Round N Around We Go (Has Cupid Gone Mad?)

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Round N Around We Go (Has Cupid Gone Mad?) Page 9

by Belinda Elkaim

  The envelope! She stares into nothingness and remembers his words, “When time comes you’ll know to open this envelope.” Perhaps Theodore anticipates his own death? Karina stands up and walks to her closest. Standing on tip toes, she pulls out a shoebox on the top of the shelf and opens the lid. Picking up the envelope she puts back the box and sits on the bed.

  Cautiously and nervously she opens the envelope to find a single sheet of paper. On the paper is his hand writing:

  “Way above my head. Everyone is dead. Inside 585-393-585 Are Treasures We Must Hide.” Astounded, she stares at the ceiling blankly and tries to comprehend why he would leave

  her with a riddle like this.

  Wary of the bizarreness of the situation, she now knows that Theodore has anticipated his own death and is being cautious. He wants her to find something but is reluctant to be specific. The answer is only for her to know.

  She understands that she must solve the riddle on her own and must not disclose the findings to anyone, not even to Tony.


  Utterly distracted and unable to focus on work, Karina elects to stay at home and tries to solve the riddle. She simply cannot comprehend the underlying meaning behind it all and wonders what he means by ‘way over his head.’

  The hours slip unnoticeably and feeling famished, she remembers that Taylor has asked her to join them for dinner and drives over to Amber’s place.

  Amber opens the door and greets Karina with the warmest kisses on both cheeks. Gratified, she shows her in and assures her that she is feeling fine.

  Taylor is nowhere in sight. “Where is Taylor? I’m hungry already.” Karina warms up the dinner that Taylor has prepared in advance.

  “Me too.” Amber adds. “She said she’d be home an hour ago but maybe she is stuck in traffic.”

  Karina reaches for her bag, pulls out her phone and calls Taylor, reaching her voicemail she hangs up impatiently and complains, “Does anyone answer the phone anymore?”

  Amber chokes on her Pelligrino. “Are you being sarcastic?” She laughs.

  Karina smiles and takes a nibble of a stalk of celery. “Everything looks delicious! She must have spent hours cooking.” Hungrily, she picks and tastes everything.

  Amber pours a shot of vodka for Karina, “This should release your tension. You look really stressed.”

  Karina sighs and breaks the news of Theodore’s death. Reminded of the sadness, she sits on the barstool and mourns. She genuinely misses him and is distraught beyond words.

  “I’m so sorry Karina.” Taylor sympathizes. “Are you alright?”

  “Not really.” Karina gulps down the shot of vodka and feels the alcohol rush through her body. “But I’ll be fine.”

  Just about to pour a second shot of vodka, Karina hears the ringtone of her phone and runs to the kitchen to answer it. “Taylor, where are you?” She asks impatiently.

  Amber walks over to Karina, raises an eyebrow and studies the shocked expression on her face.

  “Unbelievable!” Karina rubs her forehead in disbelief. “Okay I’m coming.”

  “So? Where is she?” Amber asks keenly.

  “At Mount Sinai Hospital.” Karina picks up her car keys, “Let me see, she is admitted with a broken leg and fractured ribs. Apparently her publisher friend got drunk and pushed her off the stairs.” Karina looks at Amber blankly, “Amber you should stay and rest, I can go alone.”

  “Nonsense!” Amber demands to go along. “You girls are family to me. Besides, we can visit Conrad at the same time.”

  Karina laughs at Amber’s joke, “Now who is sarcastic?” She laughs along but deep inside, she is distressed. Truth in the matter is, she is about to lose control and is trying her best to keep it together.

  Given pain medication, they find Taylor sound asleep in the hospital bed. Seeing her leg wrapped in a cast and her body packed by bandages, they begin to feel sorry and remain quiet.

  Just yesterday Amber was admitted, Conrad just got out of the ICU, Theodore is dead and now Karina is hugely depressed. Trying her impossible to remain calm, she has the urge of screaming as loudly as she could but chooses to swallow the despair.

  Amber decides to check on Conrad while waiting for Taylor to wake up. Karina nods and sinks into a chair. Waiting silently, she dozes off and is awakened by the shuffling sounds of harsh hospital sheets brushing against each other. She peeps through halfway opened eyes and see Taylor waking up.

  “Are you ok?” Karina walks over and holds her hand. “Amber just left to check on Conrad, she is here too.”

  “I’m so sorry I spoiled dinner.” She tries to laugh but her ribs hurt.

  Taylor recounts her meeting with publisher friend Rafael Levine, which apparently has not turn out too well.

  Rafael’s attraction for Taylor is obviously one sided. Disrespectfully, the entire time his hands are all over Taylor and he makes her extremely uncomfortable. After devouring an entire bottle of aged whiskey, he continues ordering shots and got drunk.

  At the spur of the moment while leaving the bar, he tries to kiss her by the top of the staircase and as she leans backward to avoid his kiss, he loses balance and accidentally pushes her. Stumbling backwards, she loses balance and rolls down the marble staircase, and hits her head on the marble slab at the bottom of the stairs.

  “I’m just lucky to have survived.” Taylor attempts to laugh lightly. “The doctor is surprised that I don’t have a concussion.”

  “Oh my God.” Karina exclaims, “I’ll make sure they do a catscan, you don’t want a relapse.” Karina holds her hand firmly.

  “Karina,” Taylor looks at her intently, “I need a huge favor from you and Amber.”

  “What is it?” Karina asks softly. “Whatever you need, consider it done.”

  Taylor pauses for a moment and continues, “Do not tell Ivan about this. I don’t want him to know.”

  A little baffled, Karina seeks explanation, “Why? You should tell him honestly. Seriously, just because he sent you on a hiatus does not mean that he doesn’t love you. I’m sure he cares!”

  Taylor feels flushed to admit her embarrassment. “First of all, it’s been a month and he hasn’t called me once. Second of all, he’ll probably laugh and thinks that I deserve it. He doesn’t know that I am looking for another publisher. Frankly, I feel defeated.” Taylor turns away for a second and returns her gaze. “Please keep this a secret for me. Don’t call him.”

  Karina disagrees with her decision but will comply with her request. After all, this is her life and her choices are to be honored.

  “Taylor, I must warn you though. Once you keep a secret, everything else becomes a lie to cover up everything else. The circle is ferocious and has no end.” Karina detests secrets and speaks the words of truth.

  Unable to convince her otherwise, Karina gives up and squeezes Taylor’s hand. “If things between you and Ivan go terribly wrong in the future, don’t say I haven’t warned you.” Taylor nods and replies softly. “It’s ok Karina. This has to remain a secret. Ivan can not know about this.”

  Chapter Nine.

  Amber pretends to be unaffected and appears cohesive, but deep inside, she is haunted by the ordeal and is trying her best to deal with her emotions.

  Attempting to block out the memories of the past two days, she shudders and shuns the thoughts of Neyo. Finding it impossible to forget the horrific experience of being held captive, she remembers every single detail of what he has done to her. From being held at knife point, the bondage, to being temporarily paralyzed by the Ketamine that he has continuously injected her with, each second endured was torturously horrific.

  She feels fortunate to have survived Neyo’s well concealed bipolar extremities and manic episode. She recalls the final moment of desperation when he is about to slit her wrist then take his own life, and how desperately helpless she feels when she hears Conrad shouting and pounding on Neyo’s door.

  She shuts her eyes and shudders on the thought of how
she frightened she feels, lying helplessly paralyzed by the drug that he has injected into her body. All she could do is lying there and watching Conrad losing the fist fight and she couldn’t help him.

  She remembers how Neyo completely loses control and stabs Conrad multiple times in the chest. She recalls the unbearable pain that she feels in her heart as she watches Conrad bleeds unconsciously on the floor, covered in a pool of his own blood.

  Having reached the point of hysteria, she can’t remember the police arriving or how they captured Neyo and how she ended up in the hospital.

  Thankful that the incident is over and that everyone has survived the ordeal, she says and silent prayer and wishes for his love to recover expediently without complications.

  Amber hears Conrad calling her and opens her eyes. Her mind quickly drifts back to reality when she sees his loving smile. She walks over to his hospital bed and holds his hand firmly. “How are you feeling today?” She leans over and kisses him gently on the lips.

  Conrad stirs and mutters, “I’m feeling much better today but you look pale Amber. You need to go home and get some rest. I’m going to be out of commission for a while and the cast needs you. Honey, the show must go on.”

  Amber puts her finger on his lips and silences him. “Shhhhh, I want to stay here with you. Lizzie is being an incredible assistant. They’re rehearsing today without us. As you say, the show must go on.”

  He grabs her hand and kisses it. “What about Sylvester? Is he nearly ready?”

  Spontaneously, Amber presses her lips firmly against his and showers him with her love. “Don’t worry about anything alright? I’ll work him up once your vitals are stable. The most important thing for me is to make sure you recover.” She pauses as their gaze interlock, “I need you Conrad and can’t wait to take you home.”

  “Wait a minute,” Conrad disputes, “you can’t take me home.” He looks at her with a serious expression on his face.

  “Why”? Amber asks shyly.

  “Because I, am going to take you home.” Conrad smiles. “I already made plans and you’re going to be extremely busy for a really long time.”

  “How long?” She blushes and bites her lower lip.

  Conrad smiles devotedly, “How about forever?” He pulls her hand to cover his left chest, “Feel my heart beating beneath these bandages?”

  Girlishly she nods and looks intently into his eyes.

  “I’ve just realized that life is way too vulnerable and I want to spend the rest of my life loving you. Nothing would make me a happier man.” Wholeheartedly he continues, “Too bad I can’t bend on my knees right this moment, but Amber Winters, would you marry me?”

  Yet to recover from the tormenting emotional ordeal, Amber does not expect his proposal at such an awkward timing and hesitates.

  Quickly and cleverly disguising her own insecurities and not to hurt his pride, Amber smiles, leans over and whispers playfully into her ear, “I will answer you only when you’re fully recovered and laying naked in my arms.” She brushes her lips against his tenderly and adds, “How’s that for an incentive for getting well quickly?”

  Undoubting her love and enjoying her teasing ways, Conrad laughs and feels a sharp pain running through he unhealed stab wounds and covers his chest, “Ouch!” He reciprocates her playfulness. “Your rejection hurts more than the stab wounds!” He jokes with a smile.

  Amber loves Conrad but is not quite sure if she’d like to be married again. In her mind, for as long as there is love, they will always be together. However contradicting and not entirely opposed to the idea, she returns his joke with the ironic truth, “I’m not rejecting your proposal my love, I am just stalling time.”

  Feeling an increased pain in his chest, he realizes that the morphine is wearing out and calls for a nurse. Looking at Amber while the nurse injects another dose of medication into his IV line, he urges Amber to head home to get some rest. “I’m not going anywhere honey, promise I’ll be right here when you come back tomorrow. Go home and get some rest.”

  Reluctantly she agrees and kisses him goodnight. “Sleep tight baby, I’ll come back tomorrow afternoon.”

  Conrad watches her leave and lets out a groan. Clenching his teeth and fighting the pain away, he waits desperately for the morphine to take effect. He doesn’t want to worry her, but he is not feeling well at all.

  Unaware of his pain and the extent of his unstable condition, Amber walks into Taylor’s room and finds Karina scribbling on Taylor’s cast. “Oh I want to sign it too!”

  Taylor chuckles, “Oh yes I need your autograph, Miss Mega Broadway Star.”

  Karina hands the permanent marker to Amber, “Now the cast is valuable.”

  “Ha ha ha. That’s oddly funny.” Amber rolls her eyes and while scribbling on Taylor’s cast, she announces Conrad’s proposal and admits her hesitation.

  “Are you serious?” Taylor seems shocked, “The man is one in a million and you’re not sure?”

  Still scribbling, Amber tries to justify her own insecurities, “I am certain that I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but I not sure if I want to get married again. Does that make sense?”

  Conrad’s courageousness and unfaltering true love for Amber has completely won Taylor’s vote. Favoring him and standing on his side, Taylor speaks adamantly, “Girlie, you don’t know how lucky you are. I promise I won’t bitch about the ugly bridesmaid dresses that you’re going to pick out for us.”

  Karina seconds and adds her sad remark, “Taylor is right. Happiness is not for granted Amber. If by marrying him you would make him a happy man, then you should give it to him. He deserves it. Heck, I think he has earned it.”

  “Yes I know that’s what he wants, but shouldn’t I take into consideration of what I want?” Amber wonders and begins to feel confused.

  “My God.” Taylor shakes her head, “The man is ready to selflessly risk his own life to protect you, and you’re worried about your own selfish insecurities? If that is the case then I’m sorry to say this, I love you Amber but I don’t think you deserve him.”

  ************ Karina drops off Amber at her condo and drives home in silence. Turning off the radio, she mulls over her sadness and mourns Theodore. Trying to overcome his mysterious death, she attempts to focus on the riddle that he has left her with. Clueless and overwhelmed by frustration, she pulls sharply into her parking space, turns off the engine of her Audi and begins to cry. She leans her head on top of the steering wheel and starts sobbing uncontrollably. She hits her head on the steering wheel a few times and self inflict physical pain to surpass the hurt and emptiness that she feels inside.

  She remembers how she feels suicidal over Alex’s death, and recognizes the same depressive emotions that she is feeling for Theodore’s misfortune.

  She props up and sighs. Wiping away her tears she screams as loudly as possible, “Where is happiness?” Shivering, she becomes angry and dashes up a flight of stairs, madly searches for her key and jams it into the keyhole of the doorknob. Agitatedly she flings open the door and slams it shut with a loud bang.

  As if insanity has taken over, she rushes madly to the other side of her loft and unrolls the piece of old canvas that she has inherited from Theodore. Bringing out her tool box, she nails the canvas on the center of a huge blank wall and stares into while swaying from side to side.

  As if guided by an unknown force, she feels anger and rage. She shuts her eyes and hears people crying in her mind. She feels coldness, she smells death and the odor of her fowl fascination strangles her. Opening her eyes abruptly, she gasps for air and reaches for her paint box. Oozing different color oil paints onto a piece of thin plywood, she decides to ditch the paintbrushes and dips her fingers into the paint. She stares into the blank canvas and murmurs, “Please take me away from here.”

  Not knowing what to paint, she shuts her eyes and allows her mind’s eyes to guide her movements freely without inhibitions. She channels the energy that she’s feeling onto the
canvas, dedicating each movement to Theodore’s freed spirit. Feeling his pain, she pours her soul into the expression. Her existence is merged into the art form and for hours and hours, she disappears from the realm of reality and submerges herself into the vibrations of her soul.

  Energy depleted and feeling exhausted, she takes a deep breath and dips her palm onto thick layers of colors on the plywood then presses her color coated palm onto the center of the painting.

  All her emotions are outlet onto the canvas and she begins to feel lighter. “Much better,” she mumbles and takes a step back to review her freshly painted art. Studying her own work, she stares into the painting blankly. “Theodore, this one’s for you.”


  Utterly disoriented, Karina is startled awake by the ridiculously loud buzz of her intercom. She sits up abruptly and looks around her loft to find herself in the safety of her own haven. Unsure of how much time has passed since she went to sleep, she climbs out of bed and feeling lightheaded, she stumbles forward a few steps before regaining balance.

  Covering her ears and protecting her head from bursting, she screams madly at the intercom, “Stop buzzing!”

  She drags herself to the open kitchen and screams into the intercom, “Who is this?” Rubbing her head and trying to ease the emerging migraine, she hears Ivan’s voice over the speaker. “Karina, this is Ivan.”

  Startled, Karina remembers that Taylor is in the hospital with a broken leg and fractured ribs. “Shit. Now what?” She mumbles to herself and presses on the button of the intercom, “Taylor is not here.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Karina please let me in. I’ll wait for her.” Ivan insists.

  Trying to find an excuse and something clever to say, she responds quickly, “It doesn’t matter, Ivan. I’m not in the mood for company. I’ll ask Taylor to call you when she comes home.”

  “Karina!” Ivan objects, “That’s unacceptable. I’ve left her over a hundred messages over the past few days. What’s going on? Let me in!”

  Reluctantly, Karina buzzes him in. “Fine, but you can’t stay for long. I have things to do.”


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