A Mate's Redeeming Touch

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A Mate's Redeeming Touch Page 4

by Merryn Dexter

  “Can’t you see what you are doing to her? Connor especially, but you are all guilty of it sometimes. You cannot bear what happened to Caitlyn, and I understand. What I don’t understand, what I cannot bear, is the way you make her carry your guilt over it.”

  A shocked gasp rose from her mother and Caitlyn gnawed on her lip, her hands twisting the towel in her lap as Hannah laid bare the truth she desperately tried to protect her family from.

  “How can she ever get over it; how can she ever live the normal life you are all so desperate for her to have when you won’t let her move on? Yes, you failed her. You, her family, let Caitlyn down when she needed you the most.”

  Caitlyn sobbed a denial at the harsh words, but Hannah rolled right on past it, determined to ram her point home.

  “Your pride took a hit. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for someone of a dominant nature to accept such a failure, but you are all going to have to suck it up! You didn’t put Caitlyn in danger and neither did she. A bad thing happened, a terrible thing but it is over. It is more than ten years over and yet you all carry it around in the forefront of every interaction you have with her. How can she ever heal if you keep digging at the wound, keeping it raw?”

  The harsh scrape of a chair broke the silence and Caitlyn found herself engulfed in the fresh forest scent of her father. He sank to the floor, pulling her into his lap, rocking her like a baby as his tears fell into her hair.

  “My poor girl. My beautiful bright sunbeam. What have we done to you?” His voice rasped, raw with tears.

  She buried her head into his shoulder. “It’s okay, Daddy,” she whispered. “I understand you didn’t mean for it to happen.” Caitlyn accepted her father’s comfort, knowing it would ease him to do so.

  “It’s not okay, baby. It’s not fucking okay and it stops right here, right now.” Stefan growled, determination ringing in his voice. His lips brushed her head and she raised her eyes to meet his dark-gray stare.

  Stefan held out his hand, tugging his daughter-in-law to his side. He looked toward his mate. Caitlyn could see the same determination written across her mom’s face. They were so in tune with each other and Caitlyn wondered if she and Ven would ever be able to reach the same level of accord.

  Stefan raised Hannah’s hand to his lips and pressed a grateful kiss to it.

  “You truly are a healer, Hannah, in every sense of the word. I thank the gods our Caleb found you and brought you into this family.” His words echoed in her heart. Maybe the time had come for them all to move on from the past. Caitlyn included.


  Parking the truck in the weed-filled lot behind the gas station, she glanced at her reflection in the rearview mirror. The drama from earlier had deepened the dark circles beneath her eyes. She pinched her cheeks to try and bring a bit of color to her pale face. Her hair flowed long and loose down her back. . She stroked a hand through it, hoping Ven would appreciate it, then shook herself. She hadn’t come to see him.

  The sweet aroma of the muffins she’d baked as a peace offering for Connor filled the truck. Her twin had a notorious sweet tooth. If it gave her a chance to demonstrate her baking skills to Ven, it was no concern of hers, none at all. The short green sundress she wore might be a perfect match for her eyes, but her mate had been the furthest thing from her mind when she selected it from the wardrobe. The weather had turned warm and she wanted something cool to wear after the heat of her kitchen, nothing more.

  The basket swung in her hand as she picked her way across the lot. Perhaps the wedge-heeled sandals had been a mistake, but they were the first pair she had grabbed from the closet. If they drew attention to her long legs, she couldn’t help it. The litany of white lies tumbled through her head.

  She had dressed with her mate in mind, and she knew it.

  Pausing at the exact same spot as the previous day, she called through the open door. Her heart thundered in her chest as a broad shape formed out of the shadows and Ven filled the door with his imposing frame. She watched in fascination as a bead of sweat rolled from the hollow in his throat, down between his massive pecs until it slid across the thick slabbed muscles framing his belly button.

  Licking her lips, she dared a peek up at his face. Her heart sank in disappointment at the sharp frown on his face. The little bit of courage she had mustered to make the journey crumpled beneath his unforgiving look, and she realized her mistake.

  He didn’t want her there.

  “What the fuck do you want?” He hissed, the sharp words, an exact replica of the day before. Her excitement at seeing him melted further.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she gathered the shreds of her dignity around her. Not here to see him, remember. “I came to see my brother. We had a disagreement this morning so I bought a peace offering.” The words babbled out, but she gave herself a mental pat on the back for getting through an entire sentence without running for cover. Or throwing herself into his arms. She held out the basket, but he made no move to take it from her.

  “You were upset.” The anger in his voice shifted from her toward a new target. She risked another glance at him, but the expression on his face remained closed off.

  Perhaps she imagined the trace of concern in his voice, projecting feelings he didn’t have. Like the ones she had conjured up while posing before her mirror earlier as she admired her favorite dress. The fire burning in those jet-black eyes of his last night had been extinguished. They were as hard and cold as the lump forming in her stomach.

  Swearing viciously, he stormed into the station, shouting for Connor. Shaking free of her disappointment, she pasted a bright smile on her face as her twin appeared. He looked startled to see her. A flash of guilt marred his features before he, too, forced a smile.

  “Hey, Sis, what brings you out here?” Raising her arms, she proffered the basket and the smile on his face grew genuine as he caught the sweet aroma of his favorite treat. He snatched the basket from her hands and pulled the checked cloth free. A groan of delight escaped as he opened his mouth to inhale one of the muffins.

  The sight of his bulging cheek made her laugh, the simple pleasure of the shared moment with her twin a balm to her bruised soul. He reached out to hug her, jaws still working as he tried to swallow the mouthful. She danced out of reach to avoid his dirty hands. Covered in dust and sweat streaked, he gave her an apologetic shrug as he dropped his arms. Finishing the muffin, his face grew serious as he regarded her. She forced herself to keep her head high while he scrutinized her outfit.

  “You look……different. What’s the occasion?” A hint of suspicion tainted his query and she forced a careless shrug. If Connor suspected she had an ulterior motive for being there? It didn’t bear thinking about.

  “No reason, I just wanted to wear something other jeans and a tee for a change. I’m tired of hiding, Connor.” As soon as the words left her mouth she tasted the truth of them. She’d been tired and scared for such a long time and her wardrobe choices had reflected her desire to fade into the background and avoid drawing attention.

  He gave her a quick frown, sighed then nodded. “Dad told me what happened earlier, I didn’t know Cat. I’m really struggling with the idea I’ve been heaping my guilt on your shoulders. It doesn’t sit right with me.” He paused and snorted in disgust. “And that pretty much proves Hannah’s point, doesn’t it? I’ve been making it all about me, haven’t I?”

  She shrugged and gave her twin a soft smile. “Maybe we all need to stop making it about anything and move on with our new life.”

  “I love you, Cat. I’m really sorry,” His gray eyes were bright and she had to swallow the lump in her own throat.

  “I know, Con, and I love you, too. Now, make sure you give Dad at least one of those muffins.” Rewarding her attempt at teasing with a bright flashy smile, he raised the basket and gave her a huge thumbs up before disappearing into the construction site.

  She studied the exterior of the building,
the damage from a few months ago mostly erased under her father’s careful instruction. A tremendous amount of backbreaking work had to have gone into fixing it up in such a short space of time.

  A shadow at the side window caught her attention and the breath caught in her chest as her gaze met Ven’s. The hungry look etched on his face sent her heart racing, but not out of fear this time. Keeping her eyes on his, she scooped her long hair over her shoulder. The bright red strands cascaded down one side, baring her neck and shoulder.

  The thinnest of spaghetti straps held her sundress up, leaving the creamy skin of her shoulders practically naked. Her nipples beaded under his hot stare, pressing against the thin cotton. Ven licked his full lower lip, eyes fixed on her chest as though he imagined putting his mouth on her.

  Feeling giddy and shockingly brazen, she boldly met his eyes. The promise in them made her gulp at the realization she’d started something she didn’t know how to finish. Time to make a tactical retreat before she pushed him too far.

  She turned slowly on her heel. The movement caused the skirt of the dress to flare out, and she forced herself to stroll across the lot. If she tried to hurry as her racing heart urged her to, then she’d fall off the damn heels of her shoes. She could feel those hot black eyes of his burning between her shoulder blades every step of the way.

  She had poked the Big Bad Wolf and she hoped she wouldn’t regret it.

  Chapter Five

  Ven shifted the small satchel onto his back as he regarded the soft lace curtain billowing in the open window. He hadn’t been able to get Caitlyn out of his mind since the little show she’d put on for him at the gas station. It had taken more strength than he’d known he possessed not to chase her down, especially after she bared her neck to him in blatant invitation. His mouth watered at the thought of sinking his teeth into her tender flesh, biting hard and marking her so everyone would see his mate claim.

  He shook his head to clear the thought. Whatever else happened between them tonight, he could not claim her. Caitlyn needed to make friends, to establish a place for herself within the Los Lobos community, and being mated by a wolf with a bad attitude wouldn’t help her. Used to being spurned by the pack, it didn’t bothered him anymore, but he wouldn’t allow her to assume his pariah status.

  The lace fluttered in the window as though beckoning to him and he grasped the trellis, ascending before conscience got the better of him. Brushing the curtain aside, he slipped over the frame, his heart stuttered at the sight greeting him. Although the room was dark, his wolf eyes could clearly make out his beautiful mate reclining on a sea of pillows at the head of the bed.

  “You came,” she whispered, smoothing her hand over the sweet vest and shorts combo clinging to her slender frame.

  “After the show you put on for me earlier, was there any doubt?” His voice rasped in his suddenly dry throat. Lust rode him hard so he stayed near the window, not wanting to startle her. She turned her head away, the shy move making him growl in frustration.

  “Don’t turn away from me, Caitlyn, I need to know you are sure about this. Say the word and I’m gone out this window.” His blood pounded in his ears as he strained against the driving need inside. He needed this to be her choice. “I told you last night. I won’t take anything you aren’t ready to give me.” He held his breath, waiting for her response. His cock throbbed in time with the muscle ticcing in his tense jaw.

  “I want you to touch me, Ven.”

  He started moving before she finished speaking, taking her down hard against the soft pillows as he caught her gasp in his mouth. Taking possession of her mouth, he pressed his tongue firmly against the seam of her lips until she yielded to his demand and he could explore the sweet heat. She tasted like mint as he thrust his tongue deep, mimicking the plunge he longed to make into her pussy.

  He kissed her thoroughly, learning every part of her mouth before curling his tongue around hers, teasing it gently into his own mouth. His Little Red proved a quick and willing pupil. He growled in soft encouragement as she tentatively licked and probed his mouth. Shifting his hips, he lay next to her so only the upper part of his body caged her in. He didn’t want to scare her by coming on too strongly. The desire to rub his cock against her hot core was too damn tempting. He had to keep things slow and steady, even if it killed him. He wanted to take his time, teach her everything he could about how good her body could feel.

  The last few encounters he’d had with women had been purely selfish couplings. Two adults looking to scratch an itch, taking their pleasure but without any emotion. For the first time in a long time, he wanted a real connection. Bringing satisfaction to Caitlyn meant more to him than finding his own release.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he eased the pressure of his kiss, the intense burn giving way to long, languid strokes of his tongue as he massaged her temples with his thumbs. A soft sigh breezed into his mouth and the stiffness in her limbs melted away. Pleased with this little sign of trust, he nibbled over her lips before drawing the lower one between his teeth and sucking hard. She mewled, undulating beneath him, rubbing her tight little breasts against his chest.

  Drawing back completely, he stroked her face, allowing her to catch her breath. It would be too easy to press his advantage, to coax a response from her body she wasn’t consciously ready to give. He needed her fully present and clearly willing at each and every step.

  Sitting up, he reached for the satchel he’d dropped beside the bed. Removing the contents, he placed them on the bedside table. A small plastic globe with cutouts and two bottles—warming gel, and lube. He wasn’t sure whether he would need the lube, hadn’t come to her with the expectation of intercourse. He didn’t want to risk hurting her. If she let him touch her sex, please, God! he wanted her slick and wet before they attempted anything.

  He fumbled behind the table, unplugging the lamp in order to connect the globe to the power socket. Flipping a switch, he smiled to himself at her soft gasp of pleasure. The globe emitted a soft blue light and the cutouts cast dancing stars across the walls and ceiling as the globe rotated on its stand. The blue stars scrolled over the bed, too, illuminating parts of Caitlyn. She laughed softly and raised her arm, watching the stars flitter over her skin, and his heart lifted at her obvious joy.

  “It’s beautiful,” she whispered. He sighed in relief. The light would let him feast his eyes on her beautiful body, keeping her relaxed where a harsher light might not. He sat up straight and pulled his shirt up and over his head, shaking his long hair into place as he tugged the material free.

  “Your turn, Little Red,” he murmured, keeping his voice soft so it wouldn’t carry from the room. “I want to see what you’ve got for me, darling. I keep picturing those ripe breasts of yours and it’s making me crazy imagining what color your nipples are.” He licked his lips, smoothing his hands over his chest as he spoke, brushing fleetingly over the dark discs of his nipples while she tracked his every move.

  “Are they pink?” A flush warmed her neck and face. “I bet they are. I bet they’re pink and sweet and I can’t wait to make them flush dark when I suck on them. Would you like me to do that, Little Red? Would you like me to suck and bite your nipples until they ache so good?”

  He sat still as he spoke, gauging his mate’s reaction to his words. Her pupils expanded, the black spreading noticeably to cover the moss-green glowing in the dancing starlight. The only things he moved were his hands, gliding them over his own skin. She nibbled on her lower lip and he waited patiently for her response.

  “Show me you want me to touch you, Little Red,” he crooned. “Show me those beautiful breasts, Sweet. I can see your nipples tight beneath your shirt, begging for my mouth.” He loosed a groan of appreciation when she sat up and pulled the shirt over her head. Her beautiful russet hair cascaded over her shoulders, covering and then baring her breasts as her chest rose and fell, her breath coming in little pants. Nodding in encouragement as she pulled her hair
back, unveiling herself to his gaze, he leaned forward to dart his tongue across one tight pink nipple.

  Her spine arched, displaying her beautiful swan neck as she thrust her breasts forward in supplication to his touch. Curling one arm around her, he pulled her closer until she spilled over his arm. He lowered his head. Her breasts were small but perfect to him and he sucked the entirety of her left breast deep into his mouth, rolling the nipple between his tongue and the roof of his mouth.

  She shivered and a breathy cry passed her lips as he slid the fingers of his other hand up her side until he cupped her right breast. Teasing the taut nipple between his fingers, he twisted and tugged as he increased the suction of his mouth, working her breasts in tandem. He reveled in her eager responsiveness to his touch and the bloom of her arousal tickled his nose, warm honey and vanilla rising to combine with his dark amber.

  Pulling his mouth back, he kept the suction tight until only the tip of her nipple remained between his lips as he flicked her other nipple with his fingers. Caitlyn gasped his name, rubbing her legs together, and he knew she was ready for more. He released his mouth and eased her down onto the bed, stroking her skin, petting her.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered and reached for the bottle of warming gel, pouring a small amount into his hands. He rubbed them together, coating them in the gel before shifting down the bed to take her left foot between his palms and massage it.

  His hands worked up the entire length of her leg, taking time to knead her calf, the sensitive spot behind her knee and up over her shapely thigh. He stopped just shy of the bottom of her shorts before gliding down the silken length to drive his thumbs deep into the arch of her foot.

  Placing her leg on the cover, he poured more gel into his palms before repeating the process with her right leg. He kept his eyes focused on his hands, knowing she watched his every move. He finished his ministrations, smiling as her thighs parted slightly, her limbs heavy and relaxed. His palms tingled from the gel as he leaned forward to cup her breasts, caressing them until he felt her shiver at the combination of his touch and the heat.


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