Water Princess, Fire Prince

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Water Princess, Fire Prince Page 45

by Kendra E. Ardnek

  Indigo water is another one that it is not advisable to drink or let touch your skin ... for the simple reason that it stains. Badly. It has an inky smell, and, having said that, you won’t be surprised that its main use is ink.

  Violet water is similar to green water in that it cleans. The difference is that it is safe to get in one’s eyes, and isn’t harmful if drunk (although some people report that they get the hiccups when they do so.) Violet water is known for being very frothy and good for bathing. It smells like lavender when cold and vanilla when warm.

  Alphego’s Hill

  As recorded by Bookholder Shanner

  Translated by Kendra E. Ardnek

  In the beginning, Alphego called Rizkland into being as he stood atop the Hill that bears his name. Alphego’s Hill still trembles at the memory.

  In that same day, the Doorkeeper brought eight children from another world and Alphego gave them rule over Rizkaland. He made the animals and gave the Eight charge of naming them.

  When they were finished, He brought them Shanner and Fnae, and they called them elves, for they resembled the mythical beings of their own world.

  But then Amber and Granite came to Rizkaland, not by the Doorkeeper’s hand, but with her own magic. Amber was a sorceress who had collected much magic over the four thousand years of her life, not the least of which was the ability to turn herself into a fire breathing dragon. For this we called her the Lady Dragon.

  Amber wanted the rule over this world, for she had ruled two worlds before this one and thought she deserved a third. But Alphego gave the Eight weapons to hold their ground, and silver boxes like unto the elves.

  To Jane and Ralph, he gave bowls, and power over fire and electricity. To Violet and Michael, he gave fans and power over wind and seasons, and it was they who directed the winds that now govern our seasons. To Michelle and David, he gave strings of stones, and power over rock and minerals. To Helen and John, he gave harps, and power over water and weather.

  The Eight drove Amber and her husband from the mainland, and she settled on the island that would become Klarand.

  Then the Doorkeeper brought ten more children from the Eight’s world, and Alphego gave them rule over Klarand and the skills to drive Amber from it.

  King Klaranse and Queen Andrea were given rule over the whole island, and they chose the bow and gymnastics. Prince Anselle and Princess Isabelle were given Upper Klarand, and they chose martial arts and the sword. Prince Aaron and Leah were given Ea Klarand, and they chose running and swimming. Prince Theodore and Princess Renee were given Lower Klarand, and they chose knowledge and the needle. Prince Steven and Princess Jenna were given Wea Klarand, and they chose tracking and the horse.

  With the help of the Eight, the Ten drove Amber and her husband from this island, but this time, Amber took prisoners. She carried Renee, Theodore, Violet, and Isabelle to her castle, where she placed all but Renee under a spell of ice.

  And so the rest of the Eight and Ten followed her, and stole into her castle in the dead of night and rescued their friends, for Jane and Ralph’s fire could thaw the ice that Amber conjured.

  Then Alphego appeared and spoke the guise upon Amber’s island, trapping her there for five hundred years. He also spoke the prophecy of the Tela Du.

  And so the Eight and Ten ruled this world for forty years, and when they returned to their own world, their children reigned in their steads.

  Through the Mountain

  As recorded by Bookholder Eltwin

  Translated by Kendra E. Ardnek

  Five hundred years had passed since Amber was first banished to her island, and the people of Klarand and Rizkaland had grown secure. Bookdaughter Klora warned them that the Lady Dragon would soon be returning, but few listened to her warning.

  And so it was that the Dragon came and Klarand was unprepared. She slaughtered all of the royal family, save for Princess Lina, who was but a babe in arms, for the Bookdaughter and her husband escaped with the child to Rizkaland, and raised her as their own daughter, for they had no children.

  Fifteen years passed before Lina was told of her true heritage. The Doorkeeper herself came to Klora’s home, and told them that they could no longer hold themselves separate from Klarand, and that Lina must return to take up the fight against the Dragon.

  And so they returned to Klarand in the dead of night. They journeyed to Upper Klarand, where the Lords and Ladies of all four sections hid in the mountains. They were much heartened to see the return of their princess, and at once made plans to take their country back from the Dragon.

  Troops were gathered and progress was made, but when hope seemed brightest, Amber withdrew to the Kastle and shut the gates, so that none could follow her.

  The Doorkeeper took Lina and Klora to the mountain side of the Kastle, and Alphego Himself guided them through the mountain.

  They met with the Dragon, and the battle was fierce, and there Klora met her end.

  The final victory, however, went to the Doorkeeper, but none knew how she did it. Whether she used the Hill that stood at the heart of the mountain, though Klora had disabled it when fleeing fifteen years before, or whether she had used some of her own strange powers, she would not say, but Amber and her husband were returned to their own island, and Klarand was free.

  Lina married Arik, the second son of King Matthew after the line of King David, and they restored the land after Amber’s desolation, and ruled over Klarand for many years of peace and happiness.

  The Saga Continues in …

  Lady Dragon,

  Tela Du

  Two girls with one face

  Two girls with twisted fate

  One in purple, one in red

  One shall speak the other’s death

  Who shall win their Final War?

  Lady Dragon or Tela Du?


  This book has been a journey, to be certain, and like most journeys, I couldn’t have made it by myself.

  First of all, I’d like to thank my mom, who helped me iron out all the kinks in the plot when I first brought her the shiny new idea I had found in the shower.

  My sister and the friend with whom we created Rizkaland so many years ago.

  All of the hapless people I rambled to about this story over the years. Also, sorry. I realize you probably had better things to do with your time.

  My young cousins who have been enthusiastically acting the story out since I told them about it.

  Miss Jack Lewis Baillot for posting her typos on Facebook and inspiring me to give my elves boxes instead of bows.

  NaNoWriMo and Go Teen Writers, which gave me the final boost to get this story done this year.

  The lovely team of beta readers and editors who helped me polish this story, including: my grandmother, my Aunt Vivien, Morgan Huneke, Erika Mathews, A. G. Werff, Hope Schmidt, Gabriela, Bria, Sarah, Amanda F. and Amanda B.

  All of the great authors of the past who Clara loves to quote. You’re far wittier than I am.

  And, most of all, I’d like to thank whoever invented the shower.

  ABOUT Kendra E. Ardnek

  Kendra E. Ardnek is the penname of Kendra Elise Roden, a homeschooled writer who makes her home in the piney woods of East Texas with her parents and three younger siblings. Her previous works include The Bookania Quests, a series of whimsical fairy tale retellings, and The Ankulen, a story of imagination and faith.

  As Clara fears, Kendra is an Indie Writer.

  You can find out more about her on her blog, knittedbygodsplan.blotspot.com



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