The Bite Before Christmas

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The Bite Before Christmas Page 19

by Laura Baumbach, Sedonia Guillone, Kit Tunstall

  He had never seen her dressed so blatantly sexual before, and it was obvious she had seduction in mind. Chris didn’t try to fool himself into thinking he was the target of her manipulations. It was almost physically painful to smile at her, talk normally, and lead her into the dining room as though he had no cares in the world. Inside, he was a howling mass of anger and fear. He didn’t want to lose her, and much as he hated to feel that way, he couldn’t help a measure of resentment directed at Hugh for diverting Ness’s attention from him. It had seemed like they were finally progressing from more than just friends until the other man came between them.

  Chris tried to dismiss his thoughts, not wanting to be jealous of Hugh. He understood the other man’s interest in Ness, and he also knew Hugh didn’t want her the same way he did. Maybe he was physically attracted to her, but he didn’t want an eternity with Vanessa Shaye. He wanted that with Chris, even though he hadn’t yet acknowledged the open invitation or given Hugh any kind of firm response. That made him feel worse, and it was all he could do to sit at the table, trying to work up some enthusiasm for eating, after rolling out the serving table loaded with food Hugh’s housekeeper had prepared earlier in the day.

  The roast duck, pecan stuffing, and green beans almandine were excellent, but he could muster little appetite. Chris watched Ness flirting with Hugh, leaning forward to touch him, laughing in a high-pitched, sparkling tone that grated on his nerves. If it had been in response to something witty he had said, he didn’t doubt it would have inspired a completely different reaction. His ability to make conversation seemed nonexistent ‑‑ perhaps the sodden lump of duck lodged firmly in his throat prevented the words’ escape.

  Ness turned her bright blue eyes to him, making Chris feel like he was choking even more. He took a long swallow of the wine as she said, “So, what do you do for Hugh?”

  He tried to picture her reaction if he answered truthfully, but couldn’t conjure how she would take it. Ness was a member of the VCLU, and she was a liberal, but that didn’t mean she would be ready for the truth, especially considering she had her eye on Hugh. Instead, he shrugged. “Whatever needs doing. Anyone could do my job.”

  Hugh leaned across the table to put a hand on Chris’s shoulder, giving a light squeeze before releasing him. “Do not be so modest, Chris. You’re indispensable to me.” His eyes spoke volumes that he left unvoiced as he turned to Ness. “I don’t think I could get by without Chris.”

  Ness seemed unable to look away from Hugh’s gaze. “Really? Does your wife ... girlfriend feel the same way?” Her tone revealed it was a not-so-subtle question.

  With a slight hesitation, Hugh shook his head. “No wife, and no girlfriend. Just me ... and Chris. I depend upon him greatly.”

  Once again, she turned to Chris, flashing him a thousand-watt smile. “Chris is the dependable type.”

  He barely stifled a groan. No doubt, Ness meant it as a compliment, but it made him sound as interesting as aged tofu. It would have been better to hear her describe him as reckless or dangerous. Even excessively tardy would have been a better “accolade.”

  With a non-committal sound, Hugh stacked his dishes and rose to his feet to place them on the serving tray. Ness immediately followed suit, and Chris managed to pry himself from the chair and do the same. Without asking, he started pushing the tray back toward the kitchen, pausing when Hugh touched his arm.

  “Bring coffee, if you don’t mind. We’ll have some in the sitting room. Perhaps with a snifter of cognac?”

  Chris nodded, wondering what the mysterious gleam in his lover’s eyes heralded as he did so. In the thoroughly modern kitchen, he brewed premium Columbian coffee and placed the silver coffee set on its salver. The coffee machine worked quickly, and he soon had the tray ready to take into the sitting room. His stomach fluttered with nerves as he approached the room. The flashing lights from the Christmas tree illuminated the hall, but made it difficult to see much in the otherwise unlit room when he stepped across the threshold.

  Chris’s hands shook, and he barely set down the coffee without spilling it when he saw Ness sitting on the cream settee where he and Hugh had made love the other night. The red of her sweater was a marked contrast to the linen upholstery, but that observation didn’t hold his attention. Instead, he couldn’t look away from the sight of Hugh bending over Ness, his mouth at her neck. He almost blurted out a warning to Ness that Hugh was about to bite her. A moment later, relief flooded him. Thank goodness he hadn’t spoken. Hugh wasn’t biting her. His lips were exploring her neck in a slow, sensual kiss.

  It felt like someone had punched him in the gut, and it took all of his self-control not to launch into a tirade directed toward Hugh. How could the other man do this to him after everything he had said? Hugh had sworn he didn’t see Ness as a replacement for Lynne, had even offered to help Chris capture her heart if that was what he wanted. It was suddenly clear just what Hugh’s words were worth. Nothing. He’d probably lied about his feelings for Chris too, just to get more of a reaction from him so he didn’t need as much blood.

  A red haze had descended over his eyes, so it took Chris a moment to realize Ness was waving to him. He arched a brow. “Do you need something?” His voice was an arctic wind that should have served to cool their ardor, but Hugh never lifted his head, and Ness seemed just as into the experience as she had a moment ago.

  She smiled, a slow, seductive stretching of her lips that revealed a marvel of orthodontia. “Come join us.”

  He blinked, certain he had misheard her. “What?”

  Ness shook her head, dislodging Hugh. He remained bending over the back of the settee, but looked up at Chris. His gaze seemed to be conveying the same invitation Ness had issued. She spoke again, patting the cushion beside her. “Don’t be obtuse, Chris. You must know what I want.”

  His feet started moving even though his brain seemed frozen. “I ... no ...”

  She sighed, but seemed amused. “I learned something interesting in my last biology class. Did you know female sheep just stand in the middle of a field waiting for a male sheep to come by and fuck them?”

  He shook his head, completely baffled by where she was going with the information.

  “Sometimes, a ram gets confused and does the same thing. He just stands around waiting for the female to become the aggressor. If you get two animals of a like mind together, they’ll both stand there all day, wasting time waiting for the other one to approach them. Not much happens, except they both get frustrated.”

  He was beginning to see where she was leading him, but still couldn’t quite comprehend it. “That isn’t possible. Why would you be waiting for me?”

  Ness rolled her eyes, trading a look with Hugh that made her giggle. “Because I’m a silly sheep, sweetie. I knew you wanted me, so I kept waiting for you to make the first move. If it weren’t for Hugh, I’d probably still be waiting on you.”

  Chris stopped before them, hovering just out of touching distance of either of them. “What does Hugh have to do with anything?”

  “He’s the one who persuaded me to tell you how I feel. Said you’d probably never tell me, because you thought I couldn’t possibly want you.” She shook her head. “Where’d you get an idea like that?”

  His mouth seemed to work on autopilot. “I’m nothing like the men you’ve gone out with in the past.”

  “Precisely, which is one of the many reasons I want you.”

  It was his turn to shake his head. He would never understand how women thought. “If you want me, then why was he kissing you?”

  Ness’s stare centered on him, and she seemed to be trying to hide a streak of embarrassment. “I want him too. I want both of you ... at the same time.”

  As she spoke, the words resonated within Chris. She had verbalized his own desires. In this scenario, there would be no choosing between Hugh and Ness. He could have them both. His cock hardened at the thought, and he found himself closing the distance between the three of them to take
a seat beside Ness. Hugh placed a hand on each of their shoulders, and he looked up at the other man, trying to project all that he was feeling with just his gaze. Hugh responded by squeezing his shoulder, and the gesture conveyed more than Chris could have imagined.

  He moved first, taking Ness’s hand in his. The simple contact made his heart race, and when Hugh bent to kiss his neck, it pounded out a rapid staccato. Head tipped back, he watched Ness from the corner of his eye to see her reaction to Hugh touching him. She watched with wide eyes, her mouth agape. She seemed on the verge of saying something, but closed her mouth. Chris’s nerves tightened, and he wondered if she would rebuff them. He knew instinctively that he would reject her if she reacted negatively or said anything to hurt Hugh.

  After a hesitation, Ness leaned forward to kiss the other side of his neck. The tension faded, and he relaxed, eyes closed, as both of them nibbled and sucked lightly on his sensitive skin. At some point, Ness moved her mouth higher, sweeping up his neck to place her mouth against his. Her breath was sweet and smelled of cinnamon. He wondered how she had accomplished that in light of the dinner they had just eaten, but the thought fled when her plump red lips touched his. He molded his mouth to hers, letting her set the pace of the kiss.

  While she tentatively explored his mouth with her tongue, Hugh was busy coming around the sofa to kneel in front of them. He began unbuttoning Chris’s shirt, and when he had pushed it open, Ness put a hand on his chest. Chris tangled one of his hands in her hair, pulling her closer in order to deepen the kiss. His other hand settled on the back of Hugh’s head to bring him close too. Hugh rested his head against Chris’s chest, his tongue sweeping out to lathe one of his nipples. He caught his breath at the sensations overwhelming him, and she used the opportunity to slide against him, pushing her tongue deeply into his mouth. Chris responded to her brazen strokes with his own, meeting each parry and thrust of her tongue as she swept it around his mouth.

  “Oh.” He moaned when Hugh bit his nipple. Chris was aware of Hugh moving his hands lower, to unfasten his slacks, and he thrust his hips upward. Doing so dislodged Ness, sending her sprawling across his lap, with Hugh’s hand trapped between them. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  Ness nodded, laying her head on his shoulder. “Me neither.”

  Hugh didn’t speak; he just continued with his self-appointed task to undress Chris. Ness made no effort to move off his lap, seeming to enjoy the way Hugh lifted and pushed against her in his quest to remove Chris’s pants. He made a soft sound of satisfaction when the slacks yielded to him, and he peeled them away. Once again, Chris lifted up so the pants and briefs would slide down his body. The linen felt cool and smooth against his buttocks when he sat down again.

  Ness had turned her head to watch Hugh’s progress, and she smiled when he dispensed with the shoes and socks quickly before fully removing Chris’s garments, then his own. “You’re good at that.”

  Hugh looked up, a half-smile twisting his lips. “I’ve had some practice.”

  She extended a long, shapely leg to him, wiggling the toe of her high-heeled leather boot. It was an unspoken invitation he accepted without hesitation. Chris watched as Hugh peeled off one boot before tackling the other. He held his breath, waiting to feel a dart of jealousy, or maybe a pang of envy, but none came. All he experienced was arousal and joy that he had both people who meant the most to him with him right then. Even when Hugh had dealt with the boots and brought his hands to the waistband of Ness’s velvet pants to pull them down, he wasn’t jealous. The pants fell by the wayside, revealing her red satin thong. It excited him to see Hugh’s paler hands against Ness’s tanned buttocks when he cupped them, kneading lightly.

  She moaned, tossing her long hair while wiggling her hips. Hugh continued caressing her as he shifted her position on Chris’s lap, until she was straddling him. Chris took advantage of the new angle to lift the hem of her sweater and pull it over her head. His cock twitched, encountering the smooth skin of her bare thigh, when he saw the satin bra underneath. The deep red color was both festive and a perfect match for her panties. His hands shook lightly when he put them on her back, searching for the hooks.

  Ness giggled, writhing on his lap when Hugh slid a hand down her ass to caress her slit through the panties. Chris could feel his hand moving slowly, and he experienced a twinge of envy that Hugh was touching her, but it wasn’t bitter. It would be his turn soon enough. “Look in front, love.”

  He brought his hands around her chest, cupping her breasts. He couldn’t wait any longer to touch them, even just long enough to find the release to her bra. She whimpered when he thumbed her hard nipples through the satin. “That feels so good, Chris.”

  He jumped with surprise when Hugh grasped his cock in his hand, his thumb pointed up. “Ah, God.” Chris’s eyes widened when the other man began pumping his cock. Each thrust of his hand upward brought his thumb against Ness’s clit, and she was soon squirming on his lap in a writhing heap, crying out both their names.

  Chris tried to hold off his orgasm. In an attempt to distract himself from the delicious sensation of Hugh giving him a hand job while fingering Ness, he returned his focus to the bra. The clasp was tricky, and he was near cursing when he finally wrestled it open. Sweat from the exertion beaded his forehead, and he wiped it on his forearm before returning his hands to her breasts. They had been firm under the satin, but the fabric couldn’t compare to the natural silkiness of her soft skin. Once again, he rubbed his thumbs against her nipples, making them harden even further. She sobbed when he scratched her lightly, as Hugh pushed against her clit.

  Unable to stop himself, Chris lifted her off his lap, bending his head to taste one of her breasts. She tangled her hand in his hair when he licked her nipple, pushing his face against her skin. Chris took the bud into his mouth, sucking forcefully. His body spasmed in reaction to Hugh pumping his cock, and he climaxed without meaning to when she wriggled against his cock and Hugh’s hand. Chris bit down without thought, making her cry out. In a panic, he withdrew, but the ecstasy contorting her expression revealed she had enjoyed it.

  To his surprise, Chris maintained his erection. He looked up, over Ness’s shoulder, when Hugh cupped his cock again, this time guiding him to the sweet heat of her pussy. His head hovered at the entrance of taking her, and he reached around Ness to take Hugh’s hand, wanting the other man to be part of the moment completely. With a smile, Hugh broke the touch to caress Ness’s hips. She was a willing participant when he slid her down Chris’s cock, moans of pleasure escaping her.

  “Baby.” Even Chris wasn’t sure which of his lovers he addressed with the endearment. The liquid heat of her pussy engulfed his cock, and when she rocked against him, he groaned. His shaft was already sensitive from the orgasm he’d just had, and each thrust of her slit against him seemed likely to drive him over the edge.

  But he didn’t want to go without Hugh. Chris grasped Hugh’s arm, pulling him as close against Ness as he could get the man. She leaned back against him, continuing to ride Chris even when Hugh removed his hands from her hips to cup her breasts. Almost empathically, he shared in the pleasure each of his lovers received, and it fed his own. Before he could stop it, his cock convulsed deep inside Ness, and he came with their names on his lips.

  Without missing a beat, Ness lifted herself off him, bracing her knees on the couch, and offering Hugh the opening Chris had just filled. As Hugh knelt slightly to align himself, Chris gripped his forearms, holding him tightly. Ness cried out with pleasure when Hugh penetrated her, and Chris leaned back to allow them more room. Ness leaned against him, with Hugh following, glued to her back. The new position allowed Chris to wrap his arms around Hugh, and they embraced Ness between them. Hugh thrust into her forcefully, and she arched back to meet each plunge of his cock into her pussy. Chris held them both, alternating between kissing Ness’s neck and holding Hugh’s gaze. He could feel the tension building between both of them, and pulled them closer.
/>   With a low groan, Ness shuddered on his lap, her body convulsing with her release. Hugh uttered a harsh moan of his own as he pushed deep inside her. While he hovered on the edge of coming, just before release, Chris stretched forward to place his mouth against Hugh’s. He captured the hoarse cry of satisfaction his lover loosed when his body jerked with satisfaction, and then penetrated Hugh’s lips with his tongue. Ness was still between them, her mouth buried against Chris’s chest, while her tongue traced leisurely circles over his skin.

  They remained in that position for what might have been hours. Chris had lost track of time. He was only aware of the proximity of his lovers, of their bare skin ‑‑ Ness’s warm in contrast to Hugh’s cooler flesh. At some point, Hugh withdrew from Ness, somehow shifting the three of them onto the floor, where they lay in a sprawled, tangled heap. Satiation made his body limp, and the trendy angel atop the tree was the last sight his fluttering eyes took in before they closed when he fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  “Now what?” he asked sometime later. They had shifted at some point so that he cradled Ness in his arms, and Hugh spooned him, his arm draped over his and Ness’s hips.

  She stretched, and a yawn partially distorted her answer. “I could go for a shower, a comfortable bed, and more loving ... not necessarily in that order.”


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