Changing Times

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Changing Times Page 14

by Marilu Mann

  “Right, you stupid bitch.” Carly glared at her as she tried to talk through the gag.

  “Oh dear, silly me. I forgot I’d left you gagged.” A razor-sharp knife gleamed in the blonde’s hand and Carly flinched as cold steel slid across her cheek.

  “What I said was, ‘Right, you stupid bitch. My feet are still tied’.” Carly’s head rocked from the blow she knew would come but it gave her a small sense of dignity to know she could evoke a response from this witch.

  Maggie rolled her eyes. “As if I am stupid enough to untie you. That only happens in movies where the villain gets caught for doing something stupid.” She leaned close to Carly as she hooked her arms with her own. “I am the villain, but I’m not stupid. Now get your easy-to-break human ass over here.”

  Carly yelped. She knew she was lucky her shoulder hadn’t popped out of the socket. As she rolled over on the seat, Carly noted the darkly tinted windows and the leather seats. Made her think of old gangster movies. That irrelevant thought made her laugh softly.

  “Pretty sure of yourself, ain’t you, chickie? Think Tony is going to charge in for the rescue? Maybe he’ll be smart and ignore you. Let us have you. We could keep you for a pet. The way you humans like to keep pets. How would you like that? Hmm?”

  Maggie’s hand tightened on the wheel. She focused on the road, but kept one ear cocked on the human. Tony’s pet human. That’s all she was. Slade was wrong about this. Tony wouldn’t come after her. Not after his other human pet had been killed. Maggie had done that.

  Choose a human over her? That choice meant Tony could try to put her intestines back in by hand. She had watched him try to do that with the last one. The one he thought he would marry. Maggie snarled again as she remembered what had happened after that.

  The puny human had breathed her last as Tony had screamed out his fury. It was bad luck that Charlie happened to check out the scream. Tony had literally torn him to shreds. It had been brutal and fast and over before Maggie really knew what was happening. There hadn’t been enough left of Charlie to even give to the gators.

  Tony had been totally out of control that night. She had dutifully reported that to Slade. That report was what had them all in this mess now. Slade thought Tony might be one of the old breed, the berserker type. It made Tony a problem that needed to be taken out so the Turn Skins could get on with their agenda. Maggie could live with that. Any shifter who thought he was too good to have sex with her deserved to die.

  * * * * *

  Slade paced restlessly as he waited for Maggie to return with Carly. He knew Maggie wouldn’t fail, no matter what her own feelings about how important Tony was or wasn’t, she would do what he told her to do. Slade ran his hands through his hair then grinned as he pulled it back into a tight braid in preparation for the upcoming fight.

  He knew Tony would come after Carly since he had been watching them from the shadows as they made love. Even though Tony had been vulnerable then, Slade was a firm believer in letting the condemned man enjoy his last few hours on earth. Slade growled low. It certainly had appeared as though Tony had enjoyed himself.

  Slade shook his head, he couldn’t understand such an attraction for humans, they were so fragile. Not like shifters, shifters could take more, give more. And they didn’t expect messy emotional attachment. No one would ever find him wrapped up with a female like that. It made a man stupid. Made him weak. Made him make mistakes. Slade grinned. He certainly hoped it made Tony very, very stupid.

  Slade’s eyes narrowed as he heard the car pull up in front of the house. He sat back and smiled as he waited for them to come into the large main room. He focused on the outside and heard a car door slam then the sound of footsteps. Slade turned his head toward the door as he allowed his power to burn through his eyes. He knew they would glow yellow in the dim light in the room.

  The door banged open. Maggie pushed Carly into the room in front of her. Slade’s smile widened. Carly wasn’t totally in control, no matter how calm she appeared. He smelled her rush of fear the moment she saw his eyes glowing at her from the corner of the room.

  A low approving growl sounded from Maggie as Slade drew himself up to his full height. His power rippled through him. He knew even this poor human could feel it. He softly whistled “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf”, just to see Carly’s eyes widen. The scent of fear that swirled from her aroused his animal even more.

  Slade stepped forward slightly. Maggie wrapped herself around him. He grabbed her hair in one hand, pulling her head back. She answered his savage, punishing kiss with the immediate fury he expected from her. Slade kept his eyes on Carly as he practically devoured Maggie. Carly stared at him. He could hear her puny human heart pounding.

  Slade released Maggie so quickly she nearly fell. She growled deep in her throat, but quickly subsided at his warning glance. Maggie wrapped her arms around him from the back. She raked her nails lightly across his bare chest as Slade stared at the human in front of him.

  “Hey, Doc. How’s it going?” His voice curled around her low, nearly seductive.

  Carly had to swallow twice before she could answer him. “Why have you brought me here?”

  Slade laughed a particularly unpleasant note. Maggie nipped at his shoulder and he reached back with one hand to stroke down her side. “Because we want Tony to come after you, Doc. Why else? We can’t get the big kitty without a kitty treat, now can we?”

  Slade stepped away from Maggie motioning her to stay put. He walked slowly toward Carly then around her. She flinched when he leaned in close to sniff her. Slade reached out slowly and picked up a handful of her hair. He let it slide through his fingers then leaned in closer and sniffed her again.

  “So? How was it, Doc? Your first experience with a shifter. Did you enjoy it? You certainly seemed to. Did you know you still have his scent on you? Every shifter within a mile knows you’ve fucked the kitty. Was he good?”

  Slade’s voice lacked volume but he knew every other shifter in the room had heard every word. He watched as she swallowed hard again then yanked her head back much as he had Maggie’s. He relished her cry of pain. “I asked you a question, Doc. How was it? Was it good for you?”

  Carly couldn’t stop the tears that leaked from her eyes. He knew that he and Maggie scared her. A hint of admiration hit him when he realized that she knew they would kill her but she still stood tall.

  Any other human—hell, any other shifter for that matter—would have fallen to their knees begging for mercy by now. Slade leaned closer to lick the side of her face, catching her tears on his tongue.

  “You are sweet to the taste, Carly. Maybe I should just give you to my wolves—see how sweet Tony thinks you are after they’re through with you.” He laughed as she pulled away from him. He knew how to intensify the color of his eyes and hit her with the yellow gleam. “Oh, please run from me, Doc. I haven’t enjoyed a good chase in a long time.”

  Instead of running, Carly sank slowly to the ground. Her head fell forward as her whole body shook with fear and to his surprise, anger. Slade watched as the human did what he expected. She caved in. He knew begging would come next. He grinned toothily when Carly looked up at Slade with tears in her eyes.

  “Please, just let me go.”

  Something flickered through his eyes for a moment then he crouched in front of her. “Sorry, Doc. You’re going to bring me what I want. You should have just stayed out of things.”

  Then the human did something he didn’t expect. She slammed her head into his. He jerked a fist up to punch her down, but held back. He smelled the blood before it ran into his mouth.

  “You little bitch. If I didn’t need you to get Tony here, I’d take you out now.” Slade rumbled as he got to his feet, wiping the blood away from his nose. “Take her upstairs.”

  He turned away as Maggie approached Carly to yank her to her feet. “Oh and, Maggie? I want her in good shape. I might just give her to the pack later tonight after we take care of Pantera so no da
mage, you hear me?”

  “I hear you.” Maggie snarled softly as she slashed through the thick plastic around Carly’s ankles then propelled Carly out of the room in front of her. Slade picked up the carafe of water Maggie had brought him. He drank it quickly. He was always thirsty before and after a good fight.

  There was a faint aftertaste to the water but he thought that must be from the blood that still dripped from his nose. Little bitch. In spite of the fact that she’d garnered a little admiration from him for her guts and willingness to stand up to him, he’d make her pay for that. He’d make her watch Tony die.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tony pulled his car to a stop outside Carly’s condo. He felt slightly off-kilter as he glanced at the front door. He wasn’t sure what her reaction to him would be in the clear light of day. Last night and this morning had been incredible. Not just incredible, spectacular, stellar even. He gave up. He just knew that he wanted a repeat performance. Hell, many repeat performances. Smiling in spite of his worry about Micah, he got out of the car and headed up the walk.

  Suddenly he lifted his head to sniff the air around Carly’s place. Not only was Carly not there, but another scent lingered near the condo. Tony ran for the door. He’d told her to lock it, surely that had been enough. He’d convinced himself that she hadn’t returned his calls because she was at work. Then he’d worried that maybe he had felt more than she had last night. What if he’d left her alone and his enemies had come?

  He would find out and then tell her how important she’d become to him even if she didn’t want to hear it. He also wanted to make sure she was okay. He knew now that Micah would make it but it had been close there for a few hours. Tony knocked and waited for her to answer. There wasn’t any sound from inside, nor any more scent trails. Reaching for the doorknob, he felt his heart start to pound when it turned easily.

  Empty and dark. There weren’t any lights on and that other scent lingered everywhere in the condo. This stronger citrus scent betrayed its owner. Maggie. Expelling his breath with a hiss, Tony ran to the bedroom then out onto the balcony. Maggie had been here. But had she been here when Carly was here or had she been here before or after?

  Where was Carly now? The hospital? Maybe she’d been called in and she was safe at the hospital. Tony whirled again to get to the phone and that’s when he saw it. Carly’s pendant was lying on the floor just inside the French doors. He knew she wouldn’t have dropped it there, the pendant meant too much to her. Tony dropped to his knees as he picked it up.

  Seeing the broken chain, he clenched his fist around the pendant. The pendant dug into his palm as he fought against the surge of anger that raced through his body. Carly was in his enemy’s hands. Tony used her phone to leave a message for Nolan. Then he took the short way out—over the balcony.

  There he stopped dead. The prints he found in the ground here were too deep. Someone else had jumped and they had been carrying additional weight. Tony’s mind froze on the image of a body. Honey wheat hair spilling down the back of a brazen blonde named Maggie.

  Suddenly it was crystal clear. Slade had sent Maggie after Carly. That was the only answer to the puzzle of why Maggie had been in Carly’s home. He fought the urge to shift. He had to stay in human shape. Had to. The pendant being left behind hadn’t been an accident—it was Slade’s calling card for Tony. It meant Slade was calling his hand. Tony closed his eyes, ordering himself to think.

  He realized he was going to need help. Hitting the car at a dead run, Tony flung the door open. He grabbed the cell. Starting to dial Micah’s number out of habit, he swore violently when he remembered that Micah couldn’t help him this time. He flung the cell to the other side of the car.

  Tony hit the steering wheel with a curled fist, pulling back just in time to save himself from having no way to drive. He couldn’t chance losing Micah. He was the one everyone would turn to if Tony died. And according to Misty, Micah’s injuries were severe enough for her to worry about his chances of survival.

  Slamming the wheel again, Tony raged. His best friend injured and the woman he loved missing—this was his fault. He should have realized how desperate… Tony stopped himself. There wasn’t time for blame. He had to think of the others first. Rubbing the back of his neck, he growled again as he reached to retrieve his phone. He began dialing one who would help him save Carly.

  Snarling out terse orders, he detailed in short order what had happened and what the next step was. Flipping the phone shut, Tony leaned his head back for a brief moment. Slade wanted war—Slade was going to get more than he bargained for this time. Tony knew that the phone call he’d just made to Nolan would bring the best fighters in their group. No, we’re a pack, not just some group of shifters. And even though I am not their Alpha, it’s time for me to step up, to take charge. I won’t allow the Turn Skins to dictate to those who don’t align with them in New Orleans.Tony heard the steering wheel creak and eased his grip.

  He started the engine as a shudder took him by surprise. Fear was not a familiar emotion to Tony so he was shocked to feel his body shake. Realizing time spent visualizing Carly being ripped apart by the Turn Skins did him no good, Tony squeezed his eyes shut.

  “Carly, I’m coming for you, kitten. Hang on. Just hang on.”

  * * * * *

  Nolan and Derik pulled the van to a stop on the side of the highway. Tony had been very specific in his instructions. They were to wait for the cats before going any further. Nolan glanced into the back of the van where three other packless wolves sat.

  They were ready to fight for Tony and Micah but none of them had ever been in a real battle before. Nolan wasn’t sure of the outcome either. He found his gaze being drawn to Derik, remembering other, better times with his mate.

  Derik smiled. They had left the pack at the same time but neither was a stranger to fighting. They were battle-hardened compared to the other three.

  “We’ll be okay. We’ll all be okay.” Derik’s voice was soft but steady and sure—his hand on Nolan’s arm a comfort.

  “I hope you’re right.” Nolan sighed as a car pulled up behind him. He recognized Tony’s car. As he got out of the van to stand on the shoulder of the road another truck pulled up behind Tony’s car.

  All told, there were nine of them but they had no clue how many they would be facing. As Tony explained it, the objective would be to get Carly away from the Turn Skins in whatever manner they could, taking out as many of the pack as they could. Three of the shifters were standing by the back of the truck.

  * * * * *

  As Nolan and the other shifters gathered, Tony issued instructions in a tone of voice that Nolan had never heard him use before and in the manner of a general preparing for a major battle.

  “The clearing is about one hundred fifty yards straight ahead. They’ll be expecting us so find a place to take cover until you get my signal.” The two shifters took off into the woods with their semiautomatic weapons cradled in their arms. Nolan with his carload of people stood waiting for Tony to tell them where they should go.

  Tony’s mind raced like a moonshiner running from the law. Focused totally on the fight at hand, he knew that Slade had to be defeated no matter what they had to do to ensure that. That was why he’d enlisted the two shooters. They would take out as many of the pack as possible if it turned out to be a total ambush.

  Though their weapons weren’t loaded with silver, the high-powered tranquilizers had been very effective on shifters in the past. Tony’s objective was to take Slade out himself and to get Carly to safety. He would not lose another woman he loved to a shifter battle.

  When he was sure everyone had gotten into position, Tony drove around to the main driveway of the pack property. He’d been there several times in the past when Curtis was alive, when things had been different for all of them. Parking in the circular drive in front of the house, Tony made his way around the side of the house to the clearing.

  Maggie’s feral smile greeted Tony as he
came around the corner of the house. She stepped back so he could see Carly staked out on the ground. Tony’s eyes narrowed as he stared at Carly. As he watched, Carly lifted her head to meet his gaze. To his surprise he saw defiance and anger there. She hadn’t given up.

  At that moment, he knew the reality of finding his mate for life and the very real possibility of losing her before he could tell her how much he loved her. This human, this woman trapped by his enemies and still ready to fight was definitely the one he needed. The one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He wasn’t going to let Slade or Maggie or anyone else cheat him out of that future.

  Tony waited until he had Carly’s full attention then he slowly winked at her. There was no smile on his face but he saw the ghost of a smile in her eyes before they filled with tears. Tony shook his head slightly then let the love he felt for her fill his own eyes. Carly inhaled deeply then nodded at him.

  “How utterly fucking touching,” Slade’s voice came from Tony’s side. Tony turned his head to see Slade coming toward the clearing. “Maggie, I thought I told you to put her upstairs.”

  “I thought she’d rather see her lover one more time. I’m sorry, Slade.” Maggie tilted her head down as Slade approached her. Slade never took his eyes off Tony as he approached Carly.

  “Well, I suppose that’s okay. You don’t mind if Carly joins us, do you, Tony? I’m sure she’ll see a much better show here than poor Shelly saw last night.” Slade watched Tony carefully.

  Tony’s eyes narrowed as he walked toward the clearing. Cutter and several other members of the pack spilled out of the house to take places around the clearing. He calculated his odds of a fair fight as slim to none. His lips curled back as Slade joined him in the middle of the clearing.

  “You probably don’t realize what an honor I’m showing you, Tony. Normally when someone wants to get to me they have to fight their way through the pack. It’s the natural order of things, you know? The strongest ones survive. But since you’re not pack and they’d never accept you as Alpha, I don’t feel the need to make you face anyone but me.”


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