The Bite Before Christmas

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The Bite Before Christmas Page 12

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  In an even rhythm, Chris withdrew his cock until he’d nearly receded all the way and then drove it in again, impaling himself to the hilt in Jesse’s tight channel. Chris paused, swiped his tongue across Jesse’s parted lips and then gave several quick, sharp thrusts, wildly pleased when Jesse gasped with each one.

  Chris shifted the angle of his body, withdrew and plunged again. The pleasure cry from his lover underneath him echoed through the bedroom. Hovering on the brink, Chris bent his head to Jesse’s throat, licked the supple skin again and bit down, a gentle thrust of his incisors that pierced the skin.

  Jesse flinched, yet the low moan he uttered as Christian’s fangs slid in belied any pain Jesse might have experienced. Jesse’s supple flesh throbbed slightly under Chris’s lips as he withdrew the incisors and placed his lips tenderly over the tiny punctures. Jesse’s coppery blood slid into his mouth, warm and sweet, better than any nectar he could want.

  The rhythm of Chris’s suckling fell into sync with the glide of his cock in and out of his lover’s passage, tight and slippery. Chris’s stomach muscles massaged Jesse’s cock from the front and he could feel Jesse’s body tensing underneath him, his lover’s climax building rapidly.

  Jesse’s fingertips clutched Chris’s back, digging in as his body tightened. Jesse groaned, his seed erupting, milky hot spurts pooling on his stomach between them. Jesse’s anus clenched, creating even more friction and Chris careened toward his own climax. Tiny spasms, like miniature orgasms, flared in Chris’s fangs. The slide of blood down Chris’s throat, combined with the slide of his cock in and out of his lover, caused the buildup of pressure to explode.

  Chris’s climax shuttered through his entire body. One last hard thrust into Jesse and he came, the weight of his body pressing Jesse into the mattress while he filled his lover’s passage with his seed.

  Jesse’s arms closed around him. Jesse’s head remained tilted back, eyes shut. Chris collapsed lightly, pressing Jesse deeply into the soft bedding. Chris lifted his face long enough to seal the punctures on Jesse’s neck with gentle swipes of his tongue.

  In seconds, Jesse’s regenerative powers healed the skin over completely, and Chris rested his cheek against Jesse’s damp shoulder, his still-hard cock remaining buried deep inside Jesse’s ass.

  Jesse breathed heavily, his legs wrapped around Chris’s hips. The gentle warm pressure on Chris’s sides made him smile as he breathed in Jesse’s scent. Mmm, there was no feeling in the entire universe as potent as finding one’s soul mate.

  As quickly as the bliss had coursed through him, so did the fear of loss. Chris froze, remembering why he’d found Jesse in the first place. Not that Jesse would kill him now. Would he? With an ache, Chris realized the question hung over him. After all, Jesse’s sister was still in Noiret’s clutches and Noiret was a sadistic fuck. Even if Jesse loved Chris, Jesse must still be desperate to save his sister’s life.

  Chris lifted his face from Jesse’s shoulder and shifted his weight so that he could look down, his hands pressed into the mattress, his arms bridging his lover’s lithe, sculpted torso. His cock, now mostly soft, slipped from Jesse’s passage, leaving a sudden empty feeling.

  Jesse stared up at him from under his thick lashes. Those deep brown pools made Chris fall in love with him more deeply every second that passed. “What is it?” Jesse’s voice was a whisper. “What’s the matter?”

  Chris shook his head, and heaved a sigh. “Nothing, really. It’s just that ... well ... I wanted to tell you that I’ll willingly give my life to save your sister.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jesse shot up, pushing Chris onto his side with the force of his movement. He stared down into the vampire’s blue eyes, panic rising in icy heat through his chest. “What the hell are you saying?” His hand came out, landing on Chris’s hard shoulder, his fingers digging into the muscle with renewed strength. Up until this moment, part of him had remained ready to kill Chris if he had to. That declaration wiped away Jesse’s last shred of murderous resolve. He couldn’t let Chris die, not now, not when he’d finally found his great love.

  There had to be another way.

  Chris’s large hand covered his and he levered up so that his torso pressed close to Jesse’s. His breath pulsed warmly onto Jesse’s cheek. “Jesse, what you said and did just now was the nicest that anyone has ever said or done to me.” His voice radiated a blend of sadness and tender sweetness.

  Jesse heaved a deep sigh. Perhaps Chris had been even lonelier than he all these centuries. Jesse looked down, his cheeks burning. “I just can’t ...” he murmured, struggling for the words to express what was deepest inside him, the kinds of things he’d only ever said to one other person, his beloved Sondra. “I can’t let you ... die. I’ll find a way to get her back.”

  Fingertips on Jesse’s cheek bid him look up with gentle pressure. He met the riveting blue of his lover’s gaze. “Jesse, I didn’t say that I was going to die.”

  “But you ‑‑”

  Chris grinned, a sexy grin that turned up one side of his sensual lips. “Give me a little credit, would you? Yes, Noiret is a formidable enemy and one I’ve spent much of eternity trying to avoid. But there are ways to deal with him that don’t include my having to die.” He continued to stare into Jesse’s eyes, his grin fading. “You know I’ll help you. I would have done it no matter what, even before I fed on you and bound us together. You don’t have to give him what he’s demanding. And you don’t have to face him alone.” The blue of Chris’s eyes darkened to a rich cobalt. “You don’t have to do anything alone anymore if you choose not to.”

  Jesse stared at him. Disbelief stabbed him to the core. Was it possible that the help he’d needed had been there the whole time? Could one being love another that much ... that is, someone who wasn’t bound to him by the bonds of birth? In the course of Jesse’s existence, the world didn’t work that way.

  Jesse sagged back against the pillows, saturated with sudden, horrible guilt. Reaching up, he raked a hand through his hair. “It’s not that simple, Chris. I can’t let you risk yourself. This is my problem. I’ll solve it.” He looked at Chris who had opened his mouth to answer and quieted him with a gesture. “Do you know how Hannah got herself into Noiret’s clutches?”

  Chris shook his head.

  Jesse paused, heaving another deep sigh. Her capture had, perhaps, been avoidable had she heeded her brother’s repeated warnings to stay out of certain places. “She won him in one of those underground gambling dens.”

  Chris’s golden eyebrows rose. “The ones where the players gamble for live prizes?”

  Jesse nodded, his shoulders drooping. Those dens were incredibly risky and only for the toughest and strongest, especially because all manner of beings frequented them. They weren’t closed off to anyone, mortal, immortal, vampire or weyre. The combinations could often prove lethal, but the thrill-seeking could also be irresistible, especially for immortals and other kith with nothing but time on their hands. “Yes, those. Apparently, Noiret had followed her and maneuvered himself into her game, making certain she won him as her prize.”

  Chris’s handsome face darkened and he looked down, a pensive air closing around him. “Hmm, that’s rough. I’m going to have to call in help for this one.”

  Energy zinged through Jesse’s body. Had he heard correctly? “Chris, I ...” He looked down, covering his face with his hands. “I’m moved that you want to help me, really. But I already told you to stay out of this. It’s my problem. I couldn’t live with myself if anything happened to you.”

  Strong gentle hands pried his fingers away from his eyes, leaving him open. As he’d done earlier, Chris turned his dark look onto Jesse. “And how do you propose to do that?”

  Jesse remained silent. Truly, he knew that he didn’t have a chance on his own, and he didn’t know anyone else on the face of the earth, besides the vampire in front of him, who would help him. Since his stabilization into immortality, he hadn’t exactly spent his exis
tence gaining allies and friends.

  Chris chuckled without mirth. “That’s what I thought.” He cupped Jesse’s cheek. “Let’s face it. You, my love, are up shit’s creek without a paddle.” Several soft pats on his cheek and Chris lowered his hand, his intense blue gaze still boring into Jesse’s. “I’m afraid you’re going to have to let someone help you, the one thing you’ve not wanted to do in ... well ... how many thousands of years?”

  Jesse looked down, feeling like an asshole. “A couple.” When he dared to look back up, his lover’s eyes twinkled. Great, Chris was amused by his humiliation.

  Chris looked at him tenderly. “As I was saying, you’re going to have to accept help and shut up about it.”

  Jesse looked at him. “I can’t shut up, Chris. I can’t bear the thought of ...” He couldn’t finish his sentence. “It’s two of us, a semi-weakened immortal and a Coeur Eternel who can’t kill except for mercy, against Noiret and his goons. The odds are pretty bad.”

  Chris grinned. “Half Coeur Eternel.” He brushed fingertips across Jesse’s cheek. “So the odds are not as bad as you think. Also, some of us don’t have the same difficulty asking for help.”

  Jesse furrowed his brow. “What do you mean?”

  Chris reclined on the mattress, one brawny arm reaching up to pull Jesse alongside him. Molding Jesse’s back to his front, he pulled Jesse close, his hand splayed across Jesse’s chest.

  Jesse closed his eyes, his body coming alive from the press of Chris’s cock into the crevice of his ass and the warm touch on his chest, one fingertip brushing his nipple. Behind him, Christian’s breath warmed the nape of his neck and soft lips nuzzled the skin there, washing away all thoughts.

  “Mmm, you’re delicious,” Chris murmured, his smooth voice saturated with contentment.

  In spite of his tension, Jesse chuckled. “You would know.”

  Chris’s soft laughter vibrated against Jesse’s skin. “Yes, I would.”

  Jesse picked up the large hand on his chest and held it to his lips, the tip of his tongue brushing one knuckle followed by the soft pres of a kiss. “You taste pretty damn good yourself.”

  Chris sighed again and snuggled closer, his hand resting in Jesse’s.

  Jesse had closed his eyes and opened them when a burning question pressed on his mind. “You know, I just realized I haven’t yet asked you why Noiret wants you dead.”

  “Mm, that’s right. You haven’t. I suppose he told you that I once murdered someone he loved. Fed on her until her life was completely drained, is that right?”

  “Yes, he did say that.” But truthfully, Jesse couldn’t imagine now that Chris could possibly have done that.

  “He lied, of course.” Chris shifted against him, his cock sliding deliciously between Jesse’s buttocks, although the tone of Chris’s voice showed that he hadn’t meant the movement to be deliberately erotic. “Noiret was the one who drained her blood. I tried to get her away from him. He’s stronger than I am.”

  Jesse frowned. “So ... why?”

  “Why does he really want me dead?”

  “Yes. I can’t imagine you did anything to him to make him hate you.”

  Chris sighed deeply, his chest pressing heavily to Jesse’s back. “I did do something.”

  “You did?”

  Chris nodded, his hair brushing Jesse’s skin. “I existed.”

  Jesse stilled. “What do you mean? Just because you exist he wants you dead?”

  “That’s all the reason Noiret needs.”

  A sudden rush of bile invaded Jesse’s gut. Even in his most rambunctious slaying days, he always had a reason to kill other than the simple desire to take another’s life. Justice, for one. And he’d never killed anyone weaker than himself who couldn’t fight back.

  “I know, mon amour, it’s brutal. All the more reason we need love in the world, not more hate.”

  Jesse’s breath pumped faster and he felt slightly dizzy from the fear of losing Chris and the helplessness of not being able to rescue his sister.

  “Jesse, we’re going to get your sister back. I give you my word.”

  Jesse sighed. We and which army?

  “No army. Lascaux, myself, and whomever he brings with him.”

  Jesse stiffened. He’d forgotten that Chris mentioned something about asking for help. The concept was so alien to him; he’d dismissed the statement as soon as it was made. Now, reminded again of his mind link with his new lover, it hit him. “Lascaux? He’s coming here?”

  Chris pressed another small kiss into the back of Jesse’s neck. “Oui, mon amour. He’s already on his way. A sire, unless he’s a complete bastard, will always answer a distress call from a protégé. He’ll be here by tomorrow, late afternoon.”

  A heated curl of jealousy snaked through Jesse, in spite of Chris’s earlier assurances. Maybe Chris and Lascaux were never lovers, yet here the other vampire was coming from God knows where to help his protégé. Obviously there was still a strong bond there. Knowing the bond between himself and his lover, he hated the thought that Chris had such a deep connection to Lascaux, who’d sired him.

  “Jesse, I love you. In time, you’ll come to know how true that is.” Chris’s voice held a degree of tenderness in it that Jesse had never imagined existed. His words and voice soothed the jealousy away.

  Jesse kissed the vampire’s hand again, his lips lingering on Chris’s skin. “Chris ... I ... love you.”

  “I know. Don’t ever feel jealous of Lascaux. I honor him only as my sire. You I adore. He’s coming here to help us. The only way to fight a vampire as old and powerful as Noiret is with a vampire even older and more powerful.”

  * * * * *

  Jesse rolled over, the lack of Chris’s warm body pressed close to him forcing him awake. He blinked several times, the heavy canopy of the bed above him coming into focus. Pale winter sunlight made a rectangle of light on the hardwood floor and a section of the Oriental rug and a fire crackled in the large hearth across from the bed.

  Slowly Jesse sat up, his glance falling on the bedside table where his knife still lay. The fact that Chris had left it there showed the trust and faith he’d placed in his new lover. No, Jesse hadn’t tried to kill him again.

  Jesse’s heart warmed in his chest. As able as he’d ever been to deny the reality of love, he couldn’t now when Chris had placed that trust in him. Regardless of the fact that Chris was stronger than he, Jesse could still give him a fair fight if he decided to try.

  The warmth in his heart morphed into an ache. He wished Chris were here in bed with him, waiting for him to awaken. Where had he gone? To get food? Was Lascaux here already and Chris had gone to welcome him? He hated to think of that. The jealousy was still there, a product of having gone so long without love. His trust and faith were fragile, like seedlings just sprouted from the earth. Anything could trample them.

  Realizing his physical strength had nearly completely returned, he sat up, determined to look for Chris. He swung to a sitting position, his feet touching the floor, and tested his limbs, stretching and then flexing his muscles. Damn, it felt good not to be so friggin’ weak. As much as he’d come to enjoy his physician’s care ...

  Hmm, maybe Chris had had to go to the hospital. After all, Chris did work as a doctor, strange as the thought was. Jesse turned his head to stretch the muscles in his neck. As he did so, his eye fell on something on the rug in front of the fire. It looked like a tray, covered with a large white cloth.

  Jesse stared at it. Could it be breakfast? Maybe Chris had left it for him before going to wherever he was now.

  Still naked, Jesse slipped off the bed to his feet, standing a moment to steady himself before trying to walk. Aside from a light rush of blood to his head, he was fine. Chris had nursed him back to complete health. He crossed the short distance from the bed to the space by the fire. The flames dancing in the hearth warmed him as he drew close and knelt by the tray.

  Reaching out, he grasped a corner of the cloth and dragge
d it off. When he saw what was there, his blood froze. He scrambled back, a yell ripping from his throat, his gaze frozen on Chris’s head, the eyes staring lifeless, blood covering the jagged broken skin where someone had cut it from his body.

  Chapter Nine

  Chris nearly dropped the tray of food he’d prepared for Jesse. Jesse’s bloodcurdling shout had echoed through the entire house. He set down the tray and bounded out of the kitchen and up the stairs, nearly skidding into the bedroom. He scanned the room for Jesse, but his lover was nowhere to be seen.

  Chris’s gaze fell on the mold he’d made earlier that morning while Jesse slept. The drop cloth lay in a heap next to it and immediately he understood what had happened. Fuck! He’d only meant to be gone a minute. It figured Jesse would have woken up and seen it in the two minutes Chris had been gone from the room.

  He turned and saw that Jesse’s knife was also missing from the bedside table. Poor Jesse. He thought someone had stolen in and murdered his lover while he slept.

  Jess, I’m here. Alive. That was a mold I made for you to give to Noiret. I shouldn’t have left it there like that. I’m sorry, mon amour. That said through their mind link, Chris stood quietly and waited.

  Chris? Is that really you? If you’re an imposter, I’ll fucking gut you.

  Chris stifled a chuckle. He felt Jesse’s grief at thinking his lover dead. Sorrow at his carelessness intermingled with the sweetness of realizing someone cared about him so much. I swear it’s me, Jess. I was getting you something to eat. I did a stupid thing.

  Pause. Where the hell am I? This place is huge.

  Chris chuckled out loud now. He yanked his velour bathrobe from the back of the door and went out into the hallway. Describe what you see.


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