The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced

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The Life of Anna, Part 3: Embraced Page 27

by Marissa Honeycutt

  Alex strode up behind her. “Hello, Travis,” he said, extending his hand.

  “Alex!” Travis exclaimed with a grin, shaking Alex’s hand. “When did you get back in town? Are you staying?”

  Alex put his arm around Anna’s waist. “We got back into town Thursday morning and yes, I’m staying.”

  “We?” Travis repeated with raised eyebrows.

  Alex held Anna’s left hand up, displaying the many sparkling diamonds she wore on her ring finger.

  “Holy shit! You guys got married?”

  A commotion ensued as they were surrounded by well-wishers. Anna was thankful that Alex stayed next to her and fielded the questions. Everyone was shocked and surprised at their announcement. It was no wonder. There had been no hint as to any affection between either of them. Alex explained that he’d been in love with Anna for months and wanted everything to be a surprise for her.

  Many of the girls ooh-ed and ah-ed over her rings. A few that Anna hadn’t ever really gotten along with hung back and stared at her. But for the most part, everyone was happy.

  Anna managed to find Jenna and she gave her a big hug. “I’m so happy for you, Anna,” she said. “I told Matt the reasons behind it. He’ll get over it. He just needs to get used to the idea.”

  Anna blinked back tears and nodded. “I hope so. I never wanted to hurt anyone.”

  Jenna smiled. “I know. I understand why you guys did it the way you did.” She hugged Anna again. “I’m glad you’re safe.”

  “Anna,” Alex called from across the room. He motioned to the stairs.

  She looked back at Jenna. “We need to go talk to Isaak. I’ll see you later.” She hurried over to where Alex was waiting and they went up the stairs to Isaak’s office.


  Isaak looked at them with a big grin on his face. “I’m so happy for you two. And I’m very happy that Devin has lost his hold on you.”

  “Not completely,” Alex corrected. “But it’s much weaker than it had been.”

  “Any weakening is good in my book,” Isaak grinned. “So, what’s your married name now, Anna? I know Alex’s full name is a mouthful.”

  Anna glanced at Alex and grinned. “Anna Kunze Herzogin von Hesse,” she said slowly. “Right?” She grinned at Alex.

  Alex smiled at her. “Ja.”

  Isaak laughed. “That is a mouthful.”

  “Isaak, there is another matter we wanted to let you know about,” Alex said slowly. “Anna’s pregnant.”

  Isaak was speechless and stared at her.

  “I’m sorry, Isaak,” Anna said quickly. “I didn’t know-”

  “Oh, Anna, there’s nothing to apologize for,” Isaak interrupted. “It’s fine. Can’t say I’m not disappointed that I’ll be losing my best dancer so soon. But I’d rather you be happy and safe and not dancing, than dancing for me and still under Devin’s thumb.”

  “Thank you, Isaak,” Anna said with a smile.

  “How far along are you?”

  “About six weeks, I think.”

  “Are you okay to dance Bayadere?”

  Anna nodded. “Alex’s uncle, who is a doctor, said I’d definitely be okay through February. I don’t know how fast I’ll start expanding and how comfortable you’d be with me dancing once I start showing more.”

  “I appreciate that, Anna. I don't want you hurting yourself because your balance is off. Let’s see how you are after La Bayadere is over. I’ll keep you cast and rehearsing as you are in Jewels and we’ll see how things progress. And of course, you’re welcome to dance with us as long as you are comfortable.”

  “Thank you, Isaak,” Alex said. “I appreciate your openness.”

  Isaak smiled. “Anya danced practically until you were born, Anna. She stopped performing at about five months, but each pregnancy is different. Just take it easy and don’t push yourself.”

  Anna warmed at the thought of her mother dancing with Anna inside her. Her baby would have the same experience.


  Anna had never been happier. Every day she fell more and more in love with Alex. He seemed determined to make up for the years of love she had missed. He was gentle with her and found it easy to keep his temper under control at all times around her. Alex kept a very close eye on his bride, watching for any signs that Devin was being inappropriate with her.

  Anna excelled in her rehearsals as Gamzatti, and she claimed that being in love with Alex was the reason. Even Isaak was amazed at her abilities. She adored dancing with Aaron; they became best friends as they spent so much time together dancing. This was fine with Alex.

  Devin continued to behave himself around Anna, though it was increasingly frustrating to him. He didn’t like playing second fiddle to Alex and didn’t like the strength of his influence on her. He searched everywhere for a way to get rid of him. He and Anna spent Saturdays playing with their new toy, Jamie, who basked in their attention, and at the end of the month Devin decided it was time for their “play time” to increase in intensity. He made sure Anna didn’t know that they were training Jamie for a purpose. For Jamie to become so infatuated with them that she would do anything for them. Even kill herself.

  Alex and Anna kept the news of the baby quiet, though it was hard to keep her changing body a secret in the Company. It was a generally known secret that Anna was pregnant, but they respected her and Alex enough not to talk about it.

  La Bayadere opened February twentieth and rehearsals intensified. When she had to stay late, Alex would come and watch rehearsals. He couldn’t bear to be away from her more than was necessary, but didn’t want to disturb her dancing. Anna liked having him there. She told him that he helped her dance better.

  Alex, Aaron and Anna spent a lot of time together. Alex and Aaron would go out on Friday nights and then Aaron would come over for dinner on Saturday nights.

  Gatherings were still calm for Anna. She was rarely used sexually, and when she was, the men never hurt her. Devin made sure she was treated carefully. With Jamie, however, he was getting rougher. They began introducing Jamie to erotic pain about halfway through the month. Anna and Devin would pinch and bite her and she would respond in ecstasy. Devin told Anna that he was proud of her.

  Devin told Alex that he wanted a few hours a week with Anna once performances began. They agreed that Sunday after performances, she would meet Devin at the Manor and go home around two Monday afternoon.

  Opening night was a dream for Anna. Alex sat with his parents and Kurt in the audience and she danced, as Alex said, like an angel. Alex, of course, sent her pink roses before the performance. She received rave reviews for her performance and was in heaven.

  Kurt had allowed Gretchen to stay in the house for the sake of the children, but she had her own room and he considered himself single. As long as she lived at the Gutshaus, she was not allowed to date, but he was. If she wanted to date, then she needed to leave. And the children would stay with Kurt. She stayed.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  After Sunday night’s performance on opening weekend, Anna drove out to the Manor to see Devin in accordance with the arrangement that Alex and Devin had made. It was late, but Ian still met her at her car and escorted her inside. Their friendship had returned somewhat to normal.

  “He’s waiting for you with Jamie,” Ian said as he led Anna to her room. He waited for her to change into her robe and then took her down the hall to Jamie’s room.

  When she opened the door, she saw Devin and Jamie on her bed. Jamie was naked, as usual, and sitting between Devin’s feet sucking on his cock. As she and Devin made eye contact, her feelings settled into what had become the norm. Jamie was a conduit between herself and Devin. He could hurt her and Anna could feel and enjoy Jamie’s pain. Anna was teaching Jamie to give her pain to Devin.

  She wasn’t jealous of Devin’s attentions to Jamie. Anna knew her place with Devin and she didn’t feel threatened by a mere mortal girl.

  “Ah, Anna,” Devin said, holding out his hand
to her. “Greet your mistress, Jamie.”

  Jamie released Devin’s cock and bowed to Anna. “Good evening, Mistress,” she said softly.

  Anna reached down and petted her hair and then walked to Devin. “Good evening, my lord,” she said. She glanced at his cock and felt herself becoming aroused. Oh, the things that cock could do to her.

  Devin smiled warmly at Anna. “Good evening, Baby.”

  He pulled her close and kissed her. Jamie watched with rapt attention as Devin lavished attention on Anna. He turned her to lie on the bed and thrust his cock inside her.

  Anna moaned as Devin fucked her hard and fast. Within a few minutes, she was crying out his name as she came and Devin groaned out his release. He pulled out and Jamie immediately crawled onto the bed to lick Devin’s cock clean and then licked his cum out of Anna’s pussy, making Anna climax again.

  “Good girl,” she whispered, petting Jamie’s head.

  “Jamie has been doing very well, don’t you think?” Devin said in a seductive voice.

  Anna nodded in agreement. “I do.”

  “I think it’s time for the next level of eroticism,” Devin said caressing Jamie’s breasts.


  As Anna drove home the next afternoon, Jamie’s screams still echoed in her ears. At the time, Anna had enjoyed what she was doing, but began to feel sick at what she’d done. Devin had forbidden her from telling Alex what went on, saying it wasn’t any of his business. Granted, some of Jamie’s screams had been due to massive orgasms while they were teaching her. She had begged them to keep going, but Devin said she had to wait until next week. Maybe it seemed worse than it had actually been.

  Yes, that must be it.

  But for now, Anna just wanted to get home and crawl into Alex’s arms. Home.

  Devin had also mentioned to Anna about the Spring Gathering. He had said that Alex was welcome to attend, but that she would have to stay with Devin most of the time. This was where he really needed her, Devin said.

  Anna didn’t know how she felt about Alex coming. Yes, she wanted him there with her, but she hated the idea of him seeing her with Devin. But the thought of a whole four-day weekend away from Alex was unbearable.

  Anna pulled into the garage of their house. By the time she had reached for her bag and stepped out, Alex was at her side.

  He pulled her into his arms. “I heard the garage door,” he murmured against her hair. “I missed you.”

  Anna sighed and wrapped her arms around him. “I missed you, too.”

  “Did you shower there?” he asked after a while.

  Anna nodded.

  “Gut,” he said and picked her up and carried her upstairs to their bedroom and made love to her. They stayed in bed the rest of the afternoon, talking and making love.


  The rest of the performances went exceedingly well. Alex was at the theater a lot, mostly just to keep Anna company. She loved looking offstage to see her biggest fan watching, and that he could hold her between scenes. She felt like she was on top of the world.


  Alex and Anna discussed the Spring Gathering and Alex decided he would come. He would stay in the background, but he felt like he needed to be there for her. When Alex told Devin he would be attending, Devin sounded pleased. That made Alex suspicious, but if anything happened to Anna, he would be there. If Devin tried anything, he would be there.

  Anna had the first week of the month off, and she and Alex flew to British Columbia and had a mini vacation before she started dancing again. Her pregnancy was showing, but she was still hopeful that she’d be able to dance in Jewels before she had to stop performing. Alex encouraged her to consider dancing again after the baby was a few months old. She didn’t have to perform, but Alex knew how much she loved dancing. He wouldn’t push her and told her he would support her in whatever decision she made.

  Devin wasn’t happy that she wouldn’t be back on Friday night for the Gathering, but Alex told him that he hadn’t been able to have her while she’d been performing either and he’d have to deal with it.

  By Sunday morning, Anna was much rejuvenated by her time with Alex. It had been such a peaceful week together.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Thursday morning, Alex threw his phone across the room at the fireplace as he let out a frustrated shout. He was thankful Anna wasn’t there. He’d have time to calm down before she returned home. He’d even resorted to begging, but it hadn’t done any good. He’d received a call. It had to be his team. He had to go.

  What made things worse was that it had to be done over the next weekend; the weekend of the Gathering. Alex was initially suspicious of the timing, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized it had nothing to do with Devin. The target was in Russia. He knew the Elder that had requested it. It was just an important job.

  An important job with the worst timing he could imagine. But he couldn’t say no. That was part of the deal. You could put word out that you weren’t available, but if an Elder called, you went.

  Alex stared out the window for a long time, trying to find a way out of his predicament. Anna would be heartbroken. And perhaps a little frightened, considering what had happened the last time he’d returned home from a mission.

  He and his team would stop in Frankfurt when the mission was over. It would take an extra day or two to get home, but at least he wouldn’t have to worry about being compromised by Devin. They could relieve their stress there and then be home the next day. Vati could call Anna when he arrived home and let her know he was safe. Her mind would be eased and her body safe from him. Especially now that she was pregnant. He wanted to be sure he was completely in his right mind before he came anywhere near her.

  Aaron. Aaron could watch out for her here at home. And Travis. Alex was sure he could convince Travis to go to the Gathering to keep an eye on her. Travis was the only one who would be able to go on his behalf.

  Alex glanced at the shattered phone on the floor next to the fireplace. These phones were very durable, but they weren’t meant to be thrown against marble fireplaces. He sighed and stood. He retrieved the pile of plastic and electrical components and made his way downstairs to the theater where Seth and Tony were playing video games.

  “I need a new phone,” Alex said, walking down the steps.

  The men looked at him with surprised expressions. Seth raised his eyebrow at the pile that Alex dumped on the wooden coffee table in front of him. “What happened?”

  “I threw it against the fireplace.” Alex collapsed onto the couch and ran his fingers through his hair. “I got a call.”

  “I thought you put out word we weren’t available,” Tony said.

  “I did. It’s Vitaly. You know how he is.” The Russian Elder was rather particular when it came to getting things done.

  “It’s still cold in Russia,” Tony grumbled.

  Alex let out a chuckle. “Yes. It is.” He sighed. “How am I going to tell Anna?”

  The other men cursed.

  “She’s not going to take it very well,” Seth said quietly.

  “I know. It also means we can’t be at the Gathering next weekend.”

  “I think I’d rather be in Russia than listen to Devin all weekend,” said Tony.

  “No kidding,” Alex mumbled. “But I feel like I’m abandoning Anna to him by leaving.”

  “You don't think...,” Seth began.

  “No. I don't think Devin had anything to do with it.”

  Alex played with his wedding band. The one Anna had picked out for him. It had her name and the city they lived in engraved inside. He hadn’t told her, but the reason he did that was for identification purposes. If something happened to him and there was no other way to identify him, her name and the city would give whoever found them enough information to locate her and tell her....

  Alex shook his head. No, he wouldn’t think about that. He was coming home. To her. To their baby. She needed him. And he needed her.
r />   *****

  Anna’s stomach churned as she drove into the garage. Something was not right with Alex. She didn’t know how she knew, she just did. Alex’s car was in the garage, as was the SUV. They were all home.

  She grabbed her bag and hurried inside. Alex was in the great room with a computer on his lap. That was unusual.

  “Alex?” she asked softly.

  He jumped when she spoke. He put the computer on the table in front of him and hurried to her, wrapping his arms around her.

  She felt the desperation in his embrace. It worried her. “Alex, what’s wrong?”

  He didn’t say anything, but led her back to the couch. The computer screen showed a map of Russia.

  She looked into her husband’s beautiful eyes. They looked worried and sad. She reached up and stroked his cheek. “What’s wrong?” she whispered. A million things ran through her head as to what could be the matter.

  Alex swallowed. “I got a call. For a mission.”

  Anna’s heart fell to her stomach. “What?” she whispered. “I thought you said you wouldn’t get any for a few months.”

  “Schatzi, I can put word out, but they don't have to listen.”

  She was afraid to ask details, but needed to know. “When do you leave?”


  “You’re not going to be at the Gathering.”

  Alex shook his head sadly. “I won’t make it, Schatzi. I’m so sorry,” he whispered. He grasped her hand and held it tight as he gazed into her eyes.

  Tears ran down her cheeks. “When will you be back?”

  “I’m hoping to be back the following Tuesday. But I can’t promise that. These things can...take time.”

  Anna nodded, unable to speak over the lump in her throat. A week. A week without her beloved husband.

  Alex gathered her in his arms and they sat holding each other for a long time.

  “The house will be a bit crowded until we leave,” he said softly a while later.

  “The others are here?”

  “Not yet. Greg and Jason should be here soon. Erich will be here tomorrow with Sebastian. Jesse and Michael, too.”


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