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MindWar Page 16

by Darrell Bain

  * * * *

  At the same time as Pat and Bailey were talking, Amber and Jimmy were still awake, their minds together. Knowing they might be separated for a while despite everything, they were trying to gauge how far they could extend their minds while locked together mentally. Surprisingly, they discovered that of the group still awake whom they knew well, they could sense each of them as far away as the other side of town, though the contacts were very foggy. Then they tapped into Mrs. Larkin's mind. It wasn't foggy at all; they were too used to her.

  "She's with Casey! They're in bed together!” It wasn't words they used, but a sudden awareness of what was going on there. Quickly, they backed off. Neither of them were intentionally reading minds; they were simply seeing if they could sense thoughts from a distance. Both of them withdrew as quickly as possible.

  That's a new development, Jimmy! Amber thought.

  We'll tell Pat and Bailey about it tomorrow. Bailey will call Mister Hetrick. Maybe he'll know what they're planning, Jimmy replied

  It's not ethical, but maybe we should try finding out from Larkin, Amber suggested.

  It wouldn't do any good to try now, not with what they have on their minds. He's sure got her fooled, doesn't he?

  Amber touched Larkin's mind briefly again. Uh huh. She thinks she's in love with him, but he's just using her. He's sick.

  We already knew that.

  Jeannie was the final person on their list of persons they wanted to contact, and with her, they wanted more than just a distance gauging mind touch because they were hoping she would communicate with them. They had saved her for last, but she was sleeping by then.

  * * * *

  Amber told Casey about the liaison of Casey and Mrs. Larkin the next morning before leaving for school.

  "We weren't deliberately reading minds. We were just seeing how far we could reach with our minds separately in comparison to when we're merged, I guess is the best word. Anyhow, we thought you should know."

  "Thanks. I'll pass it on to Ray. Do you go to school full days all week?"

  "She doesn't. I do,” Pat said. “Teachers will be busy with lots of stuff, but Thursday and Friday the kids get out at noon. Speaking of that, Amber and I need to get going.” Pat sipped the last of her coffee, kissed Bailey, and grabbed her purse. She took the car; Amber walked so she could be physically with Jimmy for that period of time.

  As soon as Amber joined Jimmy, he kissed her then said abruptly, “We've got a moving date. Two weeks after school lets out. Dad called us this morning early."

  Amber felt her heart jump in her chest. She wished Pat or Bailey could read minds so she could tell them immediately that they needed to speed up their preparations.

  * * * *

  Surprisingly, Jeannie joined Amber and Jimmy for the walk home that evening. “Hi guys,” She said, and, at the same time, touched minds with them in a friendly manner.

  "Hi Jeannie,” they both said, delighted that she wanted to mingle with them again.

  She appeared to be balancing something on a precipice in her mind but let it go. “I'm sorry I haven't been very friendly lately, and Amber, I'm sorry I tried to seduce Jimmy. I was just lonely and wishing I had something like you two have."

  "It's all right,” Amber said. She could sympathize, if not entirely forget the matter. She didn't pry, but thought Jeannie was holding something back. That was her privilege though. Even she and Jimmy had some private compartments in their minds they still kept from each other: embarrassing incidents, errant thoughts, and especially some of the fantasizing daydreams that all humans are subject to but would never want made public. Even so, they were opening up more and more as time went on, and they found, accidentally in most cases, that other people were like them in that respect.

  "No, really. I'm sorry,” Jeannie continued. “We're going to be separated maybe forever before long. It's going to be awfully lonesome for me.” She let them see her thoughts deliberately. She really was lonely and wanted to enjoy the mind touching sensation as much as she could before leaving, but beneath the veneer of her thoughts, she knew she was simply laying a foundation for later and what she hoped would come true.


  All that week and the next, Jeannie remained friendly with Amber and Jimmy. The three of them spent lunch hours and recess together as well as some afternoons, but Amber and Jimmy kept to themselves the afternoons when they were home but the teachers were at school. It was their only time for complete privacy where they could continue learning and enjoying each other's bodies. It only got better. Even as normal teenagers would, they found themselves thinking about each other and what they had done and would do again almost to the exclusion of anything else. They hardly missed Jeannie the last week before she left for California, nor paid much attention to how she was spending her time. Bailey and Pat had encouraged them to use Amber's bedroom whenever they could. Melissa had objected at first but finally relented. Joe didn't seem to care.

  * * * *

  "You were right, Jordy. Green stuff does make it better,” Jeannie said one afternoon. Her parents were at the real estate office signing papers on the house and for a change they could enjoy sex in her bedroom.

  "Told you,” he said, while playing with one of her breasts.

  Jeannie had no great qualms about reading other people's minds, though she didn't make a point of it because such a big proportion of a person's thoughts was either uninteresting or downright disgusting. Just like Jordy. She gently pried, and she could see that he cared much more about his satisfaction than hers. To him, she wasn't much more than an attractive body he had access to. She used her new talent to avoid giving away what she really thought of him, which was only someone to learn sex from. Jordy was sure he was the dominant one of the union, but he couldn't be more wrong. She was simply exploiting him. Boys—and men, as she had found out—thought about sex much more than girls and women, but she had to admit she enjoyed it. Especially with the mood alteration the marijuana provided. It intensified the concentration and pleasure, but she was sure it still couldn't be anything close to what Jimmy and Amber felt, damn them both. Why couldn't there have been four of them, two boys and two girls or even just her and Jimmy? It wasn't fair, but if she had her way, she wouldn't be left out all her life.

  * * * *

  Casey had done all he could in Mountain Grove for now. He shook hands with the Smiths, the last set of parents of the perceptives he had managed to hire. As he walked back to his car, he reflected on how the job was going. Two of the kids had left with their parents immediately after school was out for the year. Already, he had received word back that the boys had no scruples about using their ability in return for cash and drugs and that it must be paying off handsomely already because Brazos was pleased. He wondered what tasks they had been started with. He had recommended they be disguised as young pre-interns and worked at innocuous jobs at first then gradually expand their use. He didn't know if that was being done or not. Brazos didn't reveal much about his activities. He did say that Casey's biggest job was yet to come, that of arranging security for the ones being used, and to help prevent competitors learning of their identity and ability. He looked forward to it. That was more in keeping with his line of work.

  He laughed to himself as he thought of Larkin. After seducing her, she had revealed far more about the perceptive students, both the good and bad ones, than she should have. It had made his work much easier, but he was glad to be rid of the damned old maid. When he thought of the way she was probably crying and carrying on since he stopped seeing her and returning her calls, he laughed out loud. It made him feel good. A couple of passengers boarding the plane with him looked at him curiously, but he didn't give a damn. Before this was over, he intended to be rich, and, if he could, he intended to pry the secret of mind reading out of Jeannie Burger. He quickly stifled that thought. Best to keep it out of his mind as much as he could until the time was right.

  * * * *

"I'm sorry, Lumpkin,” Bailey apologized. “We just couldn't wind up our affairs quickly enough to follow Jimmy and his folks close enough for you to stay in touch. One more week.” The three of them had just finished breakfast and were cleaning up.

  "It's going to seem like forever,” Amber said. Jimmy had gone beyond their ability to sense each other after their first day's drive. He had been past the range of mind touch only three days, but already it seemed as though a vital part of herself was missing. It had gotten to the point where it was hard for her to understand how normal people could go about their lives without a lover, a friend, a confidant, almost an alter ego to share everything with, someone who knew the foibles and advantages and disadvantages of being the opposite sex. That was possible only with the mind reading ability.

  Something about Amber's expression made Bailey suspect how great a trial the separation was. The longing he saw in her eyes and face was almost palatable. He put his arm around her and squeezed her shoulder. “We'll try to hurry."

  "Thanks, Bailey. You and Mom have been so understanding it makes me ashamed to complain, but ... I'm sorry. I don't think I can make you understand."

  "Probably not,” Bailey said. He wiped the table and returned the dish cloth to its hanger. “One thing I'd like to know. What's your take on how the world would function if everyone had your ability? I don't mean politically or how governments would work; you don't know enough about that yet. I want to know how people would manage. Have you thought about it?"

  "Oh, sure,” Amber said as she followed him and Pat out to the den. “Jimmy and I have talked about it some. It would probably work best if kids started out that way. I think adults would have a pretty hard time of it if it happened suddenly. I know Jimmy and I did right at first, but I guess they could get used to it. Probably it would wind up pretty much like the group did. Mostly good, some bad. I guess everyone would have to try to be a little more honest. Maybe. Is that what you wanted to know?"

  "Mostly,” Bailey said. “Thanks. Pat, which room shall we work on next? Remember, the movers will be here in a couple of days."

  "Let Amber take care of whatever she has in her room that she wants to keep private, and let's do it next. Go ahead, baby; we old folks need to rest after a meal.,” Pat said and winked at her daughter.

  "You guys should give parenting lessons,” Amber said, smiling. She went to take care of what few items she would rather the adults not see—not that they were anything to be ashamed of, or not much anyway. While she was doing that, she thought of what a nice world it would be if every child had parents like her mother and Bailey. She barely remembered her own father now. He had never displayed the slightest interest in seeing her after the divorce. When the support checks stopped, Mom made no effort to track him down and make him pay, telling Amber that if he cared so little, they were all better off not having a reminder of him. Amber agreed. Bailey was such a good person that she didn't care if she never saw her biological father again.

  * * * *

  Jeannie was bored the first few days at their new home. She had been looking forward to the move, but now she realized how much she missed the contact with Amber and Jimmy and even the other perceptive kids. It was like living in a world of dunces. Then Casey approached her while she was out for a walk to see more of the neighborhood. It was a nicer place than they had in Mountain Grove, but so far, she had seen very few teenagers around, and of those he did see, none of them interested her.

  "Hello Casey,” said when she came upon him at an intersection. At the same time, she tried to see what he had on his mind. It was hard to tell within the maelstrom of his conflicting thoughts, and she had no wish to dig deeper. One thing came through clearly, though. He had a job ready for her.

  "You're going to be a summer intern,” Casey said, beginning to talk immediately in order to try keeping his other thoughts muffled.

  "Oh?” Jeannie saw that was true and waited.

  "Right. You're going to pose as a gifted high school student looking for advanced credit. Your school records from Mountain Grove will support that image. It will be with the same company your dad is working for. I've already briefed your contact. You'll meet him Monday. You can ride in with your dad the rest of this week while he's going through orientation and then we'll arrange transportation for you."

  "What will I be doing?"

  Casey's mind immediately formed an image. Spying. “You're going to be a spy, here and there. All the time you'll ostensibly be going through the different departments to see how things are done, but your real job will be to ferret out people who aren't loyal to the company or who suspect my boss has ties to the company and controls some of its employees. Do a good job; you're going to be watched."

  "Don't worry,” Jeannie said confidently. “When do I get paid?"

  "You'll be on the payroll, but I'm the one who'll give you the real money and goods. Here's your first.” He handed over a small cheap fanny pack then turned and hurried away.

  Jeannie was very curious but she waited until she returned home before looking inside. Inside the pack found a bundle of twenty dollar bills, a small zip lock bag of already rolled marijuana, some methacoke pills, and a small vial of an illegal sexual stimulant. She took a deep breath. Did Casey intend to turn her into a dope addict? If so, he was in for a surprise. She put the money in her purse and hid the pills, cocaine, and all but one of the cigarettes. Knowing she had two hours before her mother would be back from shopping, she lit it and lay back on the bed, smoking and thinking.

  * * * *

  Jeannie's first day at work wasn't pleasant. In Mountain Grove, everyone knew her at school and around the neighborhood. She wasn't used to being introduced to strange adults. The experience was disconcerting, especially meeting the men in the distribution department where she began work. It didn't seem to matter what age they were, whether married or single, their first impression of her would inevitably segue to a sexual image of one sort or another. It kept her from delving very deeply into their minds at first the way she was supposed to. She knew she had a good figure for a girl approaching fourteen. She also knew she looked older than that, but she had no desire to see herself as these old men saw her. Well, all except the two who were gay. They simply thought of her as a nuisance.

  Jeannie's contact, a man who gave his name only as Borcham, had an agenda all laid out. He had gone over it with her before the introductions started. Borcham was a small man with streaked blond hair and pale blue eyes. His image of her wasn't pleasant at all. Not that he disliked her; he did. He admired her youthful good looks in a nasty fashion that would have made her shudder if she hadn't already learned not to linger in minds like that.

  "Your job is to find out about everyone in this department. Take your time, but no more than two weeks. In fact, on Friday, I'll be meeting with you all day unless you turn up some spectacular type of disloyalty or hear someone think about Brazos when we give you a tour of the plant. If you do turn up something like that, notify me immediately. Understand?"

  "What are you looking for? Perverts? Thieves?"

  "Anything detrimental to the company, but especially for industrial spies. Anyone whose loyalty is to a competing company. Anyone who came to work here under false pretenses. Anyone trying to get the goods on Brazos. Got it?"

  "I think so."

  "Be sure. Your pay will depend on how good a job you do, how much you learn about everyone. Casey said you could do it, so let's get started. As soon as you prove yourself, I have a bigger job for you."


  That was when the introductions began. It was a long, boring, and sometimes disgusting day. Occasionally, she probed Borcham's mind and learned that wasn't his real name, not that she particularly cared. His thoughts were so focused on pleasing Brazos and Casey, along with aberrant fantasies involving harm to almost everyone he came in contact with, that she couldn't stand much of it. The next morning, before leaving she took one of the timed released methacoke tablets, a m
ethamphetamine that was combined with a cocaine derivative to keep the high from showing. She had gotten the same type from Jordy a couple of times. The pill helped tremendously. She learned more the first two hours after taking it than she had all the previous day, and she knew she would be paid very well if what she was finding out was any indication. Nevertheless, it wasn't nearly as glamorous and exciting as she had visualized it being. She was still bored and lonely.


  "I want you to get Jimmy out here, Casey. I don't care how you do it."

  Casey laughed and Jeannie saw immediately that if she had gone deeper into his mind at their last meeting, she would already have known he was on his way.

  "Damn you, why didn't you tell me? When will he be here?"

  "Pretty soon, so don't worry. How was your first week on the job?"

  "Boring. Where's my pay?"

  Casey produced a paper bag. This time, she checked to see what it contained before letting him go. It was the same as last week; money, pills and drugs. She nodded and touched Casey's mind.

  "Don't think you'll get me addicted; I can handle it,” Jeannie told him. “Call me when Jimmy gets here."

  "Won't you know?"

  "It'll save me searching all the time."

  "I'll send word to you at work or drop a hint on your personal phone. No more calls to the house line unless I have to. By the way, your dad was told you're making much more money than what the books show, but don't flash it around. People get suspicious of young kids with too much cash. They think they're either rich or dealing."

  "No problem. You just get Jimmy where we can see each other, and you won't have to worry."

  "He'll be here. In the meantime, why not try that big mall near where you live? Kids in the area hang out there on weekends, or so I'm told. Look for me at two o'clock sharp in the Barnes & Noble book store. Check the guy I'm with. See if he's being straight with me, and there'll be a bonus for you. After we meet, call this number at six sharp.” He gave her a slip of paper with the number on it.


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