saucers.

  When the sixth spurt had found its mark, he allowed himself to relax.

  ‘That was naughty,’ he told her.

  She had been watching the fire hiss, but that jerked her attention back to him. ‘You’re kidding, right? I just gave you a great BJ.’ Indignation had flushed her cheeks and she looked adorable.

  He shook his head. ‘Now you have to start again. This time under my direction.’ He poured her another glass of Baileys. She took a couple of sips. He stood up. ‘We’ll try it my way this time.’ And he urged her to her knees.

  His cock had softened, but just the sight of her kneeling in front of him, looking up with that combination of submission and rebellion, sent the blood surging to it again.

  ‘Go on, lick it and get it hard again.’ Her hands were so much softer than his, but he enjoyed the difference. She licked her way up and down, fascinated with the way it hardened under her touch. ‘Pay particular attention to the point where the head joins the stem,’ he told her and she obeyed.

  God, this was so good. He locked his knees to make sure he didn’t fall over.

  He caught a handful of her hair. ‘Now open your mouth and let it slide in.’ He guided her as he moved, being carefully not to go too deep. He didn’t want her gagging. He let her set the pace for a few minutes, and then stopped her.

  ‘Have some more Baileys.’

  ‘Are you trying to get me drunk?’ Summer asked suspiciously.

  ‘No, you’re not allowed to swallow it.’ He laughed at the expression on her face, but she took a mouthful. He slid his cock back between her lips. The coolness of the drink hit him first, then the tingle of the alcohol on his skin. The hair on the back of his neck stood up.

  He held her eyes with his own as he moved slowly and gently. She tried to drop her gaze, but he told her to watch him. He wanted to see everything she was feeling.

  Summer gripped his buttocks tightly. Her nails felt amazingly good digging into him. As he fed his cock into her mouth, controlling the speed and depth, he could not only see her face change but feel the way her nails dug into him. She was almost as aroused as he was. The knowledge made him want to howl with pride – and something else he didn’t want to name.

  He stopped, allowed her to take off her top, and to have another mouthful of Baileys. This time he went a little faster, but insisted on keeping control. Summer tried to make him go faster, urging him on with her nails, but he resisted.

  He had lost track of time when the juice gathered in his balls. Summer felt it too, and sucked harder. ‘Oh no, you don’t.’ She was going to beg before he’d let her swallow his cum.

  He pulled back, out of her mouth. His orgasm hit, just as she grabbed his cock. He wasn’t sure what she had intended, but jet after jet of cum ended up on her breasts.

  She had never looked so beautiful as she did now, kneeling in front of him, her lips shiny and wet, and pearls of cum marking her as his. He wanted to howl with triumph.

  Summer looked down at herself, as if surprised. She raised her eyebrows and grinned. ‘I’m pretty sure I read in Cosmo that this stuff is good for the skin.’ She rubbed it in, circling around her nipple, and causing his blood pressure to rise again.

  She got to her feet. ‘I suppose it’s bedtime now.’ She smelled of him.

  Flynn swallowed. How the fuck was he supposed to sleep beside her now?


  Summer laughed as she got back to the croft before Flynn. Okay, she had surprised him with a sprint just as they were in sight of the door, but who cared? She had won. ‘Loser, loser,’ she crowed, dancing around the kitchen. She was fitter than she had been for years, and that was just her daytime exercise.

  Flynn mock-scowled at her, but she wasn’t fooled. He was delighted at her progress. As well he might be. If there was a degree in Creative Kink, she reckoned she deserved a Masters.

  She had finally got her Kindle back and had read all the books she had downloaded. It was interesting to see which ones held up to the sensual education she was getting.

  He nuzzled her neck. ‘You smell delicious.�

  ‘Are you mad? I’m sweaty and I stink.’

  ‘As I said, delicious.’

  ‘Pervert!’ She pushed him away and looked to see what she could make quickly. ‘How about a herb omelette instead?’ she asked.

  ‘Omelette first,’ he said, but allowed her to cook. She broke some eggs into a small bowl and beat them. They were low on food again. Flynn would have to ring his mysterious source and have some more delivered.

  ‘Penny for them.’

  She hadn’t heard Flynn come up behind her. The man was as stealthy as a cat. Her arm jerked and she splashed her T-shirt with beaten egg. ‘Now, look at what you’ve done. That’s my last clean T-shirt.’

  Summer stuck her fork into the eggs and flung some of the mixture at him. It landed squarely in the middle of his bare chest and Flynn gave her a look that told her she had made a big mistake.

  He wiped it away with his hand and she giggled when the egg white clung to his fingers. ‘I believe it’s good for the complexion,’ he said, with an edge to his voice that threatened retaliation.

  Summer waved the bowl at him. ‘Oh, yeah? You seem to forget that I’m holding the ammunition.’

  Catching another dollop on the fork, she flipped it in his direction. He avoided the oozing missile easily and dived for her. Summer squealed as he put his arms around her and she struggled against him. Holding her against him with only one arm, he took the bowl from her and set it down.

  Giggling helplessly, she continued to struggle as he carried her to the table. ‘You brat. You’re asking for another punishment.’

  She was torn between letting him do his worst, and seeing how far she could push him. She kicked out in one of the moves she had learned from him during the endless self-defence training and landed a lucky blow on his shin.

  Flynn hissed in reaction. Score one for the girl! ‘You little wretch,’ he said.

  He deposited her on the table and turned to grab a rope. Summer swung her legs around and dropped to the floor, heading for the ladder.


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