Beyond Hades

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Beyond Hades Page 19

by Luke Romyn

  "What the hell is that fortune cookie crap?" scoffed Wes, standing and leaping lightly to the stony ground beyond the dark ripples of the Styx. "Return to the beginning of the path? What does that shit even mean?"

  "It will make sense, when the time comes," replied Kharon without the slightest animosity in his tone.

  Talbot jumped out of the skiff slightly less elegantly than Wes, skidding before the SAS commando grabbed his arm, helping him to regain his balance. Talbot nodded his thanks to Wes, and turned back to Kharon, unsure of how to address the creature who had effectively eaten his companion, but who had also delivered them safely across a river of virulent toxins and God knew what else. He eventually settled for a small salute, immediately feeling like a total idiot for having done so, moving to follow Wes up the bank.

  "Remember what I have told you, Talbot Harrison," echoed the Ferryman. "It is not mere trickery as your companion suspects. My kind has seen more than you could imagine, and we are privy to knowledge you could scarcely comprehend."

  Talbot turned back to respond, but Kharon was gone, not even a ripple left as evidence of him ever having been there. Almost beyond shock by now, he nonetheless took a step back in surprise. He stood there momentarily, before shrugging his shoulders, and finally following Wes toward the entrance to Hades's domain.


  Talbot paused at the mouth of the valley, his jaw dropping.

  Before them towered a set of gates he could have never imagined outside of this realm. They were at least the height of the Statue of Liberty, seemingly constructed directly from the rock of the sheer vertical walls which travelled away in each direction for miles on either side until the mountains consumed them. Or maybe those mountains had birthed them, growing them like children to join in the center, the gates grasping like hands, forbidding entrance to this most dreaded of kingdoms.

  Comprised of what appeared to be black obsidian - commonly known as volcanic glass - carved into the gates were figures engaging in acts of hedonistic torture and what appeared to be various sorts of bizarre copulation, some figures seeming to be joined sexually with half beasts, others devouring the body parts of their lovers: a gigantic sadistic sculpture within a desert of hopelessness.

  Wes strode off ahead, the sword of Chiron held lightly in his right hand, once more leaving Talbot to marvel at his ability to make anything seem less daunting. Even here, in the most inhospitable environment imaginable, faced with gates of such intense repulsiveness, Wes's nature appeared indomitable. The casual way he regarded the gates before turning and spitting, showed his contempt for things which would render normal men - men like Talbot - terrified.

  As if on cue, Wes began whistling. It was a happy tune, and he was still strolling casually toward the gates depicting indulgences of anguish. Incredible. With such a simple action, Wes made the entire situation seem more bearable, and Talbot found himself grinning as he followed the commando.

  The huge gates were sealed against them. They seemed impenetrable, unscalable too, due to the intensely slippery surface of the volcanic glass. Along the top, Talbot spotted cruel, downward-pointing obsidian spikes which would make it impossible to climb over, even if by some miracle they were able to get within reach of the top.

  A rumbling thunder echoed through the valley mouth, and the gates began to move. Slowly, ponderously, they opened outward, and Talbot glanced around hurriedly for a place to take cover. Wes merely stood, Chiron's sword held casually beside him, his left thumb hooked into the strap of his supply pack in case he had to lose it quickly.

  Nothing rushed out.

  No beasts from the pit were disgorged from the opening maw.

  Talbot needed to pee.

  The gates took several minutes to open fully, and when they had, a long, black, glittering road led off into the distance. Wes glanced around at him, raising an eyebrow.

  "I guess we have to follow the sparkly, black road, then," mused the commando. He began to walk, humming quietly, before breaking into song with the tune from The Wizard of Oz.

  "Follow the sparkly, black road. Follow the sparkly, black road. Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the sparkly, black road...."

  Talbot thanked God or whoever was in charge that Wes was on his side. Talbot stepped through the ominous gates, jumping slightly as a loud CRAAACK! indicated the synchronous shutting of the gates behind them. Within moments, they had closed completely, sealing them in, leaving no room for retreat.

  Talbot jogged slightly to catch up with Wes. Even carrying the pack full of supplies, Wes set a hefty pace.

  "How do you do it, Wes?" he asked when he was eventually alongside the commando.

  "Do what?" countered Wes, his eyes scanning from one side of the valley to the other, occasionally flitting back to check behind them.

  "How do you seem so calm amid all this craziness?"

  Wes grinned. "This stuff ain't so bad, mate. You should try being married."

  "Were you married?" asked Talbot, intrigued by this tidbit of insight into Wes.

  "Nah, fuck that!" said Wes emphatically. "Do you think I'm crazy? No way, single all the way buddy."

  Talbot stared at him for a moment, perplexed at the amazing contradiction of Wes's statement, but brushed it aside. "How come it doesn't affect you?" he asked again.

  Wes finally glanced at him, gauging him. "It comes down to what there is to actually be afraid of," he said finally, his features serious.

  "What do you mean?" asked Talbot.

  "People are always so scared about everything," said Wes, his eyes resuming their constant scan of the area as the two of them strode through the obsidian-walled valley. "For instance, what are you afraid of right now?"

  Talbot paused for a moment.

  "Why do you have to think about it?" interjected Wes. "If there is a direct threat, you should be able to answer immediately."

  "Well, there isn't a direct threat," said Talbot.

  "So why are you scared?"

  "Well...." Talbot looked around. "Something might happen."

  "Then worry about it when it actually happens. I mean, sure, keep an eye out for shit, but don't let it affect you internally. Even when some bad shit does happen, you need to react - so you shouldn't be scared then either. For me, I'm more interested in finding out who opened those big fucking gates back there, and right now nothing can come at us without us spotting it - unless it comes straight through those rocks, which isn't impossible after everything we've seen so far, but I somehow doubt it. I mean, why make the gates out of that black shit if things can move straight through it. So tell me; why are you scared, Doctor Harrison?"

  Talbot paused, Wes carrying on for several steps before stopping and looking at him. Broken down into such simplistic terms, Talbot realized his foolishness and tried to release the tension he held deep within. He had vowed back at the centaur village not to be afraid anymore, but since that moment it had crept back up on him, little by little.

  What did they really have to be afraid of, right at this moment?

  And then it came to him.

  The unknown.

  That's what Talbot was afraid of, what he had always been afraid of: the unknown. A specific event or action never really scared him, but not knowing what was going to happen next had always terrified him. Perhaps this is why being with Wes strengthened him; the man's confidence made him feel nothing uncontrollable was about to occur.

  Or it could just be because Wes was the toughest guy Talbot had ever met.

  Talbot grinned, once more following Wes down the glittering mountain pass, somehow feeling his fears repressed once more.

  As he prayed they would stay.


  The haunting melody floated down, surrounding them, caressing Talbot's mind with promises of comfort and love. In an instant, Wes was forgotten, their mission became unimportant, life itself held no significance - the only thing that mattered was the wonderful song....

  Talbot wandered off the gl
ittering ebony path, strolling across the shale-like stone and through a small gulley. They had left the walled section far behind them, and now the broken desert of Hades stretched forever in every direction.

  The music dragged him, his feet moving of their own volition. He yearned to meet the singer, the orchestra, whatever was pouring his most desirous yearnings into this song. Everything Talbot had ever imagined was promised to him, conveyed along an emotional thread so deep he soon felt tears coursing down his cheeks.

  And then he saw her.

  Beyond beautiful, she sat atop a short outcrop of rocks, reaching out to him, her soul-wrenching song seemingly emanating from within her. Blonde hair cascaded down, surrounding the most incredibly beautiful features possessed by any woman.

  And she yearned for him!

  Talbot couldn't believe his luck. He ran down the small slope, his feet skidding slightly on the loose shale as his beautiful beloved ran toward him, her loose dress flowing behind her, the warm sun upon her cheeks -

  Sun? There's no sun in Hades.

  Talbot tried to follow the path of the thought, knowing something wasn't right about this situation, but the song hit him once more, pushing aside all his doubts. She loved him; this wondrous creation wanted nothing more than to be with him forever and ever....

  Talbot reached for his beloved's hand, longing to taste her mouth, his need all consuming. He grasped her, pulling her toward his embrace, her mouth opening slightly in anticipation of his kiss.

  An Olympian sword easily cleaved her beautiful neck, her head toppling to the side and falling to the ground with a soft thud. The mists filling his mind parted, but horror still filled Talbot, swiftly replaced by rage, and he launched himself at his beloved's assailant, reaching for eyes, anything to avenge his stolen passions.

  "Control yourself, human," commanded his target, quickly securing his flailing arms. Talbot tried to bite him, but found himself spun to face the object of his desire. "Look at what you were about to embrace," the voice hissed, forcing his gaze down.

  Lying before him on the rough shale, a hideous carcass mocked Talbot, and he frantically searched for the body of his beloved to no avail. The wonderful sunlight which had glowed only moments before had also disappeared. He looked at the thing once more, noting the torn and shabby ashen shift it wore, empty, drooping gray breasts hanging from an emaciated ribcage. His eyes moved down, noting with horror the vulture-like legs which sprouted from the creature's waist, wasted remnants of feathers where the pubic region should have been.

  The arms were human, apart from the blackened claws extending from the fingertips, something green and toxic-looking dripping from their ends. Talbot's gaze moved to the decapitated head, wisps of gray hair sticking out in clumps from its irregularly-shaped cranium, the face -

  Oh dear GOD!

  A sharp, hooked beak protruded from the center of the creature's face, full of horrific, shark-like teeth. The teeth themselves shone green and gangrenous, saliva dripping from them and hissing slightly as it touched the stone. Wrinkled gray skin folded around a scabby and diseased face, several malignant-looking warts sprouting from the cheeks. And then Talbot saw the eyes....

  They were the eyes of the woman who had sung to him, entrancing him with the most wondrous emotions. Those eyes appeared completely out of place, and Talbot struggled to comprehend what had happened.

  "It is called a seiren," explained his captor, loosening his grip slightly, but not completely. "Her song entranced you."

  Talbot looked around, panicked. "Where is Wes?" he asked.

  "I do not know," replied the man holding him. "What is a 'Wes'?"

  "He's my companion," said Talbot. "Let me go, I promise not to attack you again."

  "Well that shall save me many sleepless nights," mocked the man. Talbot felt the grip on his arms release.

  Talbot turned to find himself staring straight into the chest of the man. A black leather-like vest and dark pants swathed a frame second only to that of the late Heracles. Talbot stared up, noting this man stood only a couple of inches shorter than Heracles had. Black hair cascaded down to his muscular shoulders, surrounding a face of almost feminine beauty, which radiated an emotional aloofness bordering on haughtiness.

  "Who are you?" asked Talbot, though he felt sure he already knew the answer.

  The man smirked. "I am Hades, lord of this domain."

  "Well, aren't you a lucky fucker," called the voice of Wes.

  Talbot turned, spying Wes sitting on a rock about twenty yards away, the sword of Chiron in his hands, and the head of a second Seiren at his feet.

  "Hey Hades, is this your girlfriend?" asked the commando. "Because she was a bitch!" Talbot glanced at Hades, noting with some small satisfaction that the self-proclaimed 'lord' appeared slightly perturbed.

  "How did you overcome a seiren?" asked Hades, trying to conceal his discomfort.

  Wes stood up, kicking the hideous head away like a soccer ball. "It's not hard to see a bitch for what she really is," he said maliciously, glaring at Hades. Talbot heard the hidden insult beneath the words and the stare, and he glanced at Hades. The Olympian had understood the challenge as well.

  "I saved your companion from her sister," remarked Hades. "He was about to succumb to the seiren's kiss."

  "Yeah well, he's one of those scientist types. They don't get laid much." Wes made a point of shining his nails on the front of his commando fatigues. "Now me on the other hand... well, I don't like to boast, but I've had more fluff than a vacuum cleaner. You know what I mean?"

  "I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about," admitted Hades. "Did you actually answer me amidst everything you just said?"

  Wes rolled his eyes dramatically. "Yeah, mate. It's simple, the bitch was calling, but I didn't want to listen. It's easy to see through things when you know what to look for. Take you for example."

  Hades raised a questioning eyebrow, seeming to puff himself out slightly as well. "Yes?"

  "You're a snobby, spoilt kid, who decided he wanted to be a king," said Wes, twirling Chiron's sword absently. "Now you're the king of this place, but it don't mean shit because this place sucks. So you're trying to impress us and make us think you're something special, when the truth is you need us much more than we need you."

  Hades took a step back in shock, causing Talbot to think nobody had ever dared to speak to him with such insolence before, but he also guessed Wes had hit pretty close to the mark with his assessment.

  "How dare you?" roared Hades.

  In a move of amazing speed, Wes suddenly had the large man on his knees, the sword of Chiron forced close to his throat. "I dare, fuck-head," hissed the commando. "I put up with Heracles acting a bit special because I liked him. I don't like you, you arrogant prick. Let's just get that clear from the start. We need your assistance, but don't think for a second I'll scrape and bow just because you imagine yourself to be some sort of god. I'll be able to suck my own dick before the day arrives when I show respect for a bitch like you."

  If Hades had any difficulty understanding what Wes said, he definitely had no trouble recognizing his actions. Sweat beaded on the bigger man's brow, and his features were etched with pain as Wes held his wrist in a lock with his left hand. Chiron's sword appeared in the other, ready to plunge home at the slightest indication of resistance from Hades.

  "Do you understand me?"

  Hades ceased struggling and nodded. Wes released him and stepped back, wielding Chiron's sword in case Hades attacked with the weapon he still gripped in his right hand. The larger man did not attack, however. In fact he looked totally broken; his gaze refusing to meet Wes or Talbot, his shoulders slumped forward.

  "What you are saying is true," Hades finally admitted. "I need you to seal the rifts my people once opened. I am impotent in this matter, just as I am impotent in this realm."

  The large man sighed heavily. "I asked to rule this place in the hope I could build up an army powerful enough to return home and
seize control of Olympia from that fool, Zeus. The inhabitants of this place - the race of beings like Kharon - were intensely powerful, but also easily misled. I don't know why I tell you this, perhaps because you are the only creatures who haven't held me in awe... or at least the first in many years. I assume it's been years, since time does not occur here in the same way it does elsewhere."

  "What do you mean?" interrupted Talbot.

  Hades looked up. "Time does not exist in this place. Why else do you think I would choose to stay on here once my subjects were killed and the rifts were closed by the people of Olympia? In this world I am immortal!"

  "Yeah," said Wes, "you're an eternal pain in the arse, that's for sure. How about you tell us something useful, instead of whining about how miserable your life has been up until this point. Time might be unlimited here, but that doesn't mean my patience is."

  Hades shook his head and stood. "We must go to my citadel where I can send you through the gate and into Tartarus."

  "But you won't be coming, of course," mocked Wes bitterly.

  Hades's gaze snapped up, shock evident upon his features. "Me enter Tartarus? Are you mad?"

  Wes shook his head, scorn evident upon his features. "At least Heracles had some balls. The rest of you clowns make me sick. Well, how are we going to get there, ladyboy Joe?"

  If Hades understood the insult, he chose to ignore it. Lifting his fingers to his lips, he emitted a shrill whistle. Within moments, Talbot felt the ground vibrating under his feet and snapped a glance at Wes, who appeared tense, the sword of Chiron held firmer in his hand and his eyes fixed on Hades. The lord of this dead world merely stood waiting.

  Two enormous black horses appeared on the horizon, hauling a golden chariot, similar in crafting to the one the bronze Khalkotauroi bulls had pulled. As they got closer, Talbot realized the beasts also resembled the bronze bulls in engineering; presumably also created by Hephaestus.

  The ebony horses were not as bulky as the bulls had been, but Talbot had a feeling their speed would be greater, evidenced by the rate at which they approached. Within seconds of Hades whistling, the horses had arrived, halting beside them, their glowing red eyes further evidence of the power sustaining them. All three climbed into the chariot - Talbot somewhat awkwardly - and Hades swung a small gate closed before collecting the reins.


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