When Hell Froze

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When Hell Froze Page 7

by Forrest Minter

  “Not displeasing, only disconcerting.” She replied after a moment. “Definitely different.”

  Azel nodded. “Did you know that for Demons, it is thought that our soul lies in our blood? There has been some argument about whether the same is true for humans, but it’s an accepted fact when it comes to Demons. Normally, when we absorb power from our foes in battle, the essence of that power comes from small fragments of our foes soul, shattered by their death. The ritual you observed just now is far more than that. Your guardians absorbed the souls wholesale. The power of those souls will act like magical generators within them, providing a significant increase to their latent energy. That latent energy will fuel their development over time. This same process could not be performed with an unwilling victim, unless you were vastly more powerful than them. If you tried, the souls would rebel, and fracture your own essence from within. I ask that you honor the sacrifice of these men. Such a thing is rare, for demons do not normally give their lives easily.”

  Benny nodded solemnly. “I have to ask. If it’s so rare, why were they willing to do it now?”

  “Partly it was out of loyalty to me, I imagine. More than that though, I think you have made a greater impression than you realize on my followers. What that means for the future remains to be seen, but I would ask that you be careful in how you interact with them. Your words may be seen to have significance you aren’t aware of.”

  She nodded, and went silent, having nothing else to add.

  “Very well, you are all dismissed.” Azel said, after a moment. He punctuated this statement with a casual shooing motion. As she moved toward the door, Noraz and Lorbin fell in behind her. Glancing at them, she could see their expressions had mostly returned to normal, though there was still a slightly dazed look to them. When they had made it out the door, she turned to Noraz.

  “How do you feel?” She asked him cautiously.

  “Good, Blood Mistress. So good. I want to run, and fight. I feel like I could do it forever. If I could find a demoness, she would break before I did.” His head suddenly turned to her, the wildness from before having returned in full force. He leered at her for a moment before she flicked his forehead as hard as she could. He growled at her; a low, rumbling sound, and she glared into his eyes. She stared him down until finally he looked away, a semblance of consciousness returning to his gaze.

  “I am sorry Blood Mistress. I… am not in full control yet. It will pass within a day.”

  She nodded, and began walking, her two guards falling in behind her. She ignored it when she heard Lorbin smack Noraz hard, and whisper “if you endanger the mistress I will kill you myself.”

  Noraz didn’t respond to this comment, and Benny decided to change the subject as they strolled aimlessly. “Just out of curiosity, if blood holds the soul, does that add extra meaning when you call me Blood Mistress?”

  For once, Lorbin chose to respond. “Yes mistress,in demon tongue, blood and soul are the same word. It seems strange to us when we learn your language, and come to that point in the lessons. In demon tongue Blood Mistress would be Verilien”

  Her rudimentary knowledge of the demon language translated the word as “soul taker.”

  She nodded. “Now that I know, feel free to use the demon word. I honestly think it’s pretty.”

  Lorbin bowed solemnly. “As you command, Verilien.”

  The trio resumed walking, and she glanced back at Noraz. His face was still swinging back and forth between a mask of control, and wild abandon. Lorbin looked at Noraz as well, and a look of disgust flashed across his face before he stared forward again.

  “Why is he being affected so much more strongly than you?” Benny asked Lorbin, stopping at a shop stall to look at the assembled goods before moving on.

  “We are both being affected the same, he just has no self-control. He has always been willful, and impulsive. ” Lorbin’s mask cracked for just a moment, a gleam of mad rage entering his eyes before she watched him shove it back into place with an effort of will. “So long as he does not lose control, both of us will be fine by tomorrow. Anyone who loses control after the blood ritual is executed summarily.”

  She nodded, uncomfortably. “Would sparring help him burn off energy? I’d rather he didn’t get executed.”

  “Perhaps.” Lorbin said. “So long as you did not lose, the violence of the act may curb his impulses somewhat. Naturally being knocked unconscious would also render the issue moot.”

  She nodded. “We’ll do that then.”

  Changing course, they found an empty field often used for sparring by the demon army. Lorbin walked several dozen feet away to give them space.

  “Per...Permission to go all out, Verilien?” Noraz asked hesitantly. “I do not know how well I’ll be able to hold back once we start, but I do not want others to perceive it as a loss of control.”

  She nodded. “That’s fine. We’ll fight with wooden swords for the time being so that we don’t seriously hurt each other.”

  Noraz nodded. Lorbin retrieved some from a stockpile of training weapons on the edge of the field, and distributed them to the two combatants.

  “You may begin on my mark.” Lorbin called. “Anddddd mark.”

  Noraz stalked toward Benny with his sword up; a silent predator. She mirrored his movements, with her sword in a guard stance, parallel to the ground. When they were six feet apart, Benny sidestepped, her skill with the sword almost pre-cognitively saving her when Noraz landed in a blur a moment later. His sword bit the air where she had just been standing. She ducked under a high swing, and jabbed her sword into his ribs. Noraz hissed in pain, and stepped back. Benny also stepped back, resetting her guard. For a moment they circled each other.

  This time Benny took the offensive. Stepping into his zone of control, she baited him into swinging at her, only to step back before the swing connected. Using the momentary opening, she stepped into his space a second time, jabbing his arm with her sword. His left hand spasmed, and he removed it from the sword, swinging at her one-handed as she stepped out of his radius again. She could see the last vestiges of his control straining against his instincts.

  “It’s ok. We’re sparring, and I’ve given you permission to unleash yourself. Nothing you do here will be seen as a loss of control.” Benny said, confident she could knock him out if it came to it.

  Sanity fled his face as Noraz leered at her, and jumped blindingly fast. This time, she wasn’t fast enough, and took a jab to the leg that set her nerves on fire. Mobility impeded by her partial loss of motor control, she desperately parried and blocked against a furious barrage of attacks. Finally, a hit made it through her defense; smacking into her temple, and leaving her dazed despite being only a glancing blow.

  With a snarl, Noraz tackled, and pinned her; holding her arms flat against the ground. He leered at her, and that expression sent chills down her spine. She looked to Lorbin for help, but he seemed locked into place as if too excited by what he was seeing to think through the implications. She could see the empty look in his eyes where the madness had taken over. Benny looked back to Noraz. He grinned animalistically, and she heard his tail batting against the ground like a cat’s. Noraz flicked it thoughtlessly, and the jagged barbs drew a gash along her leg. Before he could act any farther, she moved her head up, and bit into his left arm as hard as she could. His instinctive recoil freed her right arm, and she jabbed her thumb as hard as she safely could into his armpit. He howled, and lost his concentration on holding her down, allowing her to free her other hand. This thumb too, she jabbed into his other armpit. This had the unintended consequence of causing his tail to begin spasming in random directions; leaving long shallow gashes on her legs. Still, it served its primary purpose when she jabbed another finger into his windpipe.

  Trying to choke and howl at the same time, he lashed out blindly at her with his claws, gouging her side until she restrained his arms, pulling them into the ground from below as she struggled against his far superior st
rength. Somehow she held on, snarling at him in pain as her muscles protested the effort, and his tail continued to tear into her legs. Finally, knowing she couldn’t hold on much longer, she brought her knee up into his crotch. She rolled out of his grasp a moment later, jumping to her feet immediately. Noraz didn’t follow her, rolling on the ground in pain.

  Weighing her options, Benny saw that Noraz was recovering from the pain, but the look in his eyes showed he hadn’t regained his mind. Realizing that her torn legs would make it unlikely she would escape a second time, she grabbed her wooden sword from where it had fallen, and limped toward Noraz. He snarled, and shoved his clawed hand towards her as if to impale her leg, but she batted it aside with her sword. Coldly she brought the edgeless blade of the sword down upon the back of his head with enough force to render him fully unconscious.

  Benny turned to look at Lorbin, who still seemed frozen inside his madness. Limping, blood gushing from her leg in a slow fountain, she approached him, sword raised. He made no move to respond, mind entirely drawn inward. Sighing wearily, she entered striking distance, and flicked him on the forehead as hard as she could.

  “Verilien, I have failed you.” Was the first thing to leave his mouth as awareness returned to him.

  “It’s fine, just help get me and Noraz to the medics. Also make sure no one gets summarily executed. I gave him permission to go all out, so he didn’t technically do anything wrong.”

  “As you say.” Lorbin said, bowing deeply. Benny wondered idly if he bowed to mask the look of shame on his face. Before she could wonder anything else, exhaustion mixed with blood loss overrode her adrenaline, and she collapsed into inky nothingness.

  Chapter 11

  Benny woke in a hospital bed to a maddening feeling of itchiness in her legs. Almost unconsciously, she reached down to scratch at it, but someone grabbed her arm before she could reach her target.

  “No. No touch.” An unfamiliar Demon said in broken English. She nodded, and he turned away to bark an unfamiliar word to someone outside the room. Lorbin entered a moment later, ducking slightly under the door to avoid scraping his horns against the frame.

  “I’m glad to see you awake Verilien.” He said, bowing.

  “What did I miss?” She responded, acknowledging his bow with a nod.

  “Noraz is unharmed. There was mild brain damage from your finishing blow, but the mages were able to repair it. Lord Azel is naturally not happy with the situation. He has given me orders to make sure he is informed the moment you wake. It is likely he will be here soon.”

  She nodded, sitting up, and letting the blanket fall. She immediately lay back down, draping the blanket over herself when she realized she was naked under the covers.

  “You saw nothing.” She said, glaring imperiously at Lorbin.

  “As you say, Verilien.” He said dryly.

  She smiled wryly at him. “Would you fetch me some clothes? I’d rather not be naked if I’m going to meet with Azel.”

  Lorbin bowed again. “Your wish is my command, Verilien.” Rising, he strode out of the room, and she settled in to wait, examining the room curiously. It was a small room with a desk, a chair, and a full-sized mirror. Her examination was interrupted when Azel barged into the room, the door slamming loudly against the wall.

  “Get up.” Azel commanded her, in a hostile tone.

  “No.” She replied simply.

  “Are you defying a direct command?”

  “No. Can you just wait a couple minutes? I-”

  “Until yesterday, I gave you some leeway because I thought I was dealing with a rational adult, but clearly I was mistaken. Get up or I will carry you.”

  “Like hell you will. Will you just listen for a-”

  Azel grabbed the covers, and tore them off her. She watched his face go through several different expressions in the span of a second.

  “Oh.” He finally said, replacing the blanket gently.

  “And this is what I was trying to say if you would have stopped to listen. Lorbin will be back in a minute with clothes.” She glared into his eyes, daring him to argue.

  “I see. My apologies.” He bowed to her awkwardly, as if unused to the motion. Benny wondered how long it had been since he had bowed to anyone.

  His anger seemed to have been diffused as he grabbed the chair from behind the desk, and sat in it.

  “Why did you choose to spar with Noraz?” He asked after staring at her searchingly for a moment.

  “He was having some trouble controlling himself. I thought it might be good for him to blow off steam. To be honest, I admit I overestimated my own ability, or maybe underestimated his new strength.”

  “Indeed. After the blood ritual, a Demon will have physical capabilities three times their average until the next time they sleep. A fraction of that power, will remain after they rest, and they can build up to that level again naturally with proper training. It was incredibly reckless of you to fight him while he was in that state.” Azel delivered this speech almost affectionately.

  “I honestly had no idea. Even if someone had told me, I probably still would have done it. I thought I was better than this.”

  Azel’s affectionate demeanor dropped. “Confidence is acceptable, but arrogance is dangerous. I need to know that I can trust your judgement if I am to allow you free rein.”

  She nodded. “I’m doing my best. There’s a lot going on that’s new to me, and there’s only so much I can do.”

  Azel stared into her eyes, and her mind felt as if it was inundated with static. “Promise me that you will ask next time you face an unknown situation.”

  Robotically, she answered. “I promise.” Strangely, she found that she meant it despite being fairly certain Azel was using his power to manipulate her.

  “Good. Now how do you feel? Be honest.” Azel asked. Benny could still feel the strange static coursing through her mind.

  “Itchy.” She said, suddenly feeling desperate to scratch.

  Azel laughed lightly. When he was done, he said “I see. What else?”

  “Scared. I’m pretty sure if I hadn’t managed to turn things around on Noraz he would have tried to assault me. He’s my friend, I don’t know how to reconcile my friendship with what happened. In some ways, I don’t even think it’s really his fault.” The statement poured out of her against her will. After struggling for a moment, she lifted her right hand, and punched Azel in the chest.

  “Stop doing that.” She told him. Her voice sounded weak to her, frail as if she were about to break down into tears.

  “Doing what?” Azel asked. She could see the pity in his eyes. It only served to further enrage her.

  “The mind control thing. I can feel you doing it, even if I can’t resist it.”

  Azel sighed. “Very well, I apologize. My intentions were noble even if my methods were not.”

  Benny felt her mind clear instantly as the static faded.

  “It’s fine, just… don’t do that again. I’m not comfortable with you using that power on me.”

  Azel nodded, expression serious. “Very well… Verilien.” He punctuated the last word with a playful grin.

  Without thinking she flicked him between the eyes. He blinked in surprise several times, before she realized what she had done.

  “I’m so sorry, that’s…” She started.

  “No, no harm done.” Azel waved his hand dismissively.

  Before anything else could be said, Lorbin stepped into the room carrying a bundle of cloth.

  Bowing to Azel, Lorbin intoned “my lord.” and backed out of the room again, placing the clothes on the desk as he passed.

  Azel sighed. “Please, once again without my powers. I only ask that you talk to me before you make dangerous choices. I promise that there will be less pain in your future if you do.”

  Benny nodded. “I’ll be more careful in future.” She hedged.

  Azel sighed again. “I suppose that is the best I can ask for.”

Benny confirmed.

  Azel shook his head, but stood. “I suppose I shall leave you to dress then. Please come visit my throne room as soon as you are done.”

  She nodded, and he left the room. Her legs complained, magnifying the intense itch as she stood, but she gritted her teeth, and bore it. In the full-sized mirror against the wall, she examined herself. Her legs now bore a series of significant-looking scars. There were also marks where Noraz’s claws had dug into her arms. Her face, and torso remained untouched. She sighed, but moved on to the pile of clothes. Her face fell into a grimace when she discovered he had brought her a fairly impractical dress. Impractical if she needed to fight anyway. Her expression softened though when she discovered a knife, and leg sheath hidden among the folds of cloth. Despite only knowing each other for a few weeks, Lorbin already had a firm understanding of her nature. She declared internal gratitude to Lorbin, and donned her new apparel.

  Surprisingly, the dress was the perfect size for her, and just the right length, stopping slightly above her ankles. If she didn’t know better, she would think the dress had been specifically tailored to her. Trying not to overthink it, she fastened the leg sheath into place, complete with her new knife. It was perfectly hidden under the folds of her dress. She examined herself in the mirror again, and found that in terms of appearance it was a genuinely stunning ensemble. Robins egg blue, thick with fabric, but not frilly. On her arms, the fabric went down to her elbows, just the right length to hide the new talon-marks that marred her flesh. The dress also did something to amplify her meager assets, though she was largely ambivalent on that front. Shrugging, she turned away from the mirror.

  Benny finished the process with a set of stretches meant to determine her range of motion. While she found the fabric was heavy enough to slow her, and big enough to get in her way, it was voluminous enough that she mostly had full range of motion. She wouldn’t be kicking anyone to death, but she could move if needed.

  Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, she exited the room wishing she could have bathed. Lorbin had been standing guard outside, and bowed to her. “Verilien, it is good to see you on your feet. Was everything satisfactory?”


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