A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts

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A Killer's Memoir 2: New Contracts Page 9

by Mark J. Allen

  “You don’t get to use a gun for me,” he said, “you have to fight like a man, with your hands.”

  “You expect me to kill you with my hands?” I asked him.

  “Precisely,” he said with a twisted smile.

  “I guess that works. You’ll be my third killed with my hands, leaving me with two,” I told him.

  “What?” he asked confused.

  “I had to kill five of you with my hands,” I said, explaining as if he knew what the hell I was talking about even though I knew he had no clue. I was mainly trying to by time and think of a strategy for fighting him. “The first was a guy on the roof,” I said.

  “One of the Jim’s?” he asked, seeming angry that his buddy had died.

  “Are you Jim too?” I asked him.

  “No, I’m Tank,” he said, smiling.

  “I see that,” I told him, commenting on his size.

  “What makes you think you will kill me?” he said.

  “I have to,” I said. He looked at me questioningly but must have decided he was done talking as he raised his hands like he had been some sort of professional cage fighter.

  “Alright,” he said. “Let’s fight.”

  He came at me rather quick for such a big guy. I was actually impressed with the way he moved but I was still a little bit quicker. The tub filled the middle of the room so I moved behind it putting it between myself and him.

  “It’d be easier if you just came over here,” he said. He started to come around one side but I moved to the opposite side, keeping the tub in the middle and then I placed my foot up on the sill of the tub and got up on top of it. This made me taller than him.

  I jumped off with my fist in the air and came down on his head, but it didn’t seem to really phase him. He grabbed me like I was a rag doll and threw me against the wall. The drywall behind me cracked from my weight and the force and he followed me to it throwing a couple of punches.

  The punches that landed hurt and his fists felt like bricks hitting me but I was able to duck under a big right cross that sent his hand through he drywall. As it was slightly stuck I kicked the back of his leg as hard as I could and then I kicked the side of his leg.

  Bigger guys tended to have weaker knees due to the strain of carrying them around so he let out a grunt of pain as he fell to his knee. I grabbed the back of his head and jumped up, pulling his head down, and connected my knee with his forehead.

  I may have been imagining it but it sure felt like my knee hurt probably as much as his head did and as I backed away he seemed slightly slower and stunned but was still on the attack. He grabbed me and punched me and picked me up off the ground.

  I had never been manhandled like this before and I was a little unsure of a strategy of getting away from him. What I felt next was the sill of the tub hitting the front of my chest, pressing all the air out of my lungs followed by my head being dunked under the water.

  Lance’s naked body was still there which was disgusting enough but it was easy to distract my mind as the air left and my lungs started to fill with water. I pushed away with my arms as hard as I could but it seemed as if the harder I pushed the more Tank pushed down.

  Finally he released his grip and I came out of the water, gasping for air, knowing exactly how Lance had felt moments before he died.

  “You killed my boss like this, so it is how I will kill you,” he told me.

  He pushed my head back under the water and as he did I was able to take a very big breath. I struggled the same as I had before only this time I had started a count in my head. As I neared thirty seconds I fought less, with less strength. As I neared forty seconds I had almost quit pushing and when I counted fifty seconds in my head I quit moving all together.

  The big guy held my head down for about another ten seconds, something I had anticipated, but he then let go. I allowed my presumably lifeless body to float as he pushed himself up from the tub with his big hands.

  As he was pushing himself up I brought my head out of the water, taking a deep breath, and kicked back where I knew his feet had been bracing. Water rushed from the tub as I pulled it out with me and when I connected with his foot he had no grip on the slippery tile.

  He fell down, flat on his chest and I capitalized quickly, moving myself behind him and grabbing the back of his head.

  “I told you I’d kill you,” I told him. I then took his head and pulled it back and pushed it forward, face first, into the sill on the tub. The ceramic tile made a sickening sound against his face but I brought his head back and did it again, and again, and again.

  Soon blood was splattering as I bashed in the front part of his skull over and over. I finally let go of him and pushed myself backwards, falling to my ass. I sat there in the water breathing heavily, trying to regain my breath.

  As I sat there another guy came into the bathroom. He couldn’t see that my gun was so close to me. He was holding a small snub-nosed piece of shit gun that probably had less than a five percent accuracy rating.

  “I can’t believe you killed Tank,” was all he said as he pushed his gun forward as if ready to fire. I grabbed mine at the same time and leaned to the right. We fired almost simultaneously, first his gun then mine, but his bullet hit the tile behind me as mine went directly into his skull.

  I had killed fourteen guys and had only nine left. I had to kill just one more with a bullet, two with a knife, two with my hands, three with a random object around the house and one in a unique way.

  My body hurt but I knew I had to keep pressing forward. I assumed they had to decided to split into pairs so the next two guys would probably be waiting for me upstairs.

  I didn’t rest long before I got up and got ready to head there, ready to continue killing every last one of them. I headed up the stairs to the fourth floor and didn’t bother walking in slowly. I kicked the door open and go ready to kill the two guys I saw go up here.

  I didn’t see them right away but I pressed on farther into the room, past the guys I had already taken care of and into a dark room to the side of the main room.

  I had a feeling they’d be hiding somewhere in the shadows and my suspicion was confirmed when I heard one move towards me. I stuck my foot out right around nut level and kicked as hard as I could, connecting with the guy right between the legs. He dropped immediately and I heard a whoosh in the dark of something being swung so I ducked.

  As it got closer I saw a bat swing over my head and I came up and grabbed the bat with my hands, head-butting the guy holding it, knocking him backwards I ripped it from his hands.

  “I’m really fucking sick and tired of you guys,” I said, still in a lot of pain and somewhat out of breath. The guy that had got kicked in the nuts was still rolling around on the ground and the other guy was looking at me, waiting for my next move.

  “Whoever kills you,” the man standing across from me said, “gets a lot of money.” I raised the bat up and brought it down on the man on the floor’s head. I did this again as the other man watched.

  “Well it’s not going to be him, is it?” I said.

  “That’s why I don’t care on saving him,” he said, “I want that money. He wanted to split but I say fuck him, it should be my money.”

  “Who is paying this money?” I asked him.

  “A man that visited us several weeks ago,” the guy said. He was a black man with very dark skin and an accent that led to believe he was from Africa. “He knew you would be coming,” he said.

  “Who was he?” I asked.

  “Only Lance knew his name,” the man said.

  “Well what did he look like? Describe him to me,” I said, annoyed that nobody ever had actual information on who was visiting them.

  “I don’t know,” the man said. “He was a man of power, I could tell that. He had money, and wealth, but it was possible he had led a hard life; there was something in his eyes that led me to believe that.”

  “A guy about my size and age?” I asked.

Absolutely not,” he said. “Shorter, thinner, and old.”

  “You mean older?”

  “No I mean old,” the man said. My heart sunk as a glaring suspicion rose up inside of me. Who was the mysterious old man that had visited people, warning them I would be coming? Was he who I thought he was?

  “Come with me,” I said withdrawing my gun and pointing it at the man. He did as I told him and followed me back to the other room where I knew there was a big bottle of liquor. I raised my gun and shot it towards the bottom of the glass, sending glass flying, but the top of the bottle landed somewhat close to where it was.

  “I can’t let you live,” I told him.

  “You can,” he said. “I’ll stop trying to kill you.”

  “It’s not that simple,” I said. I didn’t say anything else as I dropped my gun, grabbed the top of the broken bottle, and quick lodged it into the man’s throat. He didn’t give much of a fight after it was in his neck, almost as if he had accepted his fate.

  My phone rang and I answered it, knowing it was Justin.

  “Tell me he’s not involved,” I said as I answered the phone.

  “You have twenty minutes left,” Justin said, ignoring me. “Are you close?”

  “Yes,” I said as I hung up the phone, which was true. I had nine kills left to complete. One with a gun, two with a knife, two with my hands, one random object, and one unique kill. I was ready to head downstairs, where I knew seven of the guys could be standing right by the door, ready to kill me.

  As I walked down step by step, slowly in case anybody else had made their way up the stairs, I started to believe they wouldn’t be huddled together. This was competition for them. They may be splitting in groups or individually, but overall they weren’t attacking together because it was a competition to see who could take me down. So far none of them had been successful and I was determined, for Emma’s sake, to make sure none of them were.

  The Last Seven

  I headed down to the first floor, ready to complete the job. I wanted to save my last gun kill for when I really needed it so I had put my gun away. I walked in through the door leading to the first floor to see five guys sitting around a fireplace just waiting for me.

  “We’ve been waiting for you,” one of them said.

  “Well, here I am,” I told him. I was bleeding, I was hunched a little to the left, and I felt severely worn out from fighting.

  “The others?” the guy asked.

  “Dead,” I told him, “all of them are dead.” Some of the guys behind the guy speaking looked at each other a little uncomfortably.

  “That’s disappointing,” he told me. “You look like you could use a break.”

  “I’m fine,” I said, trying to stand a little taller. “Don’t worry about me,” I said.

  “We’d be happy to give you a break,” he said with a smile. “Jim,” he turned towards the biggest guy I the room. He wasn’t quite as big as the other guy I had to fight, but he was definitely a big guy who looked like he could hold his own. “Give him a break,” he said.

  Jim stepped forward, past the other guys, and towards me. I raised my hands up ready to fight as Jim came towards me. He had his hands up as well but then dropped them and started laughing.

  “We’re fucking with you Wolf,” Jim said. “We’re on your side.” I looked around at the other guys who were laughing but also nodding, approving that they were on my side. I lowered my hands slightly and realized I had fallen right into the trap.

  Jim turned back from the other guys in the room and grabbed my left arm. His grip was freakishly powerful and I felt him twist my arm, raise it up, and then bring it down quickly on his knee, dislocating my wrist. They all laughed as he raised his big foot and kicked me, pushing me backwards.

  My wrist hurt but I grabbed it, pulled it out away from the arm, and jammed it in as hard as I could. The crack and the pain were followed by movement in my hand, letting me know I had properly set it back in place, something I had learned long ago in training.

  “Impressive,” Jim said. “Let’s see what else you can put back into place.” At that he started to move towards me but I was back on the defensive side of things and ready to take action.

  He came at me rather slowly, his size slowing him down, and as he swung I side stepped and kicked him in the back of the knee, bringing him to one knee on the ground. I jumped and brought my knee up and hit the back of his head, knocking him forward and down to the ground.

  Another guy in the group quickly moved towards me and jumped on my back. He was smaller than me but had a good grip around my arms, making it hard for me to shake him off.

  One of the other guys came at me and punched me in the stomach and then in the face. I backed up enough that I could push the guy on my back against the wall. I used as much speed and momentum as I could to push him against the wall but being drywall it didn’t do much damage.

  Two of the guys were coming towards me and I still couldn’t quite shake the guy off my back. I looked around the room, hoping to find something I could use and my eyes rested upon the fireplace.

  I ran towards the group of guys like a running back going for a touchdown. I pushed the two guys coming towards me out of the way with my shoulders, helped with the weight of the guy on my back. The other two moved, including the guy doing the talking at the beginning.

  I dropped to my knees, slid, and turned. Nobody realized what I was doing but through the whole process it put the guy on my back directly in the fire. I figured this would be pretty unique. He screamed and even though I felt the heat of the flames burning my skin I held him in the fire until I knew he was dead. The smoke filled his mouth and the fire burned his insides as he screamed.

  I moved his hands off of me just before he basically melted to me. Four guys left in the room, six left to kill, one with a gun, two with a knife, two with my hands and one with a random object.

  I was breathing heavy and sweating profusely from the heat of the fire but as I got up my eye caught the fire poker next to me. I grabbed it quickly as the next guy was coming towards me.

  I swung the fire poker like I was swinging for a home run and connected with the guys face. Even though he went out cold I finished the job by raising the fire poker up and bringing it down into his neck, killing him.

  Three guys left in the room, five left to kill, one with a gun, two with a knife and two with my hands. I withdrew my knife as the third guy came at me. He swung at me and I quickly cut the back of his arm right along the triceps.

  He came at me again even though he was clearly in pain and swung his other arm. I evaded it and cut his other arm in the same spot. As he ran at me for a third time I stuck the knife in his stomach and raised it up, quickly, killing him.

  The guy that talked first and Jim were the only two left in this room. I had four guys left to kill, one with a gun, one with a knife, and two with my hands. As I was trying to size up these two and who to attack first two other guys game through the front doors, guns in hand.

  One of the guys I recognized from when I worked as a contract killer long ago. He had an assault rifle in his hand. The other guy had two guns, one that he threw to Jim, the other he held. I was now staring down four guys, three with guns, and the guy that had done all the talking who I was guessing was in charge of these other three.

  I withdrew a knife I hadn’t used in a long time. It had a circle at the end of the handle and a gripper that led up to a long blade. The knife was best used for throwing. Everybody was at a stand still, waiting for the first move, when I quickly brought the knife up and threw it.

  The knife seemed to go through the air forever but before it even hit I began running to a door that led to another room on the first floor. I knew they had an advantage on me with their guns and I had to get out of the open.

  The knife finally connected right where I expected it to, with the leader’s neck. I figured the best strategy was to take out the leader. I had always been told the best way to kill
a snake was to cut off its head and that’s what I had hoped to accomplish by killing him.

  The other three began firing immediately as I ran to the other room. I made my way into the room, jumped over a couch I had spotted as I entered the room, and laid flat to the ground. The bullets whizzed by, moving through the walls easily, ricocheting off of more solid wood posts. I felt one of them graze the skin on my back but I ignored it.

  They finally stopped firing and I thought I heard them talking. From what I understood they were sending the guy I recognized in to get me. If I was dead he was to let the others know and if I was alive he was to kill me. One at a time was a dumb way to do it in my opinion but I wasn’t going to complain.

  I got up from the floor and moved my way out of sight behind some other furniture in the room. The thing I was hiding behind looked like a giant wooden dresser though I wasn’t quite sure what its use was.

  I heard him enter the room but I couldn’t see him. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw I only had twelve minutes remaining, which sent me into a bit of a panic.

  As he entered the room he did the smart thing and started shooting his assault rifle. I was listening to the timing of it, realizing it was on a three burst pattern, as well as watching the pattern hitting the wall, giving me an idea of how he was moving the gun left to right.

  I was on the right side of the room and as soon as the bullets in his pattern hit closest to me I knew he’d be drawing the gun back to the left. I came around the corner of the wooden dresser as he drew the gun to the left.

  He saw me but his mind had fixed on the pattern and it took him a second before he began to draw the gun back towards me. By then it was too late, I had already thrown the punch that landed directly on his throat. As he was gasping for air I broke his neck just for good measure. He wasn’t dead yet but I knew he soon would be.

  Two guys left to kill, one with my hands and one with a gun. The gun one should be easy but killing a man with a gun with my hands would be a bit trickier. I grabbed the assault rifle and ran into the room with my finger held down on the trigger. I was aiming about a foot or two above the guys but the presence of me with the gun was enough to make them duck and look for cover.


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