Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) Page 1

by Vikki Vaught

  Love Sneaked In

  Montgomery Family Trilogy

  Book 2


  Vikki Vaught

  Copyright © 2012 by Vikki Vaught.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1

  Spring 1820

  While on her morning ride, Helen looked out over her ancestral home, Sanderford Park, and felt an inner peace roll over her. Every morning, she would ride her dappled gray mare, Ginny, to the lake. It always reminded her of all the wonderful summers that she had spent here with her brothers and sister.

  Sanderford Park had been such a wonderful place to grow up in with its miles upon miles of verdant green hills, where she could ride and just enjoy communing with nature. It was always so peaceful and serene here. However, even though she loved her home, she was looking forward to the upcoming season.

  Helen had been afraid she wasn’t going to get to go to London, because her brother Henry, the Duke of Sanderford, and his wife Melody were expecting a child in May. Fortunately, Melody’s aunt, Lady Helton, was willing to sponsor her and her sister, Kathryn, for the season. Helen had missed several seasons over the past five years due to the illness and death of her father and brother, Nelson. Even though Helen would be turning three and twenty in June, she had only had two full seasons.

  Last year was the best season Helen had had so far, because she’d met Hanford Preston, the Duke of Somerset, and he had paid serious court to her at the end of the season. Helen thought Hanford was so handsome and debonair. Being in his late thirties, Hanford was more mature than most of the men she had been interested in, in the past. Hanford was so attractive with his dark sable brown hair with touches of gray at his temples. Helen found his pale gray eyes enticing, especially when they darkened whenever he looked at her, turning them to deep silver.

  Hanford was medium height, but very well built. Anyone could tell he was a physically active man, because he was very muscular with broad shoulders, and a trim waist. It pleased Helen that Hanford was always dressed in the height of fashion and impeccably groomed at all times. Whenever they danced together, she could smell his clean masculine scent and his sandalwood cologne. Helen definitely enjoyed spending time with him and hoped he would continue to pursue her again this coming season.

  Glancing at her watch, Helen realized it was almost time for tea, so she turned her horse around and headed back to the house, racing along the path to ensure that she wasn’t late.

  Once Helen arrived home, she changed into an afternoon gown and went downstairs. When she entered the drawing room, Kathryn, and Melody were already there, along with her other sister-in-law Mary, her brother Nelson’s widow. Soon after, Henry entered, hurrying as usual. Henry always seemed to be in a hurry these days. Helen knew he had huge responsibilities and took them very seriously. Melody served tea and passed a plate of sandwiches around. Henry wolfed down several as usual.

  After Henry finished his sandwiches, he dusted the crumbs from his hands with his napkin and turned to Helen. “Did you enjoy your ride? At least the weather has warmed up.”

  “I had a lovely ride today. With so many of the flowers starting to bloom, I know spring is definitely on its way.”

  “Are you looking forward to your upcoming season?” Henry asked. “It’s so nice of Lady Helton to sponsor you and Kathryn this year. By the way, I’ve set up an account for you and Kathryn to draw on while you’re in London, so you don’t have to worry about using any of your allowance for new clothes and such.”

  “Oh, thank you, Henry. We’re very fortunate to have such a generous brother. I can think of quite a few things I need this season, and my allowance wouldn’t have covered everything. I’m definitely looking forward to this season. As much as I’ll miss you, Melody, and the children, I can’t wait to go to London.”

  “I’m just glad you don’t have to miss the season. I know how much you’re looking forward to it.”

  “Of course, I do understand why you aren’t able to come for the season, but I’ll miss both of you dreadfully. Please promise to send word immediately when the baby comes. We’ll come home right away to see the child and make sure Melody’s all right.”

  “I promise to let you know as soon as the baby comes.” Looking over at Kathryn, Henry stated, “Kathryn, I know you’re looking forward to attending the Art Institute, but I do hope you’ll participate in the season. I want you to enjoy yourself this year.”

  “I’m sure I’ll find time to enjoy the season,” Kathryn replied. “I only go to classes in the daytime, so my evenings will be free. I look forward to all the other entertainments that London has to offer. I love the ballet and the opera, and I’m sure we’ll be attending both this season.” Turning away from Henry, Kathryn gazed fondly over at Melody and asked, “Melody, how are you feeling today?”

  Smiling, Melody answered Kathryn’s question, “I’m having a very good day. I spent most of the afternoon with Mary Elizabeth and Brandon. The children were playing ‘knight and damsel in distress’ and it was so adorable.”

  Watching Melody shift in her seat, Helen realized that since she was such a tiny woman, she must be getting uncomfortable from her pregnancy. Of course, Helen wasn’t overly worried about Melody since she’d had such an easy time birthing Mary Elizabeth and Brandon.

  Once Melody settled into a more comfortable position, she continued, “Brandon kept taking his little wooden sword and slaying the dragon so he could save Mary Elizabeth and Angela. I just love to watch the children play. They’re going to miss both of you when you go to London.”

  “We’ll miss them too. In fact, I think I’ll go upstairs to see them.” Turning to Kathryn, Helen asked, “Do you want to come with me, Kathryn?”

  “Certainly, that sounds delightful.” Helen and Kathryn went upstairs to visit their nieces and nephews. Helen loved all four children equally, even though her nephews were not blood related. Helen and Kathryn played with them until it was time to get ready for dinner. Spending time with the children brought home how much she wanted children of her own. That’s why she’d decided it was definitely time for her to find a husband this upcoming season. Hopefully she was well on the way of that mission with Hanford.

  After dinner that night, everyone encouraged Mary to play for them. Mary was an extremely gifted pianist, and everyone always enjoyed listening to her play. Helen had a pleasant evening and retired to bed at ten o’clock.

  As each day passed, Helen grew more excited about the upcoming season and looked forward to it with great anticipation. Thankfully, the next fortnight went by quickly and soon they were on their way to London. Since it was raining, the trip took longer than usual, but Helen used the time to read her new Minerva Press novel. They arrived at Lady Helton’s at three o’clock in the afternoon. Bradford, Lady Helton’s butler was there to direct them to their rooms.

  Helen was impressed when she saw her room. The walls were a lovely soft blue with cream crown molding adorning the ceiling. She found the entire room restful and knew she would enjoy her time here. The counterpane on the bed was soft yellow with pale blue piping around the edge, and there were mounds of lovely soft pillows. She could just imagine luxuriat
ing among all those pillows, reading her new novel. After she freshened up, she went back downstairs to the drawing room.

  When Helen entered the room, Lady Helton came over to her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “I’m so pleased you could stay with me for the season. We’re going to have a wonderful time. I have a great many activities planned for us. How is my dear Melody?”

  Helen returned Lady Helton’s hug, then sat down on the sofa. “Melody sends her regards and she’s doing quite well. Both Melody and Henry are so excited about the baby, and they’re impatient for its arrival. You would think it’s their first child. Of course, in some ways it is for Henry, since he missed Mary Elizabeth’s birth.”

  Lady Helton sat down next to Helen. “I’m so happy for both of them. They’ve gone through so much and deserve to have some happiness in their lives. Oh, by the way, I’ve made an appointment for us at Madame Devy’s tomorrow, so we can freshen up our wardrobes for the season.”

  “Oh, I just love Madame Devy’s designs. I look forward to it.”

  “I do hope Kathryn can find time to participate in the season this year. I know how important her art is to her, but she still needs to enjoy herself with other young people.” Looking up, Lady Helton saw Kathryn enter the room. “Ah, here she is now.” She stood up and went over to embrace Kathryn and give her a kiss. “Hello, my dear. Don’t you look lovely. Are you all settled in? I hope your room suits you.”

  Kathryn shyly returned her hug and kiss. “Yes, Lady Helton, my room is lovely, and I know I’ll be very comfortable here. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long?”

  “Oh no, my dear, we were just chatting as you came in. I’ll just call for our tea.” Lady Helton rang the bell, and Bradford came in with the tea tray. “As I just explained to Helen, I’ve made an appointment tomorrow with Madame Devy so we can add to our wardrobes for the season. When do you start your classes at the Art Institute? I do hope you’ll be able to join us. After all, you’ll still need to freshen up your wardrobe, even if most of your time is spent at the Institute.”

  “I don’t start my instruction until next Monday, so I’ll be happy to go with you.” When Kathryn took her seat, she added, “I do need a few new dresses and various other accessories, so I look forward to it.”

  “My dears, since you’ll be staying with me for the entire season,” Lady Helton informed them, “please, call me Aunt Miriam. There’s no reason to be so formal. After all, you’re my dear Melody’s sisters-in-law so I look upon you as family.”

  Helen spoke up first saying, “I would be happy to.” Kathryn chimed in with her agreement.

  Once they finished their tea, Helen went to her room to rest before dinner. Dinner was quite enjoyable that evening, what with Aunt Miriam sharing all the latest gossip with them. Helen had never been much of a gossip, but it was nice to hear about what was going on in town. With the season just getting started, Aunt Miriam assured them that they hadn’t missed any of the balls or parties.

  The next morning they went to Bond Street to do their shopping. Helen and Kathryn ordered quite a few new dresses and evening gowns. One of the evening gowns Helen picked out was a particularly fetching silvery blue silk. As she held the fabric up to her creamy white complexion, she knew it complimented her brilliant blue eyes and would look marvelous when it was finished.

  Once they were through with their shopping, they went to Gunter’s to have their famous shaved ham sandwiches and ices. Gunter’s was an extremely popular place to go. Many members of the ton went there on a regular basis during the season, and of course, their ices were superb. If you wanted to see who had already arrived for the season, Gunter’s was the place to go.

  After they had luncheon, they took a drive through Hyde Park and again saw several people they knew. After their drive, they returned to the house to get ready for the evening’s entertainment. Lady Helton was taking them to a play on Drury Lane. The play they were to see was A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which was one of Helen’s favorite Shakespeare plays.

  This season was particularly important to Helen because she just knew she was going to bring Hanford, the Duke of Somerset, up to scratch. She’d been dreaming of him ever since the end of last season. If she were able to get him to propose it would be amazing, because he’d never shown any signs of being interested in marriage in past seasons. While she’d never wanted for beaus, Hanford was the first gentleman who had ever truly interested her. Helen was also looking forward to seeing her other friends again, especially Susan, Lady Hastings.

  The next morning, Helen was up early. She hastily completed her morning ablutions and went down to breakfast. While she enjoyed her morning meal, she thought about the upcoming evening with anticipation. They were going to Lady Crawford’s ball, and she was looking forward to seeing Hanford again. She couldn’t wait to dance with him since he danced so divinely. Helen wondered if he had missed her and if he would try to kiss her again. They’d kissed at the end of last season, and she’d found it to be quite titillating.

  This was so out of character for Helen. She never spent this much time thinking about anyone as she did Hanford. She had quite a few things planned for the day, and she wanted to give herself plenty of time to get ready for the ball, so she needed to stop wasting time. Of course, she’d never felt this way about anyone before, either.

  Oh, she did hope Hanford would be there tonight.

  Helen and her party arrived at Lady Crawford’s shortly after eight o’clock. Since this was the first ball of the season, Helen was a bit surprised to see so many people there. Most of the ton must have decided to attend since the ballroom was extremely crowded. Helen surreptitiously glanced around the ballroom looking for Hanford. At first she didn’t see him, but then she saw him dancing with, of all people, Lady Penelope. They appeared to be in deep conversation, and she wondered what they could be talking about so intently.

  Lady Penelope was the daughter of the Earl of Stanton, and she was supposed to have married Henry at one time. Because their estates bordered each other, Helen’s father had greatly desired the match. Of course, Henry had fallen in love with Melody, so the match never happened. Lady Penelope was a witch, and Helen had never cared for her at all. They were both strong-willed and had gotten into quite a few arguments while growing up.

  Helen turned to Kathryn and asked, “Do you see His Grace dancing with Lady Penelope? I wonder how well they know one another. Oh, I hope he sees me and asks me to dance. I’m just dying to dance with him again, as he’s such a wonderful dancer.”

  After the Duke of Somerset finished dancing with Lady Penelope, Helen watched as he made his way around the dance floor. Her heart did a little flip when she realized that he was coming over to her. He stopped in front of her and bowed. “Good evening, Lady Helen. It’s a pleasure to see you again. How was your time in the country this past winter?”

  Helen curtsied and then gazed at him with delight in her startling blue eyes. “I always enjoy my time at Sanderford Park, but I’m looking forward to having a wonderful time now that I’m here in London for the season. Since my brother and his wife are expecting a blessed event in May, I’m staying with Lady Helton. She has quite a few entertainments planned for my sister Kathryn and me. Did you enjoy your time in the country?”

  “Yes, but it wasn’t as enjoyable as your time was, I’m sure. I stayed very busy, what with running all my estates. I spent quite a bit of my time traveling from one holding to another. I’ll actually find the season relaxing compared to what I have been doing. By the way, you look lovely tonight. Do you have a waltz available for me?”

  Helen coyly glanced at him. “The supper dance is open if you would you like that one?”

  Hanford looked deeply into her eyes, and Helen felt little flutters deep in the pit of her stomach. “That would be lovely. I’d like to take you driving tomorrow at four o’clock. Would you be available?”

  “Yes that would be splendid.” Then with a questioning tone in her voice, she
continued speaking. “I noticed you dancing with Lady Penelope. She’s a neighbor of mine, and I was wondering…if you have known her for a long time?”

  Hanford arrogantly raised his eyebrow. “One of my smaller properties is close to her father’s estate, and I know him quite well, so I’ve actually known her for years. Well, if you’ll excuse me I’m going to the card room. I look forward to our dance later.”

  Helen watched him as he left the ballroom and worried that she may have made a mistake asking him about Lady Penelope. He had cooled slightly after she’d asked him about her. Trying to put these thoughts out of her mind, she turned and joined the conversation that Lady Helton was having with her friends.

  Helen danced several sets with some of her beaus from last season and was having a pleasant evening. She was impatient for the supper dance so she could dance with Hanford. She’d spoken with Susan, and they were going to St. Mark’s Orphanage tomorrow morning. She’d been volunteering there ever since Melody got her involved with it several years before. In fact, it was due to Melody that she’d become such good friends with Susan. Finally, the supper dance arrived, and Hanford came to get her.

  When Hanford approached her for their dance, she could tell by his expression he was glad to see her, so maybe she’d been wrong to think it had bothered him when she asked him about Lady Penelope. The supper dance was the most important one of the evening, not only did you get to dance with your partner, you had supper with him as well.

  As the strains of the waltz concluded, she realized she’d enjoyed dancing with him just as much as last year. They went into the supper room where they sat at one of the small white linen-draped tables. Hanford returned from the buffet table with plates filled with shaved ham sandwiches, lobster patties, and a variety of cheeses. After they finished eating, Hanford asked, “Would you like to take a stroll on the terrace? It’s grown quite stuffy in here.”


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