A Mate's Redeeming Touch

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A Mate's Redeeming Touch Page 8

by Merryn Dexter

  Ryker folded his arms and studied Ven, his face neutral as he glanced past him toward where Caitlyn sat.

  “Been a few changes recently, by the looks of things.” Ryker noted dryly.

  Ven shrugged and nodded. “Yeah, more than a few, but that isn’t why I wanted to talk to you. I had a guy stop by the gas station this morning. He tried to be real casual about it but asked too many questions for my liking. I had a good look over his truck as I cleaned the windshield, spotted what looked like a gun rack.”

  He slipped his hand into his pocket and withdrew a small disk which he handed to Ryker. “The CCTV system you installed was certainly worth the expense. The output is practically movie quality.”

  Ryker pocketed the disk and slipped away from the bar without another word, returning to his seat beside Saja, his mate. The sweet smile he gave her altered his usually taciturn face like the sun appearing from behind a dark cloud. Ven grabbed his beer and a glass of champagne from the tray sitting on the corner of the bar and returned to the family table. Stefan rose as he approached and pulled out the chair next to Caitlyn, making it clear he expected Ven to sit with them, as a part of the family group. It brought a lump to his throat and he swallowed hard around the unexpected emotion as he sat down.

  It was enough to be part of the group, to be accepted among them, and he sat quietly enjoying the interaction between them. Bridie and Will snatched a couple of minutes here and there to rest their feet and take a sip or two before dashing off into the fray. There was no sign of Connor, which seemed strange. His name was so studiously avoided by everyone, Ven decided not to ask. Caitlyn did a fine impression of someone thoroughly enjoying the party but he sensed a disturbing tension in her.

  Unable to stand it any longer, he dragged her chair up against his, bringing his mate close enough to gather her up in his arms, cradled against his chest. His wolf rumbled in approval as she relaxed visibly, continuing her conversation with Hannah, but the lines of strain disappeared from her face.

  The waiters and waitresses circled the tables throughout the evening, laden first with trays of appetizers and later bite-size portions of the various entrees on the menu. He sampled a bit of everything, making sure he filled his mate’s plate, nudging her now and then to make sure she ate.

  A cheer rose up from one table and everyone turned to watch a smiling Bridie present Drew with a steaming apple pie and a huge jug of fresh cream. The Alpha studied the pie with great seriousness, turning it this way and that, tapping the crust to test for crispness before finally cutting a huge slice and sliding it onto his plate.

  Drew bent his head, sniffing the pie at great length, taking his time as he teased Bridie until she threw up her hands in indignation and demanded he get on and try the damn thing. Drew forked up a portion and slid it into his mouth, chewing carefully. The blank expression on his face one even Ryker could be proud of.

  The room fell quiet, waiting for his verdict, and he milked every moment until Bridie fidgeted with impatience. The Alpha threw back his head and let loose a howl of approval. The joyous sound swelled around the room as the pack joined in, giving voice to their support for the new restaurant.

  Bridie wiped a tear from her cheek, her megawatt smile lighting up the room as applause rang around. The waiting staff paraded from the kitchen with a selection of pies and desserts and the room grew hushed as everyone dug in with enthusiasm.

  The evening had been a roaring success and one of the best nights of his life. Ven cuddled Caitlyn close as they swayed in time with the music from the jukebox. The tables in the center of the room had been cleared, making more space for those wanting to dance. The little ones had yielded the floor to couples as slow, mellow tunes drew them to their feet. Relishing the moment of rare peace, he studiously ignored the doubts in his head. Maybe he could be good enough for Caitlyn after all.

  A murmur of disquiet rippled across the room, starting at the restaurant door which had been thrown open. The figure propped against the frame remained in the shadows, features hidden, but the malice pouring in filled the air. The change in atmosphere prickled up Ven’s spine. Turning to face the threat, he tucked Caitlyn firmly behind him.

  A quick glance toward the family satisfied his need to protect when he saw Stefan and Caleb standing sentry, Marjorie a pace behind them. The action repeated throughout the room as dominant wolves flowed into protective stances over families and friends.

  The figure at the door staggered forward into the light and a growl ripped from Ven’s throat. His wolf surged forward, trying to force him to shift. Deep lines marked the horribly familiar face. Thinning hair hung lank around the wolf’s face and his gait lurched as Silas moved deeper into the room, a bitter smile twisting his features.

  He paused in the center of the floor, turning in a slow circle, seeming to bask in the waves of hatred emanating from the pack surrounding him. His movements were unsteady and Ven recognized the signs. His uncle was drunk off his ass, no mean feat for someone with a wolf’s metabolism, but Silas was an old hand with the bottle.

  Long-buried fears clutched his gut, and his wolf surged again, desperate to be free. To rend and tear the flesh from the source of so many nightmares. Ven held firm as Silas paused in front of him. The palsied shaking in his raised fist hadn’t been there before, but the anger twisting his face hadn’t changed with time.

  “There you are, ya li’l bastard,” Silas slurred. The hated voice roused so many unpleasant memories, Ven had to plant his feet so as not to sway. A soft hand rested against his spine, helping him shake off the ghosts of the past. The touch of his mate grounded him in the present.

  “I heard you was back in town. Back to spread your lies, no doubt. I did my best for you, you ingrate. Took ya in when your parents abandoned you, when I coulda left you to starve. Shoulda left you to rot, stupid little shit!” The words spewed forth and Ven reached for his shields, but they had dissolved into gossamer shreds. Melted away by the gentle wave of acceptance he’d enjoyed amongst his pack.

  The game was up now, though, the pretense of normality over as Caitlyn and her family would see him for the worthless trash he was. It had been nice to pretend to be a Burrows for a while, but blood would out. He needed to free the pack from the taint cast by the Thornes, himself included. Ven closed his eyes as the poisonous invective spewed forth from his uncle, waiting for the real pain to strike.

  Silas no longer had the power to hurt him. The drunken old devil meant nothing to him. The tentative promise of a new family, so nearly achieved, would be what destroyed him. Dreams of a future, of dancing with a daughter, of teaching a son to hunt and track, shattered at his feet. The evil blood in his veins could not be allowed to pollute the Burrows clan.

  Staring down at his uncle, he let his wolf rise to shine hot and deadly in his eyes. Silas staggered before the promise of death emblazoned there into the tight grip of a stone-faced Ryker. The Enforcer placed his lips against Silas’ ear and the bitter tang of urine filled the room as he whispered something.

  Ven stepped away from the gentle caress of his mate, moving steadily toward the door, the weight of the entire pack’s attention on him. He had almost reached the door when a deep voice called out.

  “Ven. Son. Come and sit down and finish your drink.” Stefan’s voice froze his feet to the floor. Surely his mind played tricks on him. A final cruel joke.

  “You didn’t finish our dance, my mate.” Caitlyn’s voice rang sweet and true across the silent restaurant and he dared to raise his head slightly. The looks he got from those around him held no trace of disgust or disdain. Only concern and anger, but not directed at him, he realized.

  “Brother,” Caleb called out and the word rippled around the room as other members of the pack echoed him.

  A shuddering sob burst from his mouth before he could stop it and the scent of vanilla and honey engulfed him as Caitlyn flung herself into his arms. Pulling his head down as she stretched on tiptoe, she kissed
the tears from his cheeks, whispering soft words of love and benediction.

  The music started again and couples drifted past them to fill the dance floor as Ryker dragged Silas from the restaurant and disappeared into the night. Ven lifted Caitlyn up against his body, his mouth fused to hers as he twirled her slowly in time to the music. He held everything he wanted, everything he needed in his arms. The fates had blessed him not only with the perfect mate but with a family he could learn to grow and be a part of. I am one lucky bastard. He didn’t know what he’d done to deserve it, but he would not waste a moment more sweating on the past when he faced a future filled with promise.

  The music ended and he lowered his mate to her feet, the love in her eyes bright and clear as she whispered to him.

  “Take me home, Ven. Make me yours.”

  It was the job of a good man to ensure he gave his mate what she wanted and Ven wasn’t about to deny her anything. They said their good-byes in a round of hugs and kisses, every stroke and pat another balm to his soul as he gathered Caitlyn’s hand and led her out the door.

  “Your place or mine, Little Red?” he asked as they moved into the dark shadows of the boardwalk in front of the restaurant. Although he was desperate to be alone with her without the fear of interruption, his shabby trailer couldn’t compare to her beautiful home.

  Caitlyn moved around the side of the restaurant until the darkness hid her and Ven hurried after her. Slipping off her sandals and wrap, she gave her back to him so he could unzip her beautiful dress. The whisper of satin against skin sent a shudder through his body as his mate stripped before him. Clad only in midnight-blue underwear, she carefully folded her dress and placed it on the floor next to her shoes.

  He swallowed hard, mouth dry, tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth as she shrugged the straps of her bra off her shoulders and unfastened the clasp. The pulse in her neck throbbed and his cock echoed every beat as her slender fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties and tugged them down slowly.

  Stunned by her boldness, he reached for her, wanting to shield her delicate beauty from any prying eyes, but she evaded his hands. Spinning on her heel, she ran gracefully for the trees, pale skin flashing in the moonlight before she dropped from sight and a flash of red fur appeared.

  He barely needed to reach for his wolf, the beast desperate to follow wherever their omega led. Embracing the flash of pain of his shift, Ven crouched low as gray fur washed silver in the moonlight. The wolf shook his fur, lifted his head, and loosed a howl of triumph as he bounded toward the forest in hot pursuit of his beautiful mate.


  Caitlyn stirred at the brush of hot lips tracing their way down her spine. She arched to meet her mate’s mouth as he nipped and licked his way across her buttocks. His hands pressed her thighs open and she rose on hands and knees at his gentle urging as Ven settled behind her.

  The mating mark on her neck throbbed and she shivered at the memory of sharp teeth sliding into her flesh as he filled her body. His fingers trailed up the backs of her thighs and dipped between them, fondling her aching pussy, seeking her clit as he stroked her gently.

  Rocking back, she tilted her hips in invitation as his fingertips danced over her core. The sensations tickled and she growled softly, needing a firmer touch from her mate. A low chuckle vibrated against her skin as he acquiesced to her demand, circling the entrance to her pussy before sliding a finger deep inside. Her inner muscles were tender and she twitched at the invasion stretching her open again. He paused, but she cried out in protest, wriggling her hips to draw him deeper until his palm lay flat against her ass.

  “Are you sure, Little Red?” he growled against her ear, blanketing his muscular frame tighter over hers and she nodded frantically. Tipping her head against his shoulder, she arched her neck, offering her lips for his kiss.

  His fingers were rough on her jaw as he pulled her face around farther, stretching her neck until he got the angle he needed to thrust his tongue deep and demanding between her lips. His other hand teased between her thighs working her pussy until she was slick and throbbing.

  She gasped for breath as he broke their kiss. A hot hand between her shoulder blades pressed her head down into the pillows, lifting her ass higher as he positioned her exactly how he wanted. The blunt, broad head of his cock rubbed through her slit as he coated himself in her juices and she moaned loudly.

  “That’s it, my mate. Tell me how much you love the feel of my cock against your pussy. There’s no one for miles around, Little Red, so don’t hold back now.” Those hot words were panted against her ear as he breached her slowly and she gave him what he wanted, crying out his name.

  He took his time, each thrust a little deeper, and she accepted each and every inch of his thick cock until he was seated firmly, his hips bracketing hers. He stayed in place, weight resting against her until she wanted to weep from the anticipation of his first full slide in and out.

  “Fuck me, Ven,” she urged, using her inner muscles to clamp around his cock and he growled in approval. Hard hands clamped her hips in a bruising grip, he withdrew then drove in so deeply the breath flew out of her body. There was no stopping him now, and she clawed at the sheets for purchase as he rode her down hard into the mattress, each thrust accompanied by a loud grunt of possession.

  “Mine. Mate. Fuck. Yes.” Each guttural punctuation made her wetter and she gave herself over completely to her mate, an act of surrender and devotion as he fucked into her over and over.

  “Yours. Always. Please. Ven.” Her answering gasps gave way to guttural noises as her focus narrowed down to the very center of her body and the base connection of two animals rutting their lust. Their first joining had been an act of infinite patience and gentleness, but she craved this raw connection. Her wolf rose to hover under her skin as both sides of her nature submitted to their mate.

  He slipped his hand beneath her, gripping her clit between two fingers, pinching hard as he plowed his hips faster. Caitlyn buried her head in the pillow and screamed as she came, her voice rising to a near howl as her body bucked and writhed. His rhythm faltered as her body clenched around his cock and a howl escaped him as the heat of his release soaked her pussy.

  The force of her orgasm drained the last of her strength and she collapsed onto the mattress. He toppled next to her, managing to drop most of his weight beside her although their legs were impossibly tangled. His cock softened, slipping free of her body, the wet heat of it pulsing against her thigh. Sweat-soaked, a hint of blood at her neck from the claiming bite, she sprawled across the rumpled sheets. His seed and her own arousal coated the inside of her legs. She felt dirty, glorious, and whole as she caught her breath, the unique scent of their mating filling the trailer bedroom.

  The mattress shifted beneath her and she cracked one eye open, the only movement she could manage, and regarded the broad satisfied smile of her mate. His weight eased from her legs and she pouted as he hauled himself off their bed.

  A sharp sting of pain flashed across her ass and she shot up in shock, rubbing her roundly smacked cheek as he laughed and disappeared toward the shower.

  “No time for lazing around, my mate,” he said over his shoulder. “You’ve got work to do. We open the gas station at six.”

  Caitlyn groaned and dragged herself off the bed, staggering in Ven’s wake toward the narrow shower stall he filled almost completely. Wriggling her way between him and the wall, she stuck her head under the lukewarm stream of water. Strong hands massaged a tangy citrus shampoo into the thick strands of her hair and she rested her weight against the man she knew would always want to do everything for her. There were battles to be fought in the future, issues she would take a stand on when he pushed too far, but for the moment she was content to bask to his dominance.

  They’d taken their first tentative steps into mated life and she would always be proud to walk at his side.

  Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make them a match… />
  With Drew’s reign settling the hills, wolves are returning to the Black Hills. Wolves who need mates. The pack needs to grow, right?

  So four of the surviving matrons take it upon themselves to set up couples. Question is, how do these ladies decide who to match? Whichever unattached wolf they see first, from a list, or do they just draw a name from a bag?

  Their method doesn’t matter, but you can bet they’ll call in favors, make behind-the-scenes plans, and pull whatever strings or stunts required to put wolves together in the name of furthering the pack. And who knows? They might even set their sights on the cantankerous lone bear, Gee….

  Black Hills Wolves Matchmaker Subseries

  Coming May 2016

  Murder comes to the Black Hills Wolves….

  On the one-year anniversary of Drew Tao defeating his father and becoming Alpha of the Black Hills Wolves, everyone looks to the future. On the heels of their celebration, a new threat emerges…. Someone is killing the human mates. The pack survived the reign of a madman, but will a single bullet shatter all their hopes and dreams?

  Murder in Los Lobos

  A Black Hills Wolves Mini Series

  Look for it January 2016

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