Sensation of the Seas

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Sensation of the Seas Page 2

by Cyndi Redding

  Chapter Two

  “So why do you have to work when there are no passengers onboard yet?”

  “We have to clean every inch of the ship after every cruise.” Simone looked at her with a glint in her eye. “Damn. I forgot my toothbrush.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad. I guess you’ll have to lick the deck clean with your tongue.”

  Simone reared back and let out a loud laugh. “Now, you’re getting it.” She pointed to another room as they whizzed by. “This is the crew mess where you’ll eat your meals. Eat a big breakfast. You’ll probably miss lunch more often than not. Gizela schedules customers whenever she wants and books as many as she can. Yet, you’ll have to make it seem like you have all the time in the world to spend on each one. You’ll work hard, at least if you want to make any money in tips.”

  She made a sharp turn. “I’ll show you a couple of places you won’t want to go, but you might as well know where they are.”

  Simone picked up the pace and Vicki jogged beside her. When they were almost to the other end of the ship, she stopped and pointed to a door. “This is the Morgue.”

  “Oh, that’s bloody disgusting.” Did she really need to know where the morgue was? Her roommate must be trying to tell her something.

  Simone turned around. Pointing to a door on the opposite side, she said, “In there is the hospital. It might be good to know where that is, just in case.”

  “In case what?”

  “Well, accidents happen.”

  “Like what will happen to me if I tell you to go bite your bum?”

  Simone seemed delighted with the sassy humor and displayed another wide smile. “No, idiot. For the passengers. Sometimes they fall when they’re drunk, or they get seasick when we’re in choppy seas. Monday is usually very rough.”

  Vicki pictured those choppy seas and hoped she had a strong stomach. “I know why Mondays used to be rough for me, I partied on the weekend. Do the passengers really need a hospital for that?”

  “Oh, my God.” Simone laughed so hard she stumbled. “You have so much to learn.”

  Vicki caught a glimpse of what looked like friendship, and Simone patted her on the head. Walking back the way they had come, Simone slowed the pace and explained.

  “Mondays are choppy because we’re sailing across open seas without the barrier of land to block the wind.” She put an arm around Vicki as they neared the end of the long corridor. “Of course, there’s plenty of drunks on Sunday night and every other night. Off duty crew included.”

  She steered her into another open door. “This is the Cyber room. It’s where you can find computers or books. They can be lots of fun--if you can read.”

  The sarcasm was hard to miss. “Really, Mate? Well, I might have to learn someday, then.” Simone laughed and Vicki was thrilled to have stumbled upon the key to harmony with her cabin mate. If insults and self-deprecating humor made the next six weeks bearable, she’d act as if she just stumbled out of the bush and have fun with it. Who needs boring dignity anyway?

  Simone walked a few more paces into the room and pointed to the computers. “This is the only way you’ll get any current news. It’s like living in a fantasy world on a cruise ship. After a while, the outside world seems very far away. I’ll show you how to set up e-mail later, but right now I have to get to work.”

  Simone left the Cyber room and Vicki followed. As she glanced back over her shoulder, she saw the same handsome man sitting in a chair holding a book. He wasn’t reading, though--unless he was reading her. Her heart fluttered and she felt lightheaded. Those intense black eyes pierced hers. She stopped short, glanced at Simone for only a second and then back toward the chair. It was empty.

  Vicki shook her head. It must be the excitement. On the other hand, very possibly, she was off her kadoova.

  “Well thanks for showing me everything.”

  Simone waved her off. “There’s only one more interesting thing down here but you don’t need to see it. The prison.”

  “Prison?” Flashes of her ancestors popped into her head again. “Why does a cruise ship need a prison?”

  “The usual things. We have the occasional theft, assault, even an attempted murder once that I know of.” Simone leaned close to her and lowered her voice as they neared the stairs. “Don’t tell anyone I told you, but one of the crew is in there, now. The Miami police are coming to get him any minute.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “I don’t know exactly what happened. He worked as a fitness trainer in the gym. Somebody threw a punch. And he hit back--hard enough to break the passenger’s nose. I don’t know how anyone could be so stupid.”

  “He roughed up a passenger?” Vicki said. “Well then, he deserves to be sacked.”

  Simone led the way as they ascended the stairs. “Maybe, but don’t say anything about it. Just remember that the passenger is always right.”

  “Did you say he was the fitness trainer? Isn’t the gym part of the spa?”

  “Yes, but if they’re talking about it at work, play dumb.”

  “That’s shouldn’t be hard since I’m a droob,” Vicki said.

  Simone turned around to smile, then stopped as if she had to mull something over. Eventually, she motioned Vicki up beside her with a jerk of her head so she could whisper into her ear.

  “The spa manager’s really furious, and she can be nasty on a good day. He was her boyfriend. Now he’ll be sent back to Norway. I happened to be near her office alone this morning and overheard her lodging a complaint with the captain. She said something about a filthy gypsy wanting to take the job as fitness trainer … said she knew he was a gypsy because he listed Romanes as one of the languages he spoke fluently. I guess she hates gypsies. She said they carry diseases, they lie and he’d rob the ship blind. She was practically flipping out. I think she’d do or say anything to get Lars back, though. I doubt anyone else would crawl into bed with that barracuda. I’ve never heard her lose it that bad.”

  “Oh, bloody hell. Thanks for warning me. I’ll try to stay out of her way.”

  Simone nodded, “Good idea. I feel sorry for the poor person filling that position.” When they reached the top of the stairs she said, “Well, you can have the cabin all to yourself, now. I’m going to work.”

  “Right. By the way, what do you do on the ship?”

  Simone smiled until her teeth gleamed. “I’m head hairdresser in the Spa, and I’m training you,” she said. “Now try to behave yourself.” With an impish wink, she trotted up the next set of stairs.

  * * *

  Sweat beaded on Vicki’s forehead as she pushed the last of her precious possessions into the cabinet and leaned into the bottom drawer in order to close it. She thought the effort had earned her a beer and hoped the crew bar carried Fosters. Maybe she’d check out some of the male crewmembers a little more closely--especially that tall, dark, handsome stranger if she could catch him in one place long enough.

  She bounded down the stairs and found the room Simone had led her to earlier. A different crowd was there now. The mood had changed too. They seemed to be speaking in hushed tones, although, Vicki could hear enough to know they were speaking English. Good. She had a few questions, and she’d rather not pester Simone.

  Vicki had read the ship’s itinerary, and they’d be visiting the Bahamas first. God, the Bahamas! She never thought she’d visit such exotic places. She hoped the crew could tell her some of the best places to window shop while they were docked there for the day.

  A young woman with a short, blond haircut caught sight of Vicki. “Buggar, someone new,” she mumbled with a British accent.

  Determined not to let anyone’s attitude upset her, passengers or crew, Vicki piped up and said, “G’day. I’m Vicki from Melbourne.”

  The British girl smiled. “We ought to welcome you properly, but we only have a few minutes to finish a private conversation. I hope you don’t think us terribly rude.”

  “No, not at all.” Vicki held up her h
ands and backed away. “I’ll get something from the bar and sit over there.”

  The pale, drab-looking guy sitting with her said, “You can sit with us, later. I’ll buy you a second round. Whatever you like.”

  “Thanks. I’ll do that.”

  Vicki sat at the bar and ordered a Fosters. She was disappointed to find they didn’t carry it, but at least there were plenty of other libations to choose from. She’d thought everyone was wonderful for their generous offers to buy her a drink until she discovered that drinks in the crew bar were only fifty cents. The bartender busied himself restocking clean glasses while she was enjoying her beer. In between clicks of glass, she heard snippets of the conversation behind her.

  “I saw two bobbies on the dock talking to the captain.”

  “It won’t be long before they take him off, then.”

  “Should we wander past the gangway, or would Gizela have our heads?”

  Vicki tried her hardest not to turn around. She wished she could distract herself by catching another glimpse of her dark, handsome mystery man--the man of her wildest dreams. Maybe if she moved to the table in the far corner she could pretend to be giving the Brits more privacy and watch for him. She grabbed her beer before the bartender thought to strike up a conversation and found her way to the empty table.

  As soon as she got comfortable, she focused on the spot where she had seen him before. Okay, handsome, show yourself. A moment after the thought formed in her mind, the figure appeared. Jesus Christ!

  A slight, almost shy, smile softened his serious expression. Mesmerized, Vicki could do nothing but gaze back at him. Had she communicated with a ghost? Who was he? Why did he show himself only to her?

  Oh, Lord. I need to lie down. A moment later the vision faded and disappeared. Vicki’s legs shook beneath her leaden body as she heaved herself to her feet. Two deep breaths later, she abandoned her nearly full mug on the table and walked unsteadily toward the door.

  “Oh, don’t leave,” called the female Brit. “We’re finished talking. Come over and let us buy you something you like better.” She nodded at Vicki’s abandoned beer.

  “Thanks. I will--later. I’m not feeling very well.”

  The man said, “‘Aven’t got your sea legs, yet? But we’re still docked, luv.”

  At that moment, Ron strolled into the bar, spotted Vicki, and his passive smile grew into a wide grin. He reminded her of the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.

  “Vicki! I was just looking for you. I have your nickname now.” He walked straight over to her and slid an arm around her shoulder. “I want to take you out for a late lunch before we leave Miami. I’ll tell you how I came up with it in the restaurant.”

  The Brits rolled their eyes and went back to their private conversation.

  “Uh-oh, ‘take you out’ sounds like a date, Ron.” Remembering Simone’s caution, and agreeing it was best to stay unattached for a while, she wanted to let him down easy. She’d caught the British woman’s eye-roll, and that reinforced her desire to stay fancy free until she knew a few more men on the ship and what they were about. Not only that, but the image of her mystery man haunted her.

  “What’s wrong with a date? Are you married or something?”

  “No, of course not. I’m just worn out.”

  “Can I buy you something from the bar, then?”

  “I just had something. I need some time to--unpack.”

  “I can come up to your cabin and help.” He bent close to whisper in her ear. “I’d be risking my job twice in one day, but for a beauty like you...”

  Stepping back, she said, “No. Thanks for the offer, really, but you shouldn’t risk your job. And I need some space.” Bloody hell, he’s persistent.

  “Don’t we all. That’s what I was trying to do. You need to get out of your cabin and off the ship as much as possible if you don’t want to go stir-crazy.”

  “That’s not what I meant, but thanks. I really want to be on my own for a while. Maybe some other time.”

  “This might be your only chance. You’ll be working ten-hour days, and they only give us one day off each week. If our days don’t coincide, it’ll be all work and no play with Ron-Rico.”

  “That’s all right. I came here to work.”

  Ron’s eyes narrowed as he sputtered a chilly, “I was just trying to be friendly, wicked Vicki. That’s your nickname, by the way. See you around.” And he stormed out.

  “Shit,” she said. There must be better ways to let a guy down.

  The British woman turned toward her and smirked. “Well done. I’m Barbara. He calls me ‘Bra Bra.’ Have a seat. We’ll buy you a drink and be cordial.”

  Vicki looked at the ceiling and let a deep breath in a whoosh. “I really hate to do that, but I just got here. Besides, I really am feeling sick enough to spew.”

  “Get some Dramamine from the infirmary,” Barbara suggested.

  “Thanks. I will.” She waved and bolted out the door. She heard the chuckles behind her but didn’t care. All she wanted to do was hide and figure out what had just happened to her.

  Chapter Three

  Vicki had been working on the ship without further incidents for a couple of weeks. Gizela took it easy on her at first, but let her know that she expected her to be up to speed soon. The other girls were making twice as much in tips and were selling the spa’s expensive products earning them a nice commission. Vicki still felt like she couldn’t giveaway cheese at a rat’s picnic.

  The fitness trainer hadn’t been replaced yet, and Simone had warned Vicki that Gizela was in a powerful snit. When at eight p.m. the last guest left the salon shampooed, styled and happy, Gizela called both Simone and Vicki into her tiny office.

  Vicki was shaking on the inside, but holding her smile in place on the outside. At least she had mastered one skill. There wasn’t room for three people to sit, so all three of them stood in the office doorway.

  “Simone, you’ll show the new girl how to thoroughly clean the spa area tomorrow after the passengers disembarks. She’s leaving things in shambles and needs a tutor.”

  The new girl. Still haven’t learned my name, Boss?

  Simone looked at the ceiling and sighed. “But, Gizela, I have something I need to do in Miami. Am I going to be onboard all day?”

  “Not if you’re efficient.”

  The phone rang and Gizela let out an irritated-sounding huff.

  The girls stepped a few feet away and their boss dismissed them saying, “Early tomorrow morning. Don’t forget.” She yanked the door to her office closed behind her, but it didn’t latch and remained open a crack as she answered the phone. Simone hid next to the door’s hinges and leaned her ear toward the opening. Vicki’s mouth gaped, but a moment later she was nestled next to Simone with her ear at the door too. A long quiet time passed as if a lot of information were being exchanged at once.

  “You’re kidding,” she heard Gizela say. “Do you mean to tell me he’s the only one available to fill the opening?” She heaved a sigh. “Yes, I know we have to fill the slot. Didn’t you meet some body builder?” After a pause she exclaimed, “He wanted how much? Now, how about Lars? Can’t he come back?” An audible growl followed. “All right, all right. But just so you know, a Rom would have been my last choice.”

  The sound of the receiver banging on its cradle signaled the end of the call and both girls jumped away from the door.

  Gizela muttered and oath, and what sounded like, “A fucking gypsy? What the hell did I do to deserve this?”

  Simone grabbed Vicki’s arm and both girls rushed off to the elevator. While they descended, Simone looked at Vicki with a gleam in her eye. “Sounds like someone interesting is about to join the crew, but keep your mouth shut about it. Don’t say anything in the crew bar. We can swap gossip in our cabin. If something like that gets back to Gizela, she’d fire us immediately for snooping. All she needs is a suspicion that you might have eavesdropped and au revoir.”

  “Too right. I can�
�t afford to lose my job. I just spent every penny I had to get here. It sounds like Gizela’s sack-happy.”

  “She is. That’s how she deals with problems. If you want my advice, don’t be a problem.”

  * * *

  A loud beeping alarm clock roused Vicki from a fitful sleep. Morning looked as black as night in her windowless cabin. “Bloody hell,” she muttered.

  Simone jumped down from the top bunk and landed on the floor with cat-like balance. She turned on the light as Vicki was groping for the alarm clock trying to hit the snooze button. “Just ten more minutes,” she pleaded.

  “Get the fuck up, roomie. Because of you we have to swab the deck.”

  Vicki groaned and lifted her body to sit on the edge of the bed. “Right. Sorry. Do I have time to brush my teeth?”

  “Yes. Then bring that toothbrush with you. You’ll need it to get in the crevices and clean out the air ducts.”

  “Go bite your bum.”

  They spent the whole morning cleaning. By the time the obvious things around the spa were spotless, the floors, the counter tops, and the mirrors, Simone motioned her into one of the treatment rooms and handed her a damp rag.

  “Wipe down the counters, shelves and massage table. Scrub hard. Don’t forget there’s slime and oils all over everything.”

  “Sounds appalling. And what are you going to do?”

  “I’m going to supervise.” Simone crossed her arms and leaned against the door.

  Vicki began to scrub and muttered under her breath. “About a hundred bits and bobs to scour in here.” Simone didn’t move. As Vicki became more annoyed, she mumbled a quiet Aussie insult, “Yobbo.”

  “You can call me a ‘slag’ or a ‘slapper’ if you like. It won’t bother me.”

  Vicky snapped to attention and gaped at Simone.

  “I speak Aussie, you know.” The side of Simone’s lip curled.

  Vicki threw the rag on the counter. “Bugger, I forgot. You dated a dinkum, didn’t you?”


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