The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance

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The Promotion_A Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Mika Lane

  I knew better, though. I’d heard about the place and had wanted to check it out for a long time. My touring schedule kept me from doing a lot of things I liked, but I was in town and taking advantage of the free time.

  “What is this place?” she asked, looking around nervously.

  I kissed her cheek and smiled.

  As we approached the door, the bouncer stepped aside and by some sleight of hand, managed to open it. We entered a small place wildly lit with black and neon lights, a long bar, and several tables with chairs. On a small stage directly ahead was a dude with a white-knuckled grip on a microphone trying to sing the Police song Roxanne.

  Eh, I shouldn’t bust on someone for not being a great singer. Most people weren’t. And I had to give a shit ton of credit to anyone who got up on stage. Even when you were a professional like me, it was hard, much less when you were just messing around with your buds.

  “A karaoke bar!” Maizy exclaimed, looking around. “I’ve never been to one.”

  “I thought it would be fun, and one of the guys in the band told me this place was awesome. Kind of off the beaten path, on the exclusive side.”

  “Ha. Who knew karaoke could be exclusive.” She laughed. “But don’t you think everyone will know who you are when you get up on stage?”

  I led her to a table and waved over the server. “I’m not going to sing. You are.”

  Her eyes about bugged out of her head. “What? Me? Why?”

  “You used to be in a band. I want to hear you sing,” I explained. And, I wanted to see her gorgeous ass up on stage.

  “Well. I don’t know. It’s been a long time.”

  I took her hand again. Damn, it felt good.

  “If you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. But I was hoping you’d give it a try,” I said.

  “Yeah. Maybe.” She pursed her lips. “I gotta think about what I want to sing.”

  Her face brightened. “I know just the song. You’ll have to wait and see. I’m not telling you,” she said with a wicked smile. She got up to approach the disc jockey and after a bit of negotiation, she pranced back to the table to wait her turn, her blonde hair bouncing.

  It would seem I’d made a good call.

  “There are four people ahead of me,” she said.

  “Cool. Hey, I understand your sister is going out with my brother Penn.”

  “I know. It’s cute, isn’t it? I suppose at some point, we four could all go out together,” she said.

  “I suppose. But I already spend a ton of time with my brother. He only recently moved out of my place into his own.”

  “Is he part of the band? I mean, does he tour with you?” she asked.

  “Most of the time, yes. He helps the roadies, the managers, and so on. We’ve been together so long, I can’t imagine it any other way.”

  Family talk. The “sads,” as I called them were sneaking around, threatening to swallow me up like they sometimes did.

  But now was not the time. I was with Maizy, and I wanted to know her better. In a variety of different ways.

  “Were you close growing up?” she asked.

  “Pretty close. I mean, he’s five years younger. But when my dad died, I had to take him in.”

  “Wow. Sorry to hear you lost your dad. But Penn seems like a great guy.”

  I looked down into my beer. “Yeah, he is. And he’s forgiven me.”

  “For what?” she asked.

  Oh. She didn’t know. I thought everyone knew about the low point of my life.

  “I was driving and got into an accident. Penn and I made it.” Christ, I still choked up when I talked about it.

  She studied me with those gorgeous eyes.

  “Oh. I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. Yeah. Dad didn’t make it. My fault.”

  “Maizy, you’re up,” the DJ called, scanning the room for my girl.

  Shit, did I just say my girl?

  She squeezed my hand and stood, running for the stage like a damn rock star in her sexy skinny jeans and high-heeled boots. She took the mic from the previous singer and smiled, looking around the room.

  She was a freaking natural.

  The music started, and I instantly recognized the song. Shit, I’d sung that song before.

  Imagine by John Lennon.

  You’ve got to love a girl who likes John Lennon.

  She closed her eyes and took a breath before she belted out the first line. And holy shit, did she nail it.

  Would it have been weird if I just proposed to her? Right there in that bar?

  Because I was tempted.

  As she hit all her notes with near-perfection, I was spellbound. It wasn’t every day you came across a beautiful, smart woman who could freaking sing.

  She swayed through the song, closing her eyes during the chorus, and I swear I got a bit choked up.

  I was definitely turning into a big ol’ pussy.

  On her way back to the table, the DJ stopped her, probably to tell her what a great job she’d done. She was all smiles. There was nothing like owning a song, something I knew all too well.

  “Holy shit, you were awesome!” I said.

  “Really? No, you’re pulling my leg.”

  I loved her modesty.

  “Did you notice the room got completely quiet when you were singing? That never happens in karaoke.”

  “Oh, I guess so. It was fun.” She took a swig of her beer, still grinning from ear to ear.

  “Why’d you drop the band you were in?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I mean, we weren’t going anywhere, and I was interested in a career in law.”

  “I see. How do you like it there at the firm?”

  “I like it. Most of the time. I mean, the work is interesting and challenging. Most of our clients are pretty nice. My boss is a bit of a problem, though.”

  “Oh, right, what’s-her-name. The lead attorney on my case. Crabness?”

  “Crabtree. Eva Crabtree. She’s pretty much a bitch on wheels. One minute, she’s nice, and the next, she insults you. And she’s been hanging a promotion over my head—”

  She stopped short.

  “Yeah? What about it?” I asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” she said, shaking her head.

  Hmmm. What was that all about?

  “Hey, you want to hit the road?” I asked. “I don’t have anything going on tomorrow but I think you might have to go to work.”

  She took a quick look at her watch. “Ugh. You had to remind me,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Well, the car’s out front. We can go anywhere we want.” I knew where I wanted to go. But I was a patient man.

  I paid the check.

  “You’re very beautiful, you know,” I said as we settled into the car’s backseat.

  She looked down. “Thank you.”

  I hooked a finger under her chin to bring her mouth to mine. Her lips were everything I thought they’d be—soft, warm, delicious, and full of possibility.

  Chapter 13


  Karaoke! Now that was a surprise.

  What wasn’t a surprise were all the women in the bar—and some men—who stared at Brade. And he was completely oblivious to it. A few even started to approach our table, but I scared them off with my bitch face.

  Again, he took no notice.

  I hated for the evening to end. Brade was great company, not to mention handsome as hell, but I had to work the next morning, and honestly, I was a bit tired from my date at the gallery with Anson the night before. And Von the night before that.

  Dates three nights in a row. With three very exceptional men. Wasn’t I the little hussy?

  But I wasn’t going to worry about that just then. I was in the backseat of a limo, in Brade’s arms, and it was pretty freaking breathtaking. And, he’d shared a very personal story with me.

  At first, his kiss was soft, but the second I parted my lips, he pressed against mine with a passion that took my breath away. L
ike he was dying of thirst and I was his glass of water. There was something about him that was so familiar and comfortable, even though we’d really only just met. When I thought about it, it was weird to be with a rock star, but when I looked at him as just a normal guy, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

  He pushed a button that raised a dark window between us and the limo driver. I wasn’t sure what he had up his sleeve, but I couldn’t wait to find out. In fact, I found myself in the mood to take over. So, I did.

  I pushed him back in his seat and straddled him, one leg on either side of his hips. His eyes were partway closed, and I could feel his dick harden through his blue jeans. He groaned quietly as he pushed his hips up, grinding his erection into me.

  With my lips on his and our tongues exploring, his hands flew under my shirt and up to my breasts. He kneaded and pulled until I wanted to scream.

  Oh, what the hell.

  I peeled off my top and threw it on the seat beside us. Next went my bra, giving him full access. I had to admit, limo sex had always been a dirty fantasy of mine. If I didn’t go for it then, who knew when I’d have another chance?

  “God, you have great tits, Maizy,” he murmured, his lips moving to them. He took one in each hand and gently pulling them together, burrowed into them. The sensation sent a bolt of need right through to my core, which was starting to throb in a massive way inside my jeans.

  “I’ve never had sex in a limo,” I confessed to him in between kisses.

  He pulled back and met my gaze with a smoldering look. “It sounds like you might like to.”

  “I kind of would,” I admitted, beginning to open his pants to free the hard-on I’d been grinding on.

  I lifted myself off him to shed my boots and jeans. Reaching into a pocket, he produced a condom before lowering his pants beneath his ass. I climbed back on top of him and while he sheathed himself with the rubber, I played with my clit, hanging heavy and sensitive. His fingers gently pried open my pussy, and he ran the head of his cock up and down my slit, spreading my moisture.

  I was wild with need. All I could think about was being full of this man’s cock. I wanted to be closer to him, as close as I possibly could.

  “Are you ready, baby?” he asked.

  “Yeah. I want you to fuck me,” I whispered.

  Shit, I was a dirty girl.

  He groaned and pointed his cock right at my opening, where he entered me an inch or so, giving me a moment to adjust to his girth. When he was fully seated inside me, after taking his time, I ground down to take him deeper, as if that were possible. The sensation of being full of him was almost too much. I began to piston on him wildly, desperate to come.

  “Hey, hey,” he said. “Slow down, baby. I don’t wanna come too fast.” He placed his hands on either side of my hips to try to control me, but it didn’t work.

  “Oh, god, I’m coming…” My head bucked, banging against the roof of the car, as I fucked him. His hands encircled my waist, and he thrust up inside me one more time. He growled like an animal through his orgasm, pumping me until he ran dry.

  “Shit, baby, you’re incredible. Come home with me tonight, please.”

  I was exhausted, and the thought of spending the night with Brade sounded heavenly. In fact, I couldn’t wait and dozed off in the car before we even got there.

  The next morning, Brade had his limo take me home. The driver waited while I changed for work and then delivered me to the office. What a sweet deal. I could get used to being driven around town in a car that was always waiting for me wherever I went.

  And don’t you know, I ran smack into Eva in the elevator. There were too many people around to really have any sort of conversation, but the minute we got off on our floor, she started the grilling I knew I was in for.

  “Have a good time with Anson?” she asked, as if she and I made small talk all the time.

  Yeah, you nosy witch. I had a good time with Anson. He’s fucking hot as hell. And I had a great time with Von and Brade, too…

  But she didn’t need to know any of that.

  “It was very nice,” I said with the blandest smile I could muster. I was hoping that would be the end of the conversation.

  “Oh, good. I had my husband call him to find out, but he wouldn’t provide us any information.”

  I knew I liked that guy.

  “Yup. Good stuff,” I said, continuing to smile like an idiot. “Oh, shoot, I have a call in two minutes. Gotta run,” I lied as I zipped off down the hall.

  When I got to my cube, there was a wrapped package sitting on my chair. What the hell?

  It was the size of a tabloid newspaper and very light in weight. I tore off the package’s plain brown wrapping and gasped.

  Holy shit.

  It was the painting I’d admired at the gallery a couple nights before.

  I read the enclosed card to find Anson had bought me the painting.

  I couldn’t believe it. Not only was it about the most thoughtful thing anyone had ever done for me, but it was also incredibly generous. I sank into my chair with the painting in my lap, shaking.

  Somebody bought me a painting.

  My mind immediately flew to where I would hang it in my apartment when I heard footsteps outside my cubicle. I quickly tucked the painting under my desk before anyone saw it and started asking questions.

  A lump formed in my throat. Anson, Von, and Brade were terrific, and I was about to test-drive Cato. I might never get my promotion, but I sure was spending time with some high-quality men.

  I sure as hell couldn’t knock that.

  Chapter 14


  Was I actually, finally, going out on a date with Maizy?

  Holy shit.

  It was about freaking time. I’d had the hots for her since we met on her first day a few years before. The senior partner I worked for caught me checking her out and had taken me aside.

  “Cato, my friend. I see you admiring our new paralegal—the blonde.”

  He’d busted me and had gone on about “not dipping one’s pen in the company inkwell,” and all that. He said he’d seen disastrous things happen when a rising star at the firm (did he mean me?) got involved with someone at the office, etcetera, etcetera.

  I got the message, loud and clear. I would remain firmly in the friendzone with Maizy ‘til the end of my days. Or until she or I left the firm.

  Then, I could pounce.

  But as the weeks and months went by, and we became closer and closer, no one else I dated even came close to her. I mean, she was beautiful, sure. But also smart as a whip and kind, to boot, with the way she helped her somewhat crazy sister.

  So, I’d run out of patience. Exhausted all other options. I’d dated like a maniac, not hard to do in Manhattan, which is teeming with single people looking to hook up. But there were few women I wanted to see a second time, and none I wanted to see a third time. I was clear on what I wanted, and I was done with the friendzone. The opinions of the senior partners could go to hell.

  So when my boss, Steve, was headed to Europe for two weeks with his family and gave me access to his kick-ass penthouse apartment on the Upper East Side, I figured it was time to make my move.

  I mean, the place came with a goddamn cook.

  Yeah, the senior partners at my firm did that well. They had penthouses, cooks, and went to Europe for their kids’ spring breaks.

  I was on that track, I supposed. All I had to do was play my cards right.

  Which I wasn’t going to do.

  I swung by Maizy’s desk to check in.

  “Hey, Maiz. What do you say to heading out in an hour or so?” I asked in a low voice.

  She looked past me to ensure her bitch boss was not in earshot. She was also moving around something under her desk, but I couldn’t make out what.

  “Yeah. Sounds good.” She looked around again. She was so not sneaky. But I liked that about her.

  “You sure it’s okay? Hanging out at Steve’s?” she ask

  No, it probably wasn’t okay. But he’d never know.

  “‘Course it’s okay. He gave me his keys. Wait ‘til you see the place.” I’d been over to Steve’s many times, along with the firm’s other attorneys, but he didn’t lower himself to socialize with paralegals. Another thing I hated about the firm.

  Not an hour later, we headed out in my car. Yeah, I drove to work. They gave me a parking space, so why the hell not? I sometimes gave Maizy a lift home so she didn’t have to take the subway. But more often than not, I was at the office until nine p.m. She was usually long gone by then.

  I glanced over at her scrolling through her iPhone while I navigated the horrendous rush hour traffic in my Volkswagen Golf. The people at the firm gave me shit for driving a car like that, but I couldn’t have cared less. They could take their BMWs and Teslas and shove ‘em.

  “Just checking in with Sparkle,” she said. “Wanted to let her know where I’d be.”

  “How is the sparkling Sparkle?” I’d met her a few times, and let me just say that woman was a piece of work.

  Maizy laughed. “She’s fine. Dating a new guy. They seem to like each other. At least they sound like they like each other. The other night, they were at it in her bedroom until they finally conked out at around two a.m.” She shook her head.

  “Oh, shit. I forgot about the joys of having a roommate.” And boy, was I glad those days were behind me.

  I pulled up to the garage at Steve’s building and after flashing the card he’d given me, pulled right into his spot.

  What a life, to have a permanent parking spot in Manhattan. It was what I aspired to.

  Not really.

  But street parking, which was what I had when not at work, did pretty much suck. First, it could be a bitch to come by, and second, car break-ins were endemic. I practically had the place that fixed broken car windows on speed dial.

  We grabbed the elevator that went straight to Steve’s apartment using the security key he’d given me.

  “Good lord, they have a private elevator?” Maizy asked.


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