A Christmas Treasure [The Men of Treasure Cove 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Christmas Treasure [The Men of Treasure Cove 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 11

by Rebecca Joyce

  Jeff was about to check on Janie when Jordan walked in the front door, arguing into his phone, “No, Charlotte, we cannot drive to Arizona. I don’t care if they have the technology to determine if the parasite is a blood-sucking alien that will shoot out of your stomach. I said no! Charlotte, if you don’t stop watching that movie, I will throw that DVD in the trash when I get home. No! I am not renting two and three so you can get more data!” Waving, Jordan rolled his eyes, and he pointed toward the hallway. Jeff knew he wanted to give the phone to Janie. Nodding, Jeff stepped aside as Jordan damn near sprinted down the hall.

  Jeff snickered as Jordan passed him and headed for the kitchen.

  “Thank God. Normal people,” he muttered, sitting down at the small table. “How’s everything in here?”

  “We’re good. Macie and Annie took off a little bit ago, and Maria needed to run into town for a few things. Don’t worry, she took the ranch hands with her,” Kelly informed him. “Look, Jeff, Micah, and I were gonna head on home after he gets the water out of Jordan’s car, but I don’t think Jordan is going to be much help, so if you need us to stay, we can.”

  “No. It looks like everything is under control. You two head on home and thanks for doing this.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Kelly said as Micah walked in with two cases of water.

  “I don’t get it. All of us have well water. That’s some of the best dang water I’ve ever tasted, so why do we need bottled water?” Micah mumbled as he set the cases down. Laughing, Jeff explained, “Because my sister-in-law cannot cook, at all. The last time she cooked anything she made piss water and served it to Jordan.”

  Kelly gasped and immediately jumped to Charlotte’s defense. “That is still speculation, Jeffery. Braxton was never able to have the soup tested.”

  “You know damn well that hell cat did it.” Jeff laughed.

  “Maybe, maybe not, and until she confesses, which she won’t, it’s all conjecture.”

  “Whatever,” Jeff smiled, kissing her cheek, then turned to Micah and said, “She pissed in his soup.” Jeff left the kitchen in search of his brother.

  * * * *

  “You ready to go, honeybee?” Micah asked.

  “Yeah,” Kelly replied.

  The ride home was a quiet one as Kelly snuggled up to Micah in the cab of his truck. She loved spending time with each of her husbands. Quality quiet times were few and far between these days, especially having little Molly around underfoot, but Kelly wouldn’t change a thing. She loved that little girl to death. She had been thinking about having one of her own for the last month or so, yet something had been holding her back from talking about it with her men. She knew that Molly would love and adapt to a sibling, but she wasn’t sure how Micah and Daniel would handle having a newborn in the house. The few times they were around Macie and her twins, her men seemed antsy and eager to head for the hills.

  However, with everyone having babies, she knew there was a possibility that was the reason for her new line of thinking. Yet, even when she submersed herself in work and helping others, the lingering thought was never far from her mind.

  “You’re awfully quiet over there, honeybee. Something on your mind?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “About what?”

  Oh, that I want to get fat and have yours and Daniel’s babies. I want kids running up and down the stairs driving us nuts. I want to fill our house with children, and someday have grandchildren.

  “It’s nothing important.” She smiled, snuggling closer into him. The rest of the ride home was in complete silence, and she was thankful for that. Even though she tried to ignore the pull in her heart to broach the subject, she just couldn’t do it. Her men had been through so much already, and they were acclimating well to civilian life. Everything was quiet and structured. Having a baby would just bring a chaos and she felt her men were not ready for that yet.

  Therefore, she decided to keep her thought to herself.

  They made it home without fanfare. The weather held out until they pulled into the drive. The area was forecasted to get another three-to-six inches tonight, and more tomorrow. The area already looked like a winter wonderland, and when they pulled into the drive, she smiled because Daniel had turned on the Christmas lights, illuminating their home. Their two-story Victorian house looked like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting, right down to the Christmas tree in the window.

  * * * *

  Micah knew something was wrong with Kelly. She had a far-off look when she was thinking hard about something important. Typically, she confided in him or Daniel about what was concerning her, but this time she didn’t. None of them kept secrets, so this was new territory for him. After helping her into the house, she shed her coat and walked upstairs to check on Molly.

  He found Daniel in their office. Sitting at his desk, he leaned back and closed his eyes. He was so thankful to be home. Not that he minded helping out Jeff and Caleb, but after spending the day with family and people he barely knew, well, his nerves were strained. All he wanted now was to lock up the house, take a hot shower, and sink into his wife’s delectable little body. Right after he figured out what she was hiding.

  “You talk to Kelly lately about anything important?” Micah asked Daniel, who was working on the preliminary workup for a new prospective client.

  “No. Why?”

  “I don’t know. My gut is telling me she’s hiding something.”

  “We don’t keep secrets. Could you have misread her?”

  “Possibly, but Kelly is an open book. She wears her thoughts and feelings on her face. She’s rather easy to read.”

  Daniel grinned. “Yeah, she is.”

  “I get the feeling she wants to ask us something but she’s afraid to,” Micah insinuated.

  “There is no reason for her to be afraid. Unless she feels it would upset us, but even then, we figure out a way to work past whatever it is that would bother us. We’ve never denied her anything.”

  Sighing, Micah replied, “I know. Maybe I just read her wrong.”

  “That would be a first, Lieutenant,” Daniel stated with a shocked expression.

  “Well, there’s a first time for everything.”

  “How about we go upstairs and ask her together?” Daniel asked. They headed upstairs and found her sitting on the edge of their bed, dressed in a pretty yellow nightgown, looking out the window. The room was dark, minus the light from the bathroom.


  Kelly slowly turned toward them, her face a mask of indecision.

  “Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked, turning to look out the window again. “I remember when I was a little girl I would sit and watch the snow fall for hours. My daddies would find me asleep, curled up on my window seat all the time.”

  Sitting next to her, Micah grabbed her hands. She turned to look at him, and that was when he saw her tears. His heart fell. “Kelly, please talk to us. Whatever it is, we can fix it, and if we can’t, then we will buy a new one.”

  “Micah’s right, angel. There is nothing we won’t do for you. We will move heaven and earth to put a smile back on your face,” Daniel said, kneeling beside her.

  “Are you happy with the way things are?” she asked.

  Unsure where she was going with this, Micah looked at Daniel, who just shrugged his shoulders. “Kelly, we love you. What is this about?”

  “Babies,” she sniffed and looked away.

  “What about babies?” Daniel asked.

  “I want babies. I want to fill this house with children. I want the laughter, the giggles, the frustration, the sleepless nights, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, PTA meetings, sleepovers, birthday parties. I want it all.”

  “And you were afraid to ask because of how Daniel and I react to chaos?” Micah grinned.

  “I didn’t want to overwhelm either of you. You both have made so many concessions where my family is concerned. I know they can be a handful, but I promise you our family wouldn’t be like
that. I can keep it all contained to a minimum, I know I can,” she said.

  “Angel, you might want to call my momma. I was a hell-raiser. There wasn’t anything that could contain me. I remember a time when my dad tried hog-tying me to the corral. Yeah, I think I escaped quicker than Houdini,” Daniel grinned.

  “Same here, honeybee. I can’t remember a time where I wasn’t getting my butt tanned from some adventure that went horribly wrong. Hell, I spent my younger years as a frequent flyer in the emergency room.” Micah laughed.

  “But that was before.” She smiled, wiping her tears away. “You’re both different now. Babies can be chaotic and very stressful for someone suffering from PTSD,” she advised.

  “And so could seeing our wife yearn for something that we can easily give her,” Micah said, grinning. “Baby, if you want babies, Daniel and I are more than up for the job.”

  “Really up for the job,” Daniel seconded, running his hands slowly up her legs.

  Laughing, she swatted at Daniel’s hands. “Is that all you think of?” she asked him.

  “Oh, angel, if making babies with you means I get more time in your delectable little body, then bring on the baby making.”

  Kelly stood and walked into Micah’s arms. Flinging themselves at one another, they kissed passionately, eager to erase the worry and indecision that had plagued her. Soon, clothes were flying, and it was only moments before they flopped onto the king-sized bed for a frenzied coupling and the start of a new adventure.

  “I can’t believe we’re really going to do this,” Kelly whispered as they cuddled in the large bed, Daniel slipping in behind her, kissing her neck.

  “Thank you, for everything,” she whispered.

  “We’re the ones thankful, angel. I hope this turns out to be everything that you’ve imagined. Now, let’s get on with the baby making.”

  Micah pulled her to himself, kissing her hard before letting his lips drift down her neck, finding the special spot where it joined her shoulder. Kelly took the cue to search out Daniel’s lips again, moaning into his open mouth as Micah cupped her breast. Micah continued his exploration. Soon his lips found her hard nipple. At the same time, Daniel followed suit, using his teeth to nip her shoulder before latching onto her left nipple with another warm mouth.

  “This is so incredible,” Kelly exclaimed as she lay back against the pillows, her head thrown back, two hot mouths sucking her nipples. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

  Micah followed her request but added to the sensation by sliding his right hand downward, seeking her heat. Sliding his fingers over her pussy, he allowed them to dance lightly over her swollen lips. He avoided her clitoris as he rubbed her lips with two fingers, a wishbone surrounding her throbbing shaft, completing the tease by squeezing her lips together, compressing the clit between them while sliding fingers and thumb up and down.

  Both men continued to suck and nibble on her erect, needy nipples. Arching her back, she slid a hand around each head, pulling the hungry mouths tighter against her breasts as Micah inserted two fingers into her hot, wet pussy. Quickly locating her G-spot, he made small circles with his fingertips on the ridged flesh. As the G-spot became firmer with her arousal, Micah dragged his teeth against her nipple, feeding her need for more intense sensation. Kelly moaned her approval, running her fingers through his hair.

  Micah twisted his fingers within her pussy, allowing thick knuckles to massage her G-spot repeatedly as he rotated them. As her hips began to move, he added a slow thrusting to the twisting motion and bit down more forcefully on her nipple.

  “Oh yes,” she cried as she rode out her orgasm.

  Micah eased his fingers from her tight pussy, moving up further on the bed. With his lips close to her ear, he whispered to her, “Tell Daniel how you taste, honeybee,” while offering his wet fingers to her eager mouth.

  Her soft moan was all the invitation Daniel needed. Wasting no time, he put one of her legs over each of his shoulders and dove right in. His tongue lapped eagerly at her sweet juices, feverishly covering her pussy with a series of licks.

  “This is what you thought it would be like to create a life?” Micah asked, kissing her neck. Kelly could only whimper weakly in response. Nevertheless, her back arched again, offering her right breast to his large, soft hand as he nuzzled her neck and shoulder.

  Kelly’s hips had started moving as her pleasure expanded. Daniel inserted his large finger into her pussy, which tightened around the welcomed intruder. Concentrating on her writhing, needy pussy in his face, Daniel licked and sucked noisily while at the same time aggressively fucking his angel with his finger. She was close to coming, her legs stiffening over Daniel’s shoulders with her head cradled in Micah’s hands.

  “Please, Daniel,” she moaned.

  “Come for us, honeybee, come now!” whispered Micah as he twisted her nipples, giving her the extra push that she needed to get over the top.

  “Oh, Daniel. Oh my god,” she exclaimed as her hips continued their rotation, her legs squeezing his head as he sucked her clit and massaged her pussy. Finished, she slumped back into Micah’s arms while Daniel untangled himself from her clinging legs. Joining her on the bed, he gently kissed her, allowing her again to taste the results of her pleasure.

  * * * *

  She smiled up at Daniel, his back against the headboard. Micah was behind her, trailing his hand up and down her hip. “I love you.”

  “Always, angel. Always,” Daniel whispered, kissing her nose.

  The grin Daniel was wearing soon became a serious look of anticipation. His bright-green eyes darkened. “You sure about this, angel?”

  “Oh yes.” She grinned up at him.

  His long arms wrapped around her as he sought the heat of her mouth. Her passion ignited the kiss. Lips mashed against each other. Her tongue snaked easily through his open teeth, searching his depths, communicating her gratitude for Daniel’s earlier attention and her desire to take their lives to the next step.

  His reaction was immediate as Kelly felt his hard cock pressing into her soft stomach. The heat rose further when she lifted her hand to his left nipple, squeezing gently at first, then more forcefully as she felt his welcoming response. However, Kelly could no longer ignore the hard cock beneath her, sliding her hand down his smooth chest, past his tight abs, toward the juncture between his legs.

  Grabbing Daniel’s cock, she squeezed its skin, soft as silk, covering the rigid hardness of his erection. The velvety head was moist with pre-cum, which she smeared all over its top. Though the kissing was so essential to her arousal, Kelly could no longer wait to taste him. Trailing kisses down his broad chest, stealing a sharp bite of his left nipple on the way by, she scooted back on the bed.

  She felt powerful, in control. The fact that she could deliver such pleasure in itself was intoxicating. Yet it was more. She loved the presence of a cock in her mouth. Even a finger there was exciting for her. His hard cock seeped with the slippery taste of her silent warrior, sliding against her hungry tongue, pressing against her inner cheek, and filling her throat.

  She knew the pleasure she received from abandoning herself to the effort. Taking more and more of his cock inside, coming ever closer to his soft curls, embracing the musky scent, even gagging as she took it fully was a process she craved. She had learned that her passion and talents were rare, which made her all the more eager to share them in special moments. Daniel was about to learn just how special this moment was.

  Pointing his cock to the ceiling, she licked its base before dropping her moist tongue to his heavy, nicely trimmed sac. Kelly wasted no time in taking one of Daniel’s balls into her mouth, rolling her tongue all around, sucking gently, and then applying the same treatment to the other. Daniel moaned his approval, completely enjoying the feel.

  She began using her tongue to coat his cock with her saliva. Kelly held Daniel’s balls with her left hand, softly squeezing, while her right was assisting her tongue with his hard shaft. Up an
d down, around and around, her tongue and hand spread the slick moisture over Daniel’s tense skin.

  Soon it was time for a taste. With her fist gliding in a spiraling motion up and down his shaft, Kelly took the mushroom head between her hungry lips. Her tongue scooped up Daniel’s pre-cum, savoring the salty taste, before inching down his cock. Repeatedly her mouth moved up and down, each time taking a bit more of his thick manhood. All the while her twisting hand alternately met her lips before returning to the cock’s base.

  “Damn, angel, you’re killing me,” Daniel panted, lifting his hips to encourage deeper penetration while absorbing her head’s motion with his hands in her soft hair.

  Kelly felt the bed dip as Micah knelt behind her. Wiggling her upturned, inviting bottom, she teased him before he slid his thick cock into her dripping pussy. Her now energetic attention to Daniel increased as Micah grasped her hips for control and he began to move.

  Kelly caught a glimpse of herself in the large mirror of her dresser, Daniel’s cock buried in her throat, his hands fisting in her hair, pressing her down on his raging hard-on. Her pussy dripped her excitement as Micah thrust his cock deeply into her from behind. She caught glimpses of herself between her two men. As she would rise up off Daniel’s cock and Micah would retreat, she had milliseconds to take in her appearance, mussed hair, swollen lips, and wild eyes.

  Each thrust by Micah pushed her forward and down on to Daniel’s cock. The result was a rather energetic and forceful, deep-throated blow job. She had to gasp for air as his hard shaft offered the delicious kind of abuse her throat craved. Her soft gagging was audible as Daniel’s cock thrust deeply enough to trigger the reflex.

  Micah’s grip tightened as he thrust his thick cock deep and fast into her while she sucked and slurped over Daniel.

  “Oh god, angel, I’m coming,” Daniel cried, holding her head still around his spurting cock. Kelly drank from him, swallowing every bit of him as he writhed beneath her.


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