Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy)

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Love Sneaked In (Montgomery Family Trilogy) Page 12

by Vikki Vaught

  Helen was pleased that she and Margaret had such a lovely time together, and she felt she was making some progress with her. Since it was such a beautiful day, they decided to stroll along the boardwalk. The village was a small fishing port, and there were several small fishing boats tied up to the pier. As they were walking along, some of the men started to make rude comments. Helen was appalled, so they left and headed back to the gig. This was so different from what she was used to in her village. Strange, uncouth men would never have dared to make comments like that in the presence of a lady.

  As they got back to the gig, there was a woman coming out of the dressmaker’s and her cheeks grew flushed with what appeared to be anger when her eyes fell upon Helen. Helen couldn’t imagine why this woman would be upset with her, since she’d never met her. The woman was probably in her late twenties, and she was very pretty with jet-black hair.

  The woman approached them and said, “Hello, Lady Margaret. I see you’re home from school for the summer. Who’s your friend? I don’t believe I’ve been introduced.”

  Margaret politely smiled as she courteously answered her. “Hello, Mrs. Arlington. Let me introduce you to my brother’s wife. This is Helen Cunningham, the Countess of Collingswood.”

  Mrs. Arlington looked at Helen with ice in her violet eyes. “Charmed, I’m sure. I had heard that Lord Collingswood had taken a wife. We’ll have to get together and chat some time. I’m sure we would find we have much in common. Well I’ll be off, because I still have several more places that I need to visit. I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.”

  When they were back in the gig Helen turned to Margaret. “Who was that woman? She looked at me with such disdain in her eyes. Why would she hate me when we’ve never met before?”

  Margaret had taken out her new bonnet and was admiring it. “Oh, you just have to overlook her, Helen. Her husband died about four years ago, and she’s been chasing after my brother ever since. She just knew he would marry her. As far as I could tell, he only looked on her as a friend. I wouldn’t worry about it, if I were you. You’ll see her socially, because she’s invited everywhere.”

  Helen usually got along with everyone. The only person she didn’t get along with was Lady Penelope.

  Would Mrs. Arlington really have a grudge against her for marrying Matthew?

  Could he have raised her expectations as the duke had done with her?

  This was something that troubled Helen. She couldn’t hold him in esteem if he’d ever done that to a woman. She would have to watch how Matthew reacted when they were around Mrs. Arlington.

  When she arrived home, she went up to visit Christina and Catherine, and it went very well. She was slowly, but surely, winning their trust. It would be a good idea for the two of them to take the girls on an outing of some kind. A picnic would be just the thing. She would talk to Matthew about it tonight after dinner.

  Dinner was a raucous affair. Gregory’s friends were loud and ill mannered. They were all sons of aristocrats, but whoever had been in charge of their upbringing had failed miserably. Margaret was again trying to flirt with them, and this time they were flirting back, especially Peter Boling. Helen was concerned that she might take him seriously. Matthew had to call them down several times because they were getting too loud. Finally, dinner was over, and they left the men to their port.

  When they entered the drawing room, Helen and Margaret sat down on the sofa together. Helen wanted to talk to Margaret about her flirting, but she didn’t want to make Margaret mad. Helen smiled at Margaret. “That was a pleasant meal. Oh, by the way, Margaret, you look lovely tonight. Your gown goes so nicely with your pretty hair. Did your maid do something different with it?”

  “Thank you, Helen, and yes my maid did fix my hair differently this evening.”

  Then deciding to address her concerns for Margaret straight on, Helen said, “Margaret, I remember what it was like to be sixteen. I was watching you at dinner and noticed you were flirting with Gregory’s friends. Please be careful, and don’t take them seriously. I wouldn’t want you to be hurt. They’re not very nice young men, and I wish Gregory hadn’t brought them home with him. They’ll only be here for a few weeks, so try to stay away from them, and whatever you do, don’t let one of them get you off by yourself. Will you do that for me?”

  Margaret rolled her eyes at Helen and in a bored voice answered, “Helen, I know how to handle them quite well. I have been around boys before you know. I know I need to be cautious when they’re around, so you don’t need to worry about me.”

  “Well, good. Just know that you can count on me if you need help. Now that I’m married to your brother, I look on you as my new sister, and I want us to be close.” Looking up, Helen saw Matthew enter the room. “Ah, here’s Matthew.”

  Matthew joined them. “Hello, my dears. Gregory and his friends decided to go into the village this evening. Margaret would you like to play some cards with Helen and me?”

  “No, I think I’ll go upstairs and read. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

  “Helen would you like to play a game of chess?”

  “That would be delightful. I used to play quite often with Henry.” Helen set the board up, and they began to play. Helen enjoyed playing chess and she was quite good at it. Before very long, she had taken his queen and was ready to take his king when Matthew sneaked a move in on her and won the game. They played another game, but Matthew was able to win again.

  While they were putting up the chessboard, Helen asked, “I was wondering how you would feel about taking Christina and Catherine with us on an outing, possibly a picnic at the beach? It would help them accept me better, if they saw us together. What do you think of that idea?”

  Looking pleased, Matthew replied, “I think that’s a wonderful idea. I appreciate you spending so much time with them. As long as the weather is fair tomorrow, we can do it then. I’m sure you’re right about us spending time with them together, and I want to do my part in helping them feel more comfortable around you. I’ll have Cook prepare us a basket. How did it go when you took Margaret into the village? Did she find a bonnet she liked?”

  When Helen and Matthew reached the bottom of the steps, Helen replied, “Yes, she found one. We had an excellent time. But when we went walking on the boardwalk, there were some very rude men. I’ve never come in contact with men that would behave like that. I got Margaret back to the gig right away. Oh, by the way, I met someone today that’s a friend of yours. Her name is Mrs. Arlington. For some reason she seemed to dislike me. I can’t imagine why.”

  “I should have warned you to stay away from the pier. Most of those fishermen are crude and don’t know how to act around a lady. I don’t know that I would say I’m friends with Mrs. Arlington. We’re more acquaintances really. I’ve seen her at social gatherings for years.” With a casual expression on his face he continued, “I can’t imagine why she would dislike you. Well, I think I’ll go on up to bed. Can I escort you to your room?”

  “Yes, I’m ready to come up also.” Helen couldn’t tell anything by his expression, and since he appeared so casual and nonchalant about Mrs. Arlington, she decided she could just be imagining things. After all, she was very cautious when it came to men because of her experience with the Duke of Somerset. She didn’t want to paint Matthew with the same brush, so to speak, just because the duke had turned out to be such a rogue.

  When Helen and Matthew arrived at her door, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he ran his tongue over her lips, she immediately opened for him, and he slid home. Soon she was breathing heavy, and he felt her quivering in his arms. There was no doubt that she was returning his passion.

  Opening up the door of their sitting room, he steered her into the room, never breaking their kiss. He pushed the door closed behind them. Pulling her closer, he gently touched her breast and felt her nipple grow taut. With their tongues entwined, he felt hot fire in his loins rush to every nerve. Reaching down, he slowly pull
ed up her gown and touched her gorgeous red-gold curls. Slipping his finger across her core, he felt how hot and wet she was, and it almost drove him beyond his control. She whimpered, and he felt sure she was ready to allow him to make love to her.

  Just as Matthew was ready to explore her charms further, the door to her room opened, and her maid started to enter. When she saw them, she looked embarrassed, turned, and left the room. Of course, this had given Helen time to realize what had almost happened, and she slipped out of his arms. “I’m still not ready Matthew. I want you, but I just need a little more time, all right?”

  “I’m sorry darling. I just want you so much. I know I promised to give you time, but I certainly hope you’ll allow me to make love to you soon.”

  God, he didn’t know how much longer he was going to be able to wait.

  He didn’t want to push, but he needed her so badly.

  Then, looking hopeful, Matthew reminded her, “We said a few weeks, and we’ve now been married for almost a month.”

  With hesitancy in her voice, she said, “I know we said a few weeks. If you’ll just give me fifteen minutes, then I’ll be ready to do my duty.” She drew a shaky breath and smiled bravely at him.”

  Disappointment flooded through him. He wanted her so badly, but he wanted her willing, not just doing it because she felt it was her duty. “As much as I want to make love to you, I don’t want you doing it just to please me. I’ll be fine. I didn’t mean to make you feel pushed.” Smiling gently at her, he softly kissed her cheek. “Good night, my dear. I look forward to our picnic tomorrow with Christina and Catherine.”

  When Matthew entered his room, he went straight over and poured himself a glass of brandy, drinking it down in three gulps. His shaft was painfully stiff, but then he remembered her asking about Cecilia, and that immediately cooled his ardor. He was afraid this was going to happen. Cecilia was going to be difficult. He didn’t want Helen to find out that he’d had an affair with Cecilia.

  Helen wouldn’t understand, especially after their conversation on the beach the other day. She’d made it crystal clear how she felt about adultery. Of course, he hadn’t been unfaithful to Helen, but nonetheless, she wouldn’t handle the news that he’d had a mistress when they got married well at all. She was so innocent; he didn’t want her tainted by Cecilia. If Helen found out about Cecilia, she would lose all trust in him. He did feel that she was beginning to trust him, and he didn’t want anything to change Helen’s mind about that.

  Matthew’s feelings for Helen were growing stronger every day. He’d not planned on falling in love with her, but he had.

  Why did her maid have to enter the sitting room when she did?

  Helen had been so close to losing control. If he’d had just a few moments longer, she would have been so overcome by her passions, she would have allowed him to make love to her. Of course, He didn’t want her to do it just out of duty. He wanted her to want him as much as he wanted her.

  Oh God, he would go mad if he didn’t have her soon.

  Of course, it wasn’t just having her sexually. He wanted her to fall in love with him. He would just need to be patient. Since Helen had been so insistent about not having a love match, he would have to be very careful. Matthew suspected that Helen must have been hurt at some point in her past, since she was so wary of love.

  Maybe this picnic with the twins was a way for them to draw closer to one another. Building a friendship was the way to go since that would help Helen trust him. He did want her in his bed as soon as possible. He became so aroused when he was around her, that it was driving him wild, and he was definitely tired of waking up during the night, stiff as a rod of steel. Pouring himself another glass of brandy, he sat down in his chair in front of the fireplace and sipped on it. Once he finished it, he crawled into his lonely bed.

  The next morning turned out to be a beautiful day, a perfect day for a picnic on the beach. While Matthew had Cook prepare a basket, Helen went to the nursery to get Christina and Catherine. When she told them they were going to the beach for a picnic, the little girls got very excited. They ran to get their bathing costumes, so they would be able to play in the water. Helen laughed as she watched them struggle into their costumes and went over to help them. When they were ready, they went downstairs and found Matthew standing there with a big basket and a blanket.

  As they walked along, the twins were chattering merrily. They made their way down the narrow path, and soon they were at the beach. Helen spread out the blanket and Matthew set the basket down. Christina and Catherine ran to the water. Matthew followed them so they didn’t get into trouble. Matthew stripped down to his breeches, and soon he was frolicking in the water with the girls. They squealed as he tossed each one of them into the air. They would run into the waves, and as they fell, Matthew would scoop them up, one in each arm.

  Helen enjoyed watching them play. It was the most interaction she’d seen him have with his daughters, and it was obvious they loved every moment of it. She took off her stockings and shoes, tucked her skirt into the waistband so that it wouldn’t get completely drenched, and went to join in. As careful as she was, she still ended up getting soaked, but it was worth it, she was having so much fun.

  Soon everyone came out of the water and went back to the blanket so they could eat their lunch. Cook had packed roasted chicken, cheese with bread, fresh fruit, and there was a jug of lemonade to drink. Everyone ate their fill, and after lunch, Christina and Catherine fell asleep.

  As Helen and Matthew sat on the blanket, Helen stretched her legs out and crossed her ankles. “That was so much fun! I’m not surprised that the girls fell asleep. They had to be worn out after playing so hard with you. Matthew they loved every minute of it. We need to do this more often. They’re beginning to trust me, and that pleases me tremendously. Miss Tillman is doing a superb job on getting them to behave. It’s as if they’re different children from when I first met them. You appeared to be enjoying yourself with them.”

  Matthew sat with his arms around his knees, gazing out at the sea. “I was having fun playing with them. This is the first time that I’ve brought them to the beach. You made it easy, and I appreciate all that you’re doing. I definitely want to do this again. I need to spend more time with them, so I can be a better father. I’ve always been so afraid I’d do something to hurt them that I’ve avoided spending much time with them. I do love my daughters, I’m just not very good at showing it, but that’s going to change.”

  “Well, you definitely made a good start on that today. The girls loved every minute of it. I’m so pleased you agreed to the picnic.”

  “We need to take advantage of this summer weather because before you know it, fall will be here, and we won’t be able to bring them to the beach. Let’s do this at least a couple of times a week for the rest of the summer. You’re soaked, aren’t you? Why don’t you slip out of your dress, and you can lay it out in the sun so it will dry. I promise to be a gentleman. We can just lay here beside each other until your dress is dried.”

  Taking off her dress, Helen lay down on the blanket. Matthew lay down beside her and took her hand. It was very relaxing, laying there just holding hands, and soon Helen drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, Matthew was asleep, and she lay there watching him. He was such a gorgeous man. In sleep, his face was more relaxed, and he looked much younger. Helen decided she was ready to consummate their marriage. She desired him greatly, and she was tired of becoming aroused and not letting him make love to her. She wanted to have children of her own, and the only way to accomplish that was for them to make love. She would tell Matthew when he woke up that she wanted him to come to her tonight.

  Christina woke up first, She yawned and stretched, then looked at Helen and smiled. “Thank you for bringing us to the beach. This has been the funnest day ever!”

  She ran over to Helen, put her little arms around her neck and hugged her. Helen got tears in her eyes as she hugged her back. Soon, Catherine woke up, and
the girls wanted to play some more. This time they played in the sand, and Helen helped them build a sandcastle. Matthew woke up and joined them.

  Helen noticed that the twins were starting to get a little red, so she told them it was time to go back to the house. They loaded up the basket and went up the path. The girls chattered all the way back to the nursery. The new nursemaid, Katie, took them so she could get them cleaned up, and Matthew and Helen left to go get cleaned up themselves. While walking to their rooms, Helen asked, “Can you meet me in our sitting room after we’ve had a chance to freshen up?”

  “Certainly, my dear. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes,” Matthew replied, as he smiled over at her and entered his room.

  Matthew was already in the sitting room when Helen entered. Since she was feeling so nervous, she was twisting her hands and biting her lips. As she sat down on the couch, she cleared her throat. “Matthew, I’ve decided that I want you to come to me tonight. I’ve made up my mind that I’m ready to fully be your wife.”

  Matthew sat down beside her, took her hand in his. “Nothing could make me happier. I promise to be gentle, and you’ll have no reason to regret your decision.”

  He gathered her in his arms and gently kissed her. He stroked her beautiful hair, and she sighed with contentment. They just sat there in each other’s arms for quite some time. “As much as I’ve enjoyed sitting here with you, I have a meeting with Wilcox, so I need to go. I’ll see you at dinner tonight. Hopefully we can retire early. Try to get some rest, because you won’t get much sleep tonight.” Then grinning at her, he left the room.

  Helen sat there, dumbfounded.

  Oh my. What have I done?

  She was nervous about tonight, but she knew it was the right thing to do. She wanted to explore her passions fully. She would have to be careful to keep her emotions in check, because she didn’t want to fall in love with him. She’d made that mistake once, and she wasn’t going to let it happen again.


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